Batteries Not Required

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Batteries Not Required Page 7

by Anara Bella

  But now was not the time to choke up again, so she dug deep for cheeky. “I will. Now stop distracting me. I have an extremely impressive cock to suck.”

  Chapter Ten

  Dana was a very special woman. He’d suspected it from the first time they’d met but the moment he’d seen those tears he knew it for a certainty. There wasn’t a mean bone in her body. She was kind, giving and a great cook.

  As if that weren’t enough, she was sexy, surprising, spontaneous, fun, hot, sensuous, adventurous, did he mention sexy? And damn, she had the mouth of an angel.

  She torturously ran her tongue along the underside of his cock, teasing him with the barely there sensation along his entire length. By the time she reached the ultra-sensitive rim he was so primed shockwaves of pleasure pulsed through him in anticipatory surges. His heart hammered an almost painful staccato. But he had no idea how it was able to beat at all since all the blood in his body was throbbing through his dick.

  Needing to touch her, he reached out only to be thwarted. In frustration, he squeezed the headboard slats with such force it was a wonder he didn’t crush them into sawdust.

  Damned cuffs.

  He already felt as if he were stretched out on a rack, but when her mouth took him in and started sucking he jerked so hard the whole bed shook. A flaming shock of fierce stimulus raced through every part of him.

  If she kept this up he was going to shoot straight out to space. Fire raged through his body and his cock was so hot he’d need a fire extinguisher soon. “Damn. Where the hell did you learn to give head like that?”

  She moaned and the accompanying vibration almost sent him careening over the edge. She pulled away with a smack of her lips. “Am I doing it right?”

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  “Really?” Her eager expression was endearing in the extreme. Even in his current state of urgent need, he couldn’t help but note it. “I’m so glad. I was worried I would do it wrong. I’ve only read about it before.”

  Unbelievable. “This is your first time?”

  “Yeah. Funny thing is, I’d heard men like it, but I had no idea I was going to like it too.” As she talked, she pumped his cock and massaged his balls. He was certain his brains would explode any second now.

  She bit her lip and shuddered. “I’m so turned on right now I don’t know what to do with myself.”

  He could think of a lot of things he’d like to do to her. But since that wasn’t to be, he liked what she was doing just fine.

  She leaned down and avidly took him into her hot mouth again.

  Dana was fucking unbelievable. There was something staggering about the fact that she enjoyed sucking his cock as much as he enjoyed being on the receiving end of her eminently talented mouth. He didn’t even try to hold back the groan that ripped clear out of his chest. “I need to get inside you, right now. And I don’t mean your mouth.”

  She looked up. Uncertainty marred her beautiful face. “You mean you don’t want me to finish you off?”

  “Oh, yeah. But I want to be inside that hot, sweet pussy of yours even more.”

  She blushed—with embarrassment or excitement, he wasn’t quite sure which—but without a word, she hopped off the bed, removed her thong and straddled him again. They both groaned in sheer bliss when she settled her wet heat on his cock and slid back and forth along his length.

  Talking was almost beyond him now. “Your bra. Off.” He rattled the handcuffs. “I want access to your breasts.”

  “I want that too.” Quickly, she obliged and pitched the garment over the side of the bed.

  The sight of her luscious, full breasts was almost his undoing. He desperately wanted to taste them but she prevented it by leaning forward and tonguing his nipples. The pressure built in his balls. As if he needed more stimulation at this point. He’d barely had the thought before she centered his cock at her entrance, ready to plunge home.

  God, she felt incredible but— “Stop.”

  “Stop?” She blinked at him in confusion. “You want me to stop?”

  He was perched at the gateway to bliss and all he wanted to do was thrust home but he couldn’t. “Condom. Bedside table.”

  Realization dawned. “Oh my God. I forgot…”

  She reached over, fished out the box of condoms and ripped open a packet. Holding up the rubber, she exclaimed, “I’ve always wanted to do this.”

