Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2

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Married to the Alien Doctor: Renascence Alliance Series Book 2 Page 23

by Alma Nilsson

  “Call it a warm-up to see how it feels. I know from other men it is difficult for human women to give up their panties. I want a formal compromise for this. Something that comforts me equally. I’ve heard that loyalty days are difficult with humans.”

  “And you would like me to be loyal to you for one day every week?”

  “Yes. You’ll either be able to comply, or you won’t.”

  “I don’t know exactly what you are looking for,” she admitted.

  He brought her into his embrace, kissed her and said, while running his hands through her long red hair, “You will know when we begin. One day a week.”

  “Tomorrow then.”

  He nodded, “And every 4th day of the week from tomorrow onwards, you will be loyal to me, whether I’m here or not.” He was so aroused by the idea of having her doing his bidding once a week. It was a common request among men, and so Alliance women knew how to play the role. However, now he had a human who would have to be taught which in some ways was a turn on in itself. Something that he had not considered would come with her sexual inexperience.

  “We will try it, but I don’t like it you need to come up with something else.”

  “Fine,” he said and then reluctantly let go of her. He took a deep breath to calm himself and opened the transport door to motion his guards to join them. They flew the short distance to her building. He walked her to the door, “I meant to tell you before, all slaves are rude and ill-mannered in the Alliance because it’s just a name, they aren’t really slaves anymore. If they were overly nice then you should be worried that they are spitting in your food or something.”

  “You’re not serious?”

  He nodded, “I’m sorry our night has to end.”

  “I’m looking forward to my coming of age day even more now. I’m afraid the days will pass even more slowly.”

  He touched her cheek with the back of his hand, “At least tomorrow you are not even allowed to think about anything without my permission. I want complete loyalty.”

  He spoke so softly she thought it almost sounded like a prayer. She looked up into his grey eyes, “Tell me what you want me to do,” she couldn’t help but smile.

  He wished they were in private so he could wipe that smile off her face. Later, he told himself. “I want you to wake up, shower and wear your navy dress and no panties. During the morning meal you will eat the food I arrange for you. After your classes you will go to your private study room and send me a message from there and describe to me how it felt to not wear panties all day and all of your naughty thoughts about me.”

  “Not from my study room,” she protested, and she liked the momentary annoyance she saw in his eyes. Oh yes, you are a little controller when you get the chance. Thankfully Alliance men rarely had the chance to control women and she realized that this was his day, what he was asking for and then she replied, “I’ll do it.”

  This satisfied him and then he brought out his sword again and without any explanation took the bottom of her hair and cut a very small piece some off. “I want this too.”

  Dru was dumbfounded. If she were in the Exterior, she would kill him to get that back for fear of a spell. But this was the Alliance and they didn’t believe in spells, did they? she questioned looking at her hair in his hand. “I thought it went against the gods to cut our hair. Why don’t you give me some of yours to make it equal?”

  “I’m taking this for a purpose. You’ll see and you’ll be pleased, I think. It’s a surprise. Trust me.”

  “Trust you?”

  He took her in for a kiss, knowing they would both be fined and then pulled away long enough to say, “Yes, trust me,” then kissed her again. He was reluctant to let her go, “May the gods shine their light on you my little fiery one.”

  “May the gods guide your path,” she replied. She watched him go and was surprised he took out his IC as he walked away. She was even more surprised that he had messaged her, instead of just telling her something.

  Leave the fines to me.

  She smiled wondering what had they done that would be fined? Kissing yes, she knew that, but what else besides his IC usage at the Assembly?

  That night Dru fell asleep looking at a naked picture of Ket from his profile wondering what it would be like to be with him. To feel his cool hairless body next to hers. The next morning, she woke up with a fine on her phone.

  Drusilla Anne James, House Human, Fines for 3rd day of the 13th week of the year 18905:

  Year Assembly, holding hands with Ket, House Vo at 20:45, 21:04, 21:55, 22:19

  Fine: 50 UC per citation.

  Year Assembly, kissing with Ket, House Vo at 20:45, 23:06

  Fine: 50 UC per citation.

  House Human, Residential Ring Four, kissing with Ket, House Vo at 23:57

  Fine: 250 UC per citation.

  Total: 550 UC

  Disputes can be made publically only.

  Triple charge- underage public display of affection.

  Dru looked at the numbers and felt sick. So many credits, way more credits than she even had. What was I thinking last night? she wondered. What was even worse was that Jane had been sent a copy of this as Head of House Human. And sure enough, she also had a message from Jane waiting for her.

  “James,” she sounded a bit annoyed. “I’m not sure what is going on in the Capital City? Was this really you? Do you have money to pay this or are you going to dispute it? You know they double the fine if you dispute and lose. This just isn’t like you. If this was you and you don’t have the money, we will find it somewhere as we are all responsible for this. Get back to me.”

  Dru hit reply, “Jane, I’m so sorry. I knew, but I didn’t know it was going to be so expensive. I’m under the impression that Ket will pay the fines. I’ll be more controlled in the future.”

