Sins at St Joseph's Academy: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (The Fallen Book 1)

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Sins at St Joseph's Academy: A Reverse Harem High School Bully Romance (The Fallen Book 1) Page 24

by MV Ellis

  “Get away from the pool!” Zeph’s voice is a frantic, hollow bark, ringing around the backyard and dragging me abruptly out of my trance-like state. “Blake! Get the fuck away from there!”

  He’s waving frantically as he yells, and honestly seems a little crazed. What’s his fucking problem?

  “It’s all good, I’m just taking a little time out.” I throw the words out casually, but I’m shocked as his anger builds. What the hell is going on?

  He charges across the grass toward me at what seems like superhuman speed. I don’t know what I’m expecting when he reaches me in record time—I blink and he’s here—but it’s definitely not to be crash-tackled to the ground.

  However, that’s what happens, and now that Zeph is closer—in fact, he’s on top of me—I can see he’s in a blind rage. I have literally no idea what’s happening, or why, as he grabs both my hands together in one of his and pushes them hard into the carefully manicured lawn, mirroring his movements up on the lookout before.

  But that’s where the similarity ends. He thrusts the other hand to my throat. He’s done that before, but this situation has none of the raw sensuality of the previous occasions. This is different. It feels dangerous.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Didn’t you hear me say get the hell out of here? Stay away from the fucking pool. You’re not to be in this area. Nobody is. Understand?”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t—”

  “Shut up. Shut up!” He’s purple with rage, and his whole body is vibrating as he presses down harder on my neck. Too hard.

  “Who are you? What do you want? Why are you doing all this? Who sent you?” he yells at the top of his lungs, pressing down on my windpipe so hard I can barely breathe, let alone answer him.

  But even if I was physically able to speak, I wouldn’t know what to say to appease him. This is crazy. He’s crazy.

  Instead of even trying to respond or reason with him while he’s this enraged, I wriggle and writhe beneath him as I attempt to free myself, even though I know my chances of overpowering him are slim to none.

  Thoughts stream through my head at a mile a minute, in a jumbled mess. Perhaps this is what people mean when they say they see their lives flash before their eyes. I have no idea. What I do know is, one thought rises to the surface above the others, and rings loud and clear in my mind.

  Maybe this was his intention all along. Maybe he was always planning to kill me.

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  Desperate for more of The Fallen? Get a sneak peek of the first chapter of Book 2, Lies At St. Joseph’s Academy below.

  Want to know what’s going on between Tyce and Thunder? Download the Sins At St. Joseph’s Academy bonus scene from my website: here for behind the scenes action with them!

  Lies at St. Joseph’s Academy

  The Fallen | Book 2

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  Zeph Cross is trying to kill me.

  I’m not sure if I blacked out for a little while, or if I had an out of body experience, but what I do know is that I’m back in the present, and back in my body. Zeph is on top of me, and despite me putting up a fight, he’s showing no signs of letting up. I’m battling him as best I can, but I’m no match for his physical power.

  Like the rest of The Fallen, he’s strong and athletic, and while I’m no weakling, he has the advantage of size, and the fact that he's on top of me, bearing his weight down. I scratch and pull at his hands as they tighten around my neck, but it’s no use. As usual, Zeph is in control.

  For a brief moment a thought crosses my mind. What if I just stop fighting? What if I surrender, and let nature take its course? I close my eyes, and clear my mind, then pull my hands from Zeph’s, and let my body become limp like a rag doll. Maybe this really is how it ends.

  An eerie feeling of calm sweeps over me at the thought.

  Just when I think it’s all over, a noise pierces my consciousness, and my eyes snap open again. Two sets of hands appear from nowhere, and wrestle with Zeph to get him off of me. The twins. Thank fuck. It takes them a few attempts, but they finally manage to drag him away, yelling and screaming at the top of their lungs as they push and shove his strong body toward the house.

  It was like Zeph was in some kind of trance when he was on top of me. He didn’t say a word the whole time Lennon and Jagger were grappling with him, nor did he lash out, or try to fight them off in any other way. He just seemed to clench his entire body, taught muscles rippling, and veins popping, eyes glassy and unfocused.

  Clearly, whatever superhuman strength he was summoning when he was in that state, it worked, because it took the two of them together what looked like considerable effort to prize him free.

