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One True Mate_Shifter's Haven

Page 7

by Erin Lafayette

  The howling cut off abruptly and a heavy silence settled over the yard. Alex felt the tension grow and grow until he heard Trevor’s ruhi broadcasting to all the wolven. It’s Khain. And he has dozens of foxen with him. They’re coming fast down the hills out back. Red Team to the back. Now. Black Team to the roof. Wait for my signal to fire.

  The other two males glanced at him. They could hear everything, following along with the battle, but there was nothing for them to do but wait. And be ready. Alex stopped his pacing, standing guard at the base of the stairs.

  Their tense wait continued for a few minutes until Alex heard the wolven howling again, and the growls and screams of fighting broke the silence from the back of the house. The foxen and Khain must have left the woods and entered the yard. He heard a male he didn’t recognize. Red Team is thirty seconds out. Hold on.

  Alex counted the seconds as the sounds of fighting continued from the backyard. He stared intently at the male at the back door, hoping to get some warning if Khain was able to break through the other wolven and get close. But the male never flinched, relaxed but alert as he watched the battle out the window.

  Black Team, fire when ready. Alex heard Trevor’s orders again. Gunshots immediately rang out from the rooftop overhead. He heard answering screams from the yard as the foxen fell to under the wolven defenses. Hopefully there would be enough shooters, but judging from the number of howls he had heard he didn’t think so. The wolven were going to need to fight them off by hand. He thought about Trevor’s rage as he left the house. He almost felt bad for the foxen.

  The gunshots slowed and the sound of the fighting increased. Red Team must have engaged the foxen now. Shots would be tougher to find as the fighting got closer, more intense, more personal.

  While all the wolven focused on the backyard, a crash sounded from the front. Alex whipped his head around to the front entrance. His nose burned as the scent of oily black smoke hit him. He heard creaking as something heavy moved up the front steps, then threw himself back as the front door exploded into the room. The male at the front door staggered back in a storm of broken glass and splintered wood, the window shattering in the explosion. He fell to the floor and didn’t stir.

  Thick black smoke drifted through the wreckage, and as it cleared Alex could make out Rex standing in the doorway, the giant head and shoulders of the beast barely fitting through the gaping hole. Rex bared his fangs and roared into the house as he stepped inside.

  The male guarding the back door raced towards him, crossing the room in a full sprint. He leaped at Rex, throwing a vicious kick towards Rex’s head. Rex surged forward before the kick could land, smashing both paws into the male’s chest, driving him down into the floor. The male screamed as he crumpled to the ground, his neck twisted at a strange angle, broken. Alex knew he would not get up.

  Rex stood over the broken male, then looked towards the stairs. He focused his beady red eyes on Alex and bared his fangs in a twisted grin. He slowly stalked forward.

  Alex felt his hackles rise and a fierce growl rip from his throat. Fangs fully bared, he glided forward to meet the beast.

  As they came together in the middle of the room, Alex leapt at Rex as fast as he could move. He slashed past the beast, ripping his teeth through the flesh of Rex’s leg, feeling blood flow past his fangs. He whipped around, circling back on the attack as the beast spun to face him. Rex swung a massive paw at him. He ducked under and clamped his teeth on Rex’s knee, ripping backwards, tearing at the soft flesh.

  Rex screamed. He drove towards Alex in fury, blows coming again and again, faster and faster. Alex fell back before the onslaught, barely able to avoid the blows. Rex forced Alex into the corner, swinging faster and faster, driving his claws down towards Alex’s wolf form. With nowhere to retreat, Alex braced himself then leaped forward, sailing high over the attack, smashing his entire weight into Rex’s neck and face. He ripped his fangs into Rex’s cheek, feeling the soft flesh tear beneath him as his teeth hit bone.

  Rex flailed backwards, staggering under Alex’s weight. Alex felt Rex’s paws scrabbling against him, grabbing at his sides and legs and threw himself off the beast. If it got a solid hold of him he was done.