  Dru looked at the bill again and then noticed that she was charged triple for being underage. She didn’t know what to do. She went back to his message and thought it was clear he was going to pay it. She got in the shower. Afterwards when Dru was about to put on her underwear, she remembered with a smile, this was supposed to be the day she wore nothing and was ‘loyal’ to him. She put the underwear back and thought, I have to report to him later about the no panties day anyway so I’ll ask about the bill then.

  Ket looked at his IC and sighed. I was reckless last night, he thought. He simply paid their fines by facial recognition and voice confirmation from his IC, “I, Ket of House Vo, agree to pay the fines of 1,550 UC.” Then he hit another button, “I, Ket of House Vo, agree to pay the fines of 550 UC for Drusilla Anne James, House Human.”

  “That’s a lot of universal credits,” his mother reflected. “I don’t know if you’ve ever incurred so many fines in one night with one woman.” Ket had had some interesting nights when he was younger and would go to Assemblies, but nothing like this had happened in about a decade.

  “Apparently Drusilla didn’t know that I had put a ban on her until many weeks after the fact. I think all of the humans’ ICs are blocked from most news about them.”

  “Of course they are,” his mother replied. “How welcome would they feel if they could read what people thought about them before they understood us? Before they could put it in context? And those weren’t the specific fines I was referring to.”

  “You know exactly what they are for as you received a copy as well.”

  “Move slowly Ket, she needs to be approached with patience.”

  “Are you recommending that to me because she is human?”

  “No, because I’ve seen her full medical exam and I’ve talked with her doctors in comparison with the other humans. There is something different about her.”

  “Yes, she is not old or ugly and she is telepathic. She’s perfect.”

  Zol gave her son a condescending look and then without words began, You know it is more than that. She was not raised like the rest of them. The human government has rejected any enquiries into her past. They tell us he
r lack of parentage, hometown, medical records are a clerical errors, yet supply no more information. Her former Captain lies for her. Her former superior lies for her. Something is not right.

  Ket nodded. He was also told the lack of information was a clerical error and although he had meant to ask her last night, with everything else, he had forgotten. He wondered then if she drove the conversation subconsciously, so he wouldn’t ask. He half projected that thought to his mother.

  “Yes,” she said out loud. “She is far stronger than you telepathically which is why you should marry her, but also not be so accepting of everything she does or says. Had the officers on the supply ship that brought them to the Capital Planet not been protected by a the anti-telepathic forcefield on their room, their captain is certain the humans would have gained control of the ship. She can easily influence a couple men without telepathy at a time and probably you too if you are not vigilant.”

  I don’t have the impression she is hiding anything important from us, Ket projected.

  “No,” his mother said and then projected, But she definitely wants to keep something from being made obvious to the human government. The sooner she is under our protection the better.

  She is Alliance now.

  Yes and no, don’t be so naïve Ket. If they found, her guilty of a crime that somehow called her fleet status into question before Tir traded for her she could be extradited and replaced. When she marries you, she will have chosen to marry you of her free will and then it would be the human government against our family, and I don’t think they would bother for whatever crime she committed.

  I don’t think she committed a crime, Ket projected.

  I don’t think it’s a crime in the traditional sense but something humans are ashamed of and are hiding and that is why so many protect her. Whatever happened they feel it was wrong, Zol projected, the thoughts she had been chewing over for weeks. She had begun to study Earth and its culture to better understand Drusilla and the other human women. She had been disappointed to learn nothing from the official records as to why Drusilla suffered from childhood diseases, primitive surroundings and suffered rape. But she could not talk about these things with Ket, so she simply said, “Go with the gods,” as she left to go to the Imperial Palace.

  “May the gods keep you, Mother,” he replied now replaying his whole night with Drusilla in a different light. He reviewed everything trying to remember if at any point he had felt she was leading him. She was leading me by the swell of my penis, he thought. And then his thoughts ran to her panties that were still in his pocket upstairs. He returned to his room and retrieved the panties. They were black, soft and smooth and smelled of her. He closed his eyes and remembered her beautiful sex beckoning to him. He imagined how exotic it would feel to thrust inside of her, her sweet scent covering his penis and the feel of her fur, wet with her scent, against his skin. He took down his trousers and started pumping himself thinking about Drusilla. He would go to the shrine later today for this sin.

  Dru went down to the dining room for her morning meal. As she walked in, seeing her, one of the slaves walked into the kitchen and then walked back out with her food, but instead of her usual human breakfast of Alliance bread with strawberry jam and chicory coffee, today she had a complete Alliance breakfast of bland porridge with small pieces of meat in it and water.

  Dru looked at the slave and the slave looked at her.

  “What’s this?”

  “Your requested morning meal,” replied the slave impatiently. She couldn’t eat until Drusilla was finished and if Drusilla took too long, she would not be able to eat until the midday meal. “The message was sent through Doctor Ket of House Vo.”

  Dru suddenly remembered and blushed.

  “Some loyalty game, no doubt? The maximum class is so childish,” the slave commented to no one but herself. “Eat it Drusilla. Eat it all.”

