Crashing Into Me (Crashing Into Me #1)

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Crashing Into Me (Crashing Into Me #1) Page 20

by R. L. Jackson

“No love, you don’t have anything to be sorry about,” he assured.

  “I thought I’d never see you again,” she was bawling so loud, she could hardly speak.

  “No way. I never stopped looking for you.” He grabbed her face and gave her a kiss so deep and so fierce, her knees buckled. He caught her before she could hit the ground, never breaking the kiss, missing the familiarity of the woman he loved so much. Kiss after kiss, it was as if they were filling in the lost ones during the time they were apart. By the time they pulled back from one another the tears were replaced by pure passion.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” Kayden said breathlessly, rubbing the side of her check with his thumb.

  She turned her head and kissed his hand.

  “I missed you too.”


  Paula had long gone and now Kayden and Lana walked hand in hand as he gave her a tour of the house. As much as he could anyway. Every detail they spoke about, Kayden made sure was done. The trey ceiling and crown moldings. Even down to the type and color of hardwood they discussed. It was a marvel and it wasn’t nearly finished yet.

  “You didn’t miss a detail,” she stated as she inspected the crown moldings in there soon to be formal dining room.

  “Of course not. I always intended to bring you home,” he stated. Lana’s smile faded slightly as he held her hand.

  He stopped in the middle of what would be their kitchen, turned to her and held her close, resting his forehead on hers.

  “I’m so sorry my mother went to the lengths she did. You didn’t deserve that,” he whispered.

  She touched his face with her hand feeling the familiar stubble that was growing in.

  “I know Kayden; I don’t blame you. I hated leaving the way I did,” she dropped her hand and looked down from his eyes. He could tell there was more she wanted to say.

  “What is it?” he asked so sincerely, she almost melted in his arms.

  “I was afraid your moms plan worked and that you had moved on with Kim,” she admitted and he scoffed.

  “Never. There is nothing about that succubus of a girl that I want, or need in my life.” He raised her face to his and searched her eyes with his. “Nothing.”

  “I believe you,” she replied and he kissed her again soft and slow. The wind was blowing through the plastic tarps into the house whizzing by them as they kissed. Their body temperatures warmed one another as the brittle wind tried to cut through them. She pulled away from him slowly.

  “I need to tell you something,” she said.

  “What is it?” He led her through the house over to a bay window that wasn’t finished yet, but could hold their weight.

  “A couple days ago, I was at a club—,” she started saying, but he puts his hand up and she stopped.

  “I know about the attack,” he finished.

  “I figured as much,” she replied.

  “There is nothing to explain. What happened in the club wasn’t your fault—don’t do that to yourself.”

  “I just didn’t want you to think I had moved on—,” she stood up from the bay window keeping her eyes on him.

  “The thought never crossed my mind,” he replied.

  Lana sat back down next to him and he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, and she rested her head on his chest.

  “What happens next?”

  “I don’t know but for the first time in my life, I’m excited for that. No more will my mother dictate my life for me or use the past to hurt me,” he replied.

  She looked up at his face and kissed his chin.

  “It won’t be the same life you’re used to and I don’t want you to wake up one day and resent me,” she replied.

  He looked down at her and his eyes were stormy and serous. She was afraid she’d insulted him and then he began to speak.

  “Let me tell you something. I have everything I have ever wanted right here in this room. And I don’t want you for one second to blame yourself because of anything my mother could do. Do you hear me? I love you and all the money in the world or lack there-of will never change that.”

  She had never heard words so sweet in her entire life and she believed everyone one of them. Then he shifted and she leaned forward so he could stand. Kayden reached in his pocket and dropped to one knee and opened the ring box. She looked down into his face, into those gorgeous eyes rimmed in tears.

  “I know I’ve asked you before, but I want to ask you again. Lana, will you please do me the honor of being my wife and letting me love you until the day I die?” She burst into tears nodding her head as he placed the ring back on her finger. He stood and they embraced for what felt like forever.

  “I’m never letting you go again,” he said.

