A Different Class of Murder

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A Different Class of Murder Page 45

by Laura Thompson

  family background 137–8

  feelings towards husband in later years 322–3

  friendship with Rivett 195, 205, 275

  hiring of Rivett as nanny 31

  and husband’s gambling 137, 150, 159

  inconsistencies in story given 363–9

  injuries sustained at murder scene 222

  interviewed by police after murder and statement given 34, 227–30

  lifestyle 150, 151

  loss of children 317–21

  marriage 136–69 see also Lucan, 7th Earl of (Richard Bingham): Marriage

  mental state 28, 29, 160–2, 164–6, 178, 183, 186, 318–19

  nannies employed by 176, 192–3, 194–5

  nature 143

  News of the World interview 268–9, 363, 365

  police sympathy and support for 150, 228, 280–1, 287

  post-natal depression 28, 149, 160–1, 162–3

  pre-marriage days 139–40

  reaction to guilty verdict 317–18

  refusal to see children after loss of custody to Shane Kydds 319–22

  relationship with sister (Christina) 323

  sacking of nanny (Lilian Jenkins) 169

  selling of Lucan’s possessions 148

  separation from Lucan 157, 169

  view of by husband’s friends 27–8, 154–5, 156–7, 163–4, 167, 287, 364

  view of by husband’s grandmother 138

  visited by Elwes in hospital 285–6

  visits to Clermont Club 27–8, 151, 152–3, 154–5

  Lucan, Violet, Countess of (Lucan’s grandmother) 6, 67, 90, 138

  Lucan earldom 53–68, 71

  and Ireland 54–5, 57

  memorial 63

  selling off estates 65–6

  Lucan house (Dublin) 55

  Lucan murder case


  appearance of Veronica in pub covered with blood and admission to hospital 221–2, 231

  attempt by Lucan to see Bill Shand Kydd after murder 253–4, 255

  belief in Lucan’s innocence by family and friends 352–7

  burglary theory 328–34

  calls made to Florman and mother by Lucan 33, 37, 239

  day before 211–12

  escape of Lucan hypothesis 295–305

  hitman theory 341–8, 369–70, 371–2

  injuries sustained by Rivett 223–4, 338–9

  injuries sustained by Veronica 222

  letters sent to Bill Shand Kydd after murder 33, 251–3, 256, 310, 312, 313, 347

  letters written to Stoop 256–8

  Lucan’s actions after murder 237–41

  Lucan’s actions on day of murder 32–3, 213–15, 357–61

  lunch for Lucan’s friends after murder 283–4, 292

  mailsack 32, 223, 233, 234, 246, 330

  Maxwell-Scotts’ driver’s account of events after murder 302–5

  mistaken identity theory 6–7, 17, 34, 275, 342

  motives 352

  plan 31–2

  possible scenarios/theories 327–57

  Rivett as intended victim theory 334–41

  suicide pact suggestion 365

  telephoning of mother by Lucan after murder 33, 226–7, 239, 247, 251

  timeframe on day of murder 32–4, 326

  visit to Maxwell-Scott’s house on night of murder 33, 37, 132, 239, 243–6, 251, 254–5, 291

  ‘wanting to kill his wife’ remark 204, 289–90

  Investigation/Inquest 219–325

  arrival of police/CID at crime scene and finding of Rivett’s body 221, 222–4

  attempt by friends to clear Lucan’s name 311

  autopsy 224

  blood analysis anomalies 223, 231–2, 233–5, 237, 240–2, 250, 327, 346, 359, 361

  contamination of crime scene and Lucan’s residences 235

  coroner’s final address at inquest 315–16

  examination of 46 Lower Belgrave Street 226

  factual anomalies 361–2

  fingerprints 235–6

  and Ford Corsair 33, 241, 259–62, 343

  forensics 34, 231–6, 241–2, 328

  guilty verdict at inquest 3, 6, 38, 316–17

  interview with Veronica at hospital and statement taken 34, 227–30

  Kait Lucan’s statement and evidence given at inquest 175–6, 246–9, 251

  lack of blood on Lucan anomaly 240–2, 361

  misgivings and inconsistencies 311–14, 316, 348–9, 361–9

  murder weapon (lead piping) 235–7, 339

  and newspapers 34, 225, 227, 274, 278

  obstruction of investigation by Lucan’s friends, claims of 35, 277–80, 282, 283, 287, 291

  opening of inquest 267

  police belief in Lucan’s guilt and sympathy shown towards Veronica 221, 228, 237, 280–1

  prejudice shown by police against Lucan and his supporters 248, 279–81, 313, 316–17, 348–9

  refutation of Lucan’s defence at inquest by police testimony 249–51

  reopening of case (2004) 236–7

  search for Lucan 226, 264–5, 306

  Bill Shand Kydd’s public appeal on News at Ten 292

  third person present and interruption of fight in basement defence by Lucan 33, 243–51, 252, 325, 326, 369

