The Storm You Chase (Hell Yeah!)

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The Storm You Chase (Hell Yeah!) Page 27

by Sable Hunter

  Excitement rushed through her veins. Aching for his touch, she felt her breast grow heavy. Liquid desire pooled between her thighs. Clint teased her mouth, kissing her softly, lightly sucking her lips until she clung to him, begging for more. Finally he deepened the kiss, tugging her tightly to him. As his tongue caressed hers, Jensen burned with a passion she’d tried to convince herself she could live without – but she was wrong. Sliding her hand up around his neck, she rejoiced when he sighed with pleasure. All coherency fled her mind. She could do nothing except taste, touch, and feel Clint.

  From the moment she sealed her mouth to his, he was lost, totally captivated by the way she made him feel. With a hungry groan, he devoured her mouth, delving deep with a thirst he seldom quenched. Without a doubt, this woman could be the one who satisfied the inexplicable longing in his soul. Desperate to please her, Clint made love to her mouth – teasing, tempting. The moment she surrendered; he knew it. With the tiniest of sighs, she melted against him. This triumph stole his breath, so he moved his kiss from her mouth to the hollow of her throat, joy soaring through him as he felt the fluttering of her pulse beneath his lips. He skimmed up to nip the soft flesh beneath her ear, and his blood ran hot when she gasped softly. With passion pounding in his veins, he weaved his fingers through her hair to cradle her close, “I need you so much, Jensen. There’s nobody on God’s green earth I’d rather be with than you.”

  Jensen felt the same way, but she couldn’t say so. Over the past few hours, she’d formulated a plan and she was going to try and stick to it. “You go to my head, Clint Wilder.”

  “Do you know how much I want you?”

  About half as much as she wanted him. “I’m here.”

  “Yes. You’re here.” He couldn’t resist, he claimed her lips for another kiss, his tongue exploring hers as if he were searching for treasure. “With me. Lord, I want you.” He kissed her again. Deeply. Earnestly. “When are you going to let me love you?”

  Jensen tensed up, almost unable to breathe. Could she do it? Was she brave enough? She opened her mouth and the words just came tumbling out. “Do you want to play a game?”

  Clint was so desperate for her; he could barely think. “A game? I’m not sure. What do you mean?”

  “Well…” Jensen held onto his wrists, her fingers pressing in so hard she could feel his pulse racing. “This isn’t a marriage proposal.”

  Confused, Clint chuckled. “I’m glad. I’m not through wooing you yet.”

  “Wooing?” she echoed, then took a deep steadying breath. “No, I mean – this would be for fun. We could play together.”

  Clint grew suspicious. “What? Do you plan on disappearing on me in the morning?”

  Jensen looked around them. “Since we’re where we are, I don’t think that’s something you need to worry about. I’ll be here in the morning.”

  Clint tried to digest what she was saying – but his body had a mind of its own. “What kind of game did you have in mind?”

  Jensen gave him a smile right out of Eden. “It involves some silk scarves I brought from home. The game has some specific…”

  “I’m in.”

  “Rules…” Jensen wasn’t able to explain any more before he’d taken her by the hand and set out to return to the lodge. His strides were so long, she had a hard time keeping up. “Clint. Wait.”

  “Oh, hell.” He scooped her up and carried her the rest of the way. “Sorry.”

  Jensen couldn’t help but giggle as she clung to him. “I need a few moments to prepare.”

  “As long as you don’t take long – I’m dying here.” As he walked, he kept dipping his head to steal kisses from her succulent lips. His manhood was rock hard and desperate.

  Inside, she wiggled to be released. When he put her down, she went on tiptoe to kiss him. “Pick a bedroom while I change.”

  “Any bedroom?” He needed to look around.

  “Just make sure the bed has some strong, substantial posts.”

  “Oh, dear God.” Her seductive voice stole his breath. “I’ll probably break the bed.”

  Jensen took her bag and hurried away to find a bathroom. She wanted to freshen up before she dressed up.

