Hearts On Fire: Park City Firefighter Romance

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Hearts On Fire: Park City Firefighter Romance Page 7

by Christine Kersey

  “Yay,” Lauren said with a grin. “Let’s go.”

  Gathering her dignity as best she could, she followed her friends to the pool table where Tyler and his friends were playing.

  What the…?

  Tyler watched as Arwen and her friends walked in his direction.

  “Looks like we’re going to have some company,” Tommy said, clearly delighted.

  Tyler looked at Jake, who looked less thrilled than Tyler was. That was because he had Lacey. What was Tyler’s excuse?

  “Hello, ladies,” Tommy said, as always ready to socialize. “Weren’t you here last week?”

  One of the women laughed. “Yes we were.”

  Tyler noticed Arwen standing in the back of the group, which he found interesting. Made him think this hadn’t been her idea.

  Tommy looked right at Arwen. “I remember you. We were gonna watch Lord of the Rings, right? You’re…Arwen?”

  “Yes, I’m Arwen,” she said with a quick glance at Tyler.

  Fury blossomed inside him. She’s mine. Shocked by the words that jumped into his head, Tyler silently counted to ten until he’d calmed down. She’s not yours, dude. Yes, that kiss was amazing—a kiss she asked for. But when she made it pretty clear that she was interested in you, you basically ignored it.

  “What about the movie?” Tommy asked. “I’m available all night.”

  Before he thought it through, Tyler said, “She already has plans tonight. With me.”

  Six pairs of eyes shifted to Tyler, and no one looked more surprised than Arwen.

  “I do?” she asked.

  Oh crap. What did I just do?

  Tommy looked confused. “Do you know Arwen?”

  The way Tommy said it, like he actually knew her when Tyler had kissed her, grated on him. “Yeah. I know her.”

  Now that he was on the spot, he wasn’t sure how to explain.

  “Tyler’s my personal trainer at the gym,” Arwen supplied.

  Tommy’s eyebrows pulled together as he looked from Tyler to Arwen and back again. “It’s a little late for an appointment isn’t it?” He chuckled. “Especially on a Saturday night.”

  What was Tyler doing? And why was he doing it? Baffled by his behavior after he’d made it crystal clear that all they were to each other were trainer and client, Arwen waited along with everyone else to hear Tyler’s reply.

  His gaze flicked to hers before going back to Tommy’s. “What’s your point?”

  Tommy laughed. “No point, bro.” He turned to the four women. “I’m just about to win a hundred bucks from this guy…” He jerked his thumb in Tyler’s direction. “Maybe when I’m done we can team up for a game.”

  “Sure,” Sarah said.

  “Sounds like fun,” Lauren added.

  Paisley was looking at Arwen, her forehead creased in question.

  Ignoring that, Arwen watched for the next five minutes as Tyler and Tommy finished their game, and when Tyler barely squeaked out a win, Arwen secretly cheered.

  Grumbling, Tommy handed Tyler some cash, then he, Lauren, Sarah, and Paisley broke into two teams of two.

  Needing some space, Arwen said, “Excuse me.” At a look from Paisley, Arwen added, “I’m just going to the ladies’ room.”

  Walking away before anyone else could question her, Arwen made her way to the ladies’ room, and once inside she went to the sink and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  What was happening to her? Why did she feel so…unsettled?

  But she knew exactly why. Every time she was around Tyler she felt out of sorts. Like she was fighting herself, fighting her feelings. At the gym, on the hike, now.

  Taking several deep breaths, she looked at herself one last time before leaving the bathroom.

  She’d only taken three steps when Tyler stepped in front of her.

  “Can I talk to you?” he asked.

  Heart racing at his sudden appearance—not from being startled, but from knowing he came looking for her—she nodded. “Of course.”

  He motioned to an empty table—one that was far from the pool tables.

  Arwen sat down and Tyler sat across from her. Intrigued as to what he would say, Arwen watched his face.

