Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2)

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Rampage (Bound by Cage Book 2) Page 11

by Brittany Crowley

  “Josh, I’ve been waiting a long time for this. If you don’t let go…I don’t know what I’ll do. Just move for Christ’s sake!” I yell.

  I call out his name as he slams into me from behind. It’s so hard that he propels me forward. My knees will most likely be covered in rug burns, but who could care at a time like this?

  He works his hands up to my breasts as he pulls back and thrusts into me hard. His hips work me at a punishing pace as I try to push back meeting him thrust for thrust. When he pinches my nipples simultaneously I moan. He may be fucking me hard, but I can tell he’s holding back. I turn my head over my shoulder and slam our mouths together. As I suck his tongue into my mouth then bite his lip, I feel his resolve slipping. It’s about time! His cock is hitting me in just the right spot as his fingers move and start to work my clit.

  “Josh I’m going to come!”

  “Hurry. I can’t hold back much longer. Come for me.” His husky voice puts me over the edge.

  I scream out his name as I begin to tremble as I come. As he continues with his thrusts, he pushes my orgasm to a point of pleasure I can barely handle. I throw my head back and feel it connect with Josh’s head. I hear him groan, but it in no way hinders his rhythm. Another orgasm begins to creep up on me as I start shaking my head not knowing if I can handle another.

  “Yes Ash, again. I need one more.”

  “Harder babe!” I yell.

  My orgasm hits me for a third time making me feel like I could pass out. When my walls clench around his cock I feel him release inside of me.

  “Ash…” he growls.

  As his thrusts begin to slow down my arms start to shake. I’ve been holding onto the headrest for dear life this whole time. Josh rests his head against my back while trying to catch his breath. As he pulls out of me I wince still feeling sensitive from his large size.

  “Ash, that was intense. Did I hurt you?”

  I turn around with a smile on my face and gasp.

  “Oh my god, your nose is bleeding!” I look around grabbing a random towel in the trunk and begin wiping his nose.

  “You got me good when you head butt me.” He’s laughing over the fact that I beat him up while we were having sex.

  “This isn’t funny!” I’m having hell of a time trying to keep a concerned look on my face. “Okay, maybe it’s a little funny.”

  After catching my breathe I pull up my pants. He opens the trunk and we make our way outside. Thank god there’s nobody around.

  Josh pulls me towards him and wraps his arms around my lower back.

  “Let’s go feed my girls.”

  “I’m dying of hunger over here!”

  Can life get any better?



  “Where are the Doritos you bitch?”

  “Jesus Ash, when did you become a psycho? How can you even smell it? I ate them in the car.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “You could’ve shared.”

  “Oh yeah, sharing with you is handing them over. Sorry, I was hungry!”

  I’m a complete freak show. My sense of smell has amplified times a thousand and I was convinced she was holding out on me. I’m still convinced she has some chips behind the bar.

  Savvy exaggerates an eye roll. “How the hell can you be hungry when you’re surrounded by food? Look around you. Maybe you should go home and put your feet up for the rest of the day. Would you like that?”

  I burst out laughing at Savvy’s calming tone. She sounds like someone in those meditation videos. “Why don’t you head back out to the bar and take some orders. We’re still on for later, right?”

  “You know it! I feel like we haven’t hung out in forever and work doesn’t count.” She points her finger at me.

  “I agree. How did you manage to keep the alphas at bay for the night? Josh barely lets me out of his sight these days, especially with Vegas in a month.”

  I’m 27 weeks tomorrow and things have been going great between us despite his over protective ways. He’s been training like a mad man which cuts into our together time, but I’m at the gym any chance I get to support him. Plus, seeing him panting and sweaty isn’t really a hardship. One of these days I’m going to give in when he asks me to move in. I’m starting to run out of reasons on why we shouldn’t live together. He spends every night at my house anyways.

  Towards the end of my shift one of the waitresses comes to the back saying a customer wants to talk to me. It’s not like this is a fancy place, most people don’t like to compliment the chef. I wash my hands and make my way to the front.

