Roommate Romance

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Roommate Romance Page 12

by Maggie Riley

  And she had grabbed my attention completely. Maybe I was just interested in her because it felt like a challenge. I did love a challenge. It was possible that after we hooked up, I’d be more than ready to pursue one-night stands like I had before the accident.

  Though I had a hard time imagining I’d be content with just one night with Allie. I had never been so captivated by a woman. She was so infinitely appealing, and I couldn’t figure out why. If I was honest, I should have been turned off by her obsessive planning. Her need for control and organization was the complete opposite of my own personal philosophy. I was content to let things happen, to give the universe a chance. Allie, on the other hand, didn’t seem capable of doing anything unless it had a checklist attached to it. Not that checklists couldn’t be fun.

  Torture man with sexy towel-clad body: check.

  Kiss same man in the kitchen until his brain turned to mush: check.

  Let same man become addicted to mind-melding moans and gasps while coming: check.

  Taste like everything this man ever dreamed of: check.

  Suddenly, Allie’s life philosophy seemed filled with endless possibilities. Fun, naked possibilities. I realized I had gotten completely lost in my work and my never-ending fantasies about Allie, when the door to my workshop opened and the very woman I had been imaging naked and begging for release appeared before me.

  Quickly, I pulled off my eye protectors, not sure if I was so tired that I was imagining her or if she was actually there, standing in the doorway, her coat open, revealing a tight, low-cut shirt and even tighter jeans. All black, of course. God, I loved her in black. Like a sexy modern witch. And she had put a spell on me for sure.

  “Shane,” she said, her voice low and sultry.

  Nope. Not my imagination.

  As if drawn by a magnet, I put down my tools and walked towards her. As I did so, she shrugged her jacket off her shoulders and it slid to the floor, her gorgeous curves within arm’s reach. And reach for them I did.

  Without another word, I took her in my arms and kissed her. And she kissed me back. Hard. With one hand, I reached out and slammed the door of the workshop closed, and then pressed her up against it. Her mouth was like heaven against mine and I lost myself in the pure pleasure of kissing her. I dragged my tongue along her bottom lip and with a sigh, she deepened the kiss, her tongue now tangling with mine.

  Her lips were still chilled from the outside air, making her mouth even hotter, more inviting. She tasted like fall and champagne. Even though the workshop had heat, Allie shivered in my arms, and I pulled her tighter. I was going to warm her up from the inside.

  “Hold on.” I pulled back slightly.

  Her eyes were dark with lust, but narrowed in confusion. I took her bag from her and reached in, finding her phone, turning it to vibrate.

  “The last thing I want is to get interrupted again,” I told her, and I tugged her back into my arms, kissing her deeply.

  She didn’t miss a beat. Smiling against my mouth, her eager fingers began unbuttoning my shirt, sliding inside to touch the bare skin beneath. I leaned into her touch, needing to feel her naked body against mine. Before I could even start freeing her of her clothes, my shirt was off, and she was already focused on my jeans. But her hands stilled at my waist.

  “A tool belt,” she breathed, before looking up at me with a wicked glint in her eyes. “I always liked men in tool belts.”

  Fuck. I didn’t think I could have gotten harder, but apparently I was wrong. I had never understood why women found tool belts so sexy, but at that moment I didn’t give a rat’s ass about the psychology behind it. I just wanted Allie to keep looking at me that way. Like she wanted me to lap her up. Something I was more than eager to do.

  “I could keep it on if you want,” I teased, but she shook her head.

  “There’s only one tool I’m interested in tonight,” she said, running her palm over that particular tool.

  I clenched my teeth together, the feel of her hand against me almost too much to bear. I grabbed her wrist, keeping her from ending this experience too quickly. I couldn’t remember ever being this turned on—my need for her making my head spin.

  Well, if I was going to lose my mind in this, I was taking her with me. And she wasn’t going to be the one leading. I wanted to make her lose control again and again.

