Chosen Thief

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Chosen Thief Page 19

by Scarlett Dawn

  He stared into King Collins’s eyes for a few moments longer, then nodded once, leaning back. “Yes, I imagine it is. If he didn’t understand, then he’s a fool who deserves what he gets.”

  “Leric,” I growled, lifting my free hand to wave it in front of his face, earning his attention. “Weren’t you leaving?”

  He ignored my question, his head cocking, and pierced my gaze with his otherworldly eyes. “Words of caution, Sprite: don’t ever pull a gun on someone when you don’t fully know the extent of their powers.” He lifted his hand, and I blinked as my gun disappeared from my own hand, only to reappear in his glowing one. “Understand?”

  I closed my mouth gently and nodded once, because now I felt like a dumbass. I had thought only the most powerful Mages could do stuff like that, but apparently the One could also retrieve items through the ether, along with freezing people, all without touching them. My own powers were a tad miniscule in comparison, since I couldn’t do anything near that complicated without touch. Or at least, I wouldn’t be able to before I was gifted with the Queen’s power.

  I raised my hand slowly and lifted my gun from his outstretched hand, careful not to touch him, really unsure of what would happen if I did in the state he was in. “Thanks for playing along, I guess.”

  “You’re welcome,” he stated softly. “You obviously wanted to be listened to badly enough, so I did, which worked out in your favor.” With that, he turned and walked around us. “Roselle, Reese, time to go.” Right before they walked out of the kitchen, he called over his shoulder, “I’ll release them once we’re far enough away.”

  I blinked when they rounded the corner, the glowing, silvery white light now gone from the room and normal morning light shining through the windows. I knew what I had to say, so I turned to face King Collins. I put my gun back in its place and rearranged my clothing, making sure it was still hiding everything it was supposed to because that little bit of power I had used wouldn’t heal my bruises. “Look,” I stated, brushing strawberries off my ruined jeans, “I did it to know if you were evil inside. He had something over you, and you clearly didn’t like him knowing it. I didn’t want to trust you if you didn’t deserve it.” I stared him directly in the eyes. “I won’t tell. You have my word. I hope that’s enough for you.”

  I turned and went to stand in front of Sin, staring up into his eyes, and waited for them to unfreeze. Time seemed to drag by slowly, and it really did take a while for them to unfreeze. I guessed possibly fifteen minutes. I was tucking hair out of my face when the room’s stillness moved into a flurry of activity.

  Sin instantly rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck, muttering, “You and I are going to talk later, Caro.”

  “I know,” I stated, understanding he wasn’t thrilled with the Mystical I had chosen to sleep with. Jaw clenching, I turned to the four Rulers, who were shouting at each other. The others at the table were now standing and stretching, but their faces were carefully blank as they watched the normally staid and happy Rulers lose it for a few minutes.

  “Elder Farrar,” King Zeller yelled, pointing at Queen Ruckler. “You need to call your fucking dad and get his ass here earlier than he was supposed to be.”

  Queen Ruckler ran her hands through her hair. “Elder Harcourt, more like.”

  Queen Cooper snorted, her figure appearing slim, not pregnant. She fiddled with her necklace, hollering, “Are we all forgetting that maniac fucking threatened Jack’s life? He threatened a King! He should be dead.”

  I blinked, remembering what Leric had said at dinner the previous evening. His exact description about her necklace was that it was…spellbinding. I barely kept my jaw from dropping. Her necklace was spelled so others couldn’t view her pregnancy.

  King Collins rubbed at the back of his neck, muttering, “Does anyone in this room actually want to try to charge him?” A pause as he gestured grandly at each of us, shaking his head, his eyes wide. “Anyone? Anyone?” He dropped his arms, turning a glare on Queen Cooper. “Imagine that, no one wants to go on a suicide mission to try to kill the man.”

  Queen Ruckler thrust a finger at King Collins. “You’re the one who let him into our damn home!” She threw her arms wide. “You were so excited about something you read in your precious books about the One. And look where that got us. A Mystical of unstoppable proportions — his reason for being here unknown — is sleeping under our damn roof!” Her face scrunched as she gestured her pointed finger around her head. “And what the fuck was that thing?”

  Queen Cooper mumbled, “A crown. It looked like a damn crown of the universe.”

