The Swap Meet

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The Swap Meet Page 6

by Holly Ardent

  Finally, when she was almost panting, I moved the hood of her clit out of the way with my fingers and gave it a gentle kiss. Parting my lips slightly I sucked (and lightly stretched) her clit into my mouth. I continued with the suction, but varied the strength of it until she orgasmed. The entire procedure from my entry into the room until orgasm was less than fifteen minutes, so I gave myself a couple of minutes to satiate my curiosity.

  Sandra was basking in the melted feeling of the afterglow so I slowly moved up her body, trailing tongue and fingers along my path. Her nipples were still erect and I began to alternate licking an areola and sucking a nipple. Within seconds my question was answered as her areola contracted and thickened into the thick, rippled style I so loved on my wife. I took a few seconds to run tongue and fingers over them and begin to acquaint myself with her breast, then I focused on the other one, which responded in a similar fashion. Finally I tore myself away.

  “Will that down payment suffice for a promise?”

  She grunted something vaguely affirmative at me.

  “If you were going to dress to compete with Pamela, feel free if you can find something. If you were trying to dress to capture my attention, then wear that short, above the knee, denim skirt and a plain white t-shirt. I know I'll be watching your breasts a lot more now that I'm familiar with them.”

  I left the room and began to serve dinner. I apologized for the delay, explaining that Sandra had recently lost her parents and that I'd wanted to make sure she was fine. Fortunately I'd just taken the food off the heat when Pamela and Steven had arrived so it wasn't overdone. It had cooled slightly, but it would've had to do that before we could eat anyhow.

  By the time I had the food on the table, Sandra was back out. She was wearing her black denim skirt, a plain white t-shirt (nipples prominently tenting the fabric), and a pair of high black boots that I recognized from Molly's closet, where she'd put them when they didn't fit anymore. My eyes drank in her nipples and I caught Steven's there for a bit also. Unfortunately for him Pamela also caught him looking and I was pretty sure that one male in this house wasn't getting laid tonight and that it wasn't going to be me.

  Dinner, as I mentioned earlier, was relatively plain but tasty and filling. The conversation that accompanied it was much more bland and pretty insipid. Steven didn't say much and Jess mostly glared at Pamela. Pamela attempted to monopolize the conversation talking about how her friends had this or that and how they'd done this or that. This continued until Sandra, of all people, spoke up.

  “That's nice and all, but what do you do or have you done?” Sandra asked.

  That one comment left Pamela speechless for nearly the remainder of the meal. Steven made a few stilted attempts to get the conversation flowing again, but any time he got a response from one of us Pamela glared at him until he stopped speaking again. As soon as the meal was over, Pamela stood and gestured to Steven, who followed suit. When she gestured at Jess I was impressed with the body language. If anyone could flip someone off without using their fingers, Jess had just done it to Pamela.

  “Thank you for the meal but we need to be going,” Pamela said.

  The atmosphere eased tremendously as the two walked out the door.

  “I have to apologize for their behavior, I had no idea they were—”

  I cut Jess off.

  “You don't have to apologize for their behavior. You're you, they're themselves. You aren't responsible for their tactlessness, rudeness, or any other behavior. You're only responsible for your own behavior.”

  That seemed to mollify her somewhat, but not entirely.

  “Hell,” I continued, “I ought to be the one apologizing, I'm the one that invited them.”

  “You don't need to apologize for being friendly,” Jess said.

  “You don't need to apologize for being related to them, although I admit I'm glad that she's your relative and not mine.”

  The gentle dig seemed to relax her a bit more.

  “They may have thought dinner was over but... I've a couple of after dinner treats if you're interested. That goes for everyone.”

  Voices clamored asking what I had planned.

  “Well, I figure we have new neighbors, at least one of whom seems to be worth knowing, and we now have guards immediately adjacent to us. Sounds like a reason for celebration to me.”