  Veronica’s evidence given at inquest 32, 176, 276–7, 312–15, 335–6, 359, 361

  warrant for Lucan’s arrest 266

  wearing of overcoat by Lucan 242–3, 291

  Mackeson, Sir Rupert 41

  MacLaine, Shirley 94

  McLinden, Elizabeth 13

  Main, Janice 43

  Margrie, James 137–8

  Martin, Christabel (nanny) 192, 263, 346, 364–5

  Marylebone Labour Association 74

  Matrimonial Causes Act (1973) 183

  Maxwell-Scott, Ferga 133

  Maxwell-Scott, Ian 33, 89, 109–10, 132–4, 353

  affairs 114

  background 133

  and Clermont Club 132

  and gambling 89, 133

  living off state benefits 297

  marriage and treatment of wife 132, 134

  questioning of by police 291

  Maxwell-Scott, Susan 37, 133–4, 239, 353

  behaviour 133–4

  and drinking 134

  evidence given at inquest 239, 241–2, 243–6, 249, 251, 255–6, 332

  helping Lucan to escape hypothesis 301–4, 370

  letter to Daily Star 291–2

  loyalty to Lucan and belief in innocence of 292, 316

  Lucan’s visit to Grants Hill House of after murder 33, 37, 132, 239, 243–6, 251, 254, 254–5, 291

  marriage 133, 134

  questioning of by police 291–2

  talking about Lucan case in later life 371–2

  withholding of information 254, 291

  Maybrick, Florence 7, 381

  Meinertzhagen, Daniel 83, 115, 116–17, 121, 128, 156, 164, 172–3, 200, 279, 284, 307, 350

  Mellor, Stan 40

  MI5 36, 121

  Miller, Jonathan 80, 83, 127

  Mills, Freddie 314

  Mitford, Nancy 65, 128–9

  Mohun, 4th Baron of 4, 378–9

  Montdore, Lady 93

  Morley, 15th Baron 378

  Morrison, Herbert 71

  Mozambique 42

  Murphy, Elizabeth (nanny) 190–1

  Murray, Len 19

  National Front 47

  National Service 85

  Newhaven 33, 34, 40, 68, 96, 241, 258–61, 264, 265, 290, 294, 301, 303, 304, 308, 309, 310, 327, 370

  News at Ten 292

  News of the World 268–9, 363, 365

  Norfolk, 12th Duke of 8–9

  O’Donnell, Mary-Geraldine 263–4, 287

  Osborne, Lady 100, 108, 110, 290

  Osborne, Sir George 106

  Palleotti, Marquis de 379

  Park Lane Murder 10–12

  Parker-Bowles, Andrew 100

  Parks, Mandy (babysitter)

