Meltdown: Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima

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Meltdown: Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Disaster in Fukushima Page 11

by Deirdre Langeland

  seismology: the study of vibration in Earth’s crust; the scientists who study this are called seismologists

  shield: a physical object through which a certain type of radiation cannot pass; it protects anything behind it from that type of radiation

  sievert (Sv): a unit of measure that indicates how much radiation an object has received

  spent fuel: in a nuclear reactor, fuel that is no longer capable of maintaining a chain reaction

  subduction: the process by which one tectonic plate is pushed underneath another

  subduction fault: the area where one tectonic plate is being pushed underneath another

  surface waves: seismic waves that travel along Earth’s surface

  tectonic plate: a massive chunk of Earth’s surface made up of continental crust, oceanic crust, and uppermost mantle; it moves in response to the rising and sinking of the asthenosphere

  tendenko: the traditional Japanese idea that residents of coastal areas should evacuate without delay before a tsunami arrives

  thermal energy: a type of kinetic energy that is felt as heat

  torus: also called a suppression pool or wet well; a doughnut-shaped chamber beneath a nuclear reactor vessel that is designed to contain and cool water during an emergency

  tsunami: a massive wave of water produced by the displacement of a large amount of water, such as would happen during an earthquake or landslide

  turbine: a piece of equipment that uses a force like wind or steam to rotate and produce power

  unstable: a state in which conditions are likely to change; in physics, unstable elements are likely to decay or change form by some other means

  valve: a device that controls the movement of a gas or a liquid into or out of a container

  vent (verb): to release a gas or liquid from a container




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  Online Resources

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