Highlander's Desire (The Matheson Brothers Book 1)

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Highlander's Desire (The Matheson Brothers Book 1) Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “Need more.” She rocked against him, stirring him even further.

  It was too much. He rolled her onto her back and rose over top of her. He swept his tongue inside her mouth, the need to touch all of her riding him hard. He wanted to trace every inch of her smooth skin with his hands and tongue, to show her with his devoted touch just how much he loved her. He finished undressing her, tossed her nightgown onto the floor and reveled in the sight of all her creamy flesh. Cupping the fullness of her perfect breasts, he licked then sucked her nipples deep inside his mouth, first one and then the other. He couldn’t get enough of the sweet taste, and that pure womanly scent of hers swirled around his senses and drove him half insane. “I want to eat you.”

  “Aye, please.” She loosened his belted plaid, removed it and feasted her gaze on him. “I want to take you in my mouth.”

  His cock lengthened and a sizzling pressure buzzed at the base of his spine. Just the thought of her wrapping her luscious pink lips around him made him so damn hard he might come with her gaze on him alone. “Later, much later.” He rolled her onto her belly, slid one arm underneath her waist and lifted her onto her hands and knees. “I have a desperate need to be as one with you first.”

  “Oooh, I like this position.” She wriggled her cute bottom, her glorious hair the shade of rich chocolate sliding off her back and brushing the pillow as she peered over her shoulder at him.

  “As do I.” He adored it. He crawled over top of her, the warmth of her back heating his chest and his bear rumbled its pleasure. Head dipped, he razzed his teeth over the sensitive flesh at her neck. “I need to mark you.”

  She stretched and offered her neck fully to him. “After you mark me, I’m going to mark you.”

  “And I’ll demand you do.” He licked her skin, sucked it deep inside his mouth and trailed one hand down her belly and over her smooth mound. He caressed her clit and when she arched back into him her breasts swayed from side to side and brushed his arm. “Stay still, love, otherwise this is all going to end far quicker than I’d like it to.”

  “Can’t. Need more, now.” She reached underneath her and palmed his balls, her soft touch nearly undoing him. Then she slid her fingers around his shaft, rubbed the head over her wet folds and coated him in her delicious scent.

  “Do that again.” He wanted everything, all that she offered.

  “Maybe later, much later.” She shoved her backside into his groin and impaled herself on his cock before he could even register what she intended to do. His breath whooshed out then she lifted up, almost coming to his head before sliding right back down on top of him again. “Bite me. Now.”

  He arched fully over her, razzed his teeth over her neck and rubbed her clit. What his woman wanted, he’d give her. “Ready?”

  “Aye.” She pushed back against him and he thrust into her until his balls slapped the inside of her thighs then he gave her exactly what she’d asked for. He growled and bit down. Her inner muscles clamped around him and squeezed him so perfectly, over and over and he came in one long hot rush, her core bathing him in liquid heat and her body clenching so tightly around him, he soared into heaven right along with her.

  As he came back down, Isla went limp in his arms and he gently lowered her onto her front. She turned her head a touch, fingers moving her hair and exposing the other side of her neck. The compulsion was too strong not to take her offering and he licked the sensitive spot then imbibed on her again. “You’ve got a hungry little bear inside of you.”

  “One I’m not allowed to let roam for several months.” A breathy answer. “Which means you’ll need to satisfy her well and truly between the sheets to keep her happy.”

  “Then allow me to see what else I can do.” He rolled her onto her back and with his hands either side of her pillowed head, slid his cock slowly inside her then even more slowly out. Raw pleasure still coursed through him, her body tugging at his as he pushed in again.

  She sighed, so dreamily. “I don’t know where you end and I begin.”

  “We’re one and always will be. All I want is to stay buried deep inside you and never leave the heat of your body.”

  “I want that too.”

  Blood pounding, he gave into both their needs and built her pleasure with his cock alone. He stroked in and out of her, his hunger matching hers as he offered her his very soul and she offered him the same in return.