  “I, uh,” he began. “I wanted to apologize for earlier.”

  Earlier? Like on the hike when he’d kissed her? Or when he’d laughed at the idea that she should fire him as her personal trainer? Or when he’d implied to the assembled group at the pool table that they had something going on that night? Not that she minded that last one. She was just confused about why he’d done it.

  “Can you be more specific?” Arwen asked.

  She wasn’t making this any easier.

  “Fifteen minutes ago,” he said. “When Tommy asked you about watching a movie with him.”

  “Oh,” she said with a nod. “I actually appreciate that you stepped in.”

  His eyebrows bunched. “You do?”

  “Yeah. Him saying that to me in front of everyone? Awkward.”

  Tyler laughed. “So maybe I don’t need to apologize?”

  Arwen lifted her shoulders in a shrug. “Why’d you do it though?”

  Not sure of the answer, he plowed ahead anyway. “I could see you were uncomfortable.” Yeah, that wasn’t even close to the reason and he knew it. He couldn’t stand the idea of her spending time with Tommy—or anyone else. Why couldn’t he admit that? At least to himself?

  Her eyes narrowed. “So you don’t actually want to ‘have plans’…” she did air quotes, “with me tonight?”

  Only if it involved kissing. Of course that wouldn’t happen as long as he continued to fight his attraction to her. “Well, I suppose to make my earlier statement legit, we could…” He shrugged. “Do something tonight?”

  She rested her forearms on the table. “What about, you know, the fact that you’re my personal trainer?”

  “Can I get you two something to drink?” a waitress asked.

  Arwen turned to the waitress. “Just a diet Coke for me.” She smiled at Tyler. “Don’t wanna negate the calories I burned on the hike.”

  Finding it hard to tear his gaze from her face, Tyler said, “Diet Coke for me too.”

  “Okay,” the waitress said. “Those’ll be out in a few minutes.”

  He nodded, but kept his gaze on Arwen. So many things about her had grabbed hold of him and refused to let go. She was confident, independent, smart. Not to mention stunning.

  He was losing the battle and it scared the heck out of him.

  “You didn’t answer my question,” she said. “About you being my trainer.”

  Desperately trying to resist his attraction, but equally eager to be with her, he said, “What if we call it a training session?”

  Arwen looked interested. “Are you going to charge me for it?”

  A smile of anticipation curved his mouth. “This time it’ll be on the house.” He chuckled as he thought about the game of pool he’d just won. “Or maybe on Tommy.”

  Arwen smiled. “Okay. Why not?”

  Certain she understood that this would be no training session, Tyler stood. “All right. Let’s go.”

  Arwen stood as well. “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.” He led the way toward the door, taking a moment to tell the waitress to cancel their drink order. Once they were outside, he turned to Arwen with a smile. “This way.”

  Chapter Ten

  Excited to see what Tyler had in mind, Arwen walked with him up Main Street. It didn’t take long before she heard music. Moments later they arrived at the entrance to a local dance club, and to Arwen’s delight, Tyler took her hand as they walked inside.

  This was no training session.

  Giddy with happiness, when Arwen realized there was a good chance Tyler would soon be holding her in his arms as they moved around the dance floor, she thought her jaw would crack from the wide smile on her face.

  “What do you think?” he said close enough to her ear to be heard ov
er the music. “Will this pass for a workout?”

  She met his gaze and something passed between them. “Yeah.” When his eyes remained locked on hers, she thought her heart would pound right out of her chest.

  Finally, he broke eye contact as he looked at her feet before meeting her gaze again. “I hope those shoes are comfortable.”

  “They are.” She’d worn high-heeled boots with a pair of jeans that made her feel sexy and confident. Guess that was paying off.

  “Good,” he said. “Let’s do this.” Then, still holding her hand, he led her to the dance floor.

  She hoped he knew how to dance. Actually, she didn’t even care.

