Drunk on You

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Drunk on You Page 12

by Ember Flint

  I nod in the crook of his neck, sniffling. “I’m… I’m your love?” I ask.

  He pushes me off his chest, his hands cupping my face, his expression a little contrite.

  “Shit, baby, I’m sorry! I suck at this stuff! I guess I should have gone over that part before I…”

  I smile through my tears. “Non-proposed?”

  He nods. “But, yes, Elliot: you’re my love, my one true love. I love you, baby, so fucking much… I didn’t know at first. You kinda blindsided me a little —okay, a lot… and I’ve never been in love before and I don’t know how to be soft, I’m sorry, I… I want to be. You’re the only woman in the world I wish I could be soft for, I just—”

  I pull his head down for a kiss because I can’t stand the distance any longer. “I don’t want or need you to be any different than how you are with me, Damon, and FYI, you are perfect just the way you are, love.”

  He gives a single mirthless chuckle.

  I cradle his face in my hands, turning his head shake into a nod as we smile at each other. “You are, Damon, and I love you too. So much.”

  He looks down at me. “Even if I told you we were getting engaged while we were both naked and therefor effectively destroyed any chance you could ever have of sharing this story with future grandchildren?” he asks.

  I shrug, smiling. “Even more so because of it.”

  “How come?”

  I kiss him softly and pull back. “You made it so totally un-sharable that now this story is just gonna be ours forever, Damon. And the fact you even think about stuff like our grandchildren makes me even happier that there’s no way you would let me refuse your non-proposal.”

  We both laugh at that.

  “So are we gonna lie to them about this?” he asks.

  “We’ll PG-13 it… and do the same if they ever ask what happened the first time we met. We’ll gloss over some stuff and we’ll be good to go.”

  He smirks, one eyebrow raised. “Some stuff? More like the whole thing.”

  I huff. “Alright! We’ll just tell them we don’t really remember because we were drunk most of the time while it happened. What do you think?”

  “Well, that would defeat the purpose of keeping the real story to us, since I’ve been really feeling utterly drunk since I met you, little doll.”

  “You have a point there.”

  I shrug “So we’ll think of something else then… something way more boring…”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  We hug each other harder, our lips sealing in a deep searing kiss while the hot wind blows around us, tickling our entwined bodies with the raspy caress of each grain of sand hurled at us and filling our ears with the rustling and swishing of the ocean as once again Damon lowers us back onto the towel, throwing my spread thighs over his grooved hips; the sight of his large, muscular body hovering over mine making me go up in flames already.

  He nuzzles the side of my neck and then the valley between my breasts, making me gasp his name and bite my lip to keep from screaming.


  “Hmm?” I mumble, my eyes fluttering open again.

  “I love our story.”

  Awww. And he thinks he can’t pull off ‘soft’!

  I smile on his chin. “Me too, baby. I love you,” I murmur on his lips.

  “Love you too, little doll. Always. And now… I’m gonna fuck you hard and deep until you’re pussy begs for mercy and we both can’t walk anymore.”

  And he can so totally pull off ‘hard’ too!

  Did I mention that I’m a lucky, lucky girl?!



  Three weeks after that…

  The words ‘you may now kiss the bride’ are barely out of the officiant’s mouth before I’m dipping Ellie over the arm I have wrapped around her waist and my lips are falling on hers hard and fast amongst the catcalls and applauses of our relatives, but I barely hear them over the thunder of my own heart and the whooshing sound of the ocean’s waves hitting the shore.

  When things between us really start to heat up, like they always seem to whenever we’re this close, I pull away from my lovely wife, my eyes devouring her as I bring her back to a vertical position.

  She giggles in happiness and my chest fills with a cozy sense of warmth that I never knew existed.

  We belong together now. Forever.

  Physically, spiritually and officially.

  I never thought I was the type of man who cared about these things and I’m pretty sure I never even wanted them up until a month ago, when I met the love of my life on this very island, but now I can’t think of anything more perfect than spending every waking moment with her until we both leave this earth, hopefully within a breath of each other.

  I look her over, clutching her closer to my chest and I try to slow my breathing before my desire for her really overwhelms me and we end up giving our family an unforgettable show, but it’s not easy.

  I love her so much, it’s hard to put it into words and she’s so pretty right now in her simple candlelight-colored silk wedding gown that wraps around her voluptuous curves like a second skin, her large green eyes looking up at me with so much hope, love and trust.

  I caress her cheek softly, my eyes lowering to her plump, delicious lips again.

  “You’re so beautiful, little doll, I can’t believe you’re mine,” I murmur on her lips and the blush gracing her cheeks deepens, almost glowing under the setting sun.

  Ellie gives me a radiant smile throwing her arms around my neck. “I know. You’re my husband! It’s… I… I feel like I’m floating, love, I can’t believe we’re really married!”

  “We are and I’m going to make you so happy, baby. So very happy…”

  I cradle her closer to me and once again everybody else disappears and we’re alone on the shore, standing on the very spot where we made love for the first time that night, though no one knows the significance of this stretch of beach to us, this is where our love got real and it’s forever going to be special to us.

