Monster Girls 2

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Monster Girls 2 Page 17

by Edward Lang

  I cursed myself for my short-sightedness.

  I thought the harpies would only have a problem with me – not my girls.

  But even though I’d only wanted to make sure Dyra got down the mountain safely, I’d stupidly put her in even more danger.

  “Scott – you don’t think Hara betrayed us, do you?”

  I remembered something Parch had once said:

  Betrayal is possible, if unlikely.

  But I just couldn’t believe it.

  “No,” I said, “I don’t think so. Can you – ”

  Suddenly I heard a familiar voice screech overhead: “HUMAN! I TOLD YOU TO KILL THE CREATURE, NOT DEFILE MY DAUGHTER!”

  Oh shit…

  “I think that’s what this is really about,” I said to Dyra. “Stay here.”

  Then I stepped out from under the outcropping to face the music.

  Alia and Seera were already ready for an attack – Alia with Fang, and Seera with her bow and arrow. Spirella cowered behind them.

  Hara was nowhere to be seen.

  My stomach dropped.

  I really didn’t want to believe she could be capable of treachery, but…

  A shadow suddenly rushed towards me across the ground.

  I looked up to see Raptora diving towards me, her face in a fury and her talons outstretched.

  I dove backwards as her razor-sharp claws raked across my armor –


  And then she disappeared above me in a flurry of flapping wings.


  I looked down at my dragon scales.

  Not even a nick.

  Pretty badass…

  “WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY FOR YOURSELF?” Raptora demanded as she wheeled around through the sky.

  “I didn’t defile your daughter – I love her!” I yelled. “Just like I love all the women in my harem!”


  Raptora spun around and dove again –

  When a blur intercepted her midair.

  A snow-white blur of swan’s wings.

  “Mother, NO!” Hara screamed as she rammed into Raptora, knocking her sideways to the ground.

  “YOU FOOL – WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Raptora squawked as they tumbled head over heels across the plateau.

  Hara stumbled to her feet first and leapt in front of me, shielding me from attack. “I love him, and he loves me!”

  Raptora got to her feet with a couple of flaps of her dark brown wings. “Love has nothing to do with it! He seduced you – he used you!”

  “I am not a child!” Hara screamed. “I made the decision! Besides, he defeated the creature – that’s all that should matter to you!”

  “You fool – he has clouded your mind!” Raptora screeched. “And he has offended me past endurance!”

  Suddenly there was the thundering of hooves as the Chieftess and the female centaurs came galloping across the plateau.

  “Scott – what’s going on?!” the Chieftess yelled out.

  “Stay back!” I shouted.

  “YOU SEE?!” Raptora shrieked. “He has brought his little equines to destroy us! ATTACK THEM, MY SISTERS!”

  Oh shit –

  Harpies started plummeting out of the sky, divebombing the centaurs.

  The centaurs hurriedly drew swords, spears, and bows, steeling themselves for attack.

  “NO!” I bellowed.

  “MOTHER, NO!” Hara screamed.

  Fuck it – this wasn’t going to get solved by diplomacy.

  And it certainly wasn’t going to get solved by hiding behind Hara, no matter how good her intentions were.

  Time to take matters into my own hands.

  As Raptora flapped her wings and started to lift into the air, I ran and jumped –

  Using First Flight, that is.

  I shot up ten feet into the air, slammed into Raptora, and latched onto her with Wall Crawler.

  I caught her by surprise, and we tumbled backwards onto the ground with me on top.

  “YOU FOOL – I’LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!” she squawked as she tried to get her talons into me.

  But I straddled her and knelt on her wings where they branched off from her body, making it so she couldn’t fly –

  And held one hand sparking with Venom Blast right over her face.

  “EVERBODY, STOP!” I roared.

  All the harpies came out of their dives and fluttered to the ground, their faces in shock.

  The female centaurs, likewise, stared at me in surprise.

  I glared down at Raptora with my sparking hand just inches away from her head and snarled, “Now – are we going to talk?”

  But then I got the biggest shock of all.

  Instead of being outraged, Raptora stared up at me with wide eyes and a slight smile.

  Like she was…

  Attracted to me.

  “…alright,” she said in a calm voice.

  I frowned.

  I’d just knocked her out of the air, forcefully grounded her, and was threatening to blow her head off – and she was turned on?!

  God DAMN but there were some strange women in the world.

  “Call off your flock,” I snapped.

  “Girls? Back off and let’s listen to what he has to say,” Raptora said pleasantly.

  All the harpies folded their wings and sat still in the gravel.

  “Thank you,” I growled.

  “You’re welcome,” Raptora cooed.

  “Scott,” Hara whimpered in a scared voice behind me, “please don’t hurt my mother…”

  “I won’t, if she’ll just listen.”

  “I’m listening,” Raptora assured me calmly.

  “I didn’t know that it was going to be such a big deal that your daughter and I got together. If I had, I probably wouldn’t have done it, because I need your help to attack the Grim Keep.

  “But Hara’s right – I love her and she loves me. I didn’t take advantage of her – I care about her deeply. I’d give my own life to make sure she’s okay, just like I would for any of my women.

