Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2)

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Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2) Page 9

by Brittany Crowley

  “You just wait asshole. When you meet the girl that knocks you on your ass, we’re just going to sit back and laugh.” Savvy laughs.

  “Not going to happen. There’s a buffet of pussy out there and I’m always hungry. It would be a complete disservice to the female population taking my magical pussy puncher off the market.”

  Savvy starts going off on Jay at using such crude language towards women when we hear a knock at the door. Josh gets up and lets them in. He finds my food first and brings it over to me, setting it up on a tray.

  “Come here.” I say to Josh while pouting my lips.

  He bends down and presses his lips to mine and sparks fly. I hope I never get used to this feeling. Just when it starts getting good Jay yells that he’s going to puke his breakfast all over the place if we keep it up. Josh gives me one last peck and leaves me to my breakfast and goes in search of his own.

  Tonight is the charity fighting event and I guess a few fighters that don’t have any fights coming up have volunteered their time for a good cause. Savvy booked us appointments in my room to get our hair done. Now I’m not sure why we would need to get our hair done for a fight, but I’m not going to argue with being pampered.

  Josh voices his unease about me not going tonight, thinking it’s best for me to relax in bed and take care of the baby. At this point I expect no less from him but I remind him that the doctor said it was fine and I just can’t do anything strenuous. Ultimately, promising to park my ass in a chair the whole night appeases him. Who would have thought he’d go all alpha daddy when he found out I was pregnant?

  The morning was draining to say the least, and I feel completely exhausted. After everyone leaves the room I decide to sleep the day away until I need to get ready. Josh insists on carrying me to the bathroom when I let him know I’m getting up to use it. He places me in front of the toilet and just stands there. I draw the line at Josh watching me pee like a psycho so he reluctantly leaves after I threaten his manhood. If this keeps up, we’re going to have a serious chat about boundaries.

  When I head out of the bathroom and enter the room I notice Josh waiting at the bed with the covers pulled back. I place a kiss on his cheek and slide into bed, snuggling into the blanket.



  Naps have never been my strong suit so I lay in bed staring at Ashlyn. I caress the side of her face and stare at her in disbelief. How did I get here? Not here in bed, but with the woman I love. What are the odds that with how badly I screwed up, I’m getting exactly what I want? Another chance with her.

  Ash doesn’t know it yet, but when we get back home I’m moving her in with me. I need us to be under one roof. What if another emergency comes up and I’m not there to take care of her? Next time we might not be so lucky.

  Once again, I feel my mind drift back to our night together.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” Ash asks me.

  We’re laying in her bed wrapped up in the sheet. Ash has her tits on full display and it’s hard to understand her question.

  “What’s that?”

  She starts to laugh. “Guess I need to be covered up around you if I need your attention.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare.” I bend down and take one of her nipples in my mouth and suck hard.

  “Shit Josh.”

  I pull back and smile. I’ve been side stepping this conversation for as long as possible. Maybe Ash acted on impulse and doesn’t understand how important she is to me. I’m not ready to hear this was a onetime deal.

  “You’re it for me. Mine. I’ve waited a long time for this to happen and no way am I letting you slip through my fingers.”

  “There will be no slippage on my part. I promise. This is the real deal, this has meant everything to me too.”

  “Thank Christ for that.”

  I roll her over so that she’s below me. As I gaze down at her I can’t stop the words from exiting my mouth. “I love you Ashlyn.”

  A look of shock crosses her face. Did I say it too soon? I don’t care, it’s how I feel and she’ll tell me when she’s ready. I already know she loves me and that’s enough for now.

  As I run my tongue along the column of her throat I sink my cock home. She arches her back and calls out my name. Her tits are tempting me right in my face, so I bite one. Fuck, will this insatiable feeling never end?

  “This is going to be nice and slow so you feel how much I love you. Every.” Thrust. “Deep.” Thrust. “Stroke.” Thrust.


