Personal Best 3

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Personal Best 3 Page 13

by Sean Michael

  “Oh, baby.” His breath caught in his throat, almost a sob.

  “Yeah. Yeah, Jessy. Gonna make it all better. I swear it.”

  He wrapped his arms around Mike’s waist, just holding on for a long moment, resting against Mike.

  “I love you. More than anything.” A soft kiss brushed his temple.

  “I know.” He squeezed tight. “I love you, too, baby. You’re my world.”

  Mike leaned against him, and then shook himself, straightening up. “Come on. Shirt, briefs, pants, shoes.”

  “Yes, boss.” He grinned, winked, and held out his arms for Mike to dress him.

  The clothes were soft, warm, just so welcome after the flimsy hospital gowns. Mike managed to make dressing him something pleasant, something sensual and good. By the time they were done, his discharge papers were ready to be signed. He put his John Hancock wherever they wanted him to and then got himself into the wheelchair, grumbling about how the only reason he wasn’t leaving under his own steam was because they wouldn’t let him.

  Mike’s arms were full of papers and supplies and crutches and instructions. “I’ll go get the car.”

  “Thanks, baby.”

  He watched Mike go and nodded to the orderly. “Let’s go. I’m ready to be sprung.”

  Ready to get back to life as he knew it.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  MIKE DROVE and drove, heading south, listening to Jessy snore as soon as the pain pills kicked in. It felt good to get moving, to be leaving Seattle, to be getting toward home. It was late when Jessy started waking up again—maybe eleven at night, but he just wasn’t tired yet.

  Jessy snorted and jerked, sitting up and blinking. “Wow, it’s dark.”

  “Yeah, it’s late. We’ve been going about ten hours. You hungry?”

  “Ten hours? We should stop, baby. Let you get some rest.”

  “I’m not tired. I’ve been listening to my CDs. How are you feeling?”

  “Tired. Which sucks as I’ve done nothing but sleep.”

  “You’ll feel better soon, Jessy. Just need to give it a little time.” He smiled over. “Consider it a vacation.”

  Jessy snorted. “If this were a vacation, I’d be fucking your brains out right now.”

  He chuckled. “The doctor said none of that until your belly muscles are healed. Too bad.”

  Groaning, Jessy reached out to stroke his thigh. “I was hoping I hadn’t heard that right.”

  “Nope. No sex until you’re better. We’ll just have to be good.” He took Jessy’s hand and squeezed. He bet Jess felt bad enough that wouldn’t be too hard.

  “Damn, baby, that’s even more hardass than my no sex for a week before meets was.”

  “I know! I’ll just have to keep you well-fed and dopey.”

  Jess snorted and then winced. “Oh, damn, don’t make me laugh too hard.” Jess gave him a wry grin and sighed. “We should stop soon, let you sleep.”

  “Yeah. Are you hungry? I could drive through somewhere first.”

  Jess made a face and shook his head. “No.”

  “Are you okay?” The little voice that had been worrying for days just got a little louder. “Are you feeling sick?”

  “Just tired, baby. I want to hold you.” Jess stroked his thigh.

  “Okay. Okay, I’ll find us a place.” He’d grab some chips from the vending machine where they stopped after he got Jessy settled and comfortable.

  “You should eat, though, baby. Gotta keep your strength up if you’re taking care of me. Chicken breast with a nice big salad. Milk or water to drink.”

  “I’m cool, Jessy. Oh, you have a choice—Clarion or Ramada. Which one looks best?”

  “I heard the Clarion put in hot tubs.”

  He chuckled. “Cast, Jessy. You don’t get to hot tub.”

  “No, but I could watch you in one.”

  He drove into the Clarion anyway, pulling up near the door. “You sit here. I’ll get us a room.”

  “Show them your university card and make sure they give you the special rate.”

  “Okay. I will.” He headed in, got a handicapped-accessible room, a coupon for a free breakfast at Denny’s, and a wake-up call at eight.

  Jessy had dozed off again by the time he got back to the car.

  He drove around and parked, then got the wheelchair out and next to the door. “Okay, let’s get you in, and then I’ll come get the stuff.”

  Jess blinked and sat up. “I can try the crutches, baby.”