  All four of them went silent at that, each one analyzing that bit of information.

  I stepped forward. “If I may speak, I’d like to say something.”

  Queen Cooper’s golden eyes snapped to me, clearly furious. “Oh sure, the maniac’s little sprite wants to speak. The one who almost got Jack killed by trespassing in his damn mind!” She started to move toward me. “What the hell did you pull out, anyway?”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa.” King Collins grabbed her wrist, pulling her back next to him. He placed a hand directly in her face, stating calmly, “Just count to ten and try to calm down.” When she only glared at him, he muttered, “All right, count to a thousand if you need to.”

  He thrust a finger in my direction, stating firmly, “She is my Prodigy. I don’t agree with what she did, but she was obviously worried enough she actually used her power to make sure I wasn’t as heinous as those she more than likely grew up around. And you even have to admit, Leric was right. I did touch her fully knowing she could do that, so I shouldn’t have reacted as I did. Furthermore, she actually saved my life.” He glanced over his shoulder to stare me in the eyes, stating seriously, “Thank you for that, by the way.”

  “You’re welcome,” I murmured quietly, waiting to see if I could speak yet.

  Queen Cooper argued with him. “But I don’t understand why he got so furious. He didn’t do anything when Reese, one of his,” her nose wrinkled, “people, disappeared.”

  All the Rulers blinked at that.

  London cleared his throat, stating quietly, “I believe the reason for that was because Sin was one of the,” he used finger quotes, “offended, to use the terminology Caro spoke of earlier. Reese purposely trespassed, touching Caro and Sin together. At dinner, Leric stared at Sin, but he didn’t ask him any questions even though Sin was the logical reason for an attack on his second in command. From what I overheard King Collins speaking on, Caro could have performed a punishment on Reese, which more than likely Sin also had the right to do.” He shrugged a bulky shoulder when they all blinked at him. “It’s only deductive reasoning that brings me to that conclusion. There is a possibility that the theory is incorrect.”

  But…it wasn’t. He was right.

  I felt a little bad I wasn’t able to tell him so, to applaud him for his quick thinking.

  King Zeller rubbed the back of his neck, staring at the ceiling. “With all that said…it’s possible he really is here because he’s needed.” When all of the Rulers stared at him with raised eyebrows, he sighed, stating, “He’s never lied, has he? I’ve overheard him tell Caro that he’s here with no malicious intent. And we have no clue what the One really means or what purpose he fulfills in this world, other than he’s obviously fucking powerful and cares about his people.”

  King Zeller lifted a hand in my direction. “And to him, obviously, she’s still his people.” He paused, glancing at me, an eyebrow cocking. “Or his little sprite.” He shrugged his shoulder, his eyes back to the Rulers. “All I know is our Prodigies have received Vizoacs.” He stared pointedly at each of them. “And a man with epic powers is offering to stay here because he’s needed, without the intention of harming any one of us.” He rolled his head on his shoulders. “I think it’s pretty obvious that we let him stay here as long as he wishes…but it would probably be a good idea to bring in more Mystical firepower.”

  King C
ollins nodded slowly. “I agree. The Elders told us to call them if we needed them after they found out about the Vizoacs. I say we call them and get their opinion on whether or not they should be here.”

  When they went silent for a moment, I went ahead and spoke, saying what I thought was obvious. “Seeing what you’ve seen, knowing the bit that you now know about him,” I stared at each of the Rulers in turn, “I think the answer is obvious. If he wanted any of us dead, we would have been so by now.” I shrugged my shoulders. “I think King Zeller’s right. I don’t think he wants us dead.”

  King Zeller’s lips actually twitched, and he glanced at King Collins. “Well, not unless someone angers him more, since he’s already pissed his sprite was injured.” King Zeller glanced at me, pointing at his neck. “Which reminds me, you might want to have those injuries looked at. That bruise on your neck looks especially nasty.”

  Even as my jaw clenched at King Zeller’s subtle innuendo — fucking Vampire’s sight — King Collins’s eyes widened, their brown gaze slamming to me. He asked hurriedly, “I hurt your neck? I thought it was your ribs.” He took a step in my direction, his gaze zoning in on my covered throat. “Let me take a look at it and see how bad it is.”

