Monster Girls 2

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Monster Girls 2 Page 15

by Edward Lang

“What is it?!” I asked, trying to raise my head off Krom’s snout.

  “You… look…” Alia said, her voice faltering as her lower lip trembled.

  “You don’t look so good,” Seera murmured, in what was probably the understatement of the year.

  There was the sudden flapping of heavy wings, and Hara landed by the other two women.

  “Scott, you DID IT! You – ”

  Then she gasped and covered her mouth with her wings, the same way someone with hands would.

  “…by the Great Harpy…” she said, her voice trembling.

  Alia suddenly burst out into tears.

  I still had my helmet on, so I knew it couldn’t be my face they were reacting to.

  It was something else.

  “Guys, you’re scaring me,” I wheezed. “Is it really that bad?”

  I mean, I felt okay… other than being exhausted…

  “Don’t touch him!” Dyra cried out as she and Spirella tumbled out from the rock passageway. “Don’t touch him, I’m still healing him!”

  “I think you need to hurry, then,” Seera said, her face as white as a ghost.

  Spirella raced over on her eight legs, cried out, and put her hands over her eyes – all eight of them.

  Oh man… things must be worse than I thought…

  “Parch… how bad is it?” I rasped.


  It’s pretty bad, Scott.

  You’re holding at 3% Health.

  The only reason you’re not dead

  is because of Dyra and Flesh Wound.

  “What?! I feel okay… I mean, tired, yeah, but…”

  That’s because Dyra’s powers were able

  to provide an analgesic effect

  and suppress the pain.

  “Everybody’s freaking out – how does it look?!”

  Well, some of your limbs

  aren’t in much better shape

  than those of our paladin friends.

  Oh SHIT.

  I really was a charred skeleton…

  At least in places.

  I thought about looking down, then decided I didn’t want to see it.

  Some images you can never get out of your head. I didn’t want that to be one of them.

  Dyra raced over to me, tears streaming down her face. “I’m here, I’m here!”

  She put her glowing hands on me, and another wave of soothing relief rolled through me.

  “You saved me…” I murmured.

  She smiled at me through tears. “You’re the one who saved US.”

  “No… we saved each other. But you’re the one who made it possible. I could feel you with me the entire time… even when it looked like you might die, you stayed with me… you all did…”

  “We’ll always stay with you, Scott. Always.”

  I just lay there for a long time, not saying anything.

  But after about five minutes, I tried flexing my fingers.

  Somebody must’ve restrung the marionette, because everything seemed to be working fine.

  “Don’t move,” Dyra cautioned me as her glowing hands moved up and down my body. “You’re not ready yet.”

  “Okay,” I murmured.

  A couple minutes later she nodded. “Alright, you can stand up now.”

  I gingerly sat up on my perch atop Krom’s head and took off my helmet.

  Alia gasped with joy.

  “By the great Centaur, it’s a miracle,” Seera whispered.

  “Oh Scott!” Spirella blubbered happily.

  Dyra just grinned at me, her cheeks still wet with tears.

  “Why’s everyone acting so weird?” I asked. “I just had a bit of a – ”

  I stopped talking as I slid off Krom and my feet hit the pebbles.

  My bare feet.

  I looked down in surprise.

  My armor ended shortly beneath my knees in ragged bits of charred leather.

  “What happened to my boots? Did they burn off?”

  Alia pointed behind me. “I think you left them over there.”

  I turned around and saw where my boots were standing on the ground by a boulder.

  Except the tops of the boots had been burned off…

  …and there appeared to be something still inside them.

  “ARE THOSE MY FUCKING FEET?!” I bellowed in shock.

  Parch reappeared.

  I told you it was bad.

  “I’ve never had to regrow entire limbs before,” Dyra said.

  “You had to REGROW my FEET?!”

  She nodded. “And most of your forearms. And part of your innards, too.”

  I glanced down in shock.

  The leather over my stomach was completely burned away – but there was smooth, unblemished skin beneath.

  Oh man – no wonder everybody had looked sick when they saw me…

  “I’m okay, though, right?” I asked her, feeling a bit woozy from picturing what I must have looked like.

  “You’re fine – NOW. Ten minutes ago, not so much.”

  “And my…?” I said, then stopped, afraid to ask the question. I glanced down towards my crotch.

  Dyra laughed out loud. “It’s fine. Amazingly, it wasn’t burned off, just… in bad shape. Don’t worry, it’s VERY important to us all, so I spent extra time making sure it’s perfect.”

  “Oh thank GOD,” I said with a sigh of relief, then grabbed Dyra around the waist. “And thank YOU!”

  I kissed her.

  She kissed me back passionately, then broke off to smile at me. “You’re welcome.”

  “Come here, everybody!” I yelled joyously.

  All the women ran over to me, laughing and crying out in relief, and we hugged and smooched. It was a bit awkward with Seera, but she knelt down and then she was the right height.

  Everyone joined in –

  Except Hara.

  She stood apart bashfully from the group.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “Come on over!”

  “But…” she began, then trailed off.


  “…you’re all… together…”

  I was pretty sure she meant ‘together’ as in ‘knowing in the Biblical sense.’

