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Fortress Beta City (The Sleeping Legion Book 2)

Page 13

by JR Handley

  The moment the order was passed, emergency pumps chugged to life and began draining Habdisk 612. As soon as the habdisk was dry and sanitized, the all clear was given.

  “That’s one cluster frakk concluded, time to deal with the aftermath,” Lance said as he looked over at Hayley. “Get First Sergeant Thorn, Corporal Trevino, and Senior Sergeant Whitfield in here immediately. Heads are about to roll, so this isn’t the time for you to be cute. I want you here to observe and record, but don’t say anything. I want a comms seal on this room when they get in here. Understood?”

  “Roger that,” Hayley responded as she turned to her desk and sent out the order.

  Lance paced around his room, stopping occasionally to examine the Digi-Pics from his past, while waiting for the NCOs to report to his office. Three knocks at his door indicated it was time. The three rendered salutes and stood by in the position of attention. Lance told everyone except for Trevino to relax.

  Lance walked up to Trevino and stared into her eyes, searching, waiting, looking for any reaction. When the silence continued to choke the life out of the moment, Lance knew that he’d have to get the show rolling.

  “Corporal Trevino, I’ve seen your file, and I know you’re a squared away Marine. I understand you’ve got the potential to do a lot to get 3rd Section, 4th Squad up to our standards. Yes, ‘our’. I know you and Marine Lott were also raised at the same time I was, with the same tactics. I’m aware you fought the Tursas with distinction at The Battle of Kabak Station. Like me, you earned your stripes for being the sole survivor of a vicious battle,” said Lance as he resumed pacing back and forth in front of the trio.

  Lance paused because he wanted Thorn and Whitfield to know about Trevino’s experience. He knew she would rightfully pay for her outright disrespect, but they should at least know her history first. Lance saw Thorn’s grey eyes, which were bloodshot from screaming, start to soften. Knowing he had done all he could for Trevino’s case, Lance continued.

  “For this reason, and this reason only, I’m going to give you a chance to redeem yourself. That doesn’t absolve you of the consequences for your actions today. I could order First Sergeant Thorn to stand down, and I could protect you from your senior NCOs, but you’d have to deal with the fall out.”

  As if to hurry along her own execution, Corporal Trevino rushed to appease Lance, apparently not bothering to think it through.

  “Skipper, with all due respect, I can take care of myself. That won’t be necessary.”

  “Corporal, the Captain and I knew the city hadn’t been secured,” said Thorn. “We made the conscious decision to operate at this speed because it was likely devoid of enemy life. We also jointly made this decision because we have two weeks to clear the city before every Jotun officer and Marine dies of asphyxiation. You’ve said that assumptions get people killed, that includes your own.”

  Trevino opened her mouth to speak and let out a grunt as Whitfield punched her in the ribs. Lance watched dispassionately as Trevino dropped to her knees, grabbing her side in pain as her ample chest gasped for air.

  Was she going to make excuses or apologize? Maybe Whitfield could’ve waited, given her the rope to hang herself, Lance thought.

  While Trevino struggled to catch her breath, Lance finished what he meant to tell her before he would release her to his NCOs for judgement and discipline.

  “I know you’re upset that your skills seem to have been overlooked. I made the decision not to promote you because corporals are easier to replace than sergeants and soon there will be a massive call for new officers. We’ll likely get reinforcements from the Marines over in Detroit City. You were being considered, which is why this recent incident surprises me.”

  Lance looked down at Trevino and saw her smile between gasping breaths. Whitfield crouched down and jerked the tiny corporal to her feet as Lance continued.

  “I expect better. I demand better. And I except nothing shy of perfection. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’d flog the skin off your back if you frakk up like that again. Since I know you’ll have your fair share of ‘discipline’ later, I’m inclined to leave it there. Dismissed, Marine!”

  Lance watched Trevino scurry out of the room like the hounds of hell were after her. Once Xena confirmed the comms seal had been re-established, Lance looked over at the two remaining NCOs in his office. With the corporal gone, they both stood rigidly at attention.