  Parnell, Charles Stewart 61

  Peeping Tom (Powell and Pressburger film) 45

  Pembroke, 7th Earl of 4, 17, 378

  Pereira, Dr Margaret 232–3, 234, 235

  Peto, Nick 152, 157, 172, 173, 198

  Peto, Zoe (formerly Howard) 114, 141, 152, 154–5, 163, 184, 214, 279, 349, 355

  Playboy Club 30, 108, 115, 116, 117, 130, 173

  Plumbers Arms pub 221, 231, 238

  Portland Club 81, 104, 151

  Powell, Elizabeth Anne 9

  Powell, Enoch 36, 123

  Powell-Brett, Christopher 169

  Priory clinic 163, 165, 183

  Private Eye 125–6, 179, 283, 285, 299

  ‘privilege of peerage’ 3

  pseudo-aristocracy 18, 19

  Queensbury, 4th Duke of 98

  Raglan, Lord 60

  Ranson, Detective Chief-Superintendent Roy 212, 233–4, 238, 281, 345

  arrival at crime scene 225–6

  on blood analysis 234–5

  on probable death of Lucan 305

  and discovery of Ford Corsair 259–60

  evidence at inquest 250–1

  interviewing of Veronica and belief in story 34, 227–8

  on Kaitilin Lucan 178

  on Lucan 26, 91, 160–1, 167–8, 187, 191, 199

  search for Lucan in Africa 42, 306

  search for Lucan in Newhaven 264–6

  view of Clermont circle 288–9

  Raphael, Stephen 91, 100, 128, 137, 153, 159, 254–5, 282

  Rees, Sir Stanley 185, 263

  Referendum Party 126

  Riel, Marie 10–11, 223

  Rivett, Roger 269–70, 271, 275

  Rivett, Sandra (née Hensby) (Lucans’ nanny) 195, 267, 268–75

  appointment as nanny to Lucan’s children 31, 205, 271–2

  background 271

  boyfriends 272–3, 274, 275, 336–7

  changes night off on day of murder 32, 214–15, 273–4

  children born out of wedlock 268–9

  friendship with Veronica 195, 205, 275

  funeral 276

  ignoring of family of by Lucan camp after murder 276

  as intended murder victim theory 334–41

  liking of by Lucan 275

  marriage 269–70, 271

  murder of and injuries sustained 6, 14, 17, 223–4, 338–9

  nature of 205

  relationship with Hankins 273, 274, 336

  separation from husband 271, 272

  see also Lucan murder case

  Robey, Shirley 295

  Rodd, Tremayne 131

  Russell, Lord William 10

  Ryder, Charles 205

  Sagan, Françoise 118

  St James’s Club 257

  St Swithun’s school 139

  Salisbury Cathedral 54

  Sampson, Keith 224, 240

  Sarsfield, James see Lucan, 2nd Earl of

  Sarsfield, Patrick see Lucan, 1st Earl of

  Sarsfield, William 55

  Sarsfield Castle 55

  Savoy Hotel 13

  Sawicka, Stefanja (nanny) 176, 177, 195

  Scott, Dr Hugh 222

  Scott, Jeremy 298

  Second World War 26, 48, 70, 85


  killing of employers by 10–12

  Shand Kydd, Bill 37, 74, 128

  belief that Lucan is dead 307–8

  belief that Lucan should go to the police 284, 293

  evidence given at inquest 176, 188, 252–3

  letter to Sunday Times Magazine 287–8

  Lucan’s friendship with 142

  Lucan’s letters to 33, 251–3, 256, 310, 312, 313, 347

  and lunch on 8 November 1974 283–4

  marriage 136

  public appeal on News at Ten 292

  riding accident and left paralysed 128

  view of by police 288

  Shand Kydd, Christina (Veronica’s sister) 74, 82, 114, 114–15, 136, 142, 153, 255, 280–1, 369

