Caught Between Dragons

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Caught Between Dragons Page 2

by Meg Ripley

  “Where to?”

  Becca gave him the address and they took off through the downtown area towards the gallery. Jeremy rolled down the windows and Becca watched the wind rustling through his dark hair and pulling at the collar of his Mötley Crüe t-shirt. The street lights that had turned on early bathed him in a periodic pale orange light as they passed underneath them.

  “Are you enjoying the view,” he asked suddenly.

  Embarrassed, Becca turned away from him and stared out the window while he laughed. Slowing, they pulled up to a red light and she glanced over just in time to catch Jeremy looking at her.

  “You’re adorable,” Jeremy said as they waited for the light to turn. Reaching over, he patted her head like a child, “No need to be embarrassed.”

  This only served to make Becca blush even deeper. She was afraid to look over at him for fear that those big blue eyes of his would be staring at her.

  When the light turned green, Becca let out a breath she had not even realized she was holding. They rode the rest of the way to the gallery in silence, Jeremy seemingly at ease while Becca’s stomach turned with anxiety.

  “Here we are,” Jeremy announced as they pulled up outside of the gallery.

  “Thanks.” Becca felt as if her face was a red-hot coal as she looked over at her boss.

  Without warning, Jeremy reached over and pulled her into a big hug. “You’re a sweet girl,” he said. “If you ever need anything, anything at all, you just let me know.”

  “I will,” she promised out loud, even though her mind told her she would probably be too nervous to ever call him to ask for any favor.

  “I mean it,” he said with mocking tone as he pointed a finger at her nose. Becca couldn’t help but laugh—which gave him great satisfaction—so he decided to let her out of his embrace so she could exit the car.

  “See ya,” she said as she shut the door before his grinning face.


  The ringing phone sounded so foreign at 3 a.m. There was a strong urge to throw it across the room, but instead Becca checked to see who it was. A shot of adrenaline rushed through her when she saw that it was her boss, Jeremy.

  “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hey...hi, Becca. Listen, listen, I’m not—I’m not drunk, but Tommy said...that I should ask pick me up.” His words were slurred and Becca knew that he had had a few too many drinks at Dave’s, the bar that Jeremy and his brother liked to frequent. Usually they behaved themselves, but in the last couple of months since Becca had started working for Jeremy, she had noticed that every few weeks or so they needed someone to make sure they got home safely.

  “Is that Becca?” She heard Jadon’s voice in the background. “Tell our little bunny, I say HIIIIII!”

  “Did you—did you hear ‘im?”

  “Yes,” she assured Jeremy as she rolled out of bed and slipped on a pair of flip-flops and a sweater over her pajamas. “Tell him I’m coming to pick you guys up, okay?”


  As she picked up the keys hanging on the hook by her front door, Becca was reminded of how glad she was that the Ladon brothers had given her a car to borrow until she had saved up enough money to buy her own. The first time they’d called her while drunk, she had simply called them a cab, which had resulted in them being lost and found wandering down by the river a couple hours later. The only information that the officer who had picked them up managed to get was all about Becca, so they were delivered to her doorstep at 5:30 in the morning. After recovering from his hangover, the next day, Jeremy had handed Becca a set of keys and told her that she could return the car whenever she had saved up enough for her own.

  The black sedan wasn’t too flashy and, after a few weeks, Becca had gotten used to driving it. When she arrived at Dave’s, the twins were standing outside already, holding onto each other for support. Jadon pointed excitedly when he saw the car pulling up, his abrupt motion almost enough to knock his brother over.

  “There’s my girl!” he exclaimed when she parked and stepped out of the car. “I told—I told Jeremy that you did love us enough to come pick us up. He didn’t believe me.”

  “Of course,” she said with a smile as they both smothered her in a hug. “Are you ready for me to take you guys home?”

  “Yes,” they said in unison, releasing her and climbing into the backseat of the car like obedient children.

  Once they were both safely inside, Becca climbed into the car and headed further downtown towards Jeremy’s loft. It was a short drive, but she still found herself praying in her mind that neither one of them would be sick in the back of the car. She pulled into the parking garage using the pass that Jeremy had given her and parked in the reserved spot next to his Corvette and the elevator.

  She was not at all surprised when she opened the door and found that both Ladon brothers had passed out in the backseat. For a moment, Becca admired how they leaned together and held each other in their sleep, imagining that they must have held onto each other much in the same fashion in their mother’s womb. Then she gently shook the nearest brother by the shoulder.


  “Mhmmmm,” he groaned as he turned to face her without opening his eyes.

  “Come on, Jadon. We’re home. Don’t you want to go sleep in your bed?”

  “No,” he said, his eyes still closed.

  “Where do you want to sleep?”

  “In your bed.” He leaned precariously forward and Becca caught him by the shoulders, helping him to stand as best she could with her disadvantaged height.

  “Okay, we’ll go to my bed,” she promised as she led him to the elevator. “It’s this way.”

  They stumbled into the metal box and Becca pushed the button for the top floor, swatting away Jadon’s hand as he reached forward to try to press all of the buttons as he had done on previous occasions. He sighed and held onto Becca as they waited for the elevator to reach their floor.