  He felt Rex closing behind him, claws grazing his tail. He spun back to face the beast when a massive paw crashed into his side, the claws tearing through fur and skin. He heard a crunch as ribs snapped under the blow. He felt a searing pain and his vision went black. He staggered back, grimly willing his feet to hold him. This could not be happening. He would not let this beast beat him again.

  He shook his head, clearing his vision. He snapped at Rex, feeling agony tear through his side as he moved. Rex stalked towards him, blood dripping from his face down his chest, fur matted with blood, but not showing any signs it was weakening him.

  Alex could feel his own body slowing and weakening. Dammit. He had been so close to killing the beast. But now he was in trouble. He was never going to be able to take Rex by himself. All he could do was delay him long enough to let reinforcements arrive. Because he had made a promise. There was no way Rex was getting through him and getting upstairs. He called out. Trevor. Backup inside, as soon as you can.

  There was no reply. Feeling alone, he growled at Rex as the beast advanced. Then, ignoring the fire in his side, he darted forward to rip at Rex again. He barely dodged the counterstrike from Rex, feeling the heavy claws pull through his fur and dig into his shoulder.

  His breath grew heavy and ragged and his feet felt like lead. Blood flowed down his side, dripping down onto the floor. That hit had taken so much out of him. Still, somehow he kept moving. He fought on, retreating before the power of the beast, but still managing to keep it engaged, keep its attention.

  It couldn’t last though. Rex was able to force him back towards the stairs, trapping him at the base. He couldn’t move away or Rex would be able to go right up. And he had slowed too much to risk an attack. He knew if he tried Rex would catch him and finish him. But no matter what, he could not allow that beast to get up those stairs. Alex felt himself caught in a trap, slowly tightening around him. He knew there was no escape. He reached out again, desperate just to delay Rex long enough for help to arrive. Anyone. Rex is in the house. I can’t hold him for long. Rex stared at him, red eyes soaking in Alex’s pain. Alex could see the beast laughing, mocking him. Rage flared inside him as he got ready for a last charge, to try and take Rex with him.

  Then, scarcely able to believe it, he heard Sarge’s voice come back, strong and clear. We’re pulling in now. You hold that bastard. We’ll be right there.

  He smiled to hear Sarge. His team was here. Rose would be safe, even if he wasn’t going to make it. He might as well do the last thing Rex would ever expect. As Rex moved forward to deliver the finishing blow, leaving Alex with nowhere to go, he launched himself into the beast with all his remaining strength. He slammed into the beast’s chest, snapping his teeth at his enemy’s face. But as he drove forward, he felt Rex’s massive paws close around his neck, the claws sinking deep into his flesh. He strained towards the beast with his teeth, but he was ripped backwards away from Rex. Helpless, he felt himself dangling in the air as the massive paws crushed the life from his throat.

  As the world darkened around him he saw three massive shapes leap through the remains of the doorway, two flowing like shadows and the third barreling forward like a runaway freight train. His team was here. But as his vision faded to a narrow tunnel he knew it was too late for him. His body smashed into the floor and he felt himself break apart, his body and his mind shattering with the impact.

  Fragments of the world moved in slow motion around him. Desperately, he tried to hold on to his last thoughts, his first kiss with Rose in the station, her scent filling the room, and the feeling of losing himself in her. Seeing Rose sit with her sister and the cubs, seeing her accept them as family and accept herself as someone they could love. He would miss her more than he thought possible, but at least he would die
knowing she was safe. He would give his life ten times over to save hers.