  “Senior Sergeant Whitfield,” said Lance, “some time when things calm, you and I will have a chat. You’re the only NCO whom I’m not already familiar with, that needs to change. As for the errant corporal, read her file first and keep in mind the she’s not some cadet. If you wish to ‘handle’ things, please do so as if you were disciplining a Marine and not a cadet. Now, First Sergeant Thorn and I have things to discuss, so you’re dismissed. Go handle your undisciplined squadlings.”

  Before she’d even left the room, Lance began his most difficult conversation as an officer. If he messed up, he could lose the support of his senior NCO. But failing to address the issue could lend to an impossible precedent.

  “First Sergeant, when it comes to disciplining our Marines, I shouldn’t have to be involved. Your argument over the LBNet forced me to intervene and that can’t happen again. I understand that we’re all tired and stressed over the fecal-fest we woke up to, but it’s up to you to set a better example. In essence, your actions prolonged the amount of time it took to finish the mission.”

  Lance looked at Thorn and realized he was still standing tall at attention. Motioning for Thorn to relax, he continued speaking.

  “Corporal Trevino is on my short list for potential officer candidates. Rest easy, your daughter was already on that list, but 1st Squad needed a sergeant, and we only need so many officers right away. I tell you that because we need to nurture that talent and prepare them for what’s to come. I have no expectations of an easy victory over our enemies. To defeat our adversaries, we’ll need competent officers. Currently, we are an army of riflemen. That said, for the sake of the unit, you can’t let this go. So be harsh, not brutal, and resolve this quickly. Do we understand each other?”

  “I’m following, Skipper,” Thorn responded with a thoughtful expression. “Just don’t ever try offering me those bars and stars again and we’ll be okay. As for your officer candidates, I knew about my daughter and Mason, but Trevino is a surprise to me. What about this Marine Lott she mentioned who served with her? Where does he fall on your list, sir?”

  Momentarily taken aback at the Marine he’d forgotten, Lance sat down at his desk and scrolled through Lott’s record.

  “His record is grey, as unremarkable as mud, but I suspect he could make a capable senior NCO with the right training. His testing shows he’s of above average intelligence, he’s just complacent and lazy. Motivate him anyway you see fit, but if nothing else, we mine him of all that he knows about Tranquility from my time. We need more information about bases, lookout points, and weapons caches. Think on it, then work your training magic. That’ll be all, thank you.”

  Thorn rubbed the grey stubble on his chin and smiled. “You can count on me, Skipper. You’re handling your officership well, and I’m proud to be your senior man. Once we iron out these creases, we’ll show the system how dangerous a human-led group of Marines can be.”

  With that, Thorn departed. Lance figured the old sergeant would be cracking skulls soon. He was pulled from his thoughts by Hayley.

  “You really are doing a good job, Captain Scipio.”

  Smiling at his aide’s attempt to sooth his nerves, he responded in a way he knew would aggravate her, “Go get me some coffee, Hayley.”

  — Chapter 26 —

  Mid Afternoon, Post-Revival Day 2

  Whiskey Co. Ready Room, Beta City, Serendine

  Beta City Integrated Command

  Having finished his meeting with his NCOs, Lance decided to go to the one place where he could shut out the world – the company gym. His legs ached a
nd his lungs burned as he pushed himself on one of the many treadmills lining the outer wall of the exercise facility. Magnetic, silver rings fastened around Lance’s ankles simulated gravity twice that of Tranquility-4. His mind wandered aimlessly as he stared at his sweating reflection when Xena spoke to him through the treadmill speaker.

  Lance, I hate to interrupt your run, but Tech-Major Basil is requesting your presence in the Company Ready Room.

  Sighing in frustration, he began to wind down his run. Feeling lactic acid coursing through his legs, he took a moment to stretch out before heading to the showers.

  “He doing okay?” Lance asked as he stepped into the shower block.

  Lance heard a static click come through the speakers in the showers and knew Xena had shut down comms in the room so nobody could interrupt their conversation.

  He needs us to set up a conference with Field Marshal Marchewka, Colonel Gaarjar, and the two of us. We need to organize the final steps in reclaiming Beta City so we can plan from there. Now, hit the showers and hop to it, Marine! Don’t worry, I promise I won’t peak while you’re in the shower, and I’ll keep Hayley at bay too.

