Drunk on You

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Drunk on You Page 14

by Ember Flint

  She thinks she’s unsinkable, she’s always been, though the universe seems to hold a bit of a grudge against her and has tried to kick her down plenty of times.

  And then her life gets that much more complicated when a sexy, large, tattooed bearded gentleman drags her away, steals all of her firsts and leaves with her something she never expected to have.

  A broken heart might just be the thing to finally sink her.

  Wasn’t love supposed to conquer all when she finally found The One?

  What the heck happened there?

  Dear Reader:

  So yeah, the forecast on this stormy fairy tale might not look sunny right now, but don’t worry, you know that you can, as always, trust me to make this 100% SAFE and happy.

  Check out this ingredients’ list if you don’t believe me:

  One giant, obsessed OTT possessive alpha baby daddy, insta-heat, plenty of spicy smutty times, a heroine that’s so sugary and sassy, she will add all the sweetness and laughter you need to this story, a dusting of angst, a pinch of thrill, a tablespoon of intrigue, a side of secret bundle of joy and a big serving of happily ever after that will tickle you pink and leave you full and content.

  By now you’ve guessed it already: this filthy-cheesy romance is insta-love fluffiness and second-chance-at-love goodieness all wrapped up in one big candy-coated messy package. There’s no cheating, it’s HEA-guaranteed and there’s no OW/OM drama, though there’s a dastardly evil stepsister behind the scenes, fair warning!


  Copyright © 2019 Ember Flint

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. To request permission, contact the author.

  Note from the Author: this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental. Please note that this work is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all sexually-active characters in it are represented as 18 or over. Also, in real life, remember: always safety first.

  Cover design by: Ember Flint – Pink Diamonds’ Waterfall Designs

  Edited by: New Wave Romance

  To all the readers who have been knocked around one too many times by life and by love and no longer believe in happily-ever-afters; I hope this changes your mind.

  Excerpt of Secret Billionaire Baby Daddy

  Chapter 1


  “Feed me that tongue, my little fairy, just like I taught you,” I growl on her plump sweet lips as I clutch her to me, sliding her round glasses off her nose and into my pocket.

  I feel her hands yank at the lapels of my tux as a tiny moan escapes her mouth and then her little tongue slips past my lips and tentatively searches my own.

  I break off the kiss and smile on her lips. “That’s it, Sky…”

  She pulls my face down for more and I go willingly as we both stumble out of my private lift and straight into my penthouse’s living room.

  I’ve never brought a date back to my place and yet with her the idea of fucking in an impersonal hotel room just didn’t cut it.

  I could have taken a suite right where we were, after all: that place is ritzy enough that even royalty would think it’s too over the top, so she wouldn’t have thought anything was amiss, not to mention the fact that doing that would have ensured I got her under me faster, but the thought bothered me so much I ended up driving all the way to my building.

  My own fucking bed is the only place in the world where I could take her cherry and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do.

  I let her explore my mouth for a while and then I take over again because I need more, fuck… so much more.

  I need to devour her like the delicious morsel she is. I need everything from her. Now.

  I push my tongue insistently against hers, clutching her to my chest, one arm around her soft waist.

  Fuck, I love her curves, she’s pint-sized, but all woman all over, it drives me fucking insane.

  I can’t get enough of her fresh taste and of her sugary strawberry scent…

  Less than forty fucking minutes in this girl’s company and I’m already stoned on her. I’m unmovable usually, nothing ever tempts me and here I am, a hopeless junkie for her. This shit is freaky and I have no explanation for it, the only thing I know for sure is that she’s a fucking flame and I’m a fucking moth and there’s major fucking drawing going on and no way to break free, not that I want to. Hell. Fucking. No.

  I don’t fucking want to ever be away from her, not even for a single minute for the rest of my life and beyond.

  I kiss her hard, nibbling her lips and driving my tongue as deep as it can go until we’re both gasping for air and then I rip my lips from hers with a groan.

  Shit, I don’t think my cock has ever been this achingly hard in my entire life, she has me fucking panting.

  I move the silky strands of her shiny auburn-colored hair to the side, loving the feel of their delicate texture against my fingertips and I lower my lips on her once more, trailing open-mouthed kisses down the milky column of her neck as she tilts her head to give me better access.

  “Good girl,” I murmur in between kisses and she mewls my name softly, her legs wrapping even more snugly around my waist, her little mint-colored excuse for a dress, riding up under my fingers as I grasp her thick thighs to meld us even closer.

  I can tell the dress is not best quality, but the color and shininess of it are still stunning against her creamy skin, she is fucking beautiful in it.

  She’s gonna look even more pretty out of it and I hope she’s not attached to it, because I can’t see the little flimsy number surviving this night and even if by some miracle it did, I would still rent it in two myself.

  My fairy looks too damn sexy in it. No way I’ll let some other bastard have the chance to take a look.

  I walk us further in the darkened room and press her up against the wall, my mouth once again sampling her plush lips, one of my hands sliding between us and grazing the rounded underside of one of her firm, large breasts, so temptingly displayed by the décolletage of the sinful dress.

  I tell myself to slow down a little, this night is her first everything, after all, but I’m barely halfway through my thought when I feel I’m already cupping and kneading the hefty weight of her tit.

