Faded Cotton (Erotic Romance)

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Faded Cotton (Erotic Romance) Page 17

by Lara Sweety

  “Geez, Shannon. You actually look like a girl.” No, that was a lie, she looked amazing. Damn. Beautiful. Shit. His head was spinning. How could she give him that hurt look, it was offhanded, but surely, she knew it was a complement. Her sandy blonde hair had been naturally highlighted gold by the island sun.

  Her dress was barely containing things with her giddy, girly actions. He wasn’t used to seeing her like this. Why did she have to do that? Why did his unavailable best friend have to be so damn sexy and smart? She was perfect for him. He shook his head trying to shake the thoughts he was having of the two of them together out of his head. It happened a lot lately, being around Jen had made the thoughts of Shannon go away only temporarily, he realized.

  “Dance with me!” Shannon was still bouncing. Someone had put an iPod mix on the sound system and the air was filled with upbeat music.

  “Uh...,” he looked at Jen who was dancing with another one of the guys. Shannon couldn’t help but notice the direction of his gaze, but didn’t give up, insisting again.

  He relented, wanting to dance with Shannon, but knowing he wasn’t going to get the dance he wanted. He’d really rather dance with her for the rest of his life; this was pure torture, he thought. Shannon couldn’t give him that. Here he was again with his freight train of thoughts. The two were booty shaking to some popular songs with Jess keeping his distance when at all possible. Shannon kept backing up against him, shimmy-shaking. He knew what would happen if he was right up against her.

  They were nearly out of breath when the music changed and a slow country song came on. Shannon wasn’t about to let him go and grabbed him by the hand, pulling him to her. Jess was confused. The look in her eye said she wanted more than a dance.

  Her green eyes danced in the flickering torch light. Jess couldn’t help being drawn to her again. She pulled him close, with his hands around her waist and her arms around his neck. Jess was surprised, gave a short shake of his head and narrowed his eyes at her giving her a half-cocked grin. “What’s this about, Shannon?” He lifted his arms a little against hers indicating his question about their position.

  “I can’t dance with my best friend?” It came out a little breathless, she knew, and not breathless from the previous dances. He took her breath away. Always had, but he never seemed interested. She wasn’t sure if he would ever see her as anything more than a childhood friend.

  Jess pulled her close. Perhaps he could entice her somehow. The two locked gaze and began to sway together. No one was more surprised than each of them.

  Shannon had been lost in his eyes. She remembered the kiss he’d planted on her sweaty cheek after she had pitched the high school softball state championship as a senior. Jess LeGrande had sauntered up to the ball diamond in his dress whites. He picked her up and swung her around getting his uniform sweaty and sandy. All of the girls on the team had been envious for one reason or another. There wasn’t a head that didn't turn that day. They were only a couple of years apart, were still best friends and perfect for each other.

  She was losing any restraint, looking into his eyes, she wanted to taste his kiss so badly it made her ache. She rested her head on his chest, she could hear his heart pound, but wasn’t sure why. The words soaked into her, “—all the crazy things we’re gonna do—,” she sang along quietly.

  She was doing it to him again. Jess pulled apart a little from her, forcing his attention over her shoulder, “So, where have you been all week?”

  “Helping in the little hospital here. A couple of the guys got hurt in a practice run with some new equipment. I can use it for my nursing degree. I’m almost done and the doctor here said he could write a letter for me that will work for school. —Jess, did you hear me?”

  He did, but he was watching Adam dance with Jen and it was making him mad.

  “Yeah, I heard you.” He pulled her arms from his neck slowly, finally dropping them and storming off. It—she, was just too much to handle any more. Shannon’s teasing was bullshit.




  The exchange was friendly. They had learned to get over each other’s differences, and it had bonded them, thanks to Laurel. The two weren’t the best of friends, but they had each other’s backs, regardless.

  “What do you make of all this, my man?” Brian had been watching Shannon act like a girl for a change.

  “You mean Shannon or Laurel?” Ben was glad he was married to Ellia and not in the middle of an emotionally charged exchange like what he’d been watching. Ellia was intense enough at times, and he was glad he no longer had to fight for her affection. The ring on her left hand said so. Brian laughed, “Both.”