  “But you and I had a deal. I killed the ‘creature,’ just like you said, so all your eggs will be safe. Now it’s your turn to fulfill your part of the bargain.”

  “What good are the eggs if they won’t produce children?” Raptora asked.

  I frowned. “That’s not what you said before. You were all upset that he was eating them – ”

  “Of course I didn’t want the creature eating our eggs, but stopping it wasn’t the real reason I sent you up there.”

  “…it wasn’t?” I asked in surprise.

  “No. It was because I wanted my flock to mate, not with some fool desperate enough to take a few coins, but with a superlative specimen of human male.” Raptora smiled seductively. “I believe I’ve found him.”

  I stared at her. “So this was a test?!”

  “And you’ve passed with flying colors.”

  “What about you losing your shit about Hara?!”

  Raptora narrowed her eyes. “Well… I wish you hadn’t done it, but what’s done is done. Now it’s time to mate with the rest of us.”

  “Why would I do that?!”

  “Because otherwise I won’t help you attack the Grim Keep.”

  “You already PROMISED!”

  “Your fucking my daughter nullified our deal,” Raptora said nastily… and then she smiled. “But I’m giving you a chance to make up for it.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at Hara. “Did you know about this?!”

  Hara shook her head frantically.

  “My daughter knew nothing of my plans,” Raptora said.

  “Then why did you send her up there with me?”

  “She’s the fastest in our flock. I knew the creature would never be able to get her, and I wanted an eyewitness report on your progress.” Raptora smirked. “Seems her eyewitness report got a bit more… involved. So, Sex Mage… what will it be?”

  I sat the
re contemplating my options.

  Again, I’m sure a lot of you are like, Young Sharon Stone just said ‘Do me and a whole bunch of supermodels with wings and we’ll help you out!’ What’s your fuckin’ problem, dude?!

  I just didn’t like being played for a fool, that’s all.

  And I hadn’t been told the truth from the beginning, so I wondered if I was being told the truth now.

  “Let me get this straight: you want me to fertilize your eggs,” I said warily.

  “Well, yes… but to do that, you have to fertilize us FIRST.”

  I should’ve paid more attention in high school biology.

  “By having sex with you?”

  “Of course.”

  “I can’t come 40 times!” I protested, looking around at all the harpies.

  “We’re very fertile,” Raptora said. “Just a bit of your seed, and our next batch of eggs will produce offspring.”

  “You want me to be father to a whole new generation of harpies,” I said, almost in shock.

  “Yes,” she said with a seductive smile.

  “I can’t stay here to help raise them!”

  Raptora scoffed. “I wouldn’t allow it, even if you could. Our daughters will be raised as harpies, with no human intervention whatsoever.”


  So I really was just a sperm donor, then.

  “Well?” Raptora asked. “Will you do it?”

  “If I do what you want, do you promise to help me attack the Grim Keep no matter what? And you promise not to hurt me or any of my other girlfriends?”

  “I swear it upon all future generations of our flock.”

  That was quite an oath.

  “Alright,” I grumbled as I got up off her.

  There was a collective sigh amongst all the harpies and centaurs.

  “Could you help me up, please?” Raptora asked pleasantly.

  I grabbed her around her waist and back and hoisted her to her feet.

  “Wonderful,” she said once she was standing. “Now, in preparation for your seed, we must lay any eggs we already have inside of us.”

  I cocked one eyebrow in disbelief. “Um… okay…”

  “Good. Wait one moment, please.”

  Suddenly Raptora copped a squat right there in front of me and started grunting.

  And not a ladylike grunt.

  More like a constipated fat man in an airport bathroom stall.

  I stepped back in alarm.

  “MRMMMMM!” she groaned as her face turned red.

  But it wasn’t just her.

  Harpies all across the plateau suddenly squatted down like they were dropping a deuce on a camping trip.

  The entire plateau filled with constipated groans. “MRMMMMM!”

  What the fuck?!

  Suddenly I saw something emerging from between Raptora’s legs.

  My eyes bugged out, and I dropped to my hands and knees to get a better look.

  Between her thighs, her little pink pussy lips were stretched wider than I could have imagined possible –

  And a speckled white orb the size of a bowling ball was slowly emerging.


  Suddenly Raptora gave one final push –


  And the egg cleared her body and dropped a foot into the pebbles with a chff sound.

  It was shaped like a chicken egg, but the bowling ball size comparison was spot-on.

  All across the plateau, harpies heaved with one final screaming grunt, and two dozen eggs dropped in the gravel.

  Lots and lots of bowling balls.

  I had no idea where they’d been hiding those things. They all looked really thin – how the fuck were they carrying around bowling balls inside them?

  And no wonder Krom had liked eating the eggs. A couple were a full-on meal, even for him. Six would have been a feast.

  Then I realized what kind of pussy it took to squeeze out an egg that size:

  A large one.

  Maybe not quite centauress-sized, but big nonetheless.

  I mean, human women’s privates really expand during birth, yeah, but a human baby’s head wasn’t no bowlin’ ball.