  Damn, she feels like heaven in my hands and she’s not even naked yet.

  I feel a bolt of pre-cum shoot from my tip as my raging constricted hard-on grinds painfully against the unyielding fabric of my tailored slacks, attempting to get to her hot softness.

  I leave her tantalizing mouth behind for a moment to clear my head a little, but she’s like a magnet to my steel: I just can’t pull away. I start to kiss my way between her tits, gripping the fabric of the strapless dress just under her chest to lower it.

  I breathe her in and my dick jerks in my pants, the zipper digging in its swollen underside, my balls tightening up.

  She smells like fucking strawberry all over.

  I’m ready to bet all my billions her sweet, little untouched pussy also smells like strawberry. It won’t smell like that for long, though: she’s gonna smell like me, like us, by the time I claim what’s mine and make us one.

  We need to be one. We already are on so many levels, even if I don’t know her; I feel like I know her soul, like she’s in my blood already.

  Damn, I’ve been acting like a fucking beast, a caveman, since I laid eyes on her and she’s too pure, too
perfect, too out of this fucking world innocent for me to do to her the things that are running through my head, but I can’t stop.

  I have to have her. Now.

  There’s no slowing down, there never could be and stopping is not even an option: it would fucking kill me.


  Fuck, I love the way my name slides off her tongue, particularly on a moan. I’m going to enjoy hearing her screaming it at the top of her lungs as I take her virginity, take what’s mine, all night long.

  “What, baby?”

  Sky shakes all over. “I… I… I need… I need you closer.”

  “I know, my little fairy… me too…”

  I spread her legs further on either side of my pitched hips, bunching her little dress around her midriff and starting to drive my cock against her panty-covered, sopping wet, cherry-tight cunt to give us something, but I know it’s not enough, nothing will ever be. There’s no close that could ever satisfy us, no matter how deep I’ll bury myself into her.

  She’s so petite compared to my large frame, I can keep her balanced with just one arm wound under her curvaceous ass as I hump her to the wall, moulding our lower bodies as much as I can and fucking loathing the fabric separating us as I feel her wetness seep into the front of my damp pants and mix with my pre-cum.

  I push her further up the wall so I can keep her against it just with my driving hips, I fucking need both hands all over her lush tiny body.

  I grind my rock-hard cock deeper into the cradle of her legs, gripping her soft thighs hard and I’m sure I’m gonna leave bruises all over her pale skin, but I’m too blinded by my need to unclench my fingers, besides, I kind of like the idea of marking her: it will only make her more mine.

  “Spread these luscious thighs more, Sky. I’ve got to get closer,” I grunt on the sweet-smelling hollow of her throat and she immediately complies, her hands splaying over my back as she pushes herself onto me, driving my desperately aroused dick harder against her needy little virgin cunt.

  I force my hips to slow down and slip one hand between us and don’t stop until I reach the slick fabric of her satin panties. I can feel the hot wetness of her pussy scalding my fingers and I groan at the sensation, my cock jerking painfully in response.

  She wants this.

  She wants me just as much as I want her. She’s been dripping for me since we shared her first kiss ever in the middle of that gaudy ballroom.

  Fuck, I need to taste her. I need to fuck her. Can’t wait anymore.

  “Zeke… this feels so… so…” she moans, her head lolling back and to the side, her thighs clutching my hand.

  I kiss her lips roughly, my beard chafing the softness of her cheeks and chin and I feel her dainty fingers leave my back and spread on either side of my face, gripping it, pulling me closer.

  I push away with a groan. “I need you, all of you, my little fairy…”

  She nods eagerly. “I… I feel the same way,” she pants.

  I lower my forehead to hers, both of our chests heaving up and down as we catch our breath.

  “You sure, baby?” I bring myself to ask.

  I don’t know how I would survive her refusing me without rupturing something important after what we shared in that back room, but I still have to hear from her lips that she wants this or it’s a no go.

  “I am, Zeke… call me crazy, but I want this… you… now. It feels like I have to do this.”

  I grin down at her. “You have to do this?”

  She nods. “Yeah… I just have to: I can’t say no. You understand?”

  I chuckle, kissing her lips softly. “I do, fairy… I don’t think a hurricane could pull me away from your body right now… only you could, if you didn’t want this. Tell me to stop and I will, Sky.”

  She smiles, her lovely face blushing a deeper shade of pink that incredibly enough makes my already granite cock harden further, her large haunting gray eyes pouring all her desire from her soul right into mine, her fingers grasping my beard.


  Want to read more? Secret Billionaire Baby Daddy is available now!

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  Also by Ember Flint

  Single Titles


  Deck me up


  Virgin Heart

  At the Stroke of Midnight

  Falling for Him

  Secret Crush’s Baby

  Red, White & Hers –A Falling on the Fourth Novella

  Smiling in Love

  Secret Billionaire Baby Daddy

  Unleashed Love – Must Love Dogs: Charity Anthology for Kali Forbach

  Standalone Series

  In Love in a New York Minute Series:

  Devastatingly Desirable

  Impetuously Irresistible

  Enchantingly Entangled

  Sundown Whisper’s Island Series:

  Drunk on you

  High on you (Coming soon)

  Stuck on you (Coming soon)




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