  “Someone’s thinking dirty thoughts.” Ash gives me a knowing smile.

  “You have no idea.” I wink.

  “Hey, how long have I been out?”

  “About two hours, we still have a while before the fights if you want to sleep more.”

  “Can’t, I have to pee.”

  I help her up and walk with her to the bathroom. When she starts grumbling about not needing help I barely contain my laughter.

  “I’m not an invalid. I can walk to the bathroom Josh. What? Do you want to come in with me? Maybe test my pee for drugs?”

  I let out a laugh and shake my head. “I’m making sure you’re okay. Humor me Ash.”

  “Whatever.” She grumbles.

  As I wait outside the bathroom door I start to get nervous when I hear a loud bang. What if she fell down in there? I bang on the door and shout her name.

  The door flies open and I’m met with pissed off gorgeous blue eyes. She narrows them and pushes me out of the way. I follow closely behind and grab her elbow to ensure she doesn’t fall. She whirls around on me and pulls her elbow back.

  “Sit down Josh! You’re seriously getting on my nerves right now and I suggest you stop this macho man I know what’s best behavior. I’ve been just fine the past two months and I don’t need you hovering over me.”

  Her words are like a sucker punch to my gut. Doesn’t she realize that I would have been there every step of the way had I known. She didn’t have to deal with anything by herself, it was her choice.

  “You know I would have been there from the beginning had I known you were pregnant.”

  I stand up and move to the edge of the bed. Consciously knowing she’s been through so much today I don’t want to cause her anymore stress or say something I’m going to regret later. As I place my head in my hands I try taking a couple deep cleansing breaths. I need to go back to my room for a bit and get my head together.



  I look over and see the stiff posture of Josh’s back. He needs to calm down right now, so I give him a few minutes. When I see him stand up and make his way for the door, I panic. He can’t leave!

  “Get your ass back here Cage.” When he continues to leave, I get desperate when he grasps the doorknob. “Please.” I beg.

  His motions halt, but the silence speaks volumes. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist. I reach my hands towards his front and intertwine our fingers together.

  “Josh, I’m sorry.” I hope he can hear the sincerity in my voice.

  He turns towards me and tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. “I need to feel useful and I’m sorry if I went to the extreme, but what happened, it’s still fresh in my mind.”

  “I’ll tone down the bitch factor if you tone down the caveman. We’ll take things slow and figure this out as we go.” I place my head on Josh’s shoulder and hear him laugh.

  “Slow? Yeah right Ash. When we get home, we’re packing up your shit and moving it to my house.”

  I pull my head away from his shoulder and narrow my eyes. “I most certainly am not moving in with you! We haven’t even gone on a date; no way am I moving in with you. What if you fart all the time or throw your dirty clothes all over the place?”

  “Those aren’t deal breakers Ash, and I’ll take you on a date tomorrow night, problem solved.”

  I roll my eyes and walk to the other side of the room. “It’s not that easy! I may be knocked u
p, but I’m not going to move in with you.”

  “You’re not knocked up.” Josh barks causing me to jump. “Stop saying it like that, you're pregnant with our child,” he continues softening his tone slightly. He rubs his hands down his face and sighs. “Look at Zander and Savvy. At this stage in their relationship, they were already married.”

  Josh must be certifiable. Just because Savvy and Zander’s story played out that way doesn’t mean that’s the new normal.

  “Let’s compromise. I’ll go on a date with you tomorrow night and we’ll discuss living together after the baby is born.”

  “How the hell is that compromising Ash? You and my child will live under the same roof with me, no questions.”

  Strangely, this alpha thing is really working for me. Who would have thought a raging beast was hiding behind that calm demeanor? I’m still not backing down.

  “We’ll talk about this more when we get back.”

  As I stare into Josh’s eyes I feel my stomach start to turn. I know it’s go time and sprint for the bathroom. When I reach the toilet, I drop to my knees and eject all the food in my stomach. I jump when a hand starts rubbing my back. Clearly, I forgot to lock the door. How embarrassing!