  Now they’ve dragged him away, I instinctively roll onto my side, clutching at my neck, choking and gasping for air as I try to fill my depleted lungs. I’m lightheaded and a little woozy, but more than anything, I’m freaked the fuck out.

  As I lie here, trying to get much-needed oxygen into my screaming body, a third pair of hands lands on my shoulder and my cheek. Even though the touch is gentle I jump and recoil like a wounded animal, before realizing who it is.

  “Jesus Christ, he’s out of his fucking mind. Are you okay?” Tyce. He’s kneeling next to me, and the concern in his voice touches my soul.

  The truth is, I’m not okay, but I nod slowly, anyway. It’s all I have the energy or headspace to do.

  Tyce moves the hand from my cheek to behind my neck, and applies very gentle pressure, lifting upwards to help me sit.

  “Sit up, you'll get your breath back faster.” I do as I’m told, too dazed to put up any resistance, letting him guide me slowly. Once I’m upright, he hands me a bottle of water.

  “Take a few really deep breaths, in through the nose, and out through the mouth, then when you feel you can, have some of this. Small sips though, or you’ll choke.”

  The contrast between the way he’s treating me and the way Zeph just did is so stark that it threatens to break me.

  “I’m sorry about Zeph. It’s not… I mean he’s not…” Tyce sighs loudly, clearly struggling to get the words he wants to say out. He rakes his hand through his thick wavy hair, tugging hard.

  “I know he can be an asshole sometimes.” Ha! I almost want to laugh. I’d be interested to know the times he’s not being an asshole, as it seems like a twenty-four seven thing.

  Then I remember how he was with me up at the lookout.

  “Okay, I know he is an asshole. Period,” Tyce corrects himself as though he can read my thoughts. “But trust me, despite what it seems like, this isn’t that. I mean, what he just did was totally out of order, and on the face of things, it was a classic Zeph dick move, but he has his reasons, good reasons. I mean bad reasons, I guess. Really fucking bad.”

  I have no idea what he’s talking about, and I’m not entirely sure I care. “So despite what it looks like”—And feels like.—“he’s not… he’s dealing with some shit. I can’t get into the details with you right now, that’s for him to do, if and when he’s ready.” Ha! As if I’m about to listen to anything Zeph has to say anytime soon.

  He sighs loudly, tugging at this thick hair. “Look, I know it’s not an excuse, but you deserve an explanation, so…” His voice trails off, leaving the end of the sentence hanging.

  I’m on the verge of nervous hysteria at the absurdity of what Tyce has just said. He’s right about one thing—I do deserve an explanation, but he’s as insane as Zeph if he really thinks that what he just told me counts as one.

  He shifts positions until he’s sitting on the grass at my back, with me between his bent legs. Then he gently coaxes me to lean into him a little so that my spine is pressed against his chest. Despite my reservations, I don’t fight it. In fact, I do exactly what he wants me to, and melt into him like water into a sponge.

  In response, Tyce slots his chin into
the crook of my neck and kisses me gently. Although he technically has no right to touch me like he cares, I can’t bring myself to reject him.

  A big part of me wants to hate him both for the ways he’s treated me, and for the actions of his best friend. But another, more vulnerable side of me finds unexpected comfort in his tender embrace. Even the familiar tang of his spicy cologne brings an oasis of calm to my turbulent mind.

  “It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”

  I don’t know why, out of everything that has happened tonight, his reassuring words are the thing to tear me apart, but they are. Maybe it’s because I know they’re not true. It’s not okay.

  Nothing is okay. Everything is screwed—the situation with my mom, my dad in general, and especially his involvement in Mom’s disappearance; pretty much everything at school, except Geneva and my grades.

  Most of all, Zeph’s vendetta against me, and my confusing feelings for three of the five monsters who rule the school. Zeph going postal on me just now was the final straw, but I’d been teetering on the brink even before that.

  Tears fall hard and fast, and before I know it, my whole body is wracked with sobs. I’m hurt, scared, frustrated, and also angry. Angry at my dad for the way he’s treated my mom, and angry at my mom for not leaving sooner, when now it might be too late. I’m pissed at The Fallen—except the twins—for the way they play with me like a puppet on a string, alternating between assholery, and kindness. I’m beyond livid at Zeph, for everything, especially this last stunt.

  I’m also angry at myself for letting my guard down. I’ve repeatedly allowed the guys into what used to be my impenetrable bubble, and every time I do, I’m reminded why I should trust nobody.