  I went and rooted in a back cupboard of the pantry that always stayed cool. I pulled out a jug of hard cider and got some glasses for it. I also pulled out one of my last remaining bars of dark chocolate (in the four ounce size) that I had stashed years ago.

  As an aside:

  Dark chocolate is less likely to bloom (that is to have the color turn whitish and the texture go off) than the other types, so I'd stored a whole mess of them back when I could still get them.

  I placed the cider and chocolate on the table, unwrapped the chocolate, and started breaking it into its smaller squares. There were sixteen pieces that way and everyone got two. I re-wrapped the other two figuring they go into a special treat for the upcoming holidays. I poured glasses of the cider for everyone (a small one each for Becky and Kate) and started handing out the treats.

  The hard cider had some alcohol content to it, probably around five percent, so the evening was pretty relaxed. Becky and Kate were sent to bed a short while after finishing their cider.

  Over the course of the evening we got a little tipsy and my idea that Jess was flirting with me was reinforced since her breasts brushed my arms several times when she had reason to be close to me or lean over me. My curiosity about her other piercings was partially answered as well since those 'accidental' brushes let me know that there were definitely rings in her nipples.

  Sandra and Jess were pretty much competing for my attentions. Sandra following Jess' lead and brushing against me several times as well. I made sure that Sandra caught me staring at her breasts from time to time and at her nipples any time they became erect and tented her shirt, just so she'd know I appreciated her wearing the outfit I'd mentioned. I don't know if Jess caught me doing so or what she thought if she did, but she stayed relaxed and friendly throughout so if she noticed she didn't care.

  Molly looked on with a knowing smile when she saw Sandra's and my little 'dance' going on. She also caught Jess brushing her breasts against me at least once and gave me a thumbs up. I still didn't understand my wife and doubted that I ever would, but it wasn't something to complain about, or even to dwell on.

  Molly and Rita spent the evening talking shop about making clothing. Sandra, Jess and I covered a large number of topics with Sandra proclaiming an interest in Jess' piercings. When Jess mentioned that she'd done all of her piercings herself I could see what question Sandra was going to ask me sometime soon and mentally prepared a list of places I'd love to see her get pierced.

  The evening ended all too soon and even on the short acquaintance we had I was given a hug by Jess. I might note that her breasts played prominently in the hug as she pressed them firmly enough against my chest that I could feel the rings and the hardened nubbins they were attached to.

  After the door closed on Jess, Molly turned to me:

  “So will you be sleeping with Sandra tonight?”

  “No, I promised her that I would sometime though. I'll let the anticipation build and if she keeps flirting with me like she did tonight I may give her a little foretaste of what's to come. But I won't fuck her for at least a few more days.”

  “Hmmm, Rita or me then?”


  I led my wife and live-in lover to the bedroom where I stripped them both and let them use their own judgment as to what would turn me on and make me cum. The only ground rule was that I got to make them both cum first before they started in on me.

  It was a good night.

  * * *

  To be continued in:

  Jess and the Dole

  In a Fallen Future #6

  * * *

  Find Holly's other stories on her A
mazon Author Page:

  Holly Ardent's Amazon Author Page

  Other Stories in this Series:

  Passing Through: In a Fallen Future #1

  Settling In: In a Fallen Future #2

  Mary Jane's Mind: In a Fallen Future #3

  Down Time: In a Fallen Future #4

  Other Stories by Holly Ardent:

  Nic Fit (Post-Apocalyptic MILF Erotica)

  Dumped and Jumped (MILF Erotica)

  Winter Sparks (MILF Erotica)

  Spring Storm (MILF Erotica)

  Helicopter MILF (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  Completed Series by Holly Ardent:

  The MILF Man Deliveries (completed series)

  MILF Money for College (completed series)

  Congregation Copulation (completed series)

  Her To-Do List (completed series)

  Teaching the Preacher's Boy (completed series)

  The Main Street MILFs Series (completed series)




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