  With a pounding heart, Clint hurried to find a king size bed. “With posts.” Imaginings of what they’d soon be doing together filled his brain. As he walked, he shed clothes – a shirt here, a sock there – jeans thrown over the balustrade. He felt like a contestant on Let’s Make a Deal as he hurried from room to room. Finally – behind door number three he found a Ponderosa size bed with posts all along the headboard. “Eureka, I think this will do just fine.” The solid piece of furniture looked strong enough to withstand whatever he could dish out.

  In the bathroom, Jensen stood in front of the mirror. Naked. Afraid. Having second, second thoughts. Wondering if she possessed the courage to pull this seduction off without him becoming wise to her secret. Closing her eyes, she bowed her head, reaching up to place one palm over her nipple and the other over the offending scar. “He can’t know. He won’t know,” she promised herself.

  Regaining a few ounces of her courage, she stepped into the shower, washing quickly. As she ran her hands over her body, she tried to imagine Clint doing the same. Of course – she couldn’t let him do that – which was why the way she handled the next few minutes was key.

  Once she was toweled dry, Jensen found the new, sexy garment she’d bought from Courage Couture. With shaking hands, she inserted the prothesis and made sure everything was covered and secure. Stepping back, she critiqued her appearance. Oh, so many faults – where should she start? Pale. Drawn. Scarred. Scared. “Oh, can it. Be brave. If you don’t do this, you know you’ll regret it forever.”

  After straightening her unruly hair and applying a little lip-gloss, she located the silk scarves she’d packed away for this occasion. Jensen knew he’d be ready and waiting. She didn’t doubt he wanted her – or at least he wanted her as he remembered her to be. It was up to Jensen to make sure he didn’t realize he was getting cheated.

  Taking one last steadying breath, she left the bathroom and went to find him.

  After searching in vain for a few moments, she threw up her hands. This place has too many rooms. “Clint!”

  “Down here!”

  Whirling around, she padded down the hall in the direction she heard his voice coming from. “Coming!”

  “You soon will be if I have anything to do with it.”

  Jensen grew warm all over. “Okay. Ready or not!”

  “Past ready, baby.”

  She came to the door and hesitated for one second – then she rounded the corner – and stopped. “Oh, mercy,” she exclaimed in a heated whisper. The sight that met her eyes was one for the ages. Spread out. Spread eagle. Covering the majority of a king-size bed was a perfect specimen of a man. His hands were held up to the posts, ready to be tied. His muscles bulged, his abs rippled with every breath, and he was obviously, powerfully aroused – for the evidence molded by the soft cloth of his briefs was plain to see. Jensen’s mouth went dry and her heart began a palpitating beat. “Wow.”

  Clint stared at her. She was gorgeous. The sexy black lingerie she wore set his blood on fire. “You’re exquisite. Perfect.” He started to rise to come to her, but she held up one hand.

  His declaration concerning her perfection gave Jensen pause. “Stay where you are.”

  “This is going to be hard.”

  Jensen gave him a small smile. “Looks like it already is.”

  “Observant.” He held his breath as she sauntered toward him. “You mentioned rules.”

  “Yes.” She held up the scarves. “You will be restrained. You will not fight your restraints. You won’t try to touch me. I will do all the touching. I will make love to you.” Jensen watched him as she talked and thrilled to see her words only made him harder. Bigger. Longer. She felt the ache grow between her legs until it was a full-on throb. “Can you agree to those terms?”

nt growled, his words almost a snarl. “You know I’d agree to almost anything for the privilege of making love to you.”

  “Good. Now – stay right where you are.”

  Mesmerized, Clint held his breath as she crawled onto the bed, moving catlike as she straddled his chest, leaning forward to secure his wrists to the bedposts. As she did, he strained to bring his head close enough to kiss any part of her he could reach. When his lips brushed her bodice, she drew back as if they’d burned her. “Remember, I’m making love to you tonight.”

  “Well, get on with it, sweetheart – you have me at your mercy.”

  After securing his wrists, she wiggled down his body until her femininity cradled his masculinity. Two thin pieces of fabric separated them, but the heat and desire they generated seemed to make the scraps of cloth disappear. Placing one palm on either side of his pillow, she looked deep into Clint’s eyes. “Now, I’ve got you where I want you.”