  I look around and see Dawn pointing to the corner table with a lady sitting by herself. As I walk over I can’t help but take in her appearance. I’d say she was in her 40’s if I had to guess. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and has gray sprinkled throughout. Not a stitch of makeup and her clothes make her look Amish. She’s wearing a dress that buttons all the way up to below her chin with long sleeves and while I can’t see the bottom, but I’d say it goes to the floor.

  “Hello, your waitress said you wanted to talk to me?” I smile.

  “Ashlyn Cox?”

  “That’s me.”

  “I just had to meet the chef. This sandwich is delicious dear.” She looks at me curiously making me feel uneasy.

  “Thank you, mam. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “I’ll be seeing you around Ashlyn.” She smiles at me.

  “Have a nice night.” I walk back to the kitchen with uneasiness in my stomach. Why did that lady look at me like she knew me?

  I’m getting into the driver’s seat of my car when Savvy starts to chuckle.

  “I don’t like that laugh. That’s your `we’re going to do something stupid that will get us in trouble’ laugh.”

  “You know it bitch. It’s karaoke night at Rudy’s.” She sings.

  “Really? We haven’t gone there in forever. I don’t know if I’m up for singing tonight.”

  “Oh, but you will. And the best part about tonight? I have a built-in DD. Brilliant!”

  “We’ll see, it’s not like I can liquor myself up to chase the nerves away.”

  “Oh well.” Savvy shrugs her shoulders.

  “Once upon a time I was falling in love, now I’m only falling apart…”

  I’m laughing my ass off watching Savvy sing Total Eclipse of the Heart. My phone is in my hand and you better believe I’m recording this shit. I feel a hand on my shoulder which causes me to jump. As I turn around I see Josh right behind me. He leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

  “Jesus, is she tone deaf?” he asks.

  “Shut the hell up, she sounds great.” Zander has a big goofy grin on his face as he stares up at his wife.

  “She’s had a lot to drink cut her some slack. The fact that she can even remember the words right now is pretty impressive.” I laugh.

  When the song ends, Savvy starts heading our way. She halts when she sees Zander and gets a serious look on her face. “Nobody puts baby in the corner.” She shrieks as she sprints for him.

  I burst out laughing when Savvy collides with Zander and takes him to the ground. She took him down so hard. For such a little thing, you wouldn’t think it’s possible.

  “Babe, you were supposed to Patrick Swayze me.” She’s genuinely pissed off that Zander ruined her big moment.

  We’re all laughing when Savvy’s dad walks up to our table looking cranky as hell. I wonder what has his panties in a twist?

  “Savannah Marie Cage what on earth are you doing? Why did I receive a voicemail in the middle of the night asking if I knew what flavor your drink was?”

  “Because you know! I know you know. It’s kind of like white chocolate but the complete opposite.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Hitman take her home before she makes an even bigger spectacle of herself. Christ, where did I go wrong? I guess I should be thanking my lucky stars she doesn’t work the pole.”

  “Only on the weekends
daddy-o.” Savvy yells.

  Zander throws her over his shoulder and says his goodbyes. As he’s walking towards the exit Savvy starts playing his ass cheeks like they’re bongos. I laugh so hard I almost pee my pants. Do I look like this when I’ve had one too many drinks?

  “Well I guess we can rejoice in the fact that I’m not carrying your drunk ass out of here tonight too, Ash.”

  “You say that like its happened a lot.” I say defending myself.

  He fixes me with a glare that coaxes a grin to form on my face. “Okay, maybe it’s happened a few times.”

  We say our goodbyes to Mr. J and head for the exit. As I look over towards the corner of the bar I notice that lady from earlier. The one that wanted to compliment the sandwich I made her. She’s far away so I can’t be sure, but this doesn’t seem like the type of place she would frequent. My eyes must be bugging out on me, it’s probably somebody else. I can’t shake this feeling in my gut though. Weird.



  “Gran where are we going? And why did I have to wear nice clothes? I don’t have many and I hate wearing them when I don’t have to.”

  “When the hell did you become a two-year-old Ashlyn Rose Cox? Do me a favor and shut the hell up.”

