Three of Hearts

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Three of Hearts Page 4

by W. Ferraro

She didn’t want to insult her friend but she didn’t want there to be any misunderstanding either so she decided to just be blunt and ask “Wouldn’t you rather bring Robert?” Robert was a nurse in the Emergency Room and she notice on multiple occasions, Robert and Leo talking in a way she perceived as flirtatious.

  “You figured it out, huh?” Leo said, but Mae could hear the smile in his voice.

  Happy that he wasn’t mad, she said “well I noticed here and there that you couldn’t have lunch with me if Robert’s lunch break fell at the same time. And how he always brings you a coffee when your shift starts.”

  They had reached Mae’s car but rather than get in they both leaned against the back bumper.

  “I’d love to ask Robert to go with me, but I don’t think it is something my father or brother would be happy about. They know, I think, about me being gay, but we’ve never actually said the words and I’ve never brought a date home.” Leo said as he looked at his friend, “Besides, Robert is really private; he is probably going to flip when I tell him you ‘figured’ us out. We both thought we were being all stealth like.”

  Mae laughed, she loved that Leo could be witty about this “Well your secret is safe with me and I would love to be your plus one.”

  Leo opened the door for Mae, she slid in. He closed the door and waved as she backed out. He all of a sudden couldn’t wait for his shift to end.

  Mae pulled into the drive and noticed that Seth’s truck was parked in front of another truck. The new truck was bright red with dual wheels in the rear and had the same insignia as Seth’s. Mae grabbed her things out of her car and closed and locked the door. As she walked across the yard toward the stairs, she heard soft music and deep voices coming from the deck. She tried to climb the stairs as quietly as she could and just wanted to get to her door and inside without drawing too much attention toward herself. But the minute she reached the landing she knew that just wasn’t going to happen.

  “So this must be your new tenant.” Before Mae knew what was happening she was staring at a tall man with dark hair and dark eyes standing inside her screen porch. In the soft glow of the outside light she could tell he was smiling. She could also tell by quick inspection that he was a very handsome man.

  Dylan knew he caught Mae off guard but he also knew he pissed Seth off by calling out to her.

  He just had to see the girl that was making Conner drool and making Seth irritated.

  Mae said hello and then went about unlocking her door to make a hasty exit.

  “Oh please, come join us for a drink. I’m Dylan Cross, Seth’s friend and partner.”

  Mae really just wanted to go into her apartment and sit down with a little Jay Leno monologue but she didn’t want to be rude either. She adjusted her things in her hand and took Dylan’s extended hand. “Nice to meet you Dylan, I’m Mae. As much as I’d like to join you I think I’m just going to crash, it was a long shift at the hospital.”

  “Oh please, just five minutes. I’d be devastated if such a beautiful girl turned me down.”

  “Like it’s the first time…” Seth said loudly from the deck outside her screen porch.

  “Ok let me just drop this stuff down inside and I’ll be out.” Mae said softly. Five minutes, a cordial hi, how are you and then it is Jay all the way. Mae placed her things on the dining table and turned back to her door and closed it behind her. To her surprise, Dylan was waiting in the same spot as when she went in. He let her walk in front and pressed his right hand to the small of her back and extended his left to open the outer door for her. Mae walked out onto the deck and noticed Seth sitting in a cushioned outdoor chair made of wrought iron with a blue cushion. There were two other chairs and a matching coffee table which held two bottles of beer. Mae couldn’t see the radio but there was definitely Aerosmith playing softly and singing about “Dreaming On”.

  Seth grabbed for his bottle and tried not to notice Mae standing with Dylan’s hand on her lower back. Seth found himself squeezing the bottle a little too tight.

  “Thanks Mae for coming out, if you had a day like we did, you must need a beer too.” Dylan moved his hand from her lower back but instead of leaving her he grabbed her hand and dragged her five steps to the outside fridge that held the bottled beer. He bent down and opened the door without letting go of her hand. Mae tried to dislodge her hand but he was too strong. After he handed her a bottle of beer he pushed her toward one of the open seats. She sat with a plop.

