Crashing Into Me (Crashing Into Me #1)

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Crashing Into Me (Crashing Into Me #1) Page 8

by R. L. Jackson


  Two thousand dollars later, they had just put the last bag in the back of her Ford. Jason and Dominic also had to pack up their own cars to haul it all up to the house. The snow fell a lot harder now, as three hours had passed since they started this mission. Lana tried to keep her cool to not alarm Kayden but it was getting increasingly harder to see as she barely navigated the truck through the snow. Twenty minutes later, they finally reached the house to Lana’s relief and she almost let out an audible sigh as she cut the engine.

  They spent another half hour getting everything in the house with the help of the grocery boys, after which Kayden paid them each an additional two hundred dollars.

  “Thanks!” Lana called out from the doorway, as they pulled away from the house and back down the hill.

  She hoped they would be OK getting back to the store as it was eleven o clock and the snow was already falling harder than when they had arrived. Closing the door, she walked back into the kitchen to help Kayden with putting things away.

  “I don’t even know where to begin,” she said looking at the mess in front of her. There were grocery bags everywhere. All the counters, the entire kitchen floor as well as the living room were filled with bags.

  “I guess, let’s start with the cold and frozen that way if we need a break, nothing important goes bad.” He said, tossing a frozen bag of peas to her.

  Lana caught it and opened the freezer. Luckily it was empty and there would be plenty of room for things to go. Watching him in the kitchen, she observed the way he moved—he had a slow and peaceful grace about him now. More relaxed and calm as opposed to the nervous, overly flirtatious guy she met a week and a half ago. She could tell as they worked, that he was also in deep thought.

  Most men she knew would have been embarrassed after talking about their feelings the way he did the night by the fire, but he thanked her and seemed to really appreciate the opportunity to get if off his chest. He just moved along like nothing had happened at all and wasn’t acting stand-offish.

  They didn’t say much the hour and a half it took to put everything away—just the occasional, “where do you want this” of various snacks they got. She loved plain potato chips with ridges and spinach dip and peanut butter cookies. He was way healthier than she was, buying freeze dried edamame and natural un-roasted nuts and seeds. Now she knew why his body was in such good shape and kind of liked getting a peak into his lifestyle.

  At least the calm regular part of it, not the driving while intoxicated and hitting little defenseless ladies part. They had developed a rhythm and moved in unison as they put things away and by the time they were finished, she was starving and it was one o’clock. Lana had plans to visit Rachel today, but she had to grab a snack first as her blood sugar had plummeted. Her thought was that if she hurried, she could make it there and back by four o’clock, before the weather was really too bad to maneuver in. She was putting the last of the paper bags in the recycling bin as Kayden dragged wood from the back patio of the garden, into the living room and started stacking them.

  “I’m gonna get started on this before it gets too bad and maybe lunch after?” he asked, all domestic like.

  “Sure,” she replied, “How long do you think that’ll take you?”

  “Couple hour’s tops.” He had chopped a ton of wood and it was all stacked on the lanai.

  “Ok, sounds good.”

  Lana ran up the stairs as he made his way through the glass doors and onto the patio again. Feeling now was as good as any time to get going to Shelby, she wanted to get a warmer jacket before leaving. Stopping mid step towards her room, she turned to the guest room Kayden used knowing she didn’t have anything near as warm as he would. She figured she could borrow the leather jacket he wore outside Aunt Mae’s the other day.

  Entering his room, the aroma of his cologne was all she could smell. Instinctively her eyes fell on his dresser and she saw the bottle and picked it up to observe the label. It was called “212 by Carolina Herrera.” Resting it back down she took a moment and glanced around the room. He was neat—very neat. Nothing was out of place as opposed to her room, where she made her bed when she felt like it and dropped trou’ in the middle of the room.

  She looked out the window and could see him down in the garden moving wood as fast as he could, braving the falling snow. At least he was wearing a shirt this time. She looked forward to getting back and having lunch with him and thought they could even catch a movie later.