  “I appreciate you,” he whispered over and over as he breathed in the scent of her hair and she nodded her head squeezing his hand.

  Becca sat Jadon down on the guest bed in Jeremy’s apartment and promised that she would be right back to tuck him into bed as soon as she fetched his brother. His agreement was incoherently mumbled, but she understood the tone of his voice and headed back downstairs for Jeremy.

  The elevator dinged when it reached the parking garage floor and the doors opened up to reveal a figure already standing there waiting. Becca’s heart skipped a beat before she realized that it was only Jeremy, apparently awake enough to get out of the car by himself.

  “Here,” she said as she offered her hand to Jeremy.

  He took it, grasping it tightly as he stumbled into the elevator. He seemed to be wavering as he leaned against the wall and Becca pressed the button. She slipped her arm around his waist to steady him and he put his arm around her as well.

  “Becca.” Jeremy reached over with his free hand and rested it on her shoulder. “Am I a good person?”

  “Of course you are,” she assured him. “I think you’re a wonderful person, and a great boss.”

  “But I’m going to do something bad,” Jeremy said, and before Becca could react, his hand shifted to the back of her neck and he pulled her into him for a deep kiss.

  Becca closed her eyes and leaned into him, giving him her lips and tongue freely. Everything in her mind was telling her that this was completely inappropriate, but her body could not resist the pull of his hands. When she came up for air, she tried to tell Jeremy to stop, but the words would not come out, as he filled her mouth over and over again.

  Her arms reached up, cautiously wrapping themselves around his neck. Jeremy responded to the touch, his hands sliding down the curves of her body, gripping the backs of her thighs and hoisting her up into the air, her legs wrapping instinctively around him.

  The ding of the elevator cued Jeremy to exit a
nd head to his apartment, muscle memory guiding him to the door. Shifting Becca to one arm, he opened the door and stepped inside, pressing her back against it to close it.

  “Jeremy,” she whispered breathlessly in his ear.

  He responded by shushing her and placing a finger over her lips. Becca kissed the finger and he slowly traced a line down from her lips, over her chin, and down her neck. His nimble fingers unbuttoned her sweater to reveal the thin white tank top underneath and his eyes focused on the full round breasts that pressed against the fabric with hardened nipples.

  Becca was pinned against the door, her legs still wrapped around Jeremy’s waist. With gentle hands, he cupped her breasts and began to squeeze and knead them before reaching up and pushing away her sweater to pull down the straps of her shirt. Obediently, Becca lifted her arms out of her shirt before she brought them back down to knot her fingers in his dark hair just as he buried his face in her chest.

  “You’re so beautiful,” Jeremy said when his head came up.

  He pulled her close to him as he moved through the apartment to his bedroom, laying her down gently on the bed. Pulling her shirt down around her waist, Jeremy kissed her stomach and up to her breasts, his hands caressing her sides firmly.

  While his mouth suckled on her breasts, Becca felt a second set of hands reaching around her waist, pulling her shirt and pants off, leaving her completely naked on the bed beneath Jeremy. The mystery hands travelled up her legs and a shadow appeared at her side that she recognized as Jadon, his own naked body pressed against hers.

  His fingers teased the inside of her thigh as he leaned in to kiss Becca softly on the lips before wandering down to tease the breast not occupied by his twin. Becca’s eyes rolled back in her head as she let out a soft gasp while their tongues worked over her nipples in a perfect rhythm.

  Jeremy pulled away to undress while Jadon played with her breasts, fondling them while his mouth covered every inch of her stomach in soft kisses. Becca sighed as Jeremy’s mouth returned, starting at her toes and kissing all the way up both of her legs.

  Jadon knelt above Becca, holding her hands above her head while he teased her breasts with his tongue. Jeremy stood at the edge of the bed, his hands gripping her knees as his kisses found their way to the tops of her thighs and he began teasing her clitoris with his hot breath, the tip of his nose, and his tongue.

  Becca moaned, her breath was coming in short ragged breaths as the two mouths worked over her body. Next to her head, she sensed Jadon’s hardened cock and turned to kiss it and run her tongue over it. He let out a moan that sent shivers through Becca’s body. She tried for more and was rewarded with his deep moans as he moved in and out of her eager mouth.

  Between her legs, Jeremy teased Becca’s entrance with his own hardened cock. She whimpered, impatient to feel him inside of her.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  Becca moaned in affirmation. Ever so slowly, Jeremy inserted himself and pulled out. Becca squirmed until he inserted himself again, pushing as deeply as he could go. The feeling was exquisite, and with the taste of his twin in her mouth, Becca felt like she might explode from the intensity of the pleasure.

  Jeremy began to thrust his hips in a slow rhythm which synced up with the rhythm of his twin. Drool trickled down the side of Becca’s mouth as she moaned with pleasure. Above her, both brothers grunted and moaned, a sound that almost sounded like a growling monster. Their combined exclamations created a three-part harmony of pleasure.

  The tempo increased gradually as their voices rose together in a feverish pitch that sounded inhuman. Their bodies tangled as they struggled to attain as much pleasure from one another as possible before each of them reached their climax.