  “I can see that. Now…what are you going to do with me?”

  “Love you,” she whispered as she bent to taste his lips. Teasing. Licking. Delicate kisses dusted from one corner of his mouth to the other.

  Clint accepted the soft caresses until he couldn’t. Lifting his back and shoulders from the bed, he met her halfway, his mouth hungry and demanding. He couldn’t force her to deepen the kiss, but he could entice her to do so.

  Trembling with excitement, Jensen clasped his head, dipping her tongue between his lips to dance with his. She could see he was dissolved with pleasure, tormented by desire. His sex quivered against her, seeking its own reward. Of their own volition, her hips began to move over his, a seductive rocking motion that gave them both a small measure of relief.

  “Take off your top. I want to suck your nipples.”

  A tinge of panic assailed Jensen. What he described was the main thing that could not happen. To take his mind off the impossible idea, she inched her way down his body, her lips and tongue paying homage to his gorgeous body. She licked his chest, teasing the flat discs of his nipples. When he moaned her name, she nipped his abs, her fingers tracing erotic patterns on his skin.

  “You like teasing me, don’t you? Being in control?”

  His whispered words played havoc with her emotions. “Very much.” She wanted nothing more than to give herself over to him, to have him ravish her in every way possible – but that couldn’t happen now. “I want to drive you mad.”

  “Temptress,” he hissed.

  To prove her point, she moved between his thighs, her fingers grasping the elastic band of his briefs. Discerning her intention, he lifted his hips to give her room to tug the material down and out of the way. Once he was bare, Jensen licked her lips. She could feel an emptiness growing deep inside her, a longing to be filled. It was all she could do to keep her focus – but focus she did. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered as she took him in both hands, molding him – rubbing, caressing, pumping him up and down until he tossed his head on the pillow.

  “Christ…” he groaned. “Do something, baby.”

  “With pleasure.” Her soft words were the only preface to the next phase of her seduction. Bending low, she took him in her mouth, laving him with her tongue. Lovingly sucking him as she moved her hand up and down the thick staff. The sounds of appreciation coming from his lips were more than incentive enough to continue. As she loved on him, Jensen caressed him with her fingers, worshiping his body with tender touches and light scratches from her nails. Using her mouth, she brought him to the very edge, his entire body going rigid with pure bliss. “Oh, God, Jensen…please.”

  Hearing the need in his voice, she gave him more. Deeper. Faster. Kissing. Licking. Sucking the sensitive head until he bellowed and bucked beneath her.

  Clint’s vision went white, every nerve ending fried with ecstasy. He felt his lifeforce leaving his body as Jensen accepted his essence into her mouth, holding him to her until the last drop was pumped from his loins. Weak with pleasure, he panted, his eyes following her every move. “My turn.”

  “Patience. I have to make you hard again and then I’ll ride you to heaven and back.” After sensing his obvious enjoyment, she felt more assured of her next move. Knowing he was probably sensitive, but unwilling to stop touching him, she massaged his chest as she moved over him gently, keeping the lightest contact between his spent manhood and her aching core.

  “Come up here. I need to kiss you.”

  Happily, she moved up his chest, joining her lips with his.

  He accepted the kiss, but he shook his head. “Not what I meant. Sit on my face.”

  “Clint…” She hesitated, her mind racing.

  “Either let me love you this way or I’ll snap these silk scarves like they were wet noodles.”

  “Okay.” She moved closer, grasping the headboard, easing up until her knees were above his shoulders and her silk covered mound above his head.


  “Let me take the panties off.”

  “I’ve got it.”

  Jensen gasped as she felt his teeth grasp the silk and tear. Before she could say more, he’d bitten the scrap of filmy fabric right off of her.

  “Move it.”

  She followed his instructions, picking the panties up and tossing them to one side.

  “Move up.”

  “You’re a man of few words,” she whispered as she did as he asked, still holding the headboard as she settled herself on top of him.

  At the first touch of his tongue to her tender flesh, Jensen almost passed out. This was not something she’d experienced but once or twice, neither occasion memorable enough to recall.

  Not so this time.