  * * * *

  Lying in bed with Iain a warm weight overtop of her, Isla slowly came back down from the orgasm from heaven. She stroked his broad shoulders, skimmed down his arms and over his thick forearms. “I love making love with you. Is it later yet? I want my turn.”

  “Soon. Allow me to take care of you first.” He slowly rose, strode to the side table and dipped a cloth in the basin of water and wrung it out. Carefully, he knelt between her legs, parted her thighs and caressed that part of her still tingling for more. She closed her eyes and moaned as the soft cotton moved over her flesh.

  Iain fondled her clit, slid his fingers inside her and with his head between her thighs, flicked his tongue along her folds and sent a pulse of desire bursting through her. She gasped and widened her legs farther, her fingers sliding into his wavy black locks as she cradled his head to her. “I feel too much.”

  “Or maybe not enough.” He thrust a second finger in as he kissed her in the most intimate way. Such exquisite pleasure radiated through her core and rippled outward then sizzled all the way to her fingers and toes. In a deep and delicious rhythm, he moved, every flick of his tongue and stroke of his fingers making her rise once again. He built her desire, higher and higher until it consumed her.

  Clinging to his mind, she shared her pleasure, and before she lost all thought, she searched and skimmed the hard length of his cock and caressed his hot flesh, pumping him in time with how he stroked her.

  He moaned, long and low then took her mouth in a hot kiss even as he continued to stroke his fingers into her so completely and perfectly below.

  “I love you.” She stroked him harder, until an orgasm beckoned and her hips lifted instinctively to his. “Inside me. Skin to skin.”

  “Aye, skin to skin.” Hands on her hips, he slid his cock through her slick folds and drove deep into the heart of her. A deliciously decadent smile lifted his lips, his gaze hot and hungry on hers. “Open wider for me.”

  “Always.” She spread her legs farther and he pushed higher, his mouth covering hers in a hot and passionate kiss as he did. Then he thrust hard and fast and her body tightened its hold on him, her mind anchored in his as they reached that pinnacle together. They toppled over the edge then flew, their thoughts of love barreling over each other’s as they soared to the stars.

  It was a long time later before her senses finally returned and his next whispered words soaked in. “Now it’s later, much later.”

  She grinned then finally got to play with him just as she’d wished to.

  Chapter 11

  Isla awoke in the morning and stretched as the dawn’s sunshine slithered between the wooden shutters over her narrow window and offered the promise of a beautiful day to come. She turned over and smiled as Iain lay snoozing beside her, his hair a rumpled mess and his jaw holding a razz of stubble. She buried her nose into his neck and nipped his flesh. “Wake up, sleepyhead. We’ve a mission ahead of us and we need to get moving.”

  “Is it morning already?” He rubbed his eyes with his knuckles.

  “It surely is.” She crawled over top of him, hopped out of bed and slid the burgundy ambry curtain to one side. The maid had hung a number of gowns and she selected the first one. With the mountainous folds of rich red fabric in hand, she eased the material over her head. The heavy layers whooshed down her body and brushed the polished floorboards. So weighty and cumbersome. She wouldn’t be able to move as fast as she usually did in such clothing. She searched the floor for her jeans. Gone, and so too was the rest of her clothing. The maids must have taken it all with them when they’d cl
eared everything away.

  “What’s wrong, love?” Iain lumbered toward her, every inch of him so deliciously nude.

  “I, ah, lost my clothes. I’ll get them back later.”

  “Here, allow me to aid you in dressing.”

  “It’s you who needs to get dressed.”

  With a sinful grin, he pulled the front laces of her gown together along the edge of the low-cut neckline and before tying a bow, lazily kissed the upper swell of each breast, his gaze on hers. “I haven’t yet told you of the plan we devised last night.”

  “What was decided?”

  “Firstly, to save all within the village.” He scooped her gown’s matching slippers from the ambry shelf and knelt at her feet. He lifted one foot and she held onto his broad shoulders as he slid the slippers on. “And secondly to ensure Finlay and Kirk find their mates. We’ll head to the village along with Gilleoin, Nessa and Sorcha this morning. You missed meeting Sorcha last night. She’s lovely, even reminds me of my own mother.”