  The rockin’ beat filled the air, and when Tyler released her hand so they could dance, Arwen consoled herself with the knowledge that he was bound to take her hand again at some point. They watched each other as they danced, and Arwen couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun.

  Tyler’s smile grew as he watched Arwen. There was no doubt she was having a blast, and he was too. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t looking for a relationship. This was the best time he’d had since…well, since Madison. Kind of shocked to realize that he was enjoying himself in a way he never thought he would again, he turned his focus to Arwen, and when the song ended and a slow song came on and Arwen stepped up to him, he took her in his arms and began moving her around the dance floor.

  He couldn’t stop himself from breathing in the fragrant scent of her hair. Obviously she’d showered after their hike. She smelled so good. But he had to stop thinking that way. A relationship was out of the question.

  Just enjoy yourself. It won’t kill you.

  She lay her head against his shoulder and his arms tightened around her waist. She felt so right in his arms. They swayed together as they moved around the dance floor, but the longer Tyler held her in his arms, the more his fears grew and the stronger his resistance became.

  Oh my goodness. I’m loving this.

  It was almost better than when he’d kissed her. Almost. To be held in his arms—his strong and secure arms. Yeah, this felt wonderful. And so right.

  Arwen’s eyes were closed and her cheek rested against Tyler’s shoulder, but her thoughts wouldn’t stop.

  I thought you were all about your career, so what’s going on here? Are you having a change of heart? Maybe. So what if I am?

  She breathed in the masculine scent of his cologne and let herself just feel.

  The song finished and when Tyler’s arms loosened from around her, she looked at his face. His gaze was steady on her and she knew he felt something too.

  “Are you thirsty?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” She actually wasn’t, but she needed a moment to step back from the intensity of the moment. Tyler took her hand as he led her to the bar where they ordered diet sodas, then they carried them to a table in the back of the room where the music wasn’t quite so loud.

  “We need to talk,” he said the moment they were seated.

  His serious tone worried Arwen. That, plus the way his lips pressed together in a slight grimace.

  “Okay,” she said before sipping through her straw.

  He sighed, then scooted his chair so that their thighs were touching.

  She told herself that he’d moved closer so that they could hear each other over the music and not to read anything into it. Still, the feel of his muscular leg brushing against hers sent tingles cascading through her body.

  What was he going to say to her? What was the problem here, really? The whole trainer/trainee thing wasn’t an insurmountable issue. If they wanted to date, she could choose a different trainer. Not a big deal. Nothing inappropriate was happening. She had to know the whole I have a great idea for a workout tonight was only a ruse. Yet she still came along. And the way she pressed herself into his arms? Yeah, he knew she was interested. That, plus demanding that he kiss her.

  His gaze drifted to her lips before going back to her face.

  That was something he wanted to do again. Soon.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  He was conflicted, that’s what. Deeply conflicted. After losing Madison he’d truly believed his heart would never heal. He’d resigned himself to being alone. Better to be alone than to have his heart crushed. Yet here he was, out with a woman he was attracted to in a way he’d never thought he would be again.

  He studied Arwen’s face—cornflower blue eyes, kissable lips, soft skin begging to be stroked. Without thinking it through, he lifted his hand and trailed three fingers along her jaw, then his hand slid behind her neck as he leaned toward her.

  Arwen’s eyes locked on his, and as her lips parted she tilted her chin just enough to offer an invitation. And he took it, pressing his mouth against hers with an urgency that took him by surprise. Her arms went around his neck and his moved to her waist, tugging her against him.

  He feared he was losing the fight.

  Chapter Eleven

  In heaven, Arwen sank against him.

  If this was his idea of talking, she hoped they would have lots of conversations. Lots.

  Their kiss went on and on, his arms pulling her tighter against him. Arwen lost herself in his kiss, and when they finally came up for air, it took her a moment to catch her breath.