  Lana walked over to the closet, eased it open and admired the colors before her. All his shirts, pants and jackets were color coordinated, as well as his socks and underwear. There wasn’t a thing out of place. His shoes were polished and sitting on racks, ties and watches, everything you could think of was there and it all had a place. Spotting the thick black leather jacket, she took it off the rack and slipped it on. Instant warmth.

  As she closed the closet doors, a cellphone began to ring. Her eyes were drawn to the flashing lights of the device on the bed side table. Maybe it was someone or something important? She picked it up and realized it wasn’t a call but a text message. The banner on the screen showed the message and she read it instinctively:

  “Really can’t wait to see you and repeat the fun times on the hill -K.”

  Who the hell was K? Resting the phone back down and angling it the way she found it, she started backing out of the room. So he does have a girlfriend. She stalked out of the room upset with herself. It served her right. Why would a man she barely knew, tell her the truth about anything? And this K, definitely seemed to have plans with him at the house later. Men. They were all the same.


  Driving down Deleveaux Circle, Lana had her windshield wipers on to combat the relentless snow. It wasn’t helping much as she could only see maybe ten feet in front of her. All she had to do was make it to the roundabout and it’d be fine. Slowing to the stop sign next to Mason’s, the streets were now deserted. No one was out now with the exception of one car driving down Patterson, the person probably on their way home to a cozy fireplace. Realizing the risk involved, she thought about turning around.

  Thinking about that text message and how foolish she felt, she pressed the gas and pushed the truck forward around the turnabout and out of Hamby. She just needed a little space today.


  It wasn’t snowing nearly as bad there in Shelby, at least not yet. Lana valet-parked the truck and ran inside from the frigid temperature, brushing the snow from the leather coat before it got wet. Kayden would probably kill her if she ruined his jacket—it probably costed more than she made in a year. Walking up to the reception desk she saw the same woman that was stationed there every day, Nancy.

  “Hi, patient name and your ID please,” she said. Lana reached into her jeans and laid the ID on the counter.

  “I’m here to see Ms. Rachel Brown, she’s in room two-twenty-two.”

  Nancy took the ID and punched something into the computer. She looked up at Lana and her shoulders slacked, her expression one of concern.

  “Are you family?” she asked.

  “No, but I’ve been here before. Every day for the past week and a half in fact. What’s going on?”

  Nancy took her glasses off and that scared Lana. She knew that look all too well being a Nurse. It was the I’ve got horrible news face.

  “I’m sorry, Ms. Brown isn’t in room two-twenty-two.”

  “Ok, so where is she?”

  Lana’s heart pounded in her chest so loud it was all she could hear. She and Nancy stayed locked eye to eye and after a few moments of silence, Lana knew all she needed to. A lot of communication past between them with just the look. Nodding her head, her eyes welled with tears, Lana grabbed the ID off the counter and turned away.

  “I’m sorry honey,” Nancy said.

  Her head was swimming, and everything around her was a watery blob. She was breathless, unable to grasp the reality that Rachel was gone. Her head was swimmin
g in a pool of thoughts and questions.

  What could have happened? Anything could have happened. A pulmonary embolism, internal bleeding--something went wrong with the surgery. And Kayden, he can now be charged with vehicular manslaughter. He hasn’t even gotten over what happened to his brother and he’ll have this to deal with too. Wiping her face free of the tears, she walked out of the lobby onto the overhang by the valet’s booth.

  He approached and she handed him the little pink stub. He grabbed an umbrella and disappeared to get her truck. Why didn’t she just stay put at the house? Surely the police will be notified soon, Kayden will go to jail and if her family presses charges, that’s it for him. His mother won’t lift a finger to help him out of it. The valet pulled her truck up to the curb and jumped out. She climbed in and shut the door, pulling slowly out to the road and on her way back to Kayden.