  Sighing, I look out the window. Gran called me this morning and told me I had an hour to put on my Sunday best and do something with my rat’s nest. It would have been pointless to question her so I did as I was told and put on my best leggings. That’s the most effort anyone would get out of me at this point. At 28 weeks, I’m as big as a house and the struggle is most certainly real.

  As we come into town I notice we’re slowing down at the bar. Really, I got ready for work?

  “We can literally come here any day you want and I don’t have to wear dressy clothes. I can even cook for you at home.”

  “Don’t you sass me missy. You know that baby won’t keep me from taking you over my knee.”

  “Sass? Isn’t that what they say in the south?” As far as I know she has only lived in New England.

  “Quiet, we’re here. Now put a smile on that beautiful face of yours and enjoy this.” Gran gets out of the car and heads for the front door without waiting for me. I look upward and think god help me.

  I get out and shuffle my feet up to the front door while cursing under my breath. I notice the closed sign on the front door. It’s only one, shouldn’t we be opened?

  When I open the front door, I scream for dear life as confetti is popped in my face along with everyone hollering SURPRISE! As I’m trying to calm my erratic heart, I look around.

  The bar has been transformed into something of a fairy tale. Tables are draped with light pink table cloths and are covered with giant centerpieces made of gorgeous floral arrangements. It doesn’t stop there. There are giant pink puff balls hanging from the ceiling with twinkle lights, diaper cakes lining the bar and a cake that I can’t quite make out is on a table off to the side.

  “Happy baby shower Ash!” Savvy runs up and bear hugs the life out of me.

  “Did you do all of this? This is absolutely amazing Savvy!”

  “You deserve it. Come look around. I want you to see everything. I think I’m more excited than you are!” She pulls my hand and leads me around.

  “Doubtful. I’m trying to take it all in.” When I turn to her, I can’t stop the unshed tears from escaping my eyes. “You are seriously the best friend ever. I love you so much Sav.” I wrap my arms around her shoulders. This girl is my ride or die, always has been.

  “Stop it, you’re going to make me cry.” The little sniffle I hear tells me she’s already choked up.

  She shows me picture collages she made of Josh and I, a cute poster with the ultrasound picture in the middle that everyone can sign, a candy bar and a photo booth. We make our final stop at the cake table.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. Please Savvy, tell me you did not get a cake made to look like a sleeping baby?”

  “Of course, I did. One day I was on Pinterest looking up cakes and it popped up. Seriously, how cool is this?” She seems excited. Little does she know how it will look when she cuts into it.

  “You better be personally cutting the cake.” I point at her.

  “Well, if you want me to. We have caterers for that stuff.”

  “Promise me you’ll cut the first piece.”

  “Okay… I promise.” Confusion lines her face. This is going to be great!

  I make my rounds going table to table to thank the 30 or so guests. I hit up Josh’s mom and grandmothers table for a while before making my last stop at my Gran's table which is full of her friends from the senior center.

  “Gran how could you not have prepped me in the car? I thought I was your favorite granddaughter.”

  “Don’t be dramatic you’re my only granddaughter. You know, you get the theatrics from your mother.” That comment makes me freeze for a second. Gran never mentions my mom.

  “Okay…” I slowly draw out the word. “I hope you girls have fun. If you need me, I’ll be at the buffet!”

  I walk over to the buffet tables and I have no words. I’m completely speechless. There in little metal trays are all my favorite foods from my pregnancy. ALL OF THEM! There’s waffles with peanut butter, shepherd’s pie, tuna melts, chocolate chip pancakes, and the holy grail; a chocolate fondue fountain. I grab a plate trying to hold back tears so I don’t look like a lunatic crying over a chocolate fountain.

  Now I’m not really one for baby showers and I always knew I’d hate my own. This is where I’m so happy that Savvy gets me. It may have looked like a stereotypical baby shower, but not a game was played. Savvy knows I loathe baby shower games. I don’t want to be measured with a string or asked to smell candy bars in a diaper. She treated this shower like a birthday party, no games, no opening presents in front of everybody, and definitely no touching of the belly. Although I did bump into quite a few people with it.