  “Well the stress of being in seclusion and under watch can get to a person. I’ve studied it quite a bit. I don’t think we are seeing anything we won’t see back in Missouri, though. They are gonna key up even more tomorrow, everyone will. Getting back home to see what happens next is gonna put everyone on edge. Who is going to the farm?”

  “Me for one. I owe that woman my life. I wouldn’t be the man I am today if it wasn’t for Laurel.” Brian was serious, and Ben knew he owed her that same debt.

  “Ellia and I will be there too. I’m guessing everyone here will be. I’m going to be investigating the barn fire and the brakes going out on Laurel’s truck while trying to keep the rest of this under wraps.” Ben’s consideration of the subject matter had a serious tone.

  “I’m with you, man.” Brian pulled Ben into a guy hug; the teddy bear and the movie star as Laurel had affectionately called them.


  Shannon was shaking, tears running down her face. Ellia had run to Shannon after seeing Jess walk away from her. She put her arm around her. “Come on, girlfriend; let’s go stick our feet in the water.” She tugged her toward the rippling waters of the cove.

  Ellia had her own man of few words and she certainly knew the problems that could come of it. Men just didn’t get it sometimes, she chuckled to herself. Ellia pulled Shannon down in the sand to commiserate about problems with the opposite sex. Letting the tide get them wet and sandy, they enjoyed the surf.

  “Uh, oh boy, we are getting company.” Ellia jumped up.

  “Jen, I don’t think this is a good time for you to be here.” Shannon had jumped up behind Ellia.

  “I need to talk to Shannon for a minute.” Jen stated cautiously.

  Shannon shoved Ellia aside.

  “I’ve got this, Ellia.” Shannon was furious, her jaw set and eyes narrowed, she was ready to pounce on the woman who threatened everything she knew.

  “Stay the fuck away from Jess LeGrande, you bitch. You stay away from my brother, too! Who the hell do you think you are?” Shannon shoved her hard. Jen backed off a couple steps. Jen leveled her eyes on her, but held her temper.

  She shook her head, “Shannon, I came to talk to you, not start trouble. You need to hear me out. Can we please talk about this?”

  “You’re not walking in, stealing the two most important men in my life and fucking them over. Okay? You slut! What is the plan exactly? Fuck them both and then take your pick?” Shannon exploded, rushing Jen. She went after her full force and knocked her to the sand.

  Laurel and Rachel had seen the escalation and were now running full tilt down the beach toward them. Ellia yelled at the brawling pair to stop, but hesitated to get in the middle of the flailing arms and legs.

  “Stop it, Shannon! I have something to tell you!” Jen was on top of her now, straddling her, holding her down, both breathing hard. Shannon wriggled out, kicking and swinging. Sand, legs, and arms where flying again. Shannon’s punches were missing their mark as Jen deftly avoided the attack. They rolled down the beach a little more until the other women pulled the brawl apart.

  “Let go!” Shannon struggled against Laurel half-heartedly not wanting to hurt her mother or Rachel. “Damn it, Mom!” Laurel had a firm hold on Shannon. Laurel and Rac
hel held her tight until she started to relax, and walked her up the beach to distance her from Jen.

  “What the hell is going on between you two?” Ellia asked as Jen attempted to get the sand out of her long hair, and off her face, away from her eyes. She shook her head.

  “It’s my fault. I let something happen that I shouldn’t of. It’s not her, I can see why she’s upset, but I need to explain to her.”

  “You know she lost her dad when she was still in school, right?” Ellia questioned her, wanting her to understand Shannon’s fury.

  Down the beach, Shannon was still struggling. “Mom, let go!” Shannon gave Laurel a hate-filled look, mad that she had interrupted her fight.

  “We’ll let go when you calm down, Shannon.” Laurel relaxed her hold on her, tried to calm her and get her to refocus.

  “Shannon, look at me, tell me what the hell is going on. I’ve never seen you try to rip someone apart!” Laurel shook her head. This was not like Shannon at all, Laurel thought. Her normally sweet-natured, nurturing, happy-go-lucky daughter obviously wanted to rip out her opponent’s eyes. Over what, she wasn’t sure.