  “No. In the chair. You’re already exhausted, and it’s been raining.” He wouldn’t have Jess falling.

  Jess bristled a little. “I might be injured, but I’m not an invalid.”

  “I didn’t say you were. I said it was slick.” He looked up into the night sky. “And starting to rain again.”

  Jess grumbled and hauled himself out of the car and into the chair, looking pale by the time he was settled.

  “Thank you.” He wheeled Jess into the room without much trouble. “You want in the bathroom first or the bed?”

  “Bathroom. Then I can settle in for the night.”

  “Sounds good.” He helped Jess in and then over to the toilet, helping with the sweats too. “I’m going to get the sheets pulled down and stuff. Holler when you’re ready for me to come back.”


  He puttered around the room, waiting for Jess to call for him.

  Which Jess didn’t. His stubborn lover suddenly appeared at the door to the bathroom, leaning heavily against the doorjamb. “Shit, the bed’s far away.”

  “Jess!” He hurried over, grabbed the chair, and helped Jessy into it. “I don’t have the crutches up here.”

  Jess sighed as he landed in the chair. “I thought I could make it.”

  “You have to give yourself time, love.” Mike kissed the top of Jess’s head.

  “I hate being sick. I don’t do sick.”

  “You’re not sick; you’re hurt. You’ll be better soon. More and more every day.”

  “I will. Gonna be back to my old self in no time.”

  Jessy let him help get the long body into bed, settling with a groan.

  Mike got Jessy naked and medicated, covered up and relaxed, remote in hand. “Going to get the suitcases and the crutches.”

  He stepped out, grabbed peanut butter crackers and diet soda out of the vending machine. He finished them both before he got back upstairs, then locked the door behind him.

  Jess was still awake, flipping channels and just blinking at the television.

  “Hey. You want anything?” He smiled, suddenly tired.

  Jess turned off the television. “Yeah, I do.”

  “What? Ginger ale? Massage?” He moved over to the bed.

  Jess patted the bed next to him. “You, baby.”

  He pulled off his sweater, his shoes, then slid close with his jeans still on. “Me?”

  Jess’s arm went around him, tugged him in closer. “Yeah. You.”

  Mike leaned against Jess’s shoulder, just breathing Jess in.

  Jess purred. “Oh. Oh, that’s better. Much better.” He nodded, breath hitching. Jessy slid a hand along Mike’s side, fingers stroking his arm, his ribs, a long shuddering sigh coming from his lover. “There was a moment I didn’t think I’d ever get to do this again.”

  He whimpered softly, cuddling. “I know. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry you got hurt.”

  “I wish you’d stop apologizing for it, baby. You didn’t do this to me.”

  “Not directly, but it was my fault.”

  “Bullshit.” Jessy’s arm tightened around him. “Utter bullshit.”

  Mike pressed closer. “Don’t let me hurt you.”

  “You won’t, baby.” Jessy’s voice was rough, that arm still holding him tight. Mike relaxed, let himself stroke and pet Jessy’s belly. The muscles rippled beneath his fingers. “Oh, that feels good.”

  “Yeah.” He closed his eyes, just touching, loving.

  “Baby. Oh�
�. Yeah. Now it’s real, now I’m really out of the hospital.”

  “Yeah. You’re finally heading home.”

  “Nope. All I need to be home is you.” Jessy turned his head and kissed him softly. “So I’d say we’re already there.”

  Mike nodded, settling for the first time in days. “Yeah, Jess. Yeah.”

  Already there.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  IT TOOK them four days to drive down the coast, and Jessy was growing increasingly growly. He felt a little stronger every day, but that just seemed to be the cue for his injuries to ache a little harder, to keep him from doing more than sitting there next to Mike, sleeping and watching the scenery go by.

  And the damned cast was still making it next to impossible for him to manage on his own on the crutches.

  And Mike was treating him like a damned invalid.

  They stopped at the beach one last night before the road turned back into the interior, and he waited until Mike went in to get them their rooms and then started to get out of the car. He wasn’t using the fucking chair this time.

  He managed to hit the cast against the side of the car as he tried to get it out, the sudden flare of pain making him swear. By the time he was out, leaning against the hood, he was sweating from the effort and hurting more than he had been in days.

