The Storm You Chase (Hell Yeah!)

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The Storm You Chase (Hell Yeah!) Page 7

by Sable Hunter

  “I came hunting a cola.” He picked up her ice bucket. “Watch your step.”

  “You’ve grown. You look different.” She clutched the light jacket she was wearing closer to her body as she looked up into his still drop-dead gorgeous face. He was bigger – if that were possible. Filled out. Mature. Sexy as hell. “How have you been? No lasting repercussions from your accident?”

  “No, I’m great. Never better.” Even though her comments sounded like they were meant for a schoolboy, he was a grown man who’d just run into the woman who’d starred in his every fantasy for the last five years. “Were you in Pappadeaux’s parking lot tonight?”

  “Yes. I thought I saw you, but I convinced myself I didn’t.”

  “Where did you go? I combed that restaurant looking for you.”

  “I met someone there for a meeting. They decided we should eat somewhere else. I rode off with them and they brought me back to my car later.” Her voice was breathy, her heart was pounding, and her nipples were hard as diamonds.

  “I thought it was you. You cut me out of a parking spot.” With his pulse pounding like a herd of buffalo, Clint tried to appear cool. The next few minutes were critical. “Hey, could we go to the lounge and talk?”

  “I’m not sure this motel chain has a lounge. I think that’s why they build so close to the restaurants.” She went to refill the ice bucket, stepping gingerly over the fast melting pieces on the floor. While she did, her mind raced like mad. Could she do it? Should she do it? God give me strength, she thought. This is my last chance and I’m going to take it.

  “Oh, well…” Clint grasped for another suggestion. “We could go anywhere you…”

  He didn’t finish his thought before she blurted out something totally unexpected.

  “You could come to my room, if you like.”

  Oh, hell yeah. He’d like that very much. “Yes, please.” His eyes caressed her as she closed the lid to the ice machine. “I am damn glad I ran into you. Why didn’t you ever call me?”

  Right to the point. “I’ve been busy. You’ve been busy. We were building our careers. There was no need.”

  “Oh, there was a definite need.”

  To her surprise, he reached over to take her left hand, causing Jensen to jerk slightly. “Sorry. I wanted to make sure your ring finger was still empty.”

  She waited two heartbeats, then tugged her hand from his hold. “Yes. My social life hasn’t been a priority.” And wouldn’t be for a long time. She pushed that painful thought aside.

  “I can’t say I’ve been a monk, but I haven’t been a playboy either.” He moved a step closer to her, heartened when she held her ground. “And there’s no one special in my life – in case you’re wondering.”

  She had been. “I’m sure you’ve dated your share of cheerleaders and groupies.”

  “Have you been stalking me on social media, Jensen?”

  “I can honestly say I haven’t.” Her face flushed hot. “Oh, I’ve noticed you here and there. On the cover of a magazine once or twice when I was in the grocery store checkout line.” Not entirely untrue. “You’ve done well for yourself.”

  “I’ve done okay. I’m no Tom Brady or Drew Brees, but I’ve played some decent ball.”

  She didn’t think there was anything decent about football, but she refrained from saying so. Instead, she pointed to the door. “Come this way.” Jensen moved ahead of him, so close she could feel his heat. She couldn’t help but think that his touch would burn – so good.

  Clint followed her down the hall, admiring the way she moved. So graceful. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.

  “I’ll order room service. What would you like?”

  Remembering he’d never purchased the soft drink, he asked for one. “A cola will be fine.” He didn’t want or need more alcohol to dull his senses. Clint wanted to be ultra-aware of every moment.

  “Okay.” Jensen took the keycard from the pocket of her jacket and opened the door. “Come in. Have a seat.” She hurried to the nightstand and placed a room service order for two colas and a cheese tray. Once she’d hung up, she turned to him. “I didn’t eat much at the restaurant. Too nervous, I guess.”

  Clint looked around for the best place to sit. He hated to choose the bed; it seemed a bit presumptuous.