  Once Xena concluded her situational update, Lance asked her to inform Thorn and Hayley so word could be appropriately spread. As an afterthought, he requested that they be in the Ready Room waiting for him, so they could receive the updated information. Confident that Xena and his NCOs were handling things, Lance took a few minutes to let the hot water of the shower temporarily wash his worries away.

  After his shower, Lance squared his uniform away in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirrors of the shower block. Looking at the two silver bars on both sides of his collar, he shuddered.

  I’m a human officer… I better not frakk this up.

  Letting it sink in a moment longer, he took a deep breath and walked straight to the Ready Room.

  Basil, Hayley, and Thorn jumped to their feet as Lance walked into the Ready Room. Moving to the podium, Lance entered commands into the control panel to start the meeting. Typing the final command, Colonel GG and Field Marshal Marchewka’s holo-displays projected them into the Ready Room.

  “Field Marshal Marchewka, Colonel Gaarjar, Tech-Major Terloar, I will start with a quick update and then turn it over to Colonel Gaarjar,” said Lance. “As ordered, the combined Marines from Whiskey and Yankee Company have successfully sealed all passageways linking Levels 4 and 5. With that said, I turn the floor over to Tech-Major Terloar and Colonel Gaarjar.”

  “Field Marshal,” began Gaarjar, “we are assured by the youngling commander that the passageways have been sealed. I personally verified, with the assistance of the Tech-Major, that the structural damage to Beta City has been repaired. All that remains is for a hole to be bored that the accumulated fluids might drain from the city. For those plans, I cede the air to the young Tech-Major.”

  Basil cleared his throat, punched some commands into his Aimee, and walked to the center of the room. As he stopped in the center of the room, a large holo-display materialized showing bright blue city schematics.

  “Field Marshal, we have now prepared for the final phase of the drainage project. The engineers and I’ve been calling it, ‘Operation Main Drain.’ Once every Marine has sealed themselves in their individual barracks within the habdisks, a team of engineers led by myself and Captain Scipio will strip a habdisk from Level 11 of City Phase Unit 2. We’ll salvage any useable parts and equipment before Lieutenant Rochambeau uploads a computer program which will cause the disk to initiate an emergency surfacing.”

  Basil stopped for a moment and turned to the holo-display. Tapping his Aimee, one habdisk began moving. As it did, the green digital representation of water began to flow into the space it created.

  “Rather than boring to the surface like it was programed, the rewritten code will cause the disk to bore out parallel and then down. This repetitive and prolonged stair step pattern will provide the flooded levels somewhere to drain. Unless there are any questions, the only thing remaining before we begin is for Field Marshal Marchewka to okay the operation.”

  The moment Basil finished speaking, Gaarjar began.

  “Remember, during this period of draining, all of the Jotun officers will enter into a prolonged sleep. This way we can conserve oxygen while the city is drained and sanitized. Whoever Field Marshal Marchewka puts in charge needs to expedite the process. Our survival depends on it. Further, once the habdisk starts boring, the water will slowly begin to pick up a current as it drains. If the engineering team doesn’t make it back to the barracks in time, and you inadvertently tie into one of the infinite subterranean access tunnels, the water will instantly rush to fill the void and the current could be deadly. Be prepared, clamp your boots, and leave the passageways to seek shelter. Now that you’ve been updated, Field Marshal, we turn it over to Your Excellence.”

  Field Marshal Marchewka began speaking through his voice box.

  “As Colonel Gaarjar has stated, after this meeting, all Jotun officers will enter into our hibernation state until the base is drained and sanitized. Until then, Captain Scipio will be in charge. Your orders, Captain, are to drain the city and secure it for Jotun habitation. When accomplished, you will revive the Jotuns, and we will make appropriate plans going forward. Colonel Gaarjar, Tech-Major, that will be all. You are dismissed. Captain Scipio, head to your private quarters and secure it from prying eyes, so we can have a word. You have ten minutes, go!”