  Gritting his teeth, he braced himself on the car and sort of hop-dragged his bad leg over to the rear door so he could get the fucking crutches.

  “What the hell are you doing? Christ, Jess! Be careful!” Mike came running.

  “I just need the goddamned crutches.” Damn it, he didn’t want Mike to see him this weak.

  “Okay. I’ll grab them.” Mike got them, settled them under his arms.

  “You got our room?” he asked, growling and unable to stop. He knew it wasn’t Mike’s fault he was hurt, that it was taking so long to heal, but Mike was treating him like a child.

  “Yeah. Right there by the pool.” Mike pointed across the way. “Come on. I’ll get you settled and then go find you some food.”

  “I’m not hungry.” Kid was always looking for an excuse to get away from him. He supposed he couldn’t blame Mike. He really was turning into a grumpy bear. “Sorry I growled.”

  “It’s okay.” Mike didn’t look at him, though, just hurried. “You sure you’re not hungry? There’s a Denny’s; I could get you pancakes.”

  “You that desperate to get away from me?” he asked. “Because they have room service, you know.”

  Hurt dark eyes glanced over at him. “I don’t want to get away from you, Jess.”

  “No? You’re sure desperate to take off and find me food. I know I’ve been a bit bear-with-sore-paw-ish.”

  “I’m just worried about you eating, Jessy. I didn’t even think about the room service thing.”

  He sighed and stopped, giving Mike an awkward hug. “I’m sorry. I’m just not hungry.”

  Mike hugged him gently. “I know. I just…. I worry.”

  He shook his head. “Now see? Worrying is my job, baby.” This whole thing was fucked-up.

  “Not right now. Right now, your job is healing.” Mike grinned over. “Did you miss the memo?”

  “I think I might have gotten it; I just didn’t believe it.” He gave Mike a wink, trying really hard to ignore the twinges and aches and the way he was just dragging his ass.

  Finally they were at the door to their room, and damn, he was happy to see it. Mike got him in and settled, helping him off with his shoes. He closed his eyes, resting his head against the back of the couch—it made him feel less of an invalid, sitting on the couch instead of going straight for the bed. It would help when the cast came off, too, and he’d be able to get around a little better, go into the water.

  He reached out and touched Mike’s cheek. Mike nuzzled into his hand, humming.

  “I’ll start pulling my weight soon, baby. Promise.”

  “You’re good, Jess. I just want you better.”

  “Me too. Me too.” He sighed. “My leg itches. I’m gonna claw the fucking cast off if it doesn’t stop.”

  “Oh, man.” Mike stood up, went to the closet, and pulled out a plastic clothes hanger. “Scratch with this.”

  “Baby, you’re a genius.” He got the end of the clothes hanger down the edge of the cast and groaned as he started scratching that itch. “Oh God. This is amazing.”

  Mike beamed, almost bouncing. “Oh, too cool.”

  He chuckled. “This is almost better than sex, baby.”

  “So long as it’s almost, we’re gold,” Mike said with a laugh in return.

  Jessy suddenly felt a hell of a lot lighter. “Well, I’ll tell you this much: it’s better than some sex I’ve had, but nothing comes close to the sex I’ve had in the last couple years.”

  Mike grinned, blushed for him. “Yeah? Cool.”

  “Yeah, baby. There isn’t anything like you.” He stared into Mike’s eyes, letting his baby know he was serious.

  “I love you.” Mike squeezed his hand, smiled.

  He nodded. “I know. Feeling’s mutual.” Jess leaned in, ignoring the twinge as he shifted, and brought their mouths together. Mike kissed him eagerly, tongue pushing into his lips, hungry. He purred, the taste of Mike exploding in his mouth, warming him through.

  “Oh. Oh.” Mike moaned, little noises filling his mouth.

  He reached out, sliding his hands along Mike’s shoulders, moving on down to tug Mike’s T-shirt out of his jeans.

  Mike leaned back, eyes rolling. “Oh. Jess. Jess, I….”

  “Want you, baby. So badly.”

  “If… if I suck you, will you promise to be still?”

  He nodded, cock going hard at the thought. “I’ll promise you anything, baby.”

  “You can’t move.” Those eyes were so serious. “Just let me taste you.”