  “We’re celebrating! You helped save the day – if you hadn’t dropped me on the dragon’s head, we would have all been dead!”

  “Speaking of the dragon’s head,” Spirella whimpered, “can we get away from it?”

  “That’s a good idea,” I agreed. “Come on!”

  Our group moved away from the dragon’s corpse – and on the way I snagged Hara and gave her a big hug.

  “Thank you!” I said.

  She looked up at me with those big blue eyes, and a spark of sexual tension passed between us.

  She gave me the same expression I’d seen from girls I’d been out on a date with who wanted me to kiss them, and who were trying to signal me to make the first move without overtly giving it away that they wanted to be kissed.

  (Not that there had been that many girls I’d had that experience with… but there had been enough for me to recognize The Look.)

  So I smiled, leaned in, and kissed her.

  Her eyes went wide at first – and then closed dreamily.

  Unfortunately, the other girls weren’t having it.

  “Hey!” Alia cried out.

  “Again?!” Dyra fumed.

  “Scott!” Seera scolded me.

  Spirella didn’t say anything. She just looked unhappy.

  “What?! It was a celebratory kiss, that’s all,” I said.

  For a bunch of chicks in a polyamorous orgiastic relationship, they could be jealous as fuck.

  “Well, then, we should get celebratory kisses, too,” Alia said –

  And turned and planted one right on Hara’s lips.

  Hara’s looked shocked –

  And then her eyelids drifted closed again as she got into it.

  Alia got into it, too – so much so that their kiss lasted three times lon
ger than mine and Hara’s.

  “Hey, stop hogging her,” Dyra said, and gently turned Hara’s face away from Alia’s towards her own.

  Hara looked surprised again, but quickly sank deep into the kiss with Dyra.

  Like, ‘open mouths and tongue’ sinking into the kiss.

  Guess Jealousy was dying down.

  “I want to kiss her,” Spirella whined.

  “Just touch her instead,” Seera said, her cheeks flushed, and reached out with one hand.

  Before I could stop the centauress, her hand was underneath Hara’s feather top and cupping one of her breasts.

  I was about to say Whoa, hold on! –

  But Hara moaned into Dyra’s mouth but didn’t stop kissing her.

  I took it she was enjoying the attention.

  “Ooh, I want to touch,” Spirella said, and snuck in a tiny blue hand to fondle Hara’s other breast.

  “Mmmmm,” Hara moaned again.

  “Only one place left for me,” Alia said gleefully as she lowered herself down to the ground, lifted up Hara’s feather loincloth, and began to go down on her.

  “MMMMM,” Hara groaned.

  The harpy finally broke off her kiss with Dyra. I thought for a second that she was going to protest what Alia was doing –

  But she did something else instead.

  “Oh… I like celebrating…” Hara murmured sensually, then turned to kiss Spirella.

  And after that, a good time was had by all.

  Until something odd happened.


  Halfway through sex, Hara’s wings started moving independently of her body.

  First a twitch – then a shudder – then a flap.

  “Whoa, watch out!” Alia laughed as one wing nearly smacked her in the head.

  “Sorry!” Hara cried out.


  “What the – ?” Seera muttered as she, Spirella, and Dyra had to back away.

  “Sorry, sorry!” Hara moaned.

  And yet she kept doing it.

  Flap flap flap!

  “What’s going on?” I asked her as I kept thrusting inside her.

  “I don’t know – I can’t control it – something’s happening down there – it just feels so gooooooood!” she moaned, and closed her eyes in bliss. “OHHH!”

  I figured she was starting to come, and like some women’s legs will start twitching uncontrollably (only seen it in porn, unfortunately, not in real life), Hara’s wings were going crazy.

  Suddenly she was flapping so hard she started to lift off.


  “Whoa!” I cried out as she started to pull away from me.

  I instinctively latched onto her with my Wall Crawler powers.

  I guess in doing so, I inadvertently forced myself deep inside her again, fast and hard –

  And I think that final thrust pushed her over the top.

  “OHHHHHH!” she screamed.

  Flap flap flap flap flap flap flap!

  We were airborne.

  “WHOA!” I yelled.

  “Honey!” Alia cried out in terror.

  As the tallest of my girls, Seera tried to grab my feet as we soared up into the air –

  But she was too late.

  “Spirella, snag them!” Dyra yelled.

  Spirella shot spider silk at us, but it was beaten back by the wash of air from Hara’s wings.

  In seconds we were soaring high above the mountain.

  “Hara!” I yelled, but she was off in her own world of bliss.

  “OHHHHH!” she kept screaming, her eyes closed, her wings pumping, as we raced up into the sky.

  I just hung onto her for dear life as I looked down at my harem turning into tiny dolls on the mountaintop.

  I could see Krom’s entire body from up here. He looked like a black earthworm now, and my girls were just tiny beads of color beside him.

  Seeing Krom reminded me of how close I’d come to death. Being burned alive had been bad enough; I didn’t want Dyra to have to heal me again, especially not from a greasy smear on the rocks below.

  So I hung on with Wall Crawler and didn’t let go.