  He realized he was laying still and he felt his blood pool on the floor under him. His vision faded completely to grey. He tried to move, to drag himself to his feet, but he had lost all power over his body. Even knowing it was too late, he reached for his power, to try and shift, his only chance now to escape his fate, but there was nothing there. He had taken too much damage. His breath stilled and he slowly slipped away, everything fading from grey to black, until there was nothing left but darkness.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Rose stared at the closed bedroom door from behind the bed. She held Alex’s gun in both hands pointed directly at the door. She could barely breathe through the sound of the fighting. It was so close. She knew something terrible was happening inside the house, and she hoped with all her being that Alex was safe. But if anything came through that door she was shooting. She could feel Ella kneeling behind her, holding her babies wrapped in her arms and singing softly to them, and she gripped the gun even tighter and prayed. Tears rolled down her face. Come on Alex. Keep them out. And come back to me.

  When the fighting ended the silence was deafening. Her heartbeat pounded in her ears as she stared at the door. Was this the end of the nightmare or just the beginning? Her hands trembled on the gun as the silence lengthened, stretching impossibly. Finally, Rose heard footsteps on the stairs and braced herself to shoot.

  Then she heard Ella exhale in relief as Trevor’s voice called up the stairs. “Ella, it’s me. I’m coming in now. It’s safe for you to come down.” Ella whispered, so softly that Rose could barely hear it. “Thank the Light.” Then louder, as she dropped her head to lean against Rose’s back, “Come in. We won’t shoot.”

  Relief flooded through Rose as she sagged on the bed. She dropped the gun on top of it and raced around the bed as the door opened and Trevor walked in. He was wearing nothing but a pair of tactical pants. She looked past him, expecting to see Alex right behind. But there was nothing. Her face went pale and she turned back to Trevor. Instead of the relief she expected to see on his face, all she saw was grim determination as his eyes met hers. Her relief dried up in a flood of fear. She knew it had been too quiet. Please let Alex be ok.

  Trevor touched her wrist gently. She started to hyperventilate. “Rose. I need you to come downstairs right away. Alex is on the edge and we can’t save him. He needs you right now, or he’s going to slip away. We don’t know what else to do. Only you can save him.”

  Her vision blurred and she stumbled forward until she felt Ella holding her up. She heard Ella’s voice distantly. “You can do this Rose. Come save your mate.” Holding herself up on Ella’s supporting arm, she steeled herself and pushed herself forward to the stairs, then down.

  She gasped as she saw the living room. It looked like a bomb had exploded inside. Furniture and decorations were shattered, broken glass was everywhere and the windows and even the front door were missing. Blood was everywhere, pooled on the floor and the remains of the furniture. But worst of all was the huge black and gold wolf lying still in a pool of slowly spreading blood. “Alex” she breathed out. She knew, in her heart that the wolf was her mate. And he wasn’t breathing.

  She sensed other males moving around the perimeter of the room, but she couldn’t take her eyes away from Alex. He wasn’t breathing or moving, and his limbs were splayed unnaturally around him. He had to be dead, even if they claimed she could save him. She saw Wade kneeling beside the still form, both hands on Alex’s chest and his head pressed tight against Alex’s.

  Wade drew his head back and looked at Rose. His face was solemn. “His soul is still connected to his body, but only by the faintest connection. He fought to stay here. He’s still fighting to stay here, because of you, but he doesn’t have enough power left. I’m feeding him as much as I can, but he needs you as well. He needs to feel you here, to feel his One True Mate.”

  Rose nodded. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she slipped to her knees beside the great wolf. She was not going to leave him after she just met him. He was hers!

  She gently placed her hands on his face, stroking the golden fur there and leaned forward to whisper in his ear. She saw Wade press his head against Alex again, closing his eyes and concentrating, but she focused everything she had on her own words to Alex.

  “Alex. I need you. I’m finally home and I need you. Come back to me. Come back to me.”

  She waited, time seeming frozen, scarcely daring to breath, praying she wasn’t too late. Finally, she felt a slight shudder and the faintest breath slipped past Alex’s muzzle. She caressed his face as she heard Wade’s voice, strained with effort. “Keep talking to him.” Joy flared in her heart. He was coming back to her. Louder this time, “Come back to me Alex. I love you. Come back to me.”