  Sensing his dilemma, Jensen hurried to take one of her cases from the chair. “Let me move this.” Picking it up, the open case promptly slipped from her fingers, scattering makeup and other feminine paraphernalia all over the floor. “Oh, dear. Sorry. This has been a trying day.”

  “And I’m not making it any easier, I’m sure.” He moved to help her, squatting to pick up a few items. “Even with a mother and three sisters, all of these varied lotions and potions are a mystery to me.”

  The mention of his female relatives calmed Jensen a bit. She was surprised at how nervous and unsure she felt around him. The last time they met, he’d been a college senior and she’d been about to graduate from medical school. Not to take away from his masculinity at that point, but something about him had brought out her protective instincts. Not so now – he was all man and she felt particularly vulnerable. It wasn’t a bad feeling, she had to admit. The attraction they’d shared had not been a figment of her imagination. She still felt it. In spades. “I can imagine. Most guys feel the same way, I’m sure.” Jensen made a grab for a pair of lace panties. “Maybe this is all.”

  Clint picked up a delicate bra. He rubbed the silky material between his fingers, imagining how it would whisper across the soft flesh of her breasts. The bra was small, yet he couldn’t fail to notice how generous the cups were made. Yes, he was unashamedly a breast man. From the time he became aware of the unique characteristic of women as opposed to men, he worshiped at the altar of a woman’s curves. All he could think about was the glimpse of her he’d had in the parking lot. Tonight, like the day she’d rescued him at the crosswalk, her clothes were too loose to discern much. Yet this bit of lace told him all he needed to know. “There’s this.”

  Jensen’s eyes widened as she noticed her bra hanging on the tip of his finger. “Geez.” She snatched it away from him and wadded up the offending garment. After tomorrow, she might not be able to wear it anymore for a long while. “Thank you for the help.” Rising, she backed away from him. Suddenly, she was feeling doubts about her outrageous plan. It wasn’t like her to use people – and that’s exactly what she’d be doing.

  “You’re most welcome.” As a tap came on the door announcing Room Service, Clint stood to his feet, turning to the side as he became aware of his own arousal. Too soon – he chided himself. Wait until you’re invited. After all, he wasn’t here for sex. He was here because he couldn’t forget her and by some miracle fate allowed him to find her. And as attracted as he was to her physically, she possessed other characteristics that were equally appealing. Jensen was caring. Kind. Sweet. Smart. Witty. All the attributes he admired in a woman. Plus, there was this indefinable something. A recognition. A feeling that he’d always known her or that he’d been waiting all of his life – just for her.

  After tipping the server, she sat the platter of food and drinks on a table between them. “Please, be seated. Let’s catch up.” As he took the now empty chair, she perched on the end of the bed catty-corner from him, putting a bit of distance between them. Picking up a piece of cheese and her drink, she ventured to start a conversation. “Tell me something of your life that wouldn’t be in a tabloid.” When she realized how harsh that sounded, Jensen immediately apologized. “I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  “No offense taken.” Clint sipped his cola, letting his eyes rove over her face. There were shadows under her eyes that he didn’t remember from before. “How have you been? Where did you end up for your residency?”

  His questions were normal, but Jensen found herself unusually tongue-tied. “I’ve…been fine.” Until lately. “My residency at John Hopkins has been valuable and memorable. I was lucky
to get the opportunity.”

  “I’m sure luck had nothing to do with it. Tell me about your work. Are you still focusing on brain injuries?”

  Jensen was torn about their conversation. She’d suggested they catch-up, but the more details they shared, the greater the expectations would become.

  On his part.

  Jensen knew better than to have expectations. Tonight was it. She’d always disliked the idea of a one-night stand, and she hated to think of this time with Clint in such a way. But if anything happened between them that term would be the only way to describe it. Nothing more could come from this evening.

  Yet, what might happen could be amazing – and Jensen wanted it more than anything.

  Since being rude was not in her nature, she chose to engage in their polite exchange of information. Who knows? By the time they finished, she might lose her nerve. Whether or not that would be a good thing was debatable. “I am still focusing on brain injuries. I’ve had an offer of employment and my research has attracted some attention. A molecule I’ve developed may soon be part of a drug trial. If it proves to be successful… Well, we’ll go from there.”