  “Me either,” she replied.


  The entire town of Hamby must have been in the town square. If someone needed to get somewhere by car, it would be a lost cause, as people leisurely filled the streets as they walked towards the new diner. Television news crews, photographers and patrons all stood outside of Aunt Mae’s waiting for the celebration and unveiling to happen. Kayden was at Spence Hotel getting dressed in Lana’s hotel room and Maureen didn’t question why he was there, as it made sense for him to be close when it came time for the festivities.

  Tonight they would unveil the new diner and Aunt Mae’s would be serving the masses. After the photo ops and interviews he could finally handle the other piece of business he had with his mother and Kim—then he could focus on the future. Lana helped him put on his tie which completed the suit he was wearing. Vera Wang for men and boy did he look good in it. He kissed her on the lips once his ensemble was complete.

  “You look very dashing Mr. Capshaw,” she said smiling brighter than a noon sun.

  “I wish it were you up there with me tonight,” he replied as he smoothed the tie down his stomach.

  “I know, but I won’t be far,” Lana replied.

  “I hate that I have to stand around and pretend that my mom is Mother Teresa.”

  “I just don’t want Kim all over you,” she said and raised an eyebrow to him.

  There was a knock at the door and Kayden walked over to the peephole. It was Paula and he opened the door as she slid in quickly.

  “Mom anywhere in sight?” he asked.

  “Nope, she’s already outside holding interviews, you know how she is,” Paula replied and closed the door behind her.

  “Yeah, unfortunately,” he stated.

  “You ready to do this?” she asked.

  He looked over at Lana as she walked over to him and held onto his hand.

  “You got this baby,” Lana said and he kissed her again as Paula rolled her eyes.

  “Seriously guys with the saliva fest,” she teased.

  “I’ll be in the crowd, and I’ll make sure I keep an eye on Kim and your mom. I’ll be fine,” Lana said to Kayden. They walked to the door and Kayden spun around once more and kissed her.

  “Love you,” he said then closed the door behind him.

  Lana leaned against the door and smiled. She would wait until Kayden made it over to the restaurant then would make her way over there, concealing her presence until it was all over. She walked over to the snow frosted window as fresh snow began to fall once again. Never ending, she thought as she walked into the bathroom. On the sink was a pregnancy test, something she kept from Kayden and Paula and planned to take it before heading over to Aunt Mae’s. She was late and wasn’t sure if it was just stress of the last month or not but needed to know either way.


  The people in the street, gathered in front of the diner, began to turn around and clap as Kayden and Kim walked towards the crowd. The photographers practically pushed people out of the way to get a photo of him. Kim of course pushed her way through as well and slipped her arm around his to pose for a few photos. They looked like a power couple standing next to one another. The thought of Kim touching him made Lana feel nauseated. She’d better enjoy hers
elf while she can, she thought, because life was about to get even more interesting for them all.

  Suddenly, in front of all the photographers, Kim slipped her left hand out in to the crowd showing off a huge diamond ring. People started clapping and hooting and the flash from the cameras were going off at a rapid pace. It was an engagement ring. She had to give it to her, she was a clever bitch. Lana pulled the heavy coat around her even tighter as the frigid air was starting to become too much to handle. Kayden finally made his way to the entrance of Aunt Mae’s and Kim was clinging to him like a fabric softener sheet.

  Aunt Mae and Joseph were already there smiling, waiting and clapping as he arrived. Kirk Taylor from Taylor and Associates outstretched his hand for a shake. Kim let Kayden go reluctantly as he walked towards them, but put on a smile and clapped with the crowd. Maureen stood in the front, flanked by Heathcliff, and Kim slithered next to them asserting herself amongst them.

  Maureen smiled at her and leaned into her ear.

  “You’re doing it again,” she said through her teeth as Kayden spoke with Aunt Mae and the local television news station reporter.

  “Doing what?” she replied.

  “Overstepping. That stunt you pulled with the ring could have very well been the nail in the coffin.”