  The look of pure lascivious intent on her face sent his heart racing triple time. He didn’t think he could endure much more of this kind of torture. It was embarrassing how close he was. “Quickly.”

  He didn’t think the naughty grin she tossed his way bode well for him.

  He was right. The witch took her sweet time.

  She grinned. “I think you might like this. I read about it once.” And, unbelievably, she put the condom in her mouth.

  Holy shit. She’ll be the death of me.

  He closed his eyes in an effort to hold it together but that only made things worse so he opened them again. Hypnotized, he watched as she bent down and using her mouth unrolled the prophylactic on his cock with meticulous care. Then she brought her hands into play to finish the job. Something that apparently required that she repeatedly grasp his cock and balls, pump his length and generally almost make him come.

  By the time she’d finished he was in pure unadulterated agony, throbbing with sweet ecstasy from head to toe. All he wanted was to be fully seated inside her. “Hurry.”

  Her eyes promised mischief. “You’re in an awful big rush. I’m rather enjoying this.”

  She might be, but he was done. No more games. “Now.”

  She must have noticed his desperation and took pity because she scooted forward and without hesitation seated herself on him until he was fully embedded in her hot, tight pussy.

  “Oh God.”

  Reese wasn’t sure which of them had said it—him, her or both of them together.

  Before his brain could wrap around how incredible she felt, she started moving, at first tentatively, then faster until he didn’t think he could hold out much longer.

  “Dana. Stop.”

  She paused on the upstroke, her breath rapid and uneven. “Again?”

  “I’m going to come right this second if you don’t.”

  He could see her considering her options. “I’m not sure I care.” She bit her bottom lip and took a deep shuddering breath. “In fact, I’m sure I don’t.” She immediately plunged downward, impaling herself on him, grinding herself into him. Her inner core squeezing his cock.

  They both groaned.

  “You’re going to kill me, woman.”

  “Don’t worry, you won’t die alone.”

  She lifted and plunged down again, threw her head back, and moaned, low and deep.

  God, she was a beautiful sight to behold.

  He’d barely finished the thought when he felt her tremble deep inside. She was so close.

  And there was no way he was going to be able to hold off. He seemed to have lost his famous self-control where she was concerned. To make sure she went over the top with him, he leaned up and suckled her breast, drawing it deep into his mouth.

  She moaned and continued to grind herself into him.

  “Fuck me, Dana. Ride me hard.”

  As if she’d been waiting for permission, she did and he met her thrust for thrust as much as he could with his hands restrained. In no time, they reached the pinnacle together, finally tumbling over the other side in a gut-wrenching shout that seemed to go on forever.

  Dana collapsed on top of him. He wasn’t certain but he may have actually blacked out for a moment.

  When he came back to earth, the first thought he had was that he loved the feel of her naked flesh against the length of him, against his skin, enveloping him, holding him close. And all he wanted in that moment was to hold her closer.

  Feeling surprisingly tender, he kissed the top of her head. “When you get a chance, could you take these things off me?” He ratt
led the handcuffs for emphasis.

  He felt her grin against his chest. Her breath tickled his skin in the most delicious way. She mumbled, “What makes you think I’m finished with you, mister?”

  He laughed. The little hellion. “Hot damn.”

  Chapter Eleven

  With a great deal of effort, Dana lifted a heavy eyelid. For a moment she was disoriented, not remembering where she was. But the bone-deep ache of complete and utter satisfaction reminded her of the previous night’s excesses, putting a contented smile on her face and an unsettling joy in her heart.

  She quickly dismissed the unwanted feeling of disquiet. Why shouldn’t she feel joyful? She’d just had a glorious night filled with the best sex of her life. There’d be something wrong with her if she didn’t feel this way.

  She yawned and languorously stretched out the more-than-welcome twinges. She was still in Reese’s bed, and judging by the strong sunlight forcing its way past a crack in the plantation blinds, it was late. A quick glance at the bedside clock confirmed it was already past noon. And Reese was nowhere in sight.