  “You wanna know what the slut is up to? She’s trying to fuck them both! She’s been making out with Adam on the beach and with Jess at the lagoon! What the fuck?! Who does she think she is?”

  “You know this for sure?” Laurel asked for confirmation. “Sit down; let’s talk about this, okay?” Shannon slammed down in the sand in a huff. She drew her knees to her chest. Her wet sundress was covered with sand and stuck to her, despite her attempts to pluck it off her skin. Tears stung her eyes, but she refused to let them go.

  Jen joined them, plopping down on the wet sand on the other side of Laurel.

  “What the hell do you want?” Shannon spat at her. “You are the last person I want to talk to,” she sniffed. Laurel wasn’t sure she wanted to be sitting between them.

  Jen leaned forward to talk to Shannon. “Shannon, I need to tell you something, please give me a minute to explain. Your feelings for Jess are obvious. I’m not interested in him the way you think. Yes, we did go to the lagoon. But nothing important happened. I’ve seen the dirty looks you have given me all evening. Honestly, you have nothing to worry about.”

  Shannon learned forward past Laurel and narrowed her red puffy eyes at Jen. “Oh, really?” She drug out sarcastically, gritting her teeth.

  “Yes, really. I can’t say that I don’t find Jess attractive. He is very good looking and you should know, a gentleman, and he takes his job seriously—all very admirable qualities. But—.”

  “There is always a butt!” Ellia giggled sipping her Sex on the Beach that she had managed to retrieve, unharmed, out of the sand. Shannon was spitting out grit.

  “But, I’m just a distraction for his thoughts, I can tell. That boy is in pain. I watched him tonight with you. He’s in love with you. Like crazy-mad, head over heels, bonkers, berserk.”

  The girls all chuckled at that. Shannon wasn’t sold, though. The tide was soaking them more by the minute. Shannon shook her head in disbelief.

  “Adam has told me the story. How you and Jess grew up down the road from each other, used to sit by each other on the school bus when you started kindergarten. How Jess broke the nose of an older kid when you were ten, because it made you mad when the kid called you “scrawny”, how he ran off all of your would-be dates in high school and took you to prom because he wanted to protect you.” The ladies were all giggling at that point and Shannon blushed.

  Jen continued, “Adam said you and Jess have been pretty much inseparable since high school, but never really dated. Shannon—your brother and I—I don’t know. A lot of relationships that start under wild circumstances like this don’t make it. I think we like each other, sorta. But Jess...I don’t think you’re his maybe, I think you’re his it.”

  “Uh, hum.” Laurel agreed.

  “I won’t hurt Adam, I promise. If we were to ever have any kind of relationship, I want you on my side. I know how important to you these two men are, and you are important to them. Adam is your big brother, Jess your best friend, and unless I miss my guess, the love of your life.” The girls all nodded and chimed in agreement.

  Rachel was waving off the men. They had been keeping a safe distance up the hill. The fracas had come to an end and everyone was back to breathing. Having the subjects of the upset join the group would not be a good move, Rachel decided.

  Laurel was shaking her head in agreement with Jen.

  “You think so too, huh?” Shannon turned to Laurel and suddenly felt a glimmer of hope. The whole group was nodding and giggling in agreement. If all these women could see it, maybe Jess would eventually see it.

  “So how do I make him see me as anything else other than little Shannon, Adam’s baby sister?” Shannon wasn’t ready to throw herself at him, but she hadn’t checked it off the list either. “How can he be interested in me and never show it? We’ve never talked about anything other than baseball and the Navy the last couple of years. The only thing he ever calls me is “a tease”. Shannon was now red faced and mad instead of crying.

  “Well that ought to tell you something.” Ellia giggled.

  “Shannon, honey, you’re just gonna have to look for your opportunity and take it.” Laurel knew what everyone else did. She hated seeing her daughter in pain. This needed to be decided sooner than later. “What is the worst that can happen?”

  “Easy for you to say, Mom,” Shannon was giving Laurel a sneer. “They seem to be falling at your feet!” The retort garnered lots of laughter.