  My eyes widened the barest bit and I took a step back, countering him. “No, that’s all right. You didn’t hurt my neck.” I waved him off…and too bad both my sleeves took that opportunity to pull against my elbows, revealing fully the purple bruises on my wrists. I froze for all of a heartbeat when it seemed the whole fucking kitchen zeroed in on them. Then I quickly threw my arms behind my back and went mute, not knowing exactly what to say as my face starting flushing beet red, my eyes dipping to the ground.

  Sin cleared his throat behind me and pulled me back against his chest. He ran his hands leisurely around my waist and a little over my stomach. “Last night got a little rough, and it would be appreciated if everyone forgot what they just saw.” His fingers continued running on my stomach. “Caro can be a bit shy about her sex life, although I certainly have no issues, if anyone has any questions on restraining techniques.”

  Thank fuck I was staring at the floor.

  Queen Ruckler snorted. “It appears you’re the one in need of classes in restraint, not the one giving the advice out.” I saw her toe tapping. “Those bruises are hideous, Sin. And if there’s one on her neck, too, you both need to be more careful than that.” A pause. “Not to mention that Leric would probably kill you if she was killed.”

  “I would kill myself if I killed her, so his services wouldn’t be needed.”

  “Damn,” she murmured with wonder. “That was truth.”

  “It goes both ways,” I stated instantly, still staring at the floor. “I’d do the same.”

  “Again, truth,” she mumbled. “Christ, Jack. You’ve got to keep them both alive to have her as your successor.” She paused. “There are days I just love my Prodigy.”

  Brann rumbled under his breath, “I could use hearing that more often.”

  King Zeller cleared his throat. “Well, regardless of where you got the bruises, Caro, I would still suggest you have them looked at. Pookie,” he paused, clearing his throat hard, “excuse me, Bindi, our physician, will be able to clear those up right away.”

  My eyes closed slowly on the colorful tiled floor as my face flushed anew. I nodded once in response, absolutely mortified. Fucking Vampire hearing. Why he had been in the Elemental section last night I had no clue, but there it was: he had heard us. More than likely he had heard every fucking thing we had said. Or quite possibly he had been spying on Leric to begin with, the King with the magical ears sent to figure out why Leric was here.

  “Pookie?” Queen Ruckler muttered, sounding confused as hell. “Who the fuck is Pookie?”

  Well, there was a small consolation to the humiliating fact he had heard everything: at least he hadn’t told the others about it. Imagine that, a spy with a sense of modesty.

  “Don’t look at me,” King Collins mumbled. “I don’t know any Pookie.”

  Queen Cooper stated, “I do. My mom calls my dad that when she thinks they’re alone. It normally drives him bloody crazy.”

  King Zeller choked, snorting hard. “Same with the person I know.”

  Sure, just rub it in.

  “Maybe you need some sleep if you’re confusing people’s names,” Queen Ruckler stated, her tone troubled. “You were up all night working on that assignment. And with Leric in the house, you need to be sharp.”

  He paused. “I’m not exactly…an old man.” Oh, give it a fucking rest already. “I’ve had plenty of all-nighters before and been just fine.”

  I stepped subtly on Sin’s foot.

  He stated instantly, “If we’re excused, we’re going to find Bindi now.”

  “Go ahead,” King Collins directed. “Make sure she looks at her ribs, too.”

  I opened my eyes as Sin took my hand and started leading me from the room, but at the last minute, I retrieved my inner bitch. I was very pissed knowing someone had been listening in on my first time having actual sex with a man, so I peeked out from under my lashes at King Zeller, seeing he was watching me unobtrusively as the other Rulers spoke, and I let my eyes flash in warning at him. I was letting him know I could do the same I had to King Collins, to him: I could take any personal memory he had and invade his privacy as he had mine, if he told anyone.

  His wide lips curved the tiniest bit in my direction, a forbidding smile that let me know he wasn’t the least bit intimidated. Honestly, I wouldn’t have expected anything else from him, as was the way between powerful beings.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Winded with delight and my eyes sparkling at Sin, I hollered, “Race ya back!”