  Maureen Capshaw was beyond fed up with her son. He was an adult, yet he still stumbled through life like a toddler learning to walk. She was tired of him going through life as if she’d fix all his mistakes. Sitting in the plush seat of the Capshaw private jet as it touched down, she sipped her cocktail and her eyes were affixed to the snow outside, as her mind wandered. Since the loss of “her boys” nothing was ever the same to her. She had a daughter who barely spoke to her despite all her efforts, and a son who wouldn’t give her a moment to breathe. Maureen felt that if he could just settle down, he’d have to grow up and take responsibility of his life. Then, maybe, she could retire and start living her own life.

  “The snow’s really bad huh?” Kimberly asked leaning over and peaking over Maureen’s shoulder.

  “You haven’t seen bad yet, dear.”

  “I can’t wait to see Kayden. It’s been so long, I’m so excited,” she chimed like a giddy school-girl.

  The jet was now slowing to a stop, and after having flown five hours from New York, Maureen couldn’t wait to get out of the plane and relax a bit. She dreaded having to see Captain Jackson to find out more about the accident and the diner. She had a plan in place to end the insanity once and for all and brought Kim with her to force an ultimatum on him: Get married and prepare to run Capshaw Realty, or he would be cut out. This new company he wanted to start on his own wouldn’t last six months in her estimation.

  Capshaw had the capital and the reputation and Kayden wouldn’t stand a chance without her help. Kim would help steer him in the direction Maureen wanted the business to go in although she was bored with the day to day of it all. The endless meetings with city officials, contractors, architects and building plans that seemed to bleed into the next, was causing grey hairs she didn’t need nor want. It was time for Kayden to take over and hopefully catapult Capshaw to greater heights, under her terms or not at all.

  Paula naturally was her first choice, but she wanted nothing to do with the family business. Maureen didn’t blame her daughter for how she felt. It seemed with their success came great tragedy, and she’d had about enough of it all. The flight attendant emerged from the cockpit and helped Maureen into her coat. Kim unbuckled her seat as well and put on her fur hat, gloves and coat as the attendant opened the doors.

  “Welcome to Hamby Georgia”, she said as they began their slow descend onto the tarmac.


  Lana pulled up to the house and was surprised to find Kayden on the porch locking the front doors. When she cut the engine, he turned in her direction, his face pained and clearly annoyed. Oh no. She got out and climbed the stairs to the porch holding onto the railing, to avoid slipping on the snowy, icy steps.

  “Where were you?” he demanded, panicked.

  “I went to Shelby to see Rachel,” she replied matter-of-factly.

  “Are you insane?! Do you know what could have happened to you out there?”

  “Calm down—”

  “You can’t run off in a snow storm and not tell anyone where you’re going!”

  “I’m sorry, did I need your permission or something?” she replied. It was freezing and she couldn’t believe they were arguing in the middle of a snow storm on the porch!

  She tried to walk past him and he blocked her from getting to the door.

  “Get out of the way, Kayden.”

  “No Lana. Listen, I don’t know how many snow storms there are in Florida, but here, you die if you get stuck out there. Do you get it?”

  “I get it,” Lana replied.

  As she looked at his face, she could see he was genuinely scared for her and she couldn’t really argue with him about it anymore. He was right.

  “I figured I could get there and back before it got too bad and we couldn’t visit her at all. I didn’t realize how dangerous it was. I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head at her, turned and unlocked the door. They walked inside, she took off his jacket and put it on the coat rack as he closed and locked the door behind them.

  “That was really stupid,” he said.

  “Listen, I said I get it okay,” she replied raising her voice.

  “You’re really lucky you know that? All the roads are iced, you could’ve—” he stopped.

  She realized why he was so upset especially since he had lost his brother under similar conditions. Granted, his drinking and driving played a part in it, but his panic was real. He obviously cared about her well-being.

  “I know. I won’t do that again, I promise.” She turned to leave and he grabbed her hand in his, turning her to face him. His eyes were darkened and his breathing was elevated.

  “I didn’t mean to scream at you,” he finally squeezed out.