  And human women didn’t have sex for weeks or months after birth.

  The harpies were ready to go right now.

  But Hara was tight! I thought.

  And then I remembered, she also couldn’t lay eggs.

  I’d been with an egg virgin, basically.

  Oh man…

  Luckily I had a certain spell I could rely on.

  “Are you ready, human?” Raptora asked with a smirking challenge in her voice.

  “Let’s go.”

  Once my armor was off and I was naked, I whipped out my Horse Cock –

  And a good time was had by all.


  Parch appeared as the orgy wound down.


  By mating with the entire flock,

  you have now guaranteed that 100%

  of them will aid you in your quest

  to storm the Grim Keep!

  Well, that was good news.

  After I wrapped up playing stud horse for the harpies, I addressed the female centaurs who had kept them from flying away during orgasm.

  “Okay, let ‘em rest for a few minutes, but then we’ve got to get them cleaned up and ready to go.”

  “What about us?” Seera whimpered.

  I felt for her, having to watch me service a bunch of women with Horse Cock and not get to partake – but if I shared with her, I would have to share with everybody, and we just didn’t have the time.

  “After the Grim Keep. Once we save Zala and the others, we’ll have the orgy to end all orgies, I promise – but for right now, we’ve got to get moving.”

  Raptora was by far the hardest to get ready. She sort of staggered around like a drunk, her head lolling about on her neck.

  Made sense. I might act that way if I’d had a dozen orgasms over the course of an hour.

  “Ohhhhh SCOTT, we have to do that again,” she said with a girlish giggle.

  “Later. Right now you have a promise to keep.”

  “And I will… I will,” she mumbled as she kissed me on the cheek. “As long as I can get some more of that cock.”

  Well, now I knew what harpies needed as motivation.

  I gathered my harem and all the harpies and centaurs around me on the plateau and made a little model of the landscape. I scooped pebbles into piles to represent the mountains, and used a small black rock to represent the Grim Keep.

  “Okay, we’re here, and we need to get here. How long will that take us on foot?” I asked the centaur Chieftess.

  “Two hours if we move fast,” she answered.


  Two hours put our arrival at late afternoon. We would be racing the sunset.

  I didn’t want to have to fight a battle at night, so this was going to have to be a wham, bam, thank you ma’am type operation.

  Luckily I’d had a lot of practice with that over the last hour.

  “Our flock can get there much sooner,” Hara said.

  “I know, and we’ll need your help to gather information about what we’re up against – but we need to make a coordinated attack if this is going to work. Here’s what I think we should do,” I said, and started laying out my plan.

  It was pretty simple: first the harpies would do reconnaissance. I’d learned my lesson about intel after we’d accidentally stumbled across Necra’s path.

  I told them in particular to be on the lookout for a woman in skimpy metallic armor… and for a grey-skinned woman with long white hair wearing black leather pants and a small top.

  If the harpies raised suspicions about an impending attack, so much the better. I wanted Necra to be anticipating a giant army so that when our relatively pitiful numbers finally showed up, she would get overconfident and send out the liches to attack.

  Once I, my harem, and the female centaurs arri
ved, we would confer with the harpies to find out what we were up against.

  If there weren’t any liches in the forest, Spirella would weave sticky webs in the trees but leave a path down the center for our troops to move through. In creating a bottleneck for the liches, we could force them to go where we wanted – and hopefully we could snag quite a few in the webs and take them out of action without hurting them.

  Once the trap was ready, we would attack – the female centaurs from the ground, the harpies by dropping rocks from the air.

  The idea was to engage and slowly retreat, drawing the liches farther and farther away from the castle.

  Dyra would remain at the rear of the group and heal anyone on our side who got wounded. Alia would serve as her bodyguard to ensure she remained safe.

  Once the enemy was inside the bottleneck, Dyra could use her powers over plants to try to snag even more. And Spirella could drop sticky webs from the treetops to gum up the works, as long as she wasn’t in danger from arrows or spears.

  Meanwhile, Hara would fly me up from the valley and drop me off on the outside of the castle. I would climb inside, find Necra, and take her out. Once she fell, I figured the entire army of the dead – including my friends – would be free of the necromanceress’s spell.

  If I got lucky, the battle might even be over before the liches got to the bottleneck in the woods.

  If I got lucky.

  There were questions, of course.

  “You said these are your friends,” the Chieftess said. “Are we to avoid killing them?”

  “Yes. No head shots if at all possible. Knock out their legs or arms if you can. If you’re in danger, retreat.”

  “What if we have no choice but to fight?” a centauress asked.

  I grimaced. “I don’t want you to sacrifice yourselves for my other friends, so… if you have no choice, do what you have to do. But DO NOT hurt the woman I mentioned, the one with white hair.”

  “You want us to drop rocks but not crush any heads?” one harpy asked. “That seems unlikely.”

  “Yes,” I admitted, “you’re probably right. But there will probably be a giant made out of hundreds of liches. If you see it, focus your attack on it and just distract it.”

  That piece of information caused a bit of a stir.

  “A giant?!” someone called out in alarm.


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