  — Chapter 27 —

  Mid Afternoon, Post-Revival Day 2

  Whiskey Co. Commander’s Quarters, Beta City, Serendine

  Beta City Integrated Command

  Leaving Basil to secure the Whiskey Company Ready Room, Lance rushed to his quarters after being ordered to attend an impromptu briefing with Field Marshal Marchewka. Ignoring every Marine stopping to acknowledge him, he jogged toward his quarters. I must look dignified and official, he thought as his mind raced. The moment he stepped through the doorway into his quarters, Xena came in over the speakers.

  Quarters are secure, and I have the Field Marshal on standby. You are live in five, four, three, two…

  Marchewka’s image flashed into existence above Lance’s desk. The holo-display was semi-transparent and the Jotun’s four arms were crossed in front of his chest. Marchewka’s dark amber eyes revealed an amount of intensity that made Lance worry he might have done something wrong. Just as Lance imagined himself being flogged, Marchewka spoke.

  “Captain Scipio, I have seen the reports that came from Tech-Major Basil Terloar and your Marines. I understand your Marines have kept the discovery of these icers under the radar. This was a wise decision.”

  Lance felt his heartrate slow as he realized he hadn’t messed anything up. Knowing this, Marchewka’s demeanor suddenly seemed less menacing as he spoke. His furry, catlike ears slowly rotated in opposite direction as he continued speaking.

  “Since you probably don’t know, the Sangurians were a race of fierce warriors. They are distantly descended from prolific little burrowing creatures, similar to Earth rabbits. Their planet, however, was unique enough that they evolved into sentient humanoid creatures. Hundreds of years ago, they attempted to overthrow the White Knight yoke. They failed. As punishment, their entire planet was razed and every Sangurian Marine was executed. It was believed that they were extinct, so their existence in such numbers under our city is ground shattering.”

  Marchewka paused to contemplate the gravity of such a discovery. During the pause, Lance plowed ahead.

  “Roger that, Field Marshal. I can’t help but wonder where their loyalties will be. Can we assume they would fight the Hardit New Order with us? I feel it’s safe to assume they’ve no reason to love the White Knights. We might regret waking them up if we don’t join the Human Legion. We also found several floors underneath them full of unidentified Marines. Sir, this is good news because now we don’t need this Nhlappo’s reinforcements. She, however, will need us for the access to technology and war
m bodies. Further–”

  Marchewka interrupted. “Crècheling Captain, you are missing the most obvious asset Nhlappo brings. The solar system, our moons, by Tyndall’s holiness, this human Field Marshal Nhlappo owns everything in orbit! If she was a halfway competent sergeant, she would know that you secure the outlying planets before you assault the main objective. If she landed on Tranquility-4, then you can safely assume that the moons and all the mining stations are hers. Not willing to rely on assumption, I sent Marines up the orbital elevator and verified this. She appears to have control of the solar system. We, however, control the last viable orbital elevator on the planet. If we don’t join this Human Legion, then once we secure the continent we will be fighting her to break out.”

  Startled at having missed such an obvious consideration, Lance merely grunted in reply. There were severe implications in being potentially surrounded in their solar system with little chance of outside relief.

  Yes, Marchewka is right… we still need these Human Legion folk. By Horden, I hope we can trust these frakkers, thought Lance.

  Shaking his head as if to jumble his thoughts back into order, Lance waited for Marchewka to continue. When there was only silence, Lance realized that the there was nothing left to say.

  “Field Marshal, I understand now and will handle things accordingly, if Field Marshal Nhlappo arrives before you are pulled from hibernation. Operation Main Drain will be ready to commence in under an hour.”

  “Make it occur, Captain, make it occur quickly and promptly awaken the officers when the base is secure. Remember, your honor and your brothers are counting on you. Dismissed.”

  — Chapter 28 —

  Late Afternoon, Post-Revival Day 2

  City Phase Unit 2, Habdisk 1124, Beta City, Serendine

  Beta City Integrated Command

  Lance was pleased to see Habdisk 1124 had been successfully stripped of anything useful in just over an hour. It had taken a combination of engineering brains and Marine brawn to accomplish the feat, and move the salvaged parts to the nearby habdisk. When the train of equipment finished being moved, Charlotte Rochambeau, known as Wires due to her computer hacking prowess, began uploading the computer code into a wall terminal.


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