  belief in innocence of Lucan 316, 354–5, 356

  belief that Lucan is dead 307–8

  and investigation/inquest 176, 237, 240–1, 312

  on Lucan 198, 209, 354–5

  and Lucan murder case 286–7, 311

  and Lucans’ custody case 180, 183–4, 186

  on Lucans’ marriage 143

  nature 142

  relationship with sister (Veronica) 154, 161, 323

  on Rivett 205

  Shand Kydds

  assume responsibility for Lucan children 183, 262, 318–19

  awarded custody of Lucan’s children (1984) 319, 320

  Shergar 40

  Simpson, Keith (pathologist) 224, 236, 339

  Slater, Jim 125

  Smith, George Joseph 7, 381

  Smith, Madeleine 7, 25, 381

  Smyth, Margaret see Lucan, Margaret, Countess of

  Smith, Dr Michael 223

  Somerset, 1st Earl and Countess of 377

  South Africa 42, 68, 139

  Spark, Muriel 80–1, 182, 183

  aiding and abetting 38, 119, 296

  Spencer, 2nd Earl of 56

  Spencer, Lavinia (née Bingham) 56, 138

  Stein, Cyril 209

  Stirling, Bill 109

  Stirling, Colonel David 36, 122, 170

  Stonehouse, John 39

  Stoop, Michael 36, 122, 128, 351

  belief that Lucan is dead 259

  borrowing of Ford Corsair by Lucan 33, 207–8

  evidence given at inquest 256–8

  Lucan’s letters to 33, 256–8, 291, 309

  view of Veronica 156, 167

  Stourton, 8th Baron 377

  summer Season 92–3

  Sunday Times Magazine 28, 37, 130, 131, 132, 141, 161, 258, 283, 287, 293, 300

  Taki 289–90

  taxation 121, 123

  Taylor, Charlie 107, 110

  tender years doctrine 180–1

  Thatcher, Margaret 212

  Thomas, Julia Martha 10

  Thomas, Sarah 10

  Thompson, Edith 7–8, 9, 306, 348

  Thorvaldsen, Bertel 56–7

  three-day week 46, 121

  Thurston, Gavin (coroner) 312, 314

  Trade Union Congress 19, 46

  trade unions 46, 47, 122

  True, Ronald 5–6

  Turner, Norman 180

  Tynan, Kenneth 131–2

  Unison (vigilante organization) 122

  Upstairs, Downstairs 18

  Wakes Colne Place 76

  Walker, General Sir Walter 122

  Wallace, William 7, 382

  Wallis, Wing-Commander Kenneth 265

  Warwick, 6th Earl of 379

  Warwick, 8th Earl of 81

  Warwick Castle 35

  Waterfield, Kim 93

  Watling, Brian 246, 247, 250, 257, 314

  Waugh, Evelyn 119

  Webster, Kate 10

  Westminster, Duke of 18

  Wheatsheaf Inn, near Basingstoke 138

  Wheeler, Stuart 81, 91, 107, 115, 126, 146, 152, 171, 209, 259, 274, 278, 350

  White Elephant (London club) 173

  Whitehouse, Arthur (barman) 221–2

  wife-confinement 15–16

  Wilbraham, John 206, 297

  William Brandt’s bank 87–8

  Wilson, Harold 46–7, 121–2, 123

  Windsor racecourse 83

  Woman Times Seven (De Sica film) 94

  Woodgate, Roger 44

  Woodham-Smith, Cecil 73

  The Reason Why 73

  Wright, Peter 122

  Wyatt, Woodrow 122, 125

  Zilkha, Selim 202, 212

  Picture Credits

  1. John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, by Bassano, 24 January 1973 (© National Portrait Gallery, London).

  2. Laleham Abbey (Wikimedia Commons).

  3. The 3rd Earl of Lucan (Universal History Archive/Getty Images).

  4. The Lucan Memorial (Laura Thompson).
  5. Lord Lucan’s parents’ wedding (Planet News Archive/SSPL/Getty Images).

  6. Lucan at St Moritz (Topfoto).

  7. Lucan in a powerboat race (Topfoto).

  8. Lucan and Veronica announce their engagement (Topfoto/UPPA).

  9. The Lucans’ wedding day (Douglas Miller/Keystone/Getty Images)

  10. Aspinall, Burke and Lady Osborne (Paul Popper/Popperfoto/Getty Images).

  11. Dominick Elwes and Tessa Kennedy (REX/Associated Newspapers).

  12. James Goldsmith in France (Central Press/Getty Images).

  13. Veronica with Frances (Topfoto).

  14. The Clermont Club (Topfoto).>

  15. The Shand Kydds, 23 February 1971 (Popperfoto/Getty Images).

  16. Lucan and Zoe Howard at Portofino (Daily Mail/REX).

  17. Lucan at a gambling club, 30 April 1973 (REX/Associated Newspapers).

  18. Lucan’s mews home in Eaton Row (Laura Thompson).

  19. Lucan’s flat at 72a Elizabeth Street (Topfoto).

  20. Andrina Colquhoun in Hyde Park (Len Trievnor/Express/Getty Images).

  21. Sandra Rivett (Topfoto).

  22. 46 Lower Belgrave Street, 8 November 1975 (Mirrorpix).

  23. The Plumbers Arms (Topfoto).

  24. Grants Hill House, Uckfield (Mirrorpix).

  25. Susan Maxwell-Scott (Keystone/Getty Images).

  26. The Ford Corsair in Newhaven (East Sussex archives).

  27. The police hunt for Lucan (Mirrorpix).

  28. Ranson and Gerring (REX/Ken Towner/Associated Newspapers).

  29. Veronica returns to Belgravia (Frank Barratt/Keystone/Getty Images).

  30. Daily Mirror front page, 14 November 1974 (Mirrorpix).

  31. Kaitilin Lucan (REX/Graham Morris/Associated Newspapers).

  32. Roger Rivett, 16 June 1975 (Central Press/Getty Images).

  33. Frances, George and Veronica (REX/Geoffrey White/Associated Newspapers).

  34. Lord Lucan in a West End club, 30 April 1973 (REX/Evening News).

  35. 46 Lower Belgrave Street today (Wikimedia Commons)

  36. ‘Jungly’ Barry in Goa (Topfoto).

  Endpapers: 1967 London Premier Map, reproduced by permission of Geographers’ A-Z Map Co. Ltd. Licence No. B6916. © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100017302.

  About this Book

  On 7 November 1974, a nanny named Sandra Rivett was bludgeoned to death in a Belgravia basement. A second woman, Veronica, Countess of Lucan, was also attacked. The man named in a coroner’s court as the perpetrator of these crimes, Richard John Bingham, 7th Earl of Lucan, disappeared in the early hours of the following morning. The case, solved in the eyes of the law, has retained its fascination ever since.

  Laura Thompson, acclaimed biographer of Agatha Christie, narrates the story that led up to that cataclysmic event, and draws on her considerable forensic skills to re-examine the possible truths behind one of postwar Britain’s most notorious murders. A Different Class of Murder is a portrait of an era, of an extraordinary cast of characters, of a mystery, of a modern myth. Part social history, part detective story, it tells in masterly style one of the great tales of our collective living memory.


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