  The great body strained, and another painful breath slipped out. Wade turned to her. “He’s nearly back. There’s enough to force a shift.”

  She felt a surge of energy through Alex’s body and gasped as his bones flowed beneath her fingers. She marveled as the fur pulled back and the wolf receded and shifted in a blur, coalescing into Alex’s features until he lay on the floor underneath her, deathly still but chest falling and rising steadily.

  Elation exploded within her. She clasped his face with both hands and kissed him as hard as she could. She heard cheering and clapping break out in the room behind her, but all she could focus on was her mate as she felt him respond, pushing back into her kiss. When the kiss broke, she pressed her forehead against his, eyes closed, and whispered. “You came back.” Her heart melted as she heard him reply. “Always. I love you.”

  She opened her eyes to see his deep blue eyes staring into hers. “I love you too.”

  She heard the roar of cheering all around her, and slowly looked around the room. Somehow it was packed with cops, all cheering and clapping and high-fiving as they watched her and Alex.

  She looked down, and realized she was still wearing only Alex’s shirt, and it barely covered anything. But that was way more than Alex. He was laying on the floor, kissing her, completely naked. And his throbbing erection was standing tall, proudly jutting out from his body. She felt her face flush red, but Alex pulled her close and kissed her again. Well, if he didn’t care, she didn’t either. She passionately kissed him back as the cops cheered and chanted her name. “Rose! Rose! Rose and Alex!” Maybe near-death experiences had their perks.

  Alex stood slowly and scooped her up in his arms, holding her tight to him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Good-natured jokes rang out “Are you licensed to carry that thing? Do you even know what to do with it? Good to know your dick still works even after you die!” But Alex just kissed her again, then grinned and looked around the room.

  “I’ll see you all soon. But right now I need some time with my mate.” He started towards the stairs leading down to their room, still carrying Rose in his arms. The cheers rang out again, and the males clapped him on the back and shoulder as he carried her through the room. Ella met her eyes from across the room, standing under Trevor’s arm, and gave her a huge smile and a wink.

  Rose tucked her head into Alex’s chest and laughed as Alex reached the stairs leading down to their room. She looked back over his shoulder at the crowd, her new family, and waved as they descended, finally alone.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Rose’s breath grew faster as Alex set her down on the bed and stepped back. She realized he was still naked, and his cock was still standing tall and proud, hard as steel. He was staring at her like he was ready to leap on her and devour her. She felt a tightening in her core and her nipples hardened, poking through his thin shirt as she ran her eyes over his body. His smoothly muscled chest and ripped abs. She knelt on the bed in front of him, and traced a finger up his chest to his jaw and over his cheek, caressing his face.

  When she met his eyes she whispered. “You’re fine now. No scars or injuries. How?” She had questions, but desire
was flooding her brain and she could barely get them out.

  He whispered back “The shift. It heals all injuries. I knew I would be fine if I could shift, but I didn’t have any energy left. I thought I was gone.” Her hands drifted over his body, feeling the steel cords of the muscles in his arms and shoulders as she explored his body. She traced the wave shaped birthmark on his shoulder, circling it with her fingers, gently caressing, marveling at the perfect shape, and he moaned in pleasure.

  He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to hers. He whispered “But you brought me back.”

  She kissed him gently, brushing her lips against his, savoring the taste of him. She flicked her tongue out, tracing it across his lips. She felt his hand gripping her hair at the base of her neck, holding her in place as he thrust his tongue out to meet hers, spiraling it around hers then chasing it back into her mouth.

  She opened her mouth wide to accept it, kissing him with all her passion. Her body throbbed, fire flowing from her mouth down her chest to her core, the heat building inside her.

  She gently pushed him back, then reached down and grabbed the lower edge of his shirt. Pulling it over her head she tossed it to the side. She faced him, naked, her body throbbing with desire. She felt his eyes drink in her naked body, saw them fade to gold and heard him growl. He was so hot. She couldn’t keep her hands off him any longer.


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