  Pinning her arms to her sides, I kissed her, my tongue tangling against hers. There wouldn’t be any checklists tonight. Just me and her. Allie sighed, her leg climbing up the side of my knee to pull me closer. I nudged against her, and she rocked back. It was too much and yet nowhere near enough. Releasing her, I yanked her shirt, up and over her head, tossing it back.

  “Fucking gorgeous,” I muttered, looking down at her perfect breasts, heaving in her black bra. Sliding my fingers between her cleavage, I found the front clasp and released it, the lace falling away to give me complete access to her tits. I took immediate advantage of it, gathering them in my hands and lifting one to my mouth.

  Allie moaned, her released hands going up to twist in my hair, drawing me closer to her. I lavished attention on her pert, tight nipples, rolling my tongue against them. And still, I needed more. More of her soft skin in my hands, more of her hot mouth on mine. The rest of her clothes would have to go. My hands slid down her hips, making quick work of those sinfully tight jeans. She kicked off her boots to help me free her of first her pants and then her tiny lace thong.

  She was naked. In my workshop. I had never seen anything hotter in my entire life.

  “You’re overdressed,” she murmured, and reached for me.

  I was so close to the edge. My hands unbuckled my tool belt, tossing it aside, while she unzipped my jeans, slipping her hand inside to stroke me through my briefs.

  “Shit.” My head fell back, lost in the amazing sensation of her touch.

  She drew her palm up once, then down, and that was almost enough. But I wasn’t ready to come. Not like this. I wanted to be inside her, to feel her tighten around me. To take my pleasure with hers. So before it could go further, I stepped back from her and got rid of my jeans and briefs. She looked at me and licked her lips, and I nearly came right there. Instead, I lifted her into my arms, and with her legs wrapped around my waist, I carried her to my workbench. The feel of her heat and wetness against my cock made me dizzy. With one arm, I swept my workshop clear and lowered her on to it.


  I was nearly out of my mind with lust, pressing my aching body against Shane’s hard one, wanting release, wanting relief. He kissed the side of my throat, his hands curved around my hips. He was all muscle and sweat, completely, intoxicatingly male. I had never felt this way before—so wild and needy, rubbing myself against him like an animal in heat. But Shane didn’t seem to mind. Instead, his fingers tightened against my hips, and I was sure I’d have bruises there, but I didn’t care. I wanted him. I wanted him more than I had ever wanted anything in my life.

  I was aware of nothing but him. His lean, hard body, his rough, calloused hands, his talented mouth, which was currently trailing down the side of my neck, sucking and biting and making me shiver. I was pressed up against him, my ankles hooked behind his back, holding him there, my hips rolling frantically against his, but it wasn’t enough.

  “More,” I panted. “I want more.”

  He pulled back and gave me a wicked look. Reaching for his jeans, he searched the pockets before coming back with a condom. Expecting him to roll it on, I spread my legs wide, wanting him inside me. Needing it. But instead, he pressed it into my palm and dropped to his knees, putting his hot, wonderful mouth against me.

  Like before, I tangled my hands in his hair, moaning as he licked and stroked me. His tongue took me out of myself and if someone had asked me my name at that moment, I wouldn’t have been able to give them an answer. My head fell back against the wall as he held my thighs open, keeping me exposed to him and his wonderful mouth. There was a low keening moan echoing in the room an
d it took a moment for me to realized that it was me. Pleasure rolled through me and I arched my hips, needing him to touch me, needing to feel him inside me. Finally, Shane slid a finger in deep and then another. Crying out his name, I came, clutching him tight to me.

  I was still coming down from my orgasm, my body still shuddering, when he stood. Taking the condom from my limp hand, I heard the rip of the wrapper and then a moment later, in one perfect, deep stroke, he was inside me.

  “Fuck,” he groaned against my neck. “You feel so good.”

  That was an understatement. I could barely speak, the sensation was so perfect. And then he pulled back, making me gasp. With a strong thrust, he went even deeper. With each stroke he held my hips in place while he pounded against me, pleasure already building inside me again. I knew I was moaning uncontrollably now, my fingernails digging into his back as he took me hard against the table. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I arched up towards him and somehow he went even deeper. He growled at the sensation and he sped up, fucking me hard and faster until all I was aware of was his body and my body and the pleasure those bodies made together.