  Becca fell first, her body quivered with aftershocks while the two brothers kept up their rhythm after her orgasm. They finished shortly after her, pulling out in unison and covering her in their cum while her body still trembled beneath them.

  Exhausted, the brothers collapsed on either side of Becca while all three of them gasped for air. Jeremy attempted to wipe away the wet mess covering Becca’s chest and stomach while Jadon fiddled with a lock of her hair.

  “Sweet dreams, my little bunny,” Jadon whispered before all three of them passed out.


  After the first encounter, Becca found herself liberated from the tension that had built up between her and Jeremy at work—well, at least now they had a way to relieve such tension as it built up. Jeremy had been a physically affectionate person before and it surprised Becca to find out that he could be even more so. Now, every time she walked near him, there would be at least some small touch that he made to show his affection, and when the small touches weren’t enough, he’d pull her into a closet or simply bend her over one of their desks. Their relationship grew over the months as they began to see each other outside of work.

  For their first date, Jeremy had taken Becca out to a baseball game with him and Jadon. She sat between them, their synchronization causing them to both touch her lightly on the leg or arm periodically throughout the event. Between the three of them, they managed to miss virtually the entire game.

  The dates did not always include Jeremy’s twin, but Becca found that she did rather enjoy Jadon’s presence on their dates—as much as she enjoyed his added presence in the bedroom. The connection between the Ladon brothers was so unnaturally strong that having only one of them with her almost felt incomplete.

  “How’s my little bunny,” Jadon would ask every time he came into the office, whether for business or his own personal amusement.

  Some days he would come by just to tease Becca and Jeremy while they worked. He would offer Becca a massage or simply sit in front of her and touch himself. More than once, this resulted in Jeremy taking Becca and his brother to a back room in the office where they would all satisfy themselves before returning to work.

  Becca was so caught up in the bliss that it barely registered when she stopped going home to her own place in the evenings and started staying with the Ladon brothers. Jeremy had even gone so far as to start buying her clothes so that she didn’t even have to go home to do laundry. The realization only hit her when she finally did go by her own apartment one night and realized she hadn’t set foot inside for two weeks. Her fridge was a disaster, there was a pile of mail in front of her door, and a distinct look of neglect to the whole place.

  She told herself that things may have gotten a little out of hand with her new romance and decided to pull back; that she should at least start to sleep in her own bed every now and then. With her emotional reality check complete, Becca cleaned up her apartment and ignored the texts from Jeremy and Jadon asking her to come over.


  “Are you upset with me?” Jeremy asked the next morning when he got into the office and found Becca making his morning tea.

  “No,” she said as he snaked his arms around her waist and nibbled on her neck.

  “Then why didn’t you come over last night?”

  “Because I just wanted to spend time in my own bed,” she said.

  “I’d have come over there if you wanted.”

  “No,” she said quickly, thinking of the disgusting shape her apartment was in last night.

  The pause that followed was heavy with tension as Becca waited for Jeremy to inquire further. Slowly, she poured his tea, expecting at any moment for him to insist she give him a reason.

  Becca turned around to hand Jeremy his tea. “I’m sorry, I—”

  “It’s okay,” he said taking the cup from her. “I understand, sweetie. You want to have some time to yourself. I’m sorry, I know that Jadon and I can be...intense.”

  Becca blushed. “Yeah.”

  They headed upstairs to begin working for the day, holding hands and flirting just as much as they ever had. The morning passed slowly as Becca answered emails and Jeremy worked on the schedule for the drivers.

Just before they broke for lunch, the front door downstairs slammed and a yell of frustration reverberated up to them. Jeremy met Becca’s eyes and she could tell that something was wrong from the way that his brow furrowed.

  A set of feet stomped up the stairs and Becca’s heart began to beat with anxiety. She could feel the anger like a physical presence in the air. Becca resisted the urge to hide under her desk like a frightened child as the steps approached the top of the stairs.

  Jadon appeared at the top of the steps, his aggravation clearly visible on his face. Jeremy approached his brother and held him by the shoulders. “What’s wrong?”

  They conferred quietly for a moment, sending worried glances over to Becca. Their lips moved silently while a ball of nervous energy built and wound itself up inside of her.

  To distract herself, she looked back down at the computer to see that a new email notification had popped up. Opening it, she discovered some news that she knew the Ladon brothers would want to know.

  “Hey guys. You need to read this.”

  They both looked up from their discussion, their expressions grim but intrigued. Becca waved them over to her desk, and when they approached, she showed them the message on the screen.

  “Mr. Ladon, our latest shipment from Maltech was hit by a criminal organization or hired thugs. We were about 30 miles outside of Houston. Ricky and I were assaulted and kept in the hospital overnight, but don’t worry about us. We’re okay. Police have the truck locked up as evidence. We’ll catch a train back to the main office later today. -Sal”

  Jeremy sighed. “Guess you know what’s going on now, too.”

  Jadon beat a fist against the wall, leaving a visible crack in the plaster. Becca jumped and her heart skipped a beat, making Jeremy instinctively reach out for her. Jadon mumbled an apology.


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