  Clint ate a cracker and a piece of cheese, watching Jensen with admiration. “You’re going to turn the medical world on its head, aren’t you?”

  “Well, I don’t know about that.” His kind words made her beam. “We all want to make a difference. Do something meaningful. There’s a lot more I want to do. I want to address one of the boards who are seeking to make changes to improve helmet design and neck guards. I’d love for the rules of play to be restructured, redefine what is an acceptable tackle – things like that.”

  Clint was impressed. “I didn’t realize you knew so much about football.”

  “My father played. He suffered from CTE. His autopsy confirmed it.”

  Her admission floored Clint. “He played professional?” Even as she answered in the affirmative, his mind was spinning. “Gable Mistretta was your dad?”

  “He was. So, I witnessed first-hand the damage too many hits can do.”

  “I’m so sorry.” He felt like he understood her a little better. “No wonder you have such strong feelings about this.”

  “Yes. I chose neurology because of my father. I was his caretaker for the last few years of his life.”

  She didn’t go into the details and Clint didn’t ask. He was just floored by what she’d chosen to share with him. Wanting to offer her something of himself, he decided to tell her a little bit about his own family. But before he could, his cell phone rang.

  “Hold on. It’s my brother.”

  Jensen looked down at her clasped hands as he conversed.

  “Yea. Sorry. I ran into an old friend. You two go on to bed. I’ll check with you later.”

  “I didn’t mean to take you away from anything.” Jensen stood up as if to walk him to the door.

  “No. No. It’s fine. We met for dinner and decided not to drive home tonight. I live in Houston and they live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area.”

  “Do you see them often?” Jensen missed not having a sister or a brother. She would’ve loved to have the help and support when her folks were sick and dying.

  “Often enough. Tonight, they came to tell me that our mother finally found out the identity of her birth parents. Apparently, we’ve got a big family. I guess we’ll learn more about them soon.”

  Jensen returned to her seat. “How wonderful for her. And you. This could be a great adventure.”

  “Maybe.” He licked his lips, remembering the kiss they’d shared. “We’ll find out soon enough.”

  “Have you been well? No injuries?”

  Clint gave her a warm smile. “I remembered what you told me, and I’ve been careful. Taken every precaution. I’ve been hit a few times, but very few. All in all, I’ve made it fairly unscathed.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” And she was. She’d worried about him over the years. “I thought about you often.” The confession slipped from her lips before she could call it back.

  “No more than I’ve thought about you, I assure you.” Clint leaned forward, he wanted to touch her so much. “Can I see you again? Take you somewhere?”

  Jensen’s pulse beat erratically. “We’re together now. Aren’t we?”

  Clint studied her face. What was she saying? “Yea, we are. And I couldn’t be happier.”

  Swallowing her doubts, Jensen stood and shed her jacket. “I don’t know. Could I try? To make you happier, I mean?”

  Holy Fuck. Clint’s jaw dropped as his cock hardened. Just that fast. In an instant he was completely engaged in the moment. “I have no doubt you can do anything you set your mind to.” His gaze was frozen to her nimble fingers as she undid the buttons of her blouse and then the zipper to her jeans. “I crave you more than air – but are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She was sure she wanted him. That was the easy part. But was this wise? Was it fair? She didn’t know. “I need you, Clint.” Her body needed him. So did her mind and her heart.

  “You got me, baby. All night long.” Standing, he began to shed his shirt, meeting her halfway.

  Letting her blouse drop to the floor, she stepped from her jeans. Clad only in a bra and panties, she faced him, staring at his beautiful body. The man was ripped. His muscles had muscles. “I presume you work out.”

  “Twice a day. Every day. Comes with the job,” mumbling his answer, he closed the gap between them. “Let me.” Turning her gently, he moved her silvery blonde hair to one shoulder. “You are so gorgeous,” he spoke softly as his lips found the soft skin of her neck. “I can’t believe we’re together like this. It’s a dream come true for me.”