  Then, just as I was on the edge, his hand slid between us and found my clit, pressing his thumb against it, and I came, shuddering and gasping, my fingers gripping the side of the wooden table. Within seconds, his own release found him, and he thrust deep into me one last time, a groan torn from his throat as his hot, hard body collapsed on mine.

  Chapter 20


  Shane pressed his forehead against mine, our breathing slowly returning to normal. Then he pulled back, the look on his face of a completely and utterly satisfied male. I felt a swell of feminine pride knowing that I had a part in that dazed expression.

  “I’ll never look at this workbench the same again,” he said and kissed me.

  That was when I looked around and realized that, yes, we had indeed just had sex in Shane’s workshop. A ground-level shop with large windows—which thankfully were blocked by curtains—that anyone could have walked by. And if anyone had, they would have most certainly heard my cries of pleasure. I blushed thinking about it. I had never been one to be loud in bed. Then again, I wasn’t in a bed.

  Still, this wasn’t like me at all. The adrenaline from the performance had worn off, and now I was left with a wholly satiated body and a mind that was wondering how big of a mess I had just made of things.

  “Hey.” Shane caught my eye, and it was as if he could read my thoughts. As if he could see my panic. “This doesn’t have to change anything.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him.

  “Sex always changes things.”

  He stepped back from me and quickly got rid of the condom. He crossed his arms, seemingly completely unconcerned by his nudity. Not that I was in any rush for him to cover up. There were at least a half a dozen muscles that I hadn’t had time to admire.

  “OK,” he conceded. “It might change a few things.” He waggled his eyebrows at me. “Like hopefully our sleeping arrangements. Because I’ll admit, the couch is getting a bit uncomfortable.”

  “Is that why you slept with me?” I asked, my mouth dropping open. “So you could share the bed?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “I slept with you because I wanted to share your pillows.” He laughed when I scowled at him, kissing me behind the ear. “You know I slept with you because you’re hot as hell.”

  I couldn’t help blushing at that.

  “Though . . .” He winked at me. “I wouldn’t mind trying what we just did in a bed.”

  One look at him revealed that he was getting eager to try it pretty damn soon. And to my own surprise, I could feel my own interest peaking. I had never been so hot, so ready to go. My desire for him didn’t seem to be flagging.

  I let him help me off the workbench.

  “Good thing I didn’t get any splinters,” I noted, pulling my clothes back on.

  “Are you sure?” Shane asked, buttoning his jeans. “It’s probably a good idea for me to check when we get upstairs.” He swatted my butt as we headed towards the door. “But don’t worry. I’ll be very, very thorough.”


  I did not miss the couch at all. Not only was the bed infinitely more comfortable, but it came with a very sexy, very naked woman, who had spent a good portion of the night showing me how much fun two people could have on one mattress.

  The next morning, I woke up with Allie practically plastered across my chest. And I had no complaints. I smoothed my hand down the silky soft skin on her back, reaching down to cup her perfect ass. An ass that had been examined thoroughly for splinters the night before. None had been found, but there had been one big prick in the bed.

  Grinning, I pulled Allie closer, already eager to have her again. She groaned against my shoulder and snuggled closer, as my other hand stroked her side, brushing against the side of her breasts. This time I got a breathy moan, and her eyes opened.

  “Hi there,” I murmured to her.

  “Hi, yourself.” Her voice was husky, her pupils already dilated.

  Rolling her beneath me, I kissed her deeply, and I proceeded to show her my very favorite way to spend an early morning.


  My mind was on sex. And that was a problem. All I could think about was Shane. Shane’s eyes. Shane’s abs. Shane’s hands. Shane’s rock hard . . . well, all of Shane. And everything we had done together. It kept replaying in my head like a wonderful dirty movie. Even after a whole night of sex, plus an extra romp in the morning and then again in the shower, I still wanted more. He had made me insatiable.