  “Don’t look at me!”

  “No way Ash, we’re in this together. What do you need from me?”

  “I need you to go the hell away and let me suffer in solitude. It’ll pass in a minute.” I groan.

  I hear him move around the room then the water’s running. He places a wet cloth on the back of my neck. I really wish he wasn’t witnessing this. I’m hugging the fucking toilet for crying out loud.

  After a few more minutes of dry heaving I feel the nausea start to subside. Josh helps me off the floor and I push him to the side so I can rinse my mouth and splash some water on my face. When I’m done brushing my teeth I look over and meet Josh’s worried eyes.

  “How often does this happen?”

  “Not often. It’s only started in the last month and it’s sporadic when it hits. It’s nothing to be concerned over I promise.”

  This will not ease his macho attitude in the least. Great.

  “Come on, you can lay down for a few more hours. Are you sure it’s a good idea to go tonight still?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine Dad.”

  I exit the bathroom and lay back in bed. With my eyes shut I feel Josh’s hand start to slowly rub my arm. I know I told myself that I would never get back with Josh, but in this moment, I couldn’t be more grateful where things have led us. We’re meant to be here right now, together always.



  “What’s that douchebag up to?” I hear Zander question.

  I look around and try to find what has his panties in a twist. We’re at the charity fight night and so far, it’s been pretty boring. Nobody will let me do anything. The first set of fighters were the most entertaining, but they all yelled at me when I stood up to cheer. What the fuck? We’re at a MMA fight and I can’t freaking cheer?

  “He better steer clear or I’ll beat the shit out of him. We’re not at a fancy charity event this time.”

  Huh. I look around some more before narrowing my gaze on Matt Kingsley. Josh is already on edge, this could send him right over. If he provokes Josh we’ll end up with our very own fight night in our seats.

  Keep walking, keep walking…. He stops right in front of us.

  “Hey Hitman, what’s going on buddy?” He raises his hand for a high five.

  Zander just stands there staring him down, definitely not planning on returning the gesture.

  “Tough crowd. I hear congratulations are in order Josh. A baby, who would have thought you’d be able to knock someone up. Looking good Ash.” He levels his gaze on me with a creepy ass grin on his face.

  “Don’t look at her.” Josh roars.

  Zander shifts to the side covering me and Savvy from Matt’s view. Jayden who’s sitting on the other side stands next to his brother forming a wall.

  “This guy has a death wish.” Savvy whispers next to my ear.

  “Don’t look at her, don’t talk to her and don’t fucking touch her.” Josh growls.

  “It’s okay, once we get in the octagon she’ll be begging me to touch her after I kick your ass. She’ll finally be ready to take on a real man.”

  Josh lunges but Zander and Kyle catch him. “You know what will happen if you hit him bro. Keep your cool.”

  “Well, aren’t you two the sexiest things I’ve ever seen. When you feel like running with the big boys, give me a call.” Does he really think he has game? What a sleaze ball.

  “Walk away Matty, before I let Josh go. And don’t ever look at my wife again.”

  “Before I got side tracked,” he looks over towards us and winks, “I did have something to say. I’m upping the ante.”

  Matt jumps up on a chair and pulls a microphone from the back of his pants. Huh, this isn’t looking too good.

  “Ladies and gentleman, before the next fight takes place can I have your attention?” His voice echoes through the speakers of the venue.

  “Holy shit, is he going to call Josh out in front of all these people?” I whisper to Sav. She just shrugs her shoulders looking nervous.

  “As you all know, I’ve been trying to get Rampage back into the Octagon since our last fight. You all know how that ended, the poor thing hasn’t been able to fight again since. How’s the arm buddy?” He flashes a smile at Josh.

  “Don’t do this Matty, you won’t like the outcome.” Zander warns.