  His whispered words gave her chills. She’d never heard a man speak so openly. So romantically. Was he sincere? Jensen didn’t know if she wanted him to mean those things or not. For a moment, she almost stopped him – but then she felt him undo the clasp on her bra. Before she could take a breath, his big hands cupped her breasts and she was lost.

  His touch was heaven. Jensen leaned back against the solid wall of his chest as he fondled her – molding her, massaging her breasts, rubbing her nipples. Raising her arms, she wound them around his neck. “This feels so good.” Yes, this was what she needed. She wanted to feel beautiful, feminine, sexy – just one more time.

  “I love your breasts. I love your lips.” He moved her in his arms to face him.

  “Kiss me, Clint.”

  “Yes. God, yes.”

  Jensen’s breath caught in her throat as warm hands framed her face. Gently, he caressed her cheeks, brushing away the soft tendrils of her hair. “I’ve longed for this moment. I’ve imagined it a thousand times.” Bending his head, he layered his lips to hers, brushing them gently from side to side, taking his time, savoring the moment. Every bone in her body melted as his mouth caressed hers so tenderly.

  Impatient, Jensen kissed him back, nipping his bottom lip, her tongue teasing the corner of his mouth. In response, Clint groaned and pulled her tighter to him, capturing her mouth in an earth-shattering kiss. She clung to his shoulders and pressed her naked breasts to his chest, loving the feel of her nipples rasping through the fine dusting of hair on his pecs.

  “God, you smell good. What’s that scent?”

  “Jasmine. Just a spritz cologne.”

  “You’re so sweet.” Raising his head, his eyes devoured her. “You’re perfect, Jensen. You turn me on almost beyond bearing.”

  Trembling with her own desire, Jensen could almost forget this wasn’t real. As she ran her greedy fingers over his broad back, she corrected herself. This was definitely real – it just wasn’t lasting. Hush. Hush. She told her mind. Enjoy. This is your last hurrah. And you’ve wanted this man from the first moment you saw him.

  Between long, slow decadent kisses he continued to whisper to her. “Oh, how I’ve wanted this. Needed this. Wanted you.”

  As she nestled against him, there was no doubt what he said was true. She could feel his ar
ousal, the massive erection straining the denim of his jeans. Slipping her hand between them, she undid the zipper, her breath hitching when she felt his abdomen tighten at her touch. Sliding her hand lower, Jensen moaned as she found him – hot and hard, too big for her to close her fingers around.

  Clint shuddered, his lips sliding from hers as he peppered a trail of kisses across her cheek and down her neck. She turned her head to give him all the access he wanted. “I ache for you, Jensen.”

  He tightened his arms around her as he began his own exploration, trapping her hand just where he wanted it. With hungry caresses, he pushed his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties to cup her bottom, skimming the silky material down her thighs.

  Too turned on to stand, Jensen stepped to the bed, bringing him with her until the back of her knees touched the mattress. An aching pulse began between her legs as he eased her to the bed, coming to lie beside her. His hands roved over her body, skimming a burning path to tease her inner thighs. Immediately her breasts tingled, her nipples tightening in excitement. She gasped as he kissed and licked his way down her body, his talented mouth causing her to arc off the bed. Jensen placed a hand behind Clint’s neck to direct his attention to her breasts. She wanted to feel his mouth on her there more than anything.

  Clint didn’t mind. He took directions well, especially from this woman “Is this where you want me?” he asked as he began to nuzzle the quivering mounds. Jensen groaned as his mouth and tongue began to tease the sensitive buds.

  “Your breasts are so beautiful. So perfect.” Clint lavished them with kisses, molding them in his hands as he took one of her nipples in his mouth to suck. Jensen closed her eyes and held his head, tangling her fingers in his hair. She couldn’t keep still as she reveled in the erotic tugging, the way his tongue laved the tender tip. This felt so good. Why had she done this so few times in her life? As she watched Clint suckle her breast – she knew why.

  No one else ever tempted her as this man did.


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