  Somehow, I made it out of the apartment and to the theatre, though my body (and mind) would have been more than happy to stay in bed all day long. But I had work. I had a show tonight. And it took a train ride and several to-do lists before I was able to regain my focus. Or at least 95 percent of it. There was a 5 percent I just wasn’t getting back. Nope. That 5 percent of my brain was sex, sex, sex. I had resigned myself to it.

  But I didn’t think anyone would notice. That I could keep it a secret. I was wrong. Completely, utterly wrong. I was going through my list for that evening’s show when Reagan came into the theatre and did a double take.

  “Oh my god.” Her eyes went wide. “You had sex!”

  My mouth dropped open. There was no way she could have known, and yet she came over, grabbed me by the shoulders and gave me a long, penetrating stare before a huge grin spread across her face.

  “And it was good sex!” She let out a whistle and then dropped her voice to a whisper. “Was it with Shane?”

  “How could you possibly know that?” I demanded, my cheeks hot.

  Reagan waved her hand at me. “Oh, please. Have you seen your face? You might as well wear a sign that says ‘I spent all night getting freaky.’ ”

  “Who spent all night getting freaky?” Joanna asked, coming into the theatre wearing big dark glasses and holding a large cup of coffee. Clearly I wasn’t the only one who had celebrated after last night’s performance, though Joanna didn’t look like she’d had as great a time.

  In response to the question, Reagan stepped aside and shoved me towards Joanna. Lifting her sunglasses, her red-rimmed eyes regarded me.

  “Bitch,” she said, but it was without malice. She took a sip of coffee.

  “How was it?” Reagan asked, jumping around me like a lanky bespectacled puppy.

  “Look at her,” Joanna said dryly. “Obviously it was amazing.” She gave me a look. “I’d congratulate you, but I’m filled with jealous rage.”

  It was the mildest jealous rage I had ever seen.

  “Shane seems like such a great guy.” Reagan clasped her hands together. “And now you don’t have to keep looking for an apartment. Oh my god, it is just perfect.”

  Alarmed by what I was hearing, I grabbed her and made her stop bouncing.

  “Reagan,” I told her seriously. “It was one night. That’s it.”

  She looked visib
ly disappointed.

  “That’s it? Really?”

  I nodded. “Just sex.”

  “It was just sex,” Reagan said slowly. “For the both of you?”

  I stilled. I had assumed Shane and I were on the same page. That what we were doing was casual. After all, it was pretty clear that neither of us had time for a relationship. We were both incredibly busy. Last night had been an anomaly. A rare evening where we were both home at the same time. It hadn’t happened in a long time, and it probably wouldn’t happen again for a while.

  Joanna walked by and patted me on the shoulder.

  “Filled with less jealous rage now,” she said, disappearing into the dressing room.

  “Does Shane know?” Reagan asked, concerned. “That it’s just sex?”

  “Of course he does,” I said quickly, but my stomach sank as I realized I had no idea what Shane was thinking. What he was expecting. Did he think this was the start of something serious? I thought about Kevin and how at first he had seemed supportive of everything I did, but so quickly that support had become resentment. I didn’t want to get that from Shane. That disappointment. But just thinking about that gave me a weird feeling in my chest. Like it was being compressed and I couldn’t breathe. He wasn’t part of the plan. Surely he had to know that. And if he didn’t, I had to tell him.

  “I’ll talk to him,” I told Reagan. “I’m sure we’re in agreement.”

  “OK,” she said, but didn’t sound confident at all. “But would it be such a terrible thing if he didn’t want it to be just sex?” she asked quietly.

  “Yes,” I responded without thinking, and Reagan seemed taken aback by my rapid response. “I don’t have time for a relationship,” I said, frustrated with myself more than anything.

  But if anyone should understand my reasoning, it would be Reagan. She lived and breathed the theatre. I knew she didn’t have a boyfriend, just like I knew Joanna was single as well. None of us had time to date. We were all committed to the show. Work came first. That was just the way it was.


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