  Even from his chair, Seth could smell her. She exuded the essence of something tropical, pineapple and coconut. The smell reminded him of being on the beach. Her hair was in the high ponytail again and looked very soft. Her scrubs were purple and the color looked good with her hair. He noticed as she sat that her top pulled snug and it showed off her breasts. They were definitely more than a handful and he was sure they smelled tropical too.

  As if Dylan could read Seth’s mind, he too noticed the pull of Mae’s shirt. He also knew that Conner was accurate in his assessment of Mae. She was a sexy woman. Curvy and soft just like a woman should be. Of course Dylan wasn’t picky: tall, short, slim, or heavy, he liked women and women liked him.

  Mae didn’t move from the chair and held the bottle of beer without opening it. The coolness of the bottle felt good in her sweaty hands. She refused to look to her left where Seth was sitting so she looked forward and straight at Dylan.

  Dylan could tell she was uncomfortable and wanted her to relax. “So Mae, you’re a nurse?”

  “Uh, yes, yes I am.” She twirled the bottle between her palms. The clink of her ring echoed on the bottle with each pass. She wondered what the hell she was doing out here hanging out. Didn’t she get accused of doing the same thing this morning with Lynne?

  “I appreciate the thought of a beer but I’d much rather have a glass of wine.” Thinking that this was a good reason to head to the safety of her apartment, she placed the bottle of beer on the table and got up. Dylan immediately straightened and offered to go get her a glass and bring it out to her. Before she could decline, he was in Seth’s house and had closed the door.

  “Beautiful night out, the stars are so clear” Mae said but she just wanted to run in and hide.

  “Yeah, it is one of the benefits of living on the lake; you get this view every day.” Seth said softly.

  Before Mae could say anything else, Seth continued “look Mae, I’m sorry for snapping this morning. I was in the middle of an unending battle with Conner and you caught me by surprise sitting there. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way and I apologize.” He had turned in his chair so that he was facing her and his long leg was touching her right knee. She swore she could feel an electric current go from her knee directly to her sweet spot.

  “No, I understand it was odd for me to be sitting there. Especially if you were distracted by Conner’s request to drive the boat. Sorry it was hard not to overhear” Mae replied

  Seth chuckled. “Welcome to an Irish household. We very rarely do anything quietly.”

  Dylan came out with the glass of wine for Mae, as he handed it to her he noticed the look on Seth’s face. Almost as if someone had caught him making the move. Well damn, I’ll be… From that moment on Dylan would appreciate Mae’s sexy physique but from a distance. “Here you go Mae, it’s Pinot Grigio, hope that is ok” Mae turned from Seth and looked at Dylan. She took the glass that he handed to her.

  “That’s my favorite. Thank you. But if it is all the same to you I’ll drink this inside and then I’ll head to bed. Thank you Dylan, it was nice meeting you. And thank you Seth, I appreciate and understand what happened now. Have a good night.” And with that she walked past them through her screened porch and into her apartment. She shut the outside light off and locked the door. Phew. Looking at the microwave clock, she still could catch some of the Tonight Show but to be safe she was going to watch in her bed upstairs.

  So just to be sure he got a clear picture of what he assumed to be interest on Seth’s side, Dylan
said “I think I enjoyed the view of her leaving the room as much as watching her walk across the yard.”

  “Cut the shit. Keep your eyes someplace other than her ‘attributes’” Seth said with threatening clarity.

  Yup, nailed it, Seth had an itch for Mae. It was about damn time. Five years is a long time to mourn a wife. Dylan knew Seth hadn’t remained celibate but he also knew none of his relationships were going anywhere. Dylan admitted Maggie was a one of a kind woman, but he also knew Maggie wouldn’t want Seth to be alone. She would want him happy and to find someone that cared for him.

  “Hint taken, man. But if you decided to not go the route of junk yard dog sniffing around a bitch, let me know. I’d be happy to show her what I have to offer.” Dylan said with just the right amount of slickness to leave Seth confused as to his intentions.