  “I can just see Jake on one knee!” Jen gave the thought life. The group was reduced to rolling in laughter, everyone sprawled in the sand.

  “Does everyone have a bra and panties on?” Shannon smirked. With no disagreement, she started to strip off the soaked sundress and the rest of the group followed suit. Half-drunk and giggling like schoolgirls, they ran into the water. Strapless, see-thru, and thongs didn’t stop them. Everyone wanted to cool off and enjoy a moment of freedom.

  Shannon stopped to face Jen and held out a sandy right hand. Uncharacteristically, Jen pulled her into a strong hug. Shannon was shocked, but hugged her back, feeling a new connection with the stranger. “I need you in my corner, Shannon. I’m in yours.” Jen pulled back to look at her, Shannon nodded and hugged her again. Laurel shook her head as she smiled at the girls. Drunk chick fight aside, somehow, she knew she was seeing the beginning of a special bond.

  The water glimmering by torch light, they played, laughing and splashing like children. It was a wet substitute for a pillow fight, and they took full advantage of it.


  The male part of the group had retreated to the edge of the lanai to drink and smoke, the women barely in sight. “For once I’m glad one of these girls is not mine. Shit, every last one of them is a handful!” Brian Tanner chuckled.

  “Ha! Yours is coming Bri’! You just wait buddy! One of these days she’s just gonna walk right in and bowl you over, dude. And you are gonna be lost like you were at boot camp!” Adam was quick to jab playfully back at his friend.

  Before anyone could move, Brian had Adam in a playful headlock and the two had taken the verbal jabs as an invitation to wrestle. The others egged them on, laughing and throwing down fake bets.

  “Hundred on Brian! He doesn’t have a gal to zap his strength!” Lieutenant Morrison had jumped into the commentary from the edge of the group. That sent the men over the edge laughing and pounding tabletops. Brian and Adam called truce, backslapping, shuffling clothing back in place, and laughing heartily.

  “Captain?” A guard in night fatigues and paint appeared suddenly.

  “Yes?” Jake acknowledged him without formalities.

  “The women are all in the water, sir.”

  “Aha! Oh, okay, this should be fun.” Jake stood.

  “Seth, can you have the staff bring beach towels, we need to get them out of there.” Seth nodded to Ja
ke and the towels appeared shortly.

  “Watch this, boys!” Jake was about to have a little fun, SEAL-style. “Tanner, commence Operation Scream. Let’s get those frog hogs outta there!”

  “Whoa ho ho!” Rolling laughter ensued at the not-so-nice connotation.

  Brian chuckled, “Yes sir!” He fired off instructions speaking into an invisible headset. Shirt buttons were handy these days, as was the nearly imperceptible earpiece he had in his ear. “Commence Operation Scream.”

  Drinks in hand, the men gathered at the edge of the dune to watch, remaining unnoticed by the women in the water who were still splashing in horseplay.

  Suddenly, the commotion started. Shannon noticed dark figures rising out of the shadowed water looking like monsters out of the latest horror movie she’d seen. Freaked, she screamed and took off out of the water for the beach. The rest of the girls followed suit, screaming at the top of their lungs. Running in the sand had each one holding their top half, to keep from jiggling out of their respective containment.

  Shannon stopped as she spotted Jess, bent over, holding a towel to his stomach, red-faced in laughter. She turned around to see a group of darkly clad, wet suited SEALs removing snorkels and laughing heartily. The rest of the women figured out the ruse shortly thereafter, and eventually, everyone was laughing, as the offending group offered towels in apologetic truce.

  Shannon couldn’t help but laugh at the clever dupe. “Jess did you know about this?” She giggled.

  “No, but I have to agree it was well worth the effort. You looked so cute. The look on your face was sooo funny!” For a minute, the two lost the awkwardness between them as he draped the big beach towel around her shoulders. “Come on; let’s go find the rest of your clothes.”

  The party went well into the night. A lot of drunken hugs, flirting, and booty dancing, were preceded by mild intoxication as the drinks flowed. Saturday was going to be for recovery. Jake’s plans were successful as always.

  Chapter 25


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