  “That sounds like the perfect plan. I’m totally on board for a visit to the village, as well as to stand at your side when the war begins.” She crossed to the looking glass and ran a brush through her hair, pinched her cheeks and rolled her shoulders, her resolve firm.

  “You’ll be nowhere near the village when the war begins. That I can assure you.”

  “I won’t be parted from you, and you need a compeller on your side in this war, and don’t make me compel you to agree.”

  “Has there ever been someone who hasn’t fallen for your skillful voice?” He stepped into a pair of black leather pants and fastened them at his waist, donned a billowy-sleeved white shirt and shrugged on a tan padded cotun made of strong rawhide. The cotun would certainly protect him against the cold as well as aid in buffering any strike of a blade.

  “Not a soul.”

  “Your compelling though, it can’t halt an arrow if it were aimed at you.” He tugged on his black boots, crossed to the side table and lathered soap in the basin of water. He smeared the bubbles along his jaw then picked up his dagger. Within the looking glass propped in front of him, he bent to the task of shaving.

  “No, but I can halt the one who is aiming an arrow at me.” She held back his shoulder-length locks from falling forward into the suds.

  “That’s only should the one aiming at you be able to hear your compelling command in time.”

  “I can halt an entire army bent on attacking if I’m given the chance. I’m going to be at your side when the war begins.”

  “I’ve seen how very strong you are and swift of mind, but you can’t outrun an arrow, or a dirk tossed at you, or a raised sword.” He ran his blade in a smooth line from the top of his jaw to his chin.

  “I think we’re about to have our first fight.”

  “As do I.”

  A rap sounded. “It’s Finlay. You two up?”

  “We are, just a moment.” She opened the door. “Can you outrun an arrow, Finlay?”

  “No, and why do you ask?” He leaned against the doorway in forest green pants and a black tunic, his Matheson plaid draped over one shoulder.

  “Your brother is about to get obstinate and I don’t like it.”

  “Morning, all.” Kirk marched along the gloomy passageway wearing black battle leathers and his sword belted at his side.

  “You appear ready to fight.” She motioned them both in.

  “I am, for the life of my mate.” Kirk entered, kissed her cheek and said, “Thank you for bringing us all through to this time. I haven’t said that yet and I should have.”

  “The same goes for me.” Finlay pulled her into a hug. “I’m most grateful to be here, that you fell through a portal. Now I just need to find my mate.”

  “Exactly how grateful?” She smiled slyly at Iain over her shoulder. “Enough to convince your brother to include me in the battle?”

  “Don’t agree to a word she says. She is going to be nowhere near the village come June the eleventh.” Iain shook his head then swiped his dagger from ear to chin and in the small space between his nose and lips. Done, he splashed the remaining suds away and dabbed his face dry with one of the folded cloths. He leaned his leather-clad butt on the edge of the side table as he faced his brothers. “My wife-to-be is expecting twins, two boys and both highly skilled seers.”

  “Well, well.” With a smile, Finlay slapped Iain on the back. “We needed to hear some good news today. Congrats.”

  “Stupid brotherly allegiance.” She snorted and closed the door with a thunk. “I’ll find a way to get around you all. I know what I’m doing and I can remain safe while I do whatever I need to do.”

  “Your wife-to-be sounds like she means business.” Kirk shook Iain’s hand then frowning, set one palm over his sword hilt.

  “What’s up?” Iain asked him. “You look particularly worried.”

  “Finlay and I’ve been talking about our previous searches for our mates. Over these past five years, my searches have only ever led me north-east across the Highlands, in and around Loch Shin. I mentioned so to Nessa this morning. She’s assured me that my mate holds a touch of fae blood and that all I need to do to find her is to follow my senses, that she may or may not be at the village. Only time will tell.”