  Dru picked up her spoon and took a bite. Unlike the rest of humanity, people in the Exterior had never given up eating meat. As such, she had only been a vegetarian for the last four years of her life. She didn’t mind the taste of meat nor the thought of eating it. Dru didn’t mind the porridge although it was so bland and filling, she couldn’t finish it.

  “Finish it,” said the slave.

  “I can’t.”

  “I have instructions that you are to finish it. Just do it. You can throw it up after,” the slave suggested helpfully.


  “You’re the one making me play this stupid loyalty game.”

  Dru picked up her spoon and finished the rest of the porridge feeling ill afterwards. She did actually think about making herself vomit but didn’t want to give the slave the satisfaction. She was pleased with the knowledge that this loyalty day was a normal occurrence in his class and that he was not deranged in this way.

  Then she went to school and went about her day. She only remembered she wasn’t wearing underwear when she sat and could feel the fabric of her dress against her naked sex or when she went to the toilet, and there was nothing to pull up and down.

  By the time she was in her private study room that afternoon though, she had butterflies in her stomach with the thought of calling Ket and saying what he wanted to hear about her day of being loyal. She checked all of her other messages first, putting off the VM for as long as possible. She had received a message from Jane, “James, your fines were paid this morning by Ket of House Vo. I’m assuming everything is going well, but please don’t do that again. I know I am going to sound all ‘Alliance House Mother’ now, but it makes us look bad. However, as you could have guessed, Captain wanted you to challenge it, so thankfully it was paid before she convinced you to fight for your right to kiss in public and promised to pay for the fines herself.” Jane gave her an exasperated look that Dru reckoned had more to do with the Captain than her. “Please be more vigilant of their rules, these fines are expensive, and you know House Human is as poor as the poorest House in the Alliance can be.”

  Dru sighed and smiled at the thought of Captain Kara wanting her to dispute them and said out loud, “Of course she would want that.” The Alliance might have gotten more than they bargained for with the Captain, she reflected.

  Then she received a message from Ket.

  I am waiting little tabi.

  “What is a tabi?” she said out loud and then the computer answered her.

  “A tabi is a small winged-mammal found on the northwest continent of Alliance Planet Two. Tabis live …”

  “What about as a term of endearment?” Dru interrupted the computer.

  “Tabi is a term of endearment referring to a girl or woman, especially one exhibiting characteristics such as slyness, attractiveness, or playfulness. Originally used as a term of disapproval, in later use, from 8904 onwards, ‘tabi’ morphed into a pet name or term of endearment.”

  Dru smiled, then decided she would VM Ket in real time as she could see that he was available for a real time message. He answered on the second chime.

  “Drusilla, my loyal one. I thought you needed a little push.”

  “What made you think that?”

  “You have been in your study room for 45 minutes and hadn’t messaged me.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “It’s registered. I can look it up if I search for you. Don’t humans have this on Earth?”

  “No, we like the idea of not knowing where everyone is all the time. Using technology that way is forbidden on Earth.”

  “Oh,” he smiled, “That’s a conversation for another time. Now, tell me about your day without panties.”

  She blushed.

  He looked directly into the camera and held up her panties which he had cut off the night before, “Were you missing a pair of these?”

  “Yes,” she said almost breathlessly.

  “Show me that you are not wearing any today.”


  “Yes, you said you would be loyal to me today.”

/>   “I’m not doing that here.”

  “Why not? No one can see you. This is a secure channel, and no one would ever invade my privacy,” he stated confidently. He would challenge them to a duel, and he had already won enough this year that he doubted anyone would risk their life angering him over something like this.

  “I study here.”

  “I know, that’s what makes it so sexy.”

  Dru looked at his handsome face considering. It was true no one could see her, but she remembered Jane’s words about making House Human look bad. She shook her head, “If you were here I would do it, but not like this.”

  “Oh, how I long to see your beautiful vulva again. I’ve been dreaming about that red fur and your smell,” he smelled her underwear in his hand again. “I’m going to lick and suck on your clitoris until you see stars. Does that make you wet with arousal imagining that? Are the top of your stockings wet now? The inside of your dress?”

  There were many things that she found shocking about his statements of desire, the first which she had noticed before, that the direct translation of her anatomy was not nearly as sexy as the colloquial words for it, but she guessed she would get used to it. The second, that everything else he just said had really turned her on. She wanted to show him her pussy now. If he asked again, she would do it. “The top of my stockings and the inside of my dress are wet.”

  “Show me,” it was a command.

  Lust had taken over her and she stood up and pulled up her dress slowly. She purposely went very slowly. Once she had raised it high enough for him to get a good look at her hairy pussy, she began to put it down again.

  “Stop, I want to memorize your sex. I love how your clitoris has become stiff and peaks out between your furry folds, so beautiful Drusilla.” He wanted to continue. Had she been an Alliance woman he would have asked her to touch herself for him, to spread apart her sex. To lick her fingers, but he remembered his mother’s advice and backed off.


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