  Between the excitement I’m feeling at finally being able to call my woman ‘wife’ and the memories of that night, my body can’t do much but respond and when Ellie feels my cock harden and jerk against her flat belly she pulls back and looks up at me, eyes narrowed and pink lips twitching.

  “Don’t start something you can’t finish right now, Damon.”

  “And who said I can’t finish it, love?” I smirk down at her. “We just need to find a convenient spot to hide and I’ll prove to you I can more than finish it…”

  Sneaking away wouldn’t be so hard after all and a perfunctory glance tells me my best man and Ellie’s maid of honor, Weston and Cali, already took advantage of the Key’s emptiness to steal away.

  Right now the resort is devoid of both visitors and most of the staff for the entire week because of our wedding. Our guests weren’t exactly thrilled about being displaced, but we managed to make them happy by refunding them double the money, arranging for them to vacation somewhere else on our dime and booking them for a free stay here at a different time; it cost us a small fortune, but there’s no price I wouldn’t pay to be alone with my new wife.

  When I asked my little doll where she wanted to go for our honeymoon, she said she didn’t want to go anywhere at all, that she wanted to stay here in what she calls ‘our sunset island’ where our love was born, and there was no way I wasn’t making it happen.

  Ellie’s eyes flutter and she gives me a sultry, wanton look that turns my dick from stiff to rock-hard in seconds and now I’m no longer joking about slinking away with her so we can fuck as husband and wife pronto, no way I’m waiting for the celebration to be over and our wedding night to start.

  As the sky above us begins to turn from pink and orange to a dark purple and blue, I gesture to my bodyguards and they create a small diversion for us so we can take off undetected before an avalanche of well-wishers sweep
s us under, but we don’t go far, ‘cause my new brother-in-law, Cole, stops us in our path, arms crossed over his chest as he scowls at me.

  Elliot assures me her very protective big brother is happy for us, but when I look in his eyes I only see the million ways in which he wishes he could murder me and dump me in the middle of the ocean.

  I like the big bastard: anybody who is in my baby’s corner and spends so much time and effort looking out for her, has my undying gratitude, however I’m gonna need to have a talk with him so he can understand that taking care of Elliot no longer falls on him: protecting my wife is my responsibility and joy alone now.

  “Where are you two running off?”

  Ellie glares at him. “Cole, really!”

  She rises our joined hands under his nose and points to our shiny wedding bands. “We are married! Can you drop it now!”

  “I know that,” he grumbles, giving me the evil eye. “Can you just give me a minute with your husband? Before you… —he grimaces— you know…”

  Ellie rolls her eyes. “Not a chance in hell,” she says walking in front of me, her little curvy body drawing up in a protective stance that makes her brother laugh, but on me it has a completely different and very telling effect.

  “Easy, tiger,” I whisper into her ear, pulling her back.

  “What do you want, Cole?” I ask, gesturing for him to step aside with me as my tiny protector huffs and starts to glare at the both of us now.

  “Just one thing, big guy.”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Shoot.”

  For a moment he looks like he might just take my words literally and then he sighs, probably regretting being unharmed right now.

  “I don’t care how much money you have, Broderick, you harm one hair on my baby sister’s head, they’ll never find your body.”

  Ellie gasp indignantly. “Cole!”

  I just nod, offering him my hand. “Fair enough.”

  We shake on it.

  He stares at me for a long moment. “I mean it.”

  “Me too.”

  He claps me over one shoulder in a none-too-friendly way. “We good?”

  I shrug, “Sure, no hard feelings. My wife is perfectly safe with me, Cole, and I hereby give you authority to kick my butt if you ever think I’m not treating her right, happy?”

  Ellie scoffs. “You are a couple of lunatics!”

  Cole smiles and starts to speak with my wife, but then something catches his eye from behind us and the grin drops from his face; his jaw clenching as his lips form a thin hard line.

  I throw a look behind me and I frown when I see his eyes are on Fay.

  The way he’s looking at her, he either wants to fuck her or he really, really can’t stand the poor girl, I can’t be sure which one it is.

  “Cole?” Ellie asks to his retreating back as he walks up to Fay and starts to drag her away.

  Ellie’s jaw drops. “What am I missing here?” she asks.

  I chuckle. “I might be wrong, but I’m guessing a helluvalot, baby, but let’s not worry about it right now… we still have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  She looks away from her brother and her friend and gives me a sassy little smile.

  “Oh really?! And what business might that be, husband of mine?”

  I pick her up and growl into her ear, making her squeal and shiver against me as a gust of wind pelts our faces in a cloud of warm sand.

  “The business of me fucking my delicious wife for the first time until we both pass out.”

  I practically run the distance that divides us from the deserted resort and don’t stop until we reach one of the infinity ocean-fed pools.

  I scan the area to make sure we’re alone and then I start to pull at my linen suit and her wedding dress until we’re standing naked on the edge of the water, our elegant attire in a heap at our feet, just as the sun completely dips into the Gulf and darkness surround us, fully hiding us from view.

  My cock twitches and hardens, the large head sleeking with pre-cum as I drink my fill of her arresting beauty.

  I grip her flaring hips and pull her soft body against mine.