  “Please, baby. I won’t move. I promise.”

  Mike smiled, eased his sweats down, moaning low. “Oh. Want you. So bad.”

  “I know. I know. Please. I need you.” Christ, he was desperate for Mike’s touch, almost crying with need.

  “I’m yours.” Mike shifted, lips sliding down over his cock, hot, sweet, so right. His hips jerked. He couldn’t help it. Mike lifted his head. “No moving.”

  “Sorry, baby. It was just so good. So fucking good.”

  “Then sit still.” Mike leaned down, tongue so soft. “I’ll give you what you need.”

  He groaned, reaching out to slide his fingers through Mike’s hair. “You always do, baby.”

  “Good.” Oh. Oh, yeah. Mike’s lips took him again, sucking nice and easy, pulling on him.

  He curled his fingers into fists, pressing them into the couch beside his thighs as he fought to keep still. Christ, it felt like heaven. Mike sucked him like a starving man, pulling strong and steady.

  “Not going to be long, baby.” Not long at all. It had been too long, it felt too good. Mike hummed, head bobbing faster, giving him what he needed. “Baby!” he shouted, coming hard.

  Oh, Mike’s dark eyes watched him, took him apart and put him back together. His hand was shaking as he reached out and petted Mike’s head. “Love you, baby.”

  “Love you. Better?”

  He didn’t even have to stop and think, just nodded. “Yeah, I am.”

  Mike kissed the tip of his cock. “Good.”

  He purred, relaxing back onto the couch. Instead of growly and out of sorts, he felt relaxed, maybe even a bit hungry.

  Mike just rested against him for a minute, eyes closed.

  “You needing? Because there’s nothing wrong with my mouth.” He licked his lips. He could almost taste that long cock.

  “You shouldn’t. You’ll wear yourself out.” Mike flushed, shivered.

  “Hey, I’m planning on just sitting here, letting you do all the work.” He patted the couch on either side of him. “You could stand up here.”

  “Jessy….” Mike moaned, leaned in for a kiss.

  He inva
ded Mike’s mouth with his tongue, tasting himself there, which only fueled his need to taste his baby. Mike whimpered, hips jerking, hand dropping to open those jeans. He moaned, reaching, sliding his fingers over the hot flesh.

  “Love. Love you.” Mike groaned into his lips, shaking.

  “Love you, baby. Come on. Come fuck my mouth.”

  “I want to.”

  “Me, too, baby. I’ll be still, I promise.” He tugged on Mike’s arm. Mike carefully moved to kneel on either side of him, cock dark and heavy, tip leaking.

  Groaning, he licked the drops from Mike’s cock, a shudder going through him at the taste and the feeling of heat beneath his tongue. “Oh, baby….”

  “Please, Jessy. Please.”

  Jessy tugged on Mike’s ass and pulled that long cock right into his mouth, sucking happily. The cry Mike gave was deep and sweet and broken and needy. He whimpered around the heat in his mouth, hands still on Mike’s ass, encouraging his baby to move, to fuck his mouth.

  “C-careful. Don’t hurt you. Don’t…. Oh….” Mike bucked, pushing in deep, sobbing. “Don’t stop.”

  He sucked harder, careful not to move more than his mouth and his hands, swallowing around the tip of Mike’s cock whenever it pushed into his throat. Mike’s hips rolled, fucking him, pushing and pulling, so hot. He hummed around Mike’s cock and took it all, took everything his lover had for him, and demanded more. So good. He got another cry, and then Mike was coming, fucking his lips, filling his mouth. He swallowed Mike down, the taste of his baby exactly what he needed.

  Mike pulled away, panting, and settled on the floor beside him.

  He reached over to pat Mike’s head. “Now that’s better.”

  Mike nodded, chuckled. “Yeah. Yeah, way better.”

  He hummed, eyes sliding closed, body heavy with the need to sleep.

  “You want me to help you to the bed, Jess?”

  When he was about to say no, he’d just nap there, he thought about being in bed and Mike napping with him. “Okay, baby.”

  Mike nodded, helped him hobble to the bed, tucked him in.

  “Gonna join me, baby?” he asked, making happy noises.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll unload later.” Mike stripped, cuddled in next to him.


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