  “I thought it would make it harder for him to deny me later and ruin our plans.”

  “It’s no matter now. You’ll be heading back to New York with me tonight.”

  Kim’s face lost its color as it filled with terror. After all she had done she was being cast aside like yesterday’s trash.

  “You have to give me another chance,” she pleaded as a tear formed in her eye.

  “Prove to me you can follow my instructions and compose yourself and we will see.”

  Kim dabbed the near tear from her eye and put a huge smile back on her face, as another photographer approached them.

  “A picture of the beautiful Capshaw women?” he asked.

  “Of course,” Maureen said smiling brightly. She linked her arm into Kim’s and they smiled as the flash went off on the camera.

  Lana was still in the back of the crowd, close to the street watching the entire fiasco unfold. If she hadn’t known them all better, she would think everything was fine and that everyone was as happy as could be. However, she was well accustomed to Maureen and how she could annihilate you with all thirty-two of her teeth showing.

  Briskly, the city Mayor walked up to Kayden as the news crew ended the interview with him and Aunt Mae, and Lana thought Kayden never looked sexier. The wind was beginning to pick up now and the noise was deafening but he was as calm and collected as ever.

  “And now for the grand reveal,” Kayden boomed into the microphone.

  The crowd quieted some as Kirk and Kayden, Maureen and Kim reached up to the canopy and began to pull. It fell away and in bright lights the Aunt Mae’s sign began to flicker on and the crowd erupted in cheers, clapping and whistling. Lana couldn’t believe how beautiful it was. It was mixture of a retro diner, but had the home accents of the blueprints he had shown her a while back. The building had chrome accents on the corners, with brick inlay, and the new doubled door entrance was beyond grand.

  The huge panes of glass showed the entire interior of the diner now. Before it was mostly blocked by half windows but now it was simply outstanding. The mayor brought over the huge oversized scissors and he, Aunt Mae and Kayden all cut it at the same time.

  The cheers went on as they shook hands and the camera flashed with what seemed like endless pictures. Kayden and Aunt Mae hugged and she held onto him, tears running down her face. She was elated at the work he’d had done.

  “And now, let’s eat,” Aunt Mae exclaimed into the mic and everyone began to make their way inside.

  Maureen, Kim and the Capshaw Realty group moved inside along with a few photographers, KDN’s crew, Taylor, Kayden and the Mayor. Lana made her way out of the crowd as they all surged like waves of the sea to the diner. The car service they ordered from Shelby pulled up at exactly eight fifteen and Lana made her way through a few people to get to it. It wouldn’t be long before everyone would be up at the house and she needed to be ready. As she made her way to the car, she felt a tug on her jacket and turned around. It was the librarian she spent most of her time with at the local library.

  “Aren’t you coming inside, sugar?’ She asked so sweet, it made Lana a little warmer in the brisk cold.

  “No, it’s too crowded. I’ll come back tomorrow when things have calmed down,” she replied, then hustled into the warmth of the waiting car before her cover was blown. She looked at the diner and could see them all inside. Everyone was talking and laughing, sitting at the new booths, it looked like a family affair. It’s what she loved most about the town. No matter who you were or where you were from, you became family almost instantly. Her cellphone started to vibrate in her pocket. She pulled it out and Paula’s name flashed on the screen, with a text message:

  PAULA: Did you leave already?

  Lana began to type back.

  LANA: Headed over there now

  PAULA: Perfect!

  LANA: See ya soon J



  The diner was beautiful and Aunt Mae was elated. The smell of food coming out of the kitchen was enough to make anyone hungry and orders were pouring in. Aunt Mae had her apron on as she was back to ordering around the staff and they were happy to do her bidding. Everyone was happy with the way the diner turned out. Kayden watched as Lana’s car pulled down the street and couldn’t wait to see her later. When this night was behind them, life was going to be different and he welcomed the change on the horizon.