  The crudeness of his words and the thought of Mae’s softness anywhere near Dylan filled Seth with rage he never knew was possible. He barely knew the lady. But Seth would admit she stirred something in him that had been dormant for a long time.

  “She does bounce nicely though doesn’t she?” Seth said with a smile. A new hunger burned in him to run into Mae again, real soon.


  The next couple of days went by in whirl. Mae worked two double shifts that left her pretty much spent when she got home. But on the upside, she had a three day weekend ahead of her. She eagerly anticipated a new book and some relaxation. Before she could get the mini stay-cation underway she needed to stop at the store and pick up a few things. She pulled into the local grocery chain and parked her car. She was just about to grab a cart when she heard her name being called.

  “Hello Mae, fancy meeting you here.”

  Mae turned around and was surprised to see Robert walking towards her. Since her conversation with Leo the other night that confirmed her suspicions she had just been too busy to see him for lunch.

  “Hello Robert. What a pleasant surprise. Did you just get off shift too?”

  “No, I actually had the day off and thought I’d surprise Leo with a homemade meal.”

  Mae could understand the appeal of Robert. He was model gorgeous, with seductive, alluring olive skin and dark chocolate eyes. His build was athletic and sculptured. Robert never had a hair out of place and was very rarely seen without sunglasses adorning his head. Even working in the ER, he was notorious for matching his shades to his colored scrubs.

  “Well hey if a good looking man wants to cook for me, I wouldn’t turn him down” Mae replied with a smile.

  “I’ll have to remember that, maybe we can all get together sometime” Robert said. Mae liked that idea. She liked the idea of having some friends to talk with and to hang out with.

  Robert looked her in the eyes as he said “And Mae, I appreciate you keeping mum about me and Leo. It isn’t that I’m ashamed or anything it’s just, I like my privacy.”

  “I completely understand. And please, why don’t you and Leo come over to my new place and share a bottle of wine with me. I have a few days off and actually came in here to grab the wine. What time does Leo get done work?”

  “He’s done around 7:00, why don’t you give me your address and I’ll bring the stuff I was going to cook at home to your place and we can have everything ready when he arrives. That will give you and I some time to get to know each other better without the old ball and chain hanging around.”

  Mae laughed, recognizing with glee that this was the start of a wonderful friendship with Robert.

  Back home, Mae showered and dressed, donning an emerald green light weight sweater. The minute she put on the sweater she thought of the Finn’s eyes. She smiled and went on putting her black leather ballet shoes on. She went downstairs and checked the time; she still had 10 minutes until Robert showed up. Mae noticed the wine glass from the other night and decided now was a good of time as any to return it. She grabbed the glass and headed over to Seth’s door. She knocked and was surprised to find Seth answering the door himself. He had a dishtowel thrown over his shoulder and by the look of the kitchen; he was washing and drying dishes.

  “Hello Mae, how are you?” he said. He looked her over and admitted how voluptuous she looked. Her hair was wet at the ends but smelled of her signature tropical scent. Her green sweater hugged her breasts and showed a little midriff right above her jeans. She had some color in her cheeks and a smile on her face.

  “Hi Seth, I’m surprised to see you, I thought either one of the kids or Lynne would be here.” She said still holding the glass and looking up at him.

  “No, just me here, Lynne actually takes the kids on Thursday nights to her house to have dinner. I’m usually still at the office but I decided I was going to cut out early and catch up on some stuff around here.” Deciding to go for the gusto, he added “Lynne left some steak for me to throw on the grill, and there is salad in the fridge. Do you want to join me?”

  Mae looked down at her toes and then back up to his eyes, realizing he must feel sorry for her that he would invite her to dinner.

  “That sounds nice, but I have other plans, in fact I have dinner company coming. I just came over to return your glass.” Realizing she was still holding the glass she handed it to him. Her hand brushed his bigger one and she nearly shivered at the electric current that ran right through her. Recognizing that she was turning red she gave him a hasty good bye and went back to her apartment.