  “Oh, now “The Hitman” is coming in to save his baby brother. If we were in the same weight class, I’d be coming for your belt. Sorry everyone I got sidetracked again. Now back to what I was saying. I want Josh back in the ring in September, in Vegas, in front of everyone. All you assholes out there that think it was a fluke, I’m ready to prove you all wrong.”

  The whole place roars and boos him. At least I know Josh has everyone backing him. He needs to know that I do too. When we briefly talked about this the other night, he said he questioned ever getting back in the ring. I can’t let him give up his dreams.

  I scooch behind Zander and place my hand on Josh’s shoulder to get his attention. He turns to face me and I crook my finger at him. When he leans over I speak quietly into his ear. “I’m behind you 100% babe. If you want to fight him, go for it. If it were an option I’d totally kick his ass right now, or at least kick him in the balls. Don’t give up your dream.” I place his hand on my stomach and look him in the eyes. “We’re behind you always.”

  He places his hands on each side of my face and lowers his mouth to mine. It’s quick and brief, but I know from that intimate moment I said what he needed to hear.

  “Oh, isn’t that sweet. Most of you don’t know that Josh is gonna be a daddy soon. Ashlyn here, sexy as hell, isn’t she? She decided to spread her legs for our Joshy boy. I know, I know. I was surprised too. Way to go bud!”

  How does he even know I’m pregnant? Now the whole world knows.

  Josh takes a step forward and rips the mic from his hands. Matt has a brief look of shock on his face before playing it off. He starts laughing, looking around and pointing in disbelief. “Someone grew some balls.” He yells.

  Josh gets in Matt’s face but doesn’t use the mic. He’s not flashy and he doesn’t need it to get his point across. “You’re on. Don’t come crying to me when I rough you up in the ring.” Then he drops the mic.

  “Yes! Drop that mic bro!” Jay yells while fist pumping.

  “Ash are you okay? Are you crying?” Savvy asks.

  “I’m just so proud of him. Did you see him drop the mic? That was sexy as hell and he totally pulled it off. My mans a badass!”

  Security shows up and whispers in Matt’s ear. He nods, salutes us then starts to walk away. Turning around one last time he shouts, “See you in September. I’ll be sure to have the EMT’s on standby.”

  “I’ve never wanted to chop
someone’s dick off so bad.” I yell.

  Josh sits down and pulls me onto his lap. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. I’m really proud of you babe.” I place my forehead against his.

  “Thank you for backing me. It would have killed me to turn him down after all of that.”

  We sit and wait for the next fight to start. Everything is a blur for the rest of the night as I sit there in Josh’s lap thinking about everything. A few photographers and journalists come up to us asking for comments and photos, but Josh politely tells them all to get in touch with his publicist. I didn’t even know he had a publicist. Hell, up until a day ago, I didn’t even know he fought professionally. I always thought Savvy was a cry baby over Zander’s celebrity life. Now, being thrust up into Josh’s, I completely understand why she had reservations.

  I look up at Josh. “Are you going to want me coming to Vegas when I’m a fat ass?”

  “Of course.”

  “How about when I’m so fat I get winded from getting up off the couch?”

  “Hellcat, I’ll pull you off the couch and give you a real reason to be out of breath.”

  “Oh.” I breathily moan.



  “We need to talk.” I manage to get out around Josh’s open mouthed kisses.

  “No, we don’t.”

  “Come on, we haven’t talked about anything since we got back from Vegas. Please.”

  With a heavy sigh, Josh pulls himself off of me and sits back down on the couch. We’ve spent lots of time on this couch and in my bed. Hell, pretty much anywhere. I feel like a teenager with how much we’ve been making out. I’m still on a sex ban so this is all we have. Tonight, I’m hoping to have a serious conversation about all the things that came to light in Vegas.

  He dives in for another kiss and it pains me to push him away. “Why don’t you want to talk about it? How did we hang out as much as we did and I still had no clue you were a fighter? Anytime Zander talked about it…nothing. You always go to the gym, but not once did you say you were training. I don’t get it, please explain it all to me.”


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