  “I know.”

  She squeezed his hand reassuringly and started towards the living room. As she entered, the stacked fire wood in the corner of the room was halfway up the wall.

  “Wow, you work fast.”

  “Not fast enough.”

  Before she knew what hit her, Kayden spun her around and held her close to him, his forehead pressed into hers, breathing deeply and loudly. He was clinging to her like she was life itself. Before she could process what was happening, he pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her slowly and deeply. She was caught off guard, but found herself returning the kiss more passionately than she’d ever imaged. His lips were smooth and persistent as his tongue searched hers.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer feeling every muscle on his body. His taught chest pressed against her breasts, and his arms wrapped around her back, encasing her. They were tangled like weeds in a garden and she was adhered to him, not wanting to let go. She was metal and he was her magnet.

  Finally, pulling his lips from hers, he trailed soft warm kisses all over her face as she ran her hands through his thick dark hair, something she had imagined doing for weeks and before she knew it, the room was spinning around her. Was this really happening right now? Was she somehow having a very lucid hallucination? No one could feel this good, because those types of unearthly desires were surely all in her head. Slowly, carefully, they pulled apart and stared deep into each other’s eyes, breathless.

  The want and need that passed between them said everything that needed to be said. Was she really about to do this? After spending so much energy trying to stay away? Lana knew she had to talk to him about Rachel, he deserved the truth, but right now wasn’t the time. Not when he was already feeling as raw as he was in this moment.

  He watched her as if waiting for her approval when she kissed him again and whispered, “Make love to me.”

  Instantly, he took her into his arms and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He walked slowly towards the stairs, still tangled in kisses when he bit down softly on her bottom lip as he ascended to the second floor. Every fantasy she’d had about this moment paled in comparison as she kissed his nose, his mouth, his chin—there wasn’t a place on his face she wanted to miss. As they reached the second floor landing, she pulled her sweater off and pulled his shirt up and over his head.

  As they made
their way down the hall, he unbuttoned her bra and it fell from her body, exposing the tautness of her nipples. The chilling air causing them to constrict. He bent his head and took one into his mouth and the warmth of his mouth caused her body to shake and tremble almost causing her to orgasm. She arched her back as he held on with his lips, sucking a tender combination of pleasure and pain. He kicked her room door open and released his lips as she slowly let herself down, letting his tongue trail from her breast to her neck.

  She took a step back, and removed her jeans and panties, exposing herself fully to him. She stood there breathless and heaving waiting for him to do something as he admired every curve of her body. Kayden walked over to her graceful and smooth un-buttoning his pants and letting them slide to the carpet. His hardness strained against the fabric wanting to break free of his boxer briefs. In another swift movement he collected her in his arms again and pulled her close.

  He kissed her deeper, the passion building in his body, his rod poking the softer, moister area of her body. He cupped her rear and gave it a squeeze. Feeling the hardness against her she almost lost herself, and all her senses were on fire. All she could hear was the sound of her own heart racing, falling deeper and deeper into the madness. Their bodies pressed together so tight, she thought they would melt together and create one being.

  Lana found herself craving more and instinctively he lowered her to the bed, running his hand down her body as she lay flat gazing into his eyes. She was spellbound, willing and waiting for his next move. Kayden raised her leg and began tracing her thighs with his tongue, as if he could read her mind. She grabbed a handful of his hair gently as he moved about, leaving soft wet trails all over her legs, then that wicked half smile returned to his face and he kissed her there.

  He took his time licking, nibbling and prodding with his tongue and she let out a noise even she’d never heard before. He reveled in her until her body shook and could take no more. Somewhere in their tangle of movements his briefs were gone and he moved slowly up her body, trailing more of his kisses from her legs to her lips. He wasn’t lacking in any area she noticed as he took the condom out of his jean pocket and slid the thin material over himself, neither one of them breaking eye contact. She thought she would explode in anticipation when suddenly he was on her again and their mouths locked.


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