  Finlay nodded at Iain. “For me, for the first time in five years, I was actually driven toward this area during the night of the last full moon. Except I only got halfway into the chase when I sensed your excitement. I knew the moment you’d found Isla that you had. I couldn’t continue on and was drawn back to Ivanson Castle. My mate could be anywhere as well.” He clasped Iain’s forearm with one hand and Kirk’s with the other. “Although deep inside, I feel strongly that my mate is close.”

  “A sense I haven’t yet felt.” Kirk grasped Finlay’s forearm then took hold of Iain’s forearm and closed their circle until the three of them stood together, each facing the other. “I have a feeling it’ll be more difficult to find my mate. It’s not like we have air travel or vehicles to get us anywhere with any speed.”

  “We’ll find both your women all the same.” Iain’s determined gaze decreed his stance.

  Aye, their brotherly bond was strong, their presence a formidable one, and so too would Isla stand with them, no matter what trials or tribulations reared ahead.

  She crossed to the window and opened the wooden shutters. Outside, the morning sun’s golden rays bathed the treetops and the green hills rising in the distance across the glistening loch. Everything looked so beautiful, not a gray cloud in the sky and certainly no threat of their enemy’s attack so close at hand, although on the eleventh, blood would soak this ground and the village would burn. Something that wasn’t happening, not on her watch and certainly not now she’d been given this chance to save the village that housed so many with fae blood.

  She laid one palm over her belly and the precious babies she carried within. She wanted for them what she had in this moment, a future with their chosen one. This trip through time though wasn’t just about Finlay and Kirk’s need to find their mates, but also to ensure that the future mated bonds within their clans had the chance to flourish and grow strong. Certainly, they couldn’t leave this place until everything had been set right. The time to save their clans had come.

  Slowly, she turned and rested back against the stone windowsill. The ‘power of three’ stood before her, the most beautiful sight and she was excited to be a part of them.

  Chapter 12

  The morning following his daughter’s disappearance, Murdock Matheson stood at his solar window on the second floor of Matheson Castle overlooking the inner courtyard. The ancient elm tree swayed in the brisk breeze coming in off the loch, its branches scraping against the thick stone walls of the keep. A seagull circled overhead then flew toward him and landed on the closest branch while below, his men trained, their swords slashing and steel clanging loud throughout the keep.

  The ‘power of three’ had now been unveiled and although he c
ouldn’t speak to Isla, he still sensed her closeness even over the wide chasm of time. Nessa, the old seer, would watch over his daughter, of that he had no doubt. Isla had conceived and she now carried a new merged line, one that would unite the two clans. And soon, Finlay and Kirk too would begin their search for their mates. It was all as it should be, as he’d seen such a short time ago in an incredible, awe-inspiring vision.

  “Chief.” A knock sounded. “It’s Daniel.”

  “Come in.” He smiled as Daniel walked in and shut the door. “Take a seat.”

  “Is Isla safe?” In khaki pants and a black muscle t-shirt, Daniel perched on the forest-green couch underneath a wall-hanging of a stunning black and white drawing of Matheson Castle as it had stood in the twelve-hundreds. He’d drawn that image himself from a vision years ago.

  He motioned toward the print. “Isla is safe. She resides within the ancient House of Clan Matheson at this very moment. She made it through the vortex, and so too did Iain and his brothers. I’ve also contacted Michael and Megan and informed them of exactly what’s happened. They’re both relieved and excited for their sons and what the coming days might bring for them. They said Finlay and Kirk need to find their mates, and now they’ve finally been given that chance, they couldn’t be more thrilled. They’ve also asked me to keep them informed of any further visions I might have, and I’ve assured them I will.”

  “Good.” Daniel rested his elbows on his knees and clasped his hands. “The wait has been excruciating since you first told me a portal would soon open and take her away from us.”

  “As it has been for me.” A seer’s life wasn’t easy, the skill of forewarning held by so few because of the depth of control needed to wield the ability. “Last night I also saw a vision of my grandsons, twins, and both seers. One day soon I hope to guide them just as my father guided me.”


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