  Deliciously lazy, but ravenous, she forced herself to get out of bed in search of food and Reese. After a quick bathroom pit stop, she nabbed one of his shirts and tried not to feel bashful about seeing him again.

  It was silly to feel shy. With all the intimacies they’d shared last night she should be beyond feeling flustered about anything around him, but then her inner prude always did stick its nose where it wasn’t wanted. Especially in the cold light of day. She just couldn’t seem to stop herself from wondering what he thought of some of the things she’d said and done.

  As she headed down the hallway, she caught a welcome whiff of freshly brewed coffee. Following her nose in search of a much-needed cup led her directly to Reese.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  His warm greeting and equally warm smile were exactly what she needed to snuff out all her worries. Whatever was going through his head, it wasn’t regret or that he wished she was gone already. “Good morning. You should have woken me when you got up.”

  “I haven’t been up long.” He put down the newspaper he’d been reading and opened his arms in invitation. “I was going to surprise you with a cup of coffee in bed.”

  She walked over and settled herself in his lap. “That would have been nice. Now I’m sorry I got up.”

  Reese enfolded her in his arms and nuzzled her ear. “It’s not too late. If you scoot back over there, I’ll bring it to you.”

  She cuddled closer. “Tempting, but I’m suddenly very comfortable right where I am. Where’s my good morning kiss?”

  “Right here waiting for you.”

  Warm, enticing, exciting. Kissing Reese was like this every single time. “If you’re not careful, we’ll end up right back in bed.”

  “Sounds good to me.” He nibbled his way down her neck, sending delicious goose bumps down her spine.

  “To me too, but I really need some food.”

  He pulled back. “I’m a thoughtless ass. What would you like? I could rustle up some scrambled eggs and bacon.”

  Her stomach growled its agreement. “Yes, please. I’ll dig out the cheese muffins I brought.”

  “Hey, I thought you said you didn’t bring any food.”

  She flashed him a grin. “I lied.” She dropped a quick kiss on his lips and, with a dexterity she didn’t know she possessed, escaped his octopus arms. Not easy to do when he was working just as hard to keep her in his lap. “Hands off until you feed me, mister.”

  He laughed and stood. “Yes, ma’am.”

  She slapped his butt as he headed to the kitchen. “Gotta love obedience in a man.”

  His warm laughter sailed back over his shoulder making her feel happy and content all over.

  She went to the picnic basket to fish out the container of muffins. At seeing the basket, her mind flashed back to some of the wicked things they’d done last night—Reese touching her everywhere, his hard cock in her hand, sliding into her body. Everything had been amazing because of Reese. He managed to make sex incredible and the fantasies they’d explored better than she could ever have imagined.

  There was only one thing that didn’t sit well with her. When Reese had wanted to put the cuffs on her, she’d chickened out. He didn’t push it but she could tell he was almost as disappointed in her as she was in herself. Old trust issues had won out and she so wished they hadn’t. It made her feel small somehow. Especially when Reese had willingly and openly done everything she’d asked.

  In the end, she’d felt so guilty about it she hadn’t been able to bring up any more of her own fantasies but instead encouraged him to share some of his. Which was fine. Better than fine, actually. More like amazing. But because of her stupid fears her original plan for last night, to explore some of her fantasies, didn’t happen fully. And she might not have another chance like this again with Reese.

  On the bright side, she’d learned something very important about Reese—he truly was a good man. Someone she could learn to trust without too much effort. Heck, she was almost there now. Too bad she’d never have the chance to know him better.

  Unbidden sadness washed over her at their limited time together. Unexpected as it was unwanted, she forced the feeling away. She didn’t want to think about anything sad right now. She just wanted to enjoy the moment.

  Dana put the muffins on the table and nabbed one before heading to the kitchen. Reese was already standing at the stove frying bacon and efficiently beating eggs in a bowl.

  Taking an appreciative whiff, she leaned in for a closer look. “The bacon smells heavenly.”