  She bit her bottom lip as he kissed her – using his lips and tongue to bring her untold ecstasy. Unable to resist, she undulated slightly, her inner muscles tightening in an age-old rhythm. “Clint, I…ah…” She couldn’t talk – she could only feel.

  Heaven. Ecstasy. Untold pleasure.

  Jensen threw her head back and keened when he pressed his tongue deep. She’d never felt anything so good. “More. Please. More – oh, God. Clint!” When he took the pearl of her clitoris in her mouth and began to suck, the universe exploded behind her closed eyelids. “Yes! Oh, Clint. Yes!” He nuzzled her, kissing and licking until she was able to breathe once more.

  “Take me. I need you. Now!”

  His desperation gave her the strength to move down his body. She was tingling. Hot. Starving to be filled. Yet, she’d never felt so cherished. “You’re hard again,” she whispered.

  “Oh, hell yeah. Now, put me inside you. Please.”

  She rose up and settled herself on top of him. “I think you’re bigger than last time.”

  “I’m a growing boy.” He moaned, arched his back, lifting his hips as he felt her body begin to accept him. “You feel so good. So tight.”

  Jensen eased down on him, giving her body a few seconds to accommodate his girth. “You feel good too. God, I’ve needed this,” she moaned.

  “I’ve been right here. Ready. Waiting for you.”

  His words meant so much to her. “I know.” Bending, she kissed him sweetly. Then…she began to move.

  Clint swore softly. He was enraptured, encased in velvet. Making love to the object of his desire. He strained on the scarves, itching to break them. He would’ve done it too; he just didn’t want to disappoint her. She’d planned this time for them, and he couldn’t be more grateful. “That’s right, love. Ride me.”

  Jensen braced her hands on his chest, easing herself up and down. Rocking to and fro. Squeezing him, milking him, every move she made gave them both untold ecstasy.

  Beneath her, Clint writhed, moving as much as he could without ripping those damn scarves in two. “You do realize I’m yours, Jensen. I belong to you. Heart and soul.” He locked his gaze with hers, watching the way those big blue eyes darkened with passion. “Take off your top. I want to see your breasts. I need to feel those hard, little nipples in my mouth.”

  As he watched her face, he saw a shadow cross her features. Why did a flash of pain cross her face? “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. No.” Not where anyone would know. “I’m good.” Instead of complying with his request, she leaned forward to kiss his lips once more. As she did so, she tightened on him, endeavoring to give him so much pleasure that he’d forget what he asked for. “God, Clint – I love this. I love how you feel inside of me. I love…making love with you.”

  Her whispered words gave Clint a rush unlike any he’d ever known. He couldn’t think, he could only feel as she contracted around him like hot velvet. Her thighs trembling around his as she accepted him, welcomed him, allowed him to fill her full again and again.

  Suddenly, she froze over him in ecstasy as she came – her body arcing, her head thrown back. Her mouth open in a silent scream. No part of her moved except those incredible inner muscles that knew how to squeeze him just right.

  Even hypnotized in the throes of passion, Clint couldn’t look away. She was fucking incredible – and she was his. This realization prompted his surrender. Aching and swollen inside of her, every muscle he possessed clenched like an iron fist as the tidal wave of his release broke, rushing over him in wave after wave of pleasure. In the midst of this rapturous storm, Clint’s ability to resist his instincts evaporated. He snapped his wrists and the delicate fabric restraining him disintegrated. In the next heartbeat, he wrapped his arms around Jensen and drew her close. “Thank you, my love,” he whispered. “You have made me so happy.”

  Jensen let him hold her. After a few seconds she lifted her arms to hug him back. Being cradled against him was heaven. She only hoped he couldn’t tell one of her breasts was a prothesis. A small part of her expected him to pull back in rejection – but that didn’t happen. Relieved and replete, she buried her face in his neck. “We need to sleep now. We have to be up early in the morning.”

  “Hold on.” Clint let her go, then bounded from the bed in one smooth move. A few moments later, he returned with a wet cloth and a towel. In disbelief, Jensen realized he was tending to her, cleaning the soft place between her legs and patting her dry. “There. You’ll sleep better now.”


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