  When it comes time to cut the cake, Savvy steps up and cuts the first piece…then cringes. How can you make a baby replica cake and not feel bad cutting into the poor things freaking head? It’s like cutting into a real baby and Savvy will surely never make that mistake again. I laugh so hard I had to excuse myself to the bathroom.

  At the end of the shower, Josh and his brothers arrive. He makes his way over to me and leans down capturing my mouth in a soul searing kiss. When he pulls away I start to fan myself.

  “Mmmmm, that cake tastes delicious Hellcat.” He winks at me.

  “Can I persuade you to join me in the office?” I give him a smile but he knows I’m completely serious.

  Josh groans. “Ash, your Gran is five feet behind me. No way in hell am I dragging you away to bend you over a desk. But make no mistake, your ass is mine when we get home.”

  I fidget in my seat and narrow my eyes at Josh while I finish my cake. The boys are here to bring all the unopened presents out to their waiting fleet of trucks.

  They must not want to be here because everything is loaded up in ten minutes tops. I’m still eating my cake when I notice Josh talking to my Gran. He goes in for a hug and I see the dreamy look on her face before her hands inch lower. Did she really just squeeze Josh’s ass?

  “Hey Gran! Hands off, that ass is mine!”

  “What are you talking about sweetie? I’m just copping a feel.” Everyone starts laughing and Josh turns to wink at me. He’s eating this up. With a little swagger in his step he walks over to me. Really? He’s on cloud nine because my Gran grabbed him?

  “Well, well, what do we have here? For a second I was ready to throw down with my grandmother.”

  He wraps his arms around my lower back and pulls me into him. “I seem to be quite popular with the older ladies. It must be this toned ass, at least that’s what your Gran called it.” He can’t even hold the laughter back.

  I move my hands down and give Josh’s ass a firm squeeze. Why the hell did I do that? My face flushes and my panties get d
amp. I reach up and pull his head down to me not in the mood to be gentle as I crash his lips to mine and thrust my tongue into this mouth. When I bite his tongue, he takes over. He fists my hair and pulls my head to the perfect angle for him to kiss me deeper. Our tongues are dueling back and forth when I hear one of my grans friends talking.

  “They must be into that S&M stuff Margery. Look at him pulling her hair.”

  “And how do you know about S&M, wild thing?” My Gran questions.

  “Haven’t you ever listened to Rihanna? Apparently whips and chains are exciting and I really wish it was around when my George was still with us. We partook in spanking here and there you know.”

  I pull back and cringe. Hearing this is going to make my ears bleed. “I can’t handle this conversation anymore, please change the subject.”

  “On it.” Josh turns out towards everybody and uses his fingers to whistle.

  Savvy runs up to me quickly and tells me to sit down. Huh? What the hell?

  “Excuse me ladies! Can I have your attention please? You all know by now that Ash and I are thrilled that our little girl will be with us in just a few short months. What you don’t know, well maybe you do, is that several months ago, I did the unthinkable and left Ashlyn.”

  My Gran’s table starts to boo Josh bringing a smile to my face. I’m sure if they had popcorn or tomatoes they would be throwing them.

  “I know, I know, it was the worst mistake of my life. I still regret it now and will regret it for the rest of my life. When I found out that I was going to be a daddy,” he zones out for a second as if thinking of something then shakes his head. “I never thought that I would get another chance with Ash. To be honest, I know I didn’t deserve another chance. A woman like her deserves the best in life and I’m not even close to the best.” Shoot, I’m gonna cry.

  “Don’t sell yourself short Josh.” I whisper knowing only he can hear me.

  When he looks back at me I’m surprised to see tears in his eyes.

  “The worst morning of my life was when I found you panicked, banging on my hotel room door. I went from pure elation to sheer panic. After we found out everything was okay I vowed then and there that I would do whatever it took to win you back.” He turns back to everyone and takes a few steps. “Later on, when she said she’d give our relationship a second chance on her terms I was so happy. This woman, that’s my perfect counterpart in every way, was giving me the chance I’d been praying for.”


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