  “Doesn’t it? I hadn’t realized how famished I was too.” He tossed her a sexy leer. “Guess I had other things on my mind.”

  She laughed. “I think I can guess what. This for me?” She picked up the steaming mug of coffee.


  She breathed in the delicious aroma. “Mmm. Thanks.” She took a rejuvenating sip with almost orgasmic appreciation. The man knew how to make a seriously outstanding brew. She could get used to this.

  She broke off a piece of muffin and held it up to Reese’s lips. “Open.” He complied and she popped the morsel into his mouth. “Good?”

  He chewed with enjoyment. “Better than good. More please.”

  She took turns hand-feeding them both bite-sized morsels and sipping her coffee. “Where’d you learn to be so domesticated?”

  He grinned, flipping the bacon as he talked. “My mother. She made sure both of us boys knew how to cook the basics and clean up after ourselves.”

  “Smart mom. Next you’re going to tell me you don’t have a cleaning lady.”

  “I don’t.”

  Dana groaned. “Please don’t tell me you like cleaning because then I’ll have to hate you.”

  He laughed. “No, I don’t like it, but I don’t hate it either. Am I still in trouble?”

  She eyed him warily. “Jury’s still out.”

  “Why? You a slob?” He plucked the last piece of bacon out of the pan.

  “I’m somewhere between a slob and a neat freak.”

  He kissed her on the cheek. “I can live with that.”

  That’s all it took. Just one innocent remark, but it sent a chill up her spine, warning her of impending danger to her heart. Stop being ridiculous. He didn’t mean his comment literally. It was just a figure of speech and she was tough enough to keep her heart intact.

  Wasn’t she?

  She changed the subject. “How’s it coming?”

  He poured the eggs into the hot frying pan. “Almost done.”

  In minutes they were devouring two plates of steaming eggs and crispy bacon cooked to perfection. She glanced up from her plate to see a grinning Reese watching her eat. He lifted a forkful of scrambled eggs. “Good?”

  She grinned back. “Better than good.”

  And it was too. The man was a genius in the kitchen as well as the bedroom. Who knew?

  Chapter Twelve

  After breakfast, they spent the next hour or so nestled on the couch companionably chatting and swapping sections of the morning paper.

  Later, as Reese washed the dishes and Dana dried he asked, “What’ve you got planned for the rest of the day?”

  Taken aback by the question, Dana didn’t immediately answer. She’d assumed he’d want to be rid of her by now, not spend more time together. “I have to pick up some groceries. Saturday’s my day to stock up on food supplies for the week.”

  Reese rinsed a mug and put it on the draining board. “Why don’t we go together? I’m out of more than a few things myself.”

  She searched his face, but he seemed serious. Weird. What man in his right mind wanted to do groceries with a woman he barely knew? The feeling of unease that had been plaguing her since she’d gotten up wafted over her again. She couldn’t seem to stop it. The whole situation felt a bit too familiar and domesticated, like a long-term relationship, something she was actively trying to avoid. Besides, what kind of just-for-sex encounter included grocery shopping? “I don’t know. I like to take my time. I’m one of those annoying people who like to read the label on everything. It would probably drive you nuts.”

  He chuckled. “It might, but I’m willing to risk it. Come on. We both need to go. Why not?”

  He made it sound so matter-of-fact she felt silly turning him down, so she pushed the uneasy feeling away. “You’re right. Why not? But don’t say I didn’t warn you. I’m not going to rush just because you’re there.”

  “Duly noted.”

  As it turned out, they had a great time, not getting on each other’s nerves even once. Which actually shocked Dana. It also threw up yet another red flag trying to get her attention. She assiduously ignored it.

  Once they got in his car, Reese insisted on stopping by her place to help take her groceries in.

  “It’s really not necessary, you know. I do this by myself all the time. Just drive back to your place, we’ll transfer the groceries to my car and I’ll go home from there.”

  Misunderstanding her reticence, he said, “Don’t worry, I know you’re an independent woman. Put it down to curiosity. I want to see your place.”


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