  They gazed at each other, the energy between them electric.

  After several moments, Arwen smiled. “You’re fired.”

  He laughed. “Yeah.” Then his expression sobered as he scraped his hands through his hair.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His jaw tightened. “I just…I’m not looking for a relationship.” He cleared his throat. “You need to know that.”

  Disappointment swept over her. But she wasn’t looking for a relationship either. She couldn’t forget that. Even so, during that kiss she had forgotten. And maybe even changed her mind. But hearing that he didn’t want a relationship brought what she wanted into sharp focus, and to her surprise she realized she did want a relationship. She did want to find love. With Tyler.

  It wouldn’t be impossible to focus on her career and have a relationship. Millions of people did it every day. There was no reason she couldn’t do that too. Watching Tyler’s face, she could see conflict there. Maybe she could figure out what was holding him back. She was a therapist, after all.

  “Okay,” she said.

  She said okay, but he could see in her eyes that she was not okay with it at all.

  “I don’t want to lead you on,” he said, as if that made everything all right.

  She stared at him. “Then why’d you kiss me?”

  He kept his gaze steady on her as the reasons unfurled in his mind: Because she was gorgeous and smart and independent and strong and he was beyond attracted to her and after holding her in his arms while they had danced he couldn’t take it anymore. He had to kiss her. And to be perfectly honest, he wanted to do it again. Over and over. But he was also terrified of having his heart broken again. He didn’t think he could take it.

  “Should I not have kissed you?” he asked.

  Her head tilted, like she was trying to figure him out, then her eyes narrowed. “Are you a player?”

  “No.” He answered without hesitation. He was the complete opposite of a player. He noticed she hadn’t answered his question of whether or not he should have kissed her. Which was kind of an answer in and of itself. A small smirk lifted one corner of his mouth, but he covered it by drinking his soda.

  “I didn’t know you were a firefighter,” she said.

  Her statement was completely off-topic, which threw him a bit. “Yeah.”

  “Do all firefighters know how to help someone having a heart attack?”

  He chuckled. “I’m also a paramedic.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Lifting his shoulders in a shrug, he said, “You didn’t ask.”

  Laughter burst from her mouth. “Like that’s something someone would routinely ask their personal trainer?”

  “They might.”

  Smiling, she shook her head. “What do you have against relationships?”

  This woman was giving him whiplash with these subject changes. Or maybe that was a technique she’d learned as a therapist. “I don’t have anything against relationships, per se. I’m just not looking to be in one.”

  “Why not?”

  Persistent. Generally a good quality. Not so great in this case. Not quite ready to tell her about Madison—he didn’t want her pity, and he didn’t want to open that wound by even bringing it up—he decided to deflect. “So you’re looking to be in a relationship then?” He could give as good as he got.

  She made a scoffing sound. “I never said that.”

  Perfect. Put her on the defensive. “Then why are you asking me all these questions?”

  “There’s no need to get defensive.”

  Hey. She wasn’t supposed to turn this against him. Admiring her ability to best him, Tyler took a moment to study her. Not only beautiful, but quick and not afraid to have a conversation that many people would shy away from. He wasn’t sure if he liked that last bit or not.

  “Are you,” he began, “or are you not looking to be in a relationship? Yes or no?”

  A smile tugged at her lips. “Technically that’s not a yes or no question.”

  Exasperated by her logic, he knew of one sure way to throw her off. They were still sitting very close together. Without warning, he leaned towards her and kissed her. He felt more than heard her gasp, but when her arms curled around his neck, he knew she had no objections. Following her lead, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him.

  It was as if someone had taken Arwen to the top of a roller-coaster and then shoved her down the other side. A rainbow of emotions spiraled inside her—excitement, desire, happiness, disappointment, soul-deep yearning.

  I admit it! I want a relationship with you!

  The warmth of Tyler’s body enveloped her, and as their breath mingled, Arwen savored the feel of him.


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