  Kim was clinging to his side although she made no more grandiose gestures of their “engagement.” He couldn’t wait to rid himself of her and hoped she would find some peace and happiness in her life and leave him be. His mother was another obstacle all together. As much as he loved her, what she did sickened him and he wouldn’t forgive it easily. The thought of getting out from under her thumb created a huge grin across his face as he watched her walk around the diner like she actually cared of anyone’s opinion.

  Heathcliff was sitting at a booth with some of the other town officers drinking hot chocolate, but he couldn’t keep his eyes off Maureen. The thought of those two together made him uneasy as he watched while he lustfully eye balled his mother. He couldn’t wait to stick it to him too. He was fully aware of what his mother was up to, he was sure of it and that made him an accessory to fraud and blackmail. Kirk approached Kayden carrying a plate of food, which broke his train of thought.

  “This was added to the menu for you. Care of Aunt Mae herself,” he said. Kayden looked at the plate and it was a pot pie sliced down the middle filled with shrimp.

  “Our new dish, shrimp gumbo pot pie!” Aunt Mae announced and the diner erupted in applause. Kayden raised the fork from the plate and took a scoop of the food. It was juicy and moist, flaky and perfect in every way. He raised his fork to Aunt Mae still chewing.

  “Amazing!” he said and it was. He took another bite from the plate as Kirk stood in front of him watching, then he leaned into Kayden.

  “When are we headed over to the house?” he whispered. Kirk had the injunction papers as well as Paula’s lawsuit papers with him and he couldn’t wait to present it to them.

  “As soon as everything starts to die down we’ll head over,” Kayden replied in between mouthfuls of shrimp.

  “Sounds good,” Kirk replied and handed Kayden the plate.

  Kim approached them now, all smiles not aware of what was to come for the remainder of the evening.

  “Ooh can I try?” she asked way to loudly in front of everyone. Paula, seated with the Mayor at the table next to them, rolled her eyes. Kayden was put on the spot and looked uncomfortable as the entire diner was now watching their interaction. Maureen also took special notice to her son’s reaction.

  “Sure,” he replied as he scooped
up some of the pie.

  The entire diner was silent as they watched the “perfect couple” and Kayden knew he had to put on a show. He lightly blew on the forkful of shrimp and pastry and fed it to her. Some of the people were smiling and taking pictures while others were “oohing and aweing.” Kim started laughing as she ate and playfully wiped the sauce from her lips. Kayden was livid inside but he smiled sweetly, took his napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth.

  Even Kim herself was shocked by his small display of affection and she leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Some of the patrons clapped and a photographer snapped a quick picture of the two of them. Aunt Mae watched from the kitchen and smirked, then returned to her duties in the kitchen. Maureen clapped and smiled at them too, as she took a seat in the chair next to Paula.

  “Isn’t that just the sweetest thing?” Maureen asked.

  Kayden was fighting the urge to regurgitate his meal, but took Kim’s hand reluctantly. He led her over to the table and they both sat down with everyone else.

  “I have to say, you really outdid yourself Kayden,” Mayor Lindy said as he scooped shrimp pot pie into his mouth.

  “Thank you Mayor. I plan to do plenty more restorations in town,” Kayden replied.

  “And we welcome it,” he replied in between chewing and swallowing, like a dog who hadn’t eaten in a week.

  He continued to gobble down his food as the servers brought over more plates of dinner. Then, Paula raised her glass to Kayden and smiled. Kim raised her glass as well and soon everyone followed suite.

  “Toast,” Kim said, bringing even more attention to them. Kayden, ready to burst in pure rage, but keeping his composure, stood from the table and the diner fell silent again. He looked around at all the faces of the people he grew up knowing and loving. They were eagerly awaiting his words and he finally felt like he had earned back the trust of his community.

  “I just want to say Hamby has been my true home, and every one of you I feel is like my extended family. I wish my father and my brother were here to see this day,” he said and Maureen smiled sadly, “But I hope they are looking down on us and celebrating what we did here. I couldn’t have done any of this without all your love and support and forgiveness. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me a second chance.” He finished, almost near tears himself.


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