  Twice in one night, lulled into a false sense of security by a few kind words, or a tender gesture, I’ve cried in front of Zeph, then Tyce even though it’s really not my style. I should have known better than to show them my vulnerable side, even if it was. They will clearly take any sign of weakness as an opportunity to crush me, like Zeph literally just did.

  Then after bawling in front of him, I went one better and revealed my innermost thoughts and fears—stuff I haven’t told another living soul—to the person who’s most likely to use them to hurt me. Why the hell would I do that? I’m beginning to think that maybe everything that’s going on in my life is getting to me more than I first thought, because my judgement seems to be shot to shit.

  While these thoughts race through my mind, Tyce holds me tight and rocks me gently and rhythmically from side-to-side, still kissing into my clavicle and collar bone in between repeating his comforting words. His heat radiates through his body and into mine, warming my heart, and I realize that if I’m not careful, The Fallen will be the end of me, in more ways than one.

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  Get your copy of Lies At St. Joseph’s Academy here.

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  Want to know what’s going on between Tyce and Thunder? Download the Sins At St. Joseph’s Academy bonus scene from my website: here for exclusive behind the scenes action with them!

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  More Books By MV Ellis

  If you like rock star romance, you’ll love…

  Heartless Few Series

  Catching London

  Cold, Hard & Heartless

  Pushing Arlo

  Finding Marnie

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  If you like bully romance you’ll love…

  Boys of Trinity Hall Series

  Break You (1)

  Fake You (2)

  Shake You (3)

  Take You (4)

  Make You (5)

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  If you still need a bully fix, check out…

  The Fallen Series

  Sins at St. Joseph’s Academy (1)

  Lies at St. Joseph’s Academy (2)

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  If you like boys with ALL the tattoos, you’ll love…

  Rough Ink Series

  Zed (1)

  Spider (2)

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  If you like Mad Men or Suits, you’ll love…

  Gods Of The Fifth Floor Series

  They work hard, they play hard, they f#ck harder

  Beck (1)

  Raine (2)

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  Thank you so much for reading Sins At St. Joseph’s Academy. I was a little nervous, as it’s my first foray into reverse harem, but in the end, I feel that I did the trope justice, and will continue to do so as this storyline moves forward. I have big things planned for these characters, so watch this space for the rest of the series as it rolls out. Other than that, my lips are sealed (**insert evil laugh**).

  As ever, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported me during the writing of Sins, and throughout the monstrosity of the year that was 2020. Let’s hope for all our sakes that we never have another one like it!

  I know I always say it, but that’s because it’s true: it’s always immensely appreciated, whether it’s liking or commenting on my posts, getting involved in my group, sharing my posts elsewhere, letting my spam your groups, or being available in the DMs for a bitch and moan. It takes a village, as the saying goes, and I finally feel like I have mine!

  As always, I value everyone who has read any of my books for trusting me with your time, and reading my words. Everybody is so busy, so this means a lot.

  Special thanks my family—the Ellis clan are the reason I do this, even if deadlines do sometimes mean I have to fun activities to get shit done.

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  Much love!

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  MV ELLIS is well qualified to write happy ever afters—she lives her own every day. She followed her heart halfway around the world when she moved from London to Australia after a steamy holiday romance with a sexy bass player in sultry Brazil.

  All that for a guy she sat next to on a bus for 36 hours! Turns out it was the best gamble she ever took, as she married said bass player, and still lives in Sydney with him, their two kids, and their aging dog.

  Ellis took another gamble in 2017 when she secretly penned her first novel, Catching London, a steaming-hot rock star romance based on her experiences touring internationally as a ‘WAG’ (wives and girlfriends) with various bands, for her husband’s job. After receiving six publishing offers that book, it was released in 2018.

  With a reputation for being a no-nonsense straight talker, it’s no surprise that her that her contemporary and new adult romance books are full of witty banter, and her badass alpha heroes always meet their match in her diverse cast of strong, kickass heroines. Turns out she likes chicks with a sting in their tail. Go figure!

  When she’s not writing, Ellis likes to hang with her kickass daughters, and go to gigs to watch her badass husband. She has also recently rediscovered her love of roller-skating, practicing as much as she possibly can.

  MV loves to connect with readers. She can be reached on the following pla




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