  Hara’s cries abated, her eyes fluttered open – and she stopped flapping her wings.

  “Wha…?” she mumbled as we hung there in the air for a second.

  You ever seen videos of biplanes doing tricks? Like climbing up in the air, then stalling?

  They start falling backwards, sometimes tumbling end over end, and then their front weight takes over and they do a nosedive.

  That’s what happened to us.

  Down we plummeted, headfirst.

  “FLY! FLY!” I screamed as I wrapped my legs around Hara’s.

  Her eyes bugged out at first –

  But she didn’t panic.

  Instead, she squinted in concentration and swooped down with her wings held out wide.

  I was beneath her now, which was NOT fun. After all, I couldn’t see what was happening. All I knew is that we were barreling towards the ground at 50 miles per hour.

  I glanced over my shoulder –

  And saw the mountainside rushing up at us.

  “AAAAAAH!” I screamed.

  Then suddenly we pulled up.

  We went from a dive to a glide in one long, parabolic arc.

  Now we were swooping over a valley a couple of thousand feet below.

  I watched in amazement as forests and streams appeared beneath us.

  Hara went back to flapping her wings and we steadily gained altitude.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  I was astounded. “You mean you don’t know?”

  “Well, we were mating, then suddenly I felt so good – everything felt SO GOOD, just waves of it all through my body – and the next thing I knew, we were up in the air and you were screaming.”

  “I think you came.”

  “Came where?” she asked earnestly. “Up here?”

  “Uhhhh – I think you achieved ultimate bliss, and you lost control of your wings, and they started flapping.”

  “Is that what you call that feeling?” she asked, then sighed happily. “It truly was ultimate bliss.”

  “Ultimate bliss, coming – it’s all just having an orgasm.”

  “A what?” she asked, perplexed.

  “An orgasm – don’t the other harpies have one when they mate?”

  Hara shook her head. “Oh no. They enjoy it, but not like that. The men usually finish quickly, get paid, and run away.”

  Yeah, I could see that a guy might not exactly care about making sure the ladies got their cookie if all he was supposed to do was be a sperm donor.

  “That is, if my mother doesn’t disembowel them first,” Hara added.

  Even less incentive to stick around longer than necessary.

  Although maybe if Raptora’s past partners had made sure she’d had the best time of her life, they might have slipped off unharmed while she was still lazing around in the afterglow.

  “Did you achieve ultimate bliss?” Hara asked.

  “Uh… no.”

  I’d been a bit too terrified of dying, though I didn’t tell her that.

  “Oh… I’m sorry,” she said sadly. Then she brightened. “Would you like to?”

  My first instinct was to yell, NOT UP HERE! Get me back on the ground!

  But I’d begun to calm down. My heart wasn’t pounding a mile a minute anymore.

  I felt I was safe with her, now that she was back in control… and my Wall Crawler abilities ensured that I wasn’t going to fall off.

  Besides, the scenery passing beneath us was gorgeous.

  The air blowing over my naked skin was really sensual… even erotic.

  And, I mean, I did have a really hot girl on top of me, smiling and asking if I wanted to come.

  I did a mental check.

  Shockingly, I hadn’t lost my erection – not all the way.

  I would have figured the sheer terror of almost dying would have resulted
in instant turtling –

  But I was still hard enough to be inside her.

  It might have had something to do with those big blue eyes staring at me, those soft breasts pressed against me, and the sight of her glorious blonde hair whipping straight behind her in the wind.

  “I will do anything you want so that you can… come,” she whispered. “That is the correct word, yes?”

  Her soft, loving voice, and the sweetness of her offer, clinched it.

  And I mean, if we were going to storm the Grim Keep by air, best to get in some practice beforehand, right?

  Exceptionally pleasurable practice.

  “Yes, that’s the right word,” I said, then nodded my head. “Okay, let’s do it.”

  And a good time was had by all.


  We returned to the mountaintop, oh, about 20 minutes after we’d initially left it.

  Hara was all smiles, and I was feeling pretty damn good.

  The other girls in my harem were not quite as enthusiastic.

  “Have a good time up there?” Alia asked tartly as Hara landed and I stepped back onto solid ground.

  All my other monster girls were looking pretty grim, their hands folded judgmentally across their chests (their very impressive, sumptuous, still-naked chests).

  Uh oh.


  I thought we’d settled that by all engaging in one big orgy of foreplay –

  But it turned out everything was okay.

  “We’re sorry,” Hara said mournfully as she searched the faces of my other monster girls.

  “You don’t have to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong,” I told her. Then I turned to my harem. “I guess I should have let you know we were fine so you didn’t worry. Sorry about that.”

  Dyra was the first to break character and grin. “We were just startled when you initially took off.”

  “Especially when you started falling!” Spirella said, though she still looked alarmed in a very cute way.

  Seera smiled next. “And then we heard you both screaming up there, so we figured things were alright.”

  “You’re not mad?” Hara asked the women tentatively.

  Alia laughed. “We were just jealous that we didn’t get to have an orgasm flying around.”

  “Oh,” Hara said, and scrunched up her face as she thought. “Maybe we can figure out a way to do that…”


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