  He laughed, enjoying himself just as much as I was, and nodded, quickly detouring his dirt bike. We had borrowed one each from the garage, with permission, after I had seen Bindi and listened to her spiel on safe sex while she healed me. Since the Rulers were holed up in conference rooms, we decided we would have a little fun on our own riding in the woods on the grounds. Sin cut another sharp left as I followed closely behind on my own dirt bike. Ducking a low hanging limb, I revved the bike, making dirt and grass spit up from under its tires as I took a right and sped up, heading directly for a small stream. I jumped it beautifully, correcting the bike as it wobbled the barest bit, and turned to look behind me.

  Sin had caught on to my shortcut and was quickly catching up. He grinned at me as he pulled up next me, shouting, “Going for the hill?”

  I nodded and laughed, then I zigzagged through a thick set of trees. Sin and I glanced at each other, exhilarated from one of our favorite pastimes — which was really anything to do with bikes — and we revved the bikes, zooming as fast as we could through the trees, straight at the steep incline. We reached the top in a dead tie, and then we were airborne, flying high. I tilted my head back and pulled on the handles, seeing Sin doing the same, and we flipped ourselves, and our bikes, through the air. Energy and adrenaline pumping through my veins, I laughed as the wheels landed with a small bounce, and jerked the bike straight when it wanted to go left.

  I heard Sin’s laughter ringing with mine as we came to a halt a football field length away from where we could see the Prodigies — and Leric, Roselle, and Reese, having apparently returned — at the enormous swimming pool, some in the pool, some tanning themselves, but all staring in our direction. I turned my head to Sin, lifting my goggles off my dirt-streaked face, seeing Sin had already done so. He had a slightly browned face from the dirt, except where his goggles had been, and I know I looked the same. I raised my hand, bending a bit in his direction, and he high-fived me. He ran his hand over my cheek, and though he was still grinning sinfully, his question was seriously asked, even if asked quietly so Aria’s ears couldn’t hear, “You have no clue what you’re doing, do you?”

  I chuckled quietly. “Not one clue. I’m in way over my head.”

  Sin picked a piece of grass from m
y forehead, nodding slowly, his green eyes still glimmering in elation under the afternoon sun. “I would have to agree.” He placed his hand on my knee closest to him and leaned with his bike in my direction. “I hope it’s worth it.”

  I picked a twig out of his hair, flicking it off to the side, and ignored Leric and his people headed our way. “I thought it would clear my system being with him. Just a one-off, and that was the plan, but…” I shrugged a shoulder, placing my hand over Sin’s and staring down at it as I played with his dirty fingers. “But he…I don’t know…he just kind of has this effect on me.” Another shrug. “He gets under my skin. That is the only way I can explain it. I’m not wholly positive I won’t end up back in his bed.”

  “He makes you react like a girl, which you hate because you think that makes you weak,” Sin stated softly. “But Caro, you are a girl, and I can tell you from experience girls are not weak. I just can’t believe it’s the scariest mother-fucker I’ve ever met who makes you feel that way.” He paused, staring up at the sky. “I guess I’ll just have to be extra inventive to make sure he doesn’t hurt you while you have your fun.”

  I pulled his chin down to stare him in the eyes. “I love you, Sin.”

  “I know,” he chuckled at my earnest expression, bending to place a soft kiss on my lips. “I have no worries about that, love.” He stared me in the eyes with years of sexual knowledge there. “Just be careful.”

  I kissed him back just as caringly and nodded. We tilted our heads in the direction of the spirits about twenty yards away when Roselle shouted, “That was a stupid stunt, Caro! Neither one of you even used your damn powers!”

  I stared at the beauty wearing a small white bikini over her shapely curves, her hair pulled back in a high ponytail, and heard Sin whistle quietly under his breath. I glanced at him, whispering, “Reese is her husband.” Sin’s lips only curved more, so I slapped his hand. “Seriously, no more trouble.”

  “All right, I’ll behave,” he muttered quietly, then he turned to Roselle since they were almost on us, stating, “If you’d like to go for a ride, Roselle, I’d be more than happy to have you sit on my lap.” When she blinked, their group coming to a stop in front of us, Sin’s lips curved flirtatiously, tilting up his ruggedly dirty face to stare her dead in the eyes. He purred softly, “I’ll take the bumps real smooth and slow, unless you want me to go faster, then I’ll show you what this baby can really do.”


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