  Seth closed the door and walked the glass over to the cabinet where it belonged. So she has company coming over. What the hell does that mean? Is she seeing someone? Is that female talk for friends coming over? He finished putting away the dishes and decided to catch some of the news on the TV. He just sat down and turned the channel on when he heard talking outside. He could hear Mae saying she was happy they found it.

  Seth couldn’t help his next series of actions. He got up and went to the window that overlooked the driveway, where he saw a small black sedan. He then went to the door and saw a young man walking toward Mae’s place. She was waiting half way down the stairs for him. Seth could see the man clear enough to see he was close enough in age to be dating her. Seth was suddenly pissed off. He went back to the couch and watched the weather report, seething. But if you asked, Seth Finn couldn’t tell you if it was going to be a heat wave or a snow storm.

  Mae and Robert had a good time together getting dinner ready. The conversation flowed easily and they found they had a lot in common, sharing similar tastes in music and movies and even ice cream. By the time Leo arrived, they were onto bottle number two of the wine. Over the next couple of hours the wine continued to flow, as did the conversation and laughs. Before Mae knew it was time for them to head off. Robert left first, saying that he needed to be at the hospital in a couple of hours. Leo lingered a little bit longer but soon enough it was time for him to go as well. With his arm draped over her shoulder in an age old fashion, Mae walked Leo to his car and before he left he gave her a long hug and friendly kiss. They promised to do it again soon and Mae knew that they would. She walked back to the stairs that led to her apartment and was just about to go in when she heard a deep voice coming from the deck.

  “Have fun?”

  Is that Seth? What they heck is he doing out here in the dark with no lights. Mae walked through her screened porch and out through the other door. Sure enough there was Seth sitting in the same seat he had the night him and Dylan were drinking beer. But this time there was no music and there was no light.

  Mae said “Sorry Seth, I didn’t know you were there. Were we too loud?”

  Knowing that she was feeling giddy from the wine, it was very likely she had been too loud. She didn’t want to set a bad precedent with the homeowner.

  “No you and your boy toys were not loud at all, but I have to say you didn’t strike me as the type to be into threesomes,” Seth hissed feeling rage as his words led to vivid mental images.

  Mae was sure the wine was now affecting her hearing.

  “I’m sorry w
hat did you say?”

  “I said you didn’t strike me to be the type that would be into group sex.”

  She was incredulous at his accusation.

  “I beg your pardon Seth I don’t know what you are talking about and I do not appreciate you speaking to me like that. What I do in my apartment, that I pay rent for, and with whom, is none of your damn business.” Her bravado definitely was enhanced by the wine, but it was also making her stomach roll.

  She started to walk to the porch door when suddenly she was pushed so her back was against the door and her head was between both of Seth’s big hands. His mouth was close to her ear, he spoke softly “Do you have any idea what it is like to walk around all day with a hard on thinking about you and then to see you with two guys?”

  Mae tipped her head up so she was looking at his face. His eyes were wide and his mouth was inches away from her forehead. Before she could move or say anything he whispered “and even knowing you were just with two guys, I can’t suppress the need to kiss you right now.”

  Without knowing it, her body moved, Mae went up on tip toes and touched her lips to his. His goatee was scratchy but his lips were soft. The kiss started sweet but quickly went to hot in seconds. Remaining on her tip toes she put her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him. The first lick of his tongue was intoxicating. His lips and tongue moved as if dancing to music. Mae had never been kissed like this. She felt liquid need all the ways to her toes. By the time he ended the kiss, they were both panting. His hands were moving up and down her sides, enjoying her softness, her warmth.

  “They’re gay,” she whispered against his lips

  “Thank God,” and with that Seth kissed Mae again.

  Mae woke the next morning with a smile and swollen lips. She had gone to bed late after staying up with Seth. They had talked about their mutual attraction and had kissed some more. She tried to cut away from him but as if a force was taking over control of her limbs, she just couldn’t move away. They left each other with the understanding that they would look deeper into this chemistry between them and would spend some time together today. Seth had a meeting at Aidan’s school but would be back after lunch.


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