  “I want you so much, love,” I tell her, my voice so raspy and low I can hardly recognize it myself.

  Standing on tiptoes, Ellie winds her arms around my neck.

  “I want you too, Damon, don’t make me wait,” she whispers on my lips before she kisses me.

  The kiss begins sweet and gentle just like my little doll is and then turns fiery and passionate and grips our souls, dragging us under until we both gasp for air.

  I nuzzle the soft skin where her neck meets her shoulder, covering it in a smatter of small kisses and she whimpers my name softly, I’ve learned her body very well in the past weeks and I know she’s very sensitive here.

  The delicate sexy noises coming from her throat make my cock ache so bad, I can’t wait to bury myself deep into the heat of her soft, snug pussy over and over again.

  I once more pick her up, guiding her movements until her supple thick thighs are on either side of my waist and her already sopping center is pressed against my hard erection and then I carefully lower us into the pool.

  I walk us to the deepest end and don’t stop until the salty water is lapping at my shoulders; the coolness of it feels amazing against my overheated skin, but the sensation is nothing to the feeling of my wife’s slippery curves cradling my much bigger, harder body as we cling to each other.

  I swim backward until we reach one of the corners of the low rim surrounding the pool and then, still holding Ellie firmly in my arms, I drive her up against the edge and once again our lips fall on each other in a desperate hot kiss as the water ripples and splashes around us, glittering on my wife’s glossy dark hair, tanned gold skin and maddening sexy curves in jewel-like droplets that reflect the deepening blue of the sky, the silvery shininess of the moon and the pale lights of the first evening stars as they begin to glint over us.

  I feel my stiff dick pulse and grow even thicker and larger as I tease the tiny entrance of her molten cunt with its blunt crown and she moans into my mouth, breaking the kiss.

  My eyes fall on her large glistening tits, floating and bobbing just above the surface of the water and I can’t help but have a taste, my lips closing first around one of her needy hard rosy nipples and then the other as she moans my name, her head lolling backward and her legs and arms tightening around my body.

  “Fuck, love, you’re so exquisite,” I growl into her skin, relishing the sweetness of her natural scent as it mixes with the salt of the water and the heady fog of desire surrounding us and loving how small and tender she feels in my arms.

  “Oh, God, Damon, please… please,” she mewls and I know exactly what she wants, because it’s what I want too: slam into her in one long hard thrust and don’t stop until I’m filling her cunt all the way and stretching it with every thick inch I have to give, but I also want to relish this, make it last.

  “Not yet, little doll,” I murmur, my jaw ticking and my hands clutching her hips harder as I move her delectable body over mine.

  I feel her wet pussy clench against the tip of my big hard cock and my balls tighten as I tease us both, prolonging this moment.

  I slide one hand away from her waist and upward until I reach the big breasts my lips have yet to give up and I start to pluck at the nub I’m not sucking on, making Ellie moan breathlessly. She begins to tremble in my arms, the little mewling sounds leaving her sweet throat, turning me on even more and making me stroke the ridge of my firm cock harder and faster against her little clit.

  I let her nipple pop out of my mouth and pull back a little, arching her back over the edge of the pool while one of my arms fastens around her hips to hold her up against my body and I nearly lose my load when she tightens the silky clasp of her luscious thighs around my hips, sliding her plump pussy up and down my driving length in an effort to take me in, making
water slosh all around us.

  “Love, I need you now,” she whimpers; her hands clutching at my shoulders and the desire in her voice making the cum in my balls boil as my hard dick lurches forward, the head sliding past my wife’s tight little slit without my say-so.

  Ellie lowers her face onto my shoulder and my cock painfully jumps against her sweet cunt when I feel her hot lips graze my skin, another inch of my length slipping inside her and making her gasp my name in pleasure.

  “I need you too, baby. Always,” I breathe on her neck and reach under water to push her legs further apart and higher on my hips so she’s completely spread for me.

  Keeping her cunt on the head of my cock, I grip the rounded cheeks of her ass in both hands, rising her even more and then I dive deeper, fighting my way through the tight clasp of her clenching walls until I’m hammering inside of her to the hilt, both of us screaming into each other’s lips as my balls slap the undersides of her bottom, her ample curves cushioning my every thrust into her welcoming heat while I slide her up and down my painfully hard large erection, pressing my pelvis vigorously into her so that I can rub her pulsing clit.

  I grip her to me more forcefully, my dick surging inside of her milking pussy as she starts to soar in climax. I devour her swollen lips and her screams in a hard, biting kiss, all teeth and tongue, tasting her while I fuck her hard and deep, sharing my love, my body and my soul with her as her little curvy body shakes, tensing all over.

  She comes beautifully, dragging me with her, hot cum blasting out of my cock hard and fast in a powerful stream that nearly buckles my knees. I lower my face to her chest, grunting my orgasm in the wet valley between her heaving breasts, hugging her even closer, trying to meld us together and wishing this moment could last forever.

  “My beautiful wife,” I murmur, looking up at her and her face breaks into an adoring smile that holds all the secrets to my future happiness, a smile that holds our forever.

  I kiss her sweetly.

  Still breathing raggedly, Ellie throws her arms around my neck again.


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