Monster Girls 2

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Monster Girls 2 Page 20

by Edward Lang

  The chandelier crashed to the floor and disintegrated into a thousand different pieces.

  The pedestal crumbled, and the crystal ball smashed into slivers on the floor.

  The bed frame collapsed, and the mattress thudded to the ground.

  And Zala –

  Zala was free.

  “SCOTT!” she screamed as she stumbled towards the bed.

  “Wait – hold on,” I grimaced.

  Necra’s body was slumping over to the side and threatening to snap off my junk.

  I willed the Horse Cock spell to end, and suddenly my johnson shrank back to regular size.

  Thank GOD.

  It had felt like I’d had a vise on every part of my erection.

  Necra’s body collapsed sideways onto the bed, and my now-regular-sized (and rapidly wilting) penis slid out of her.

  “Jesus,” I groaned in relief.

  “SCOTT!” Zala cried as she hugged me.

  “It’s okay, it’s okay…” I whispered into her ear as I held her.

  “I’m so sorry!” she sobbed. “I couldn’t move, I couldn’t help, I couldn’t do anything but watch as that horrible bitch – ”

  “Shhhh,” I whispered. “It’s okay now. It’s okay. Shhhh.”

  Zala lifted her tearstained face to gaze into my eyes, and she smiled through her grief. “You came back for me…”

  I grinned. “I’ll always come back for you, baby.”

  Suddenly there was a muffled sound in the distance.

  A roar… of victory.

  I looked at Zala. “Do you hear that?”

  For the first time, she looked truly happy. “She’s dead – her control over all the liches is gone – THEY’RE FREE!”

  Which meant that the centaurs, the harpies, and all my other monster girls were safe.

  “Let’s go see,” I said as I got up out of bed.

  “Um… your, uh…” Zala said, pointing to my pants still around my thighs.

  “Yeah, better fix that,” I said as I hiked them up and tied the strings again.

  “Where’d you get the new armor?” Zala asked with a frown.

  “Long story, tell you later,” I said as I grabbed my helmet. “Let’s go see what happened.”

  When we got out to the courtyard, one of the skeletons up on the ramparts yelled down at Zala, “Hey – hey new girl – it’s over! Somebody killed the bitch!”

  Then he saw me.

  “AHHH!” he yelled in a panic, and threw up his hands in front of his face. “I’m sorry, man – back in the forest, I didn’t mean to come after you, don’t kill me!”

  He must have been talking about when we were ambushed two days ago.

  His fellow liches looked down to see what was the matter and freaked out in a similar manner.

  “AHHH! It wasn’t our fault, man!”

  “We didn’t mean to, honest!”

  “Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!”

  “Guys, it’s alright,” Zala shouted. “He knows you were under Necra’s control.”

  The first lich looked down through fingers spread over his eye sockets. “…he does?”

  “Then… no hard feelings?” another skeleton asked timidly.

  “No hard feelings,” I called back.

  “Oh, thank the gods,” the first lich moaned. “I almost crapped my pants, and I don’t even have anything to crap them with.”

  “Not our liches, I’m assuming?” I asked Zala as we headed for the iron gates.

  “Not ours,” she confirmed, then teased me, “What, you can’t tell one lich from another?”

  Suddenly two skeletons standing in front of the gates turned around.

  One of them had a helmet; the other didn’t.

  “SCOTT!” Urt cried out.

  “BUDDY!” Vurt shouted.

  And they ran and wrapped their bony arms around me in a hug.

  “Good to see you guys, too.” I patted their backs, then looked at Zala. “I can tell them apart.”

  “I’m the handsome one,” Vurt piped up.

  “Yeah, right,” Urt snorted.

  “Come on,” I said, “let’s go see our new allies.”

  Vurt pulled back with a look of terror on his face. Well, as much terror as a grinning skull can convey, anyway. “The horse women, or the bird women?”

  “Both, actually.”

  Vurt shook his head. “Oh, Scott…”


  “Those bitches are crazy.”

  “Can we stay here?” Urt asked in a tremulous voice.


  Zala and I continued down the narrow ridge that led from the Grim Keep to the forest.

  All along the way, we were met by cheering liches –

  Who dove to the ground when a harpy swooped overhead.

  Apparently it had been a fiercer battle than I’d thought.

  “SCOTT, YOU DID IT!” Raptora yelled from up above.

  “WE did it!” I shouted back happily.

  The female centaurs roared their approval as Zala and I approached.

  “There are some people here who have been asking for you,” the Chieftess said with a smile.

  The female centaurs parted ranks – and there were the faces I had been dying to see.

  Alia, Dyra, and Spirella rushed towards me, screaming happily.

  Seera was more dignified about it, but she had a huge grin as her face as she trotted behind them.

  Hara wasn’t dignified at all. She slammed into me from the air and nearly knocked me over.

  “You did it!” she cried out, kissing my face over and over. “You did it, you did it!”

  I laughed and kissed her back.

  “New acquisition?” Zala asked with a raised eyebrow.

  Ah, Jealousy.

  We’d have to take care of that later.

  Alia, Dyra, Spirella, and Seera reached me, and we all collapsed with Hara and Zala into one massive group hug, sobbing and laughing and kissing.

  And once again, all was right with the world.


  The party that night made the one at the Baron’s look like amateur hour.

  Turns out the Enchantress had expensive tastes, and had provisioned the Grim Keep with enough booze and delicacies to last her a year.

  We took full advantage of it.

  It was a crazy party. Drunk female centaurs in the courtyard trying to hump each other… drunk harpies in the rafters cawing down at me, “Do ME, Scott! DO ME!”

  “WE get first dibs,” Seera announced haughtily, then turned back to me hopefully. “…right?”

  I grinned back at her. “Well, I did promise you an orgy to end all orgies.”

  Let’s just say that any issues with Jealousy between Zala and the other girls, well – we put it to rest that night.

  Several times over.

  Actually, I had a shit-ton of work to do. Every single centauress wanted some of me, and I had to re-baste all the harpies.

  And what with all the liches watching and cheering us on, it was like the weirdest sex club ever.

  Urt and Vurt were up in the rafters with the harpies, having made friends with them now that the bird ladies were drunk. The two cousins were acting like Statler and Waldorf from The Muppet Show, commenting on the proceedings and making jokes at everyone’s expense.

  Then I whipped out Horse Cock.

  Urt and Vurt both did a triple take.

  “WHAT?!” Vurt yelled, leaning over so far that he almost fell out of the rafters.

  “YE GODS!” Urt cried out.

  “Will you LOOK at the size of that thing?!”

  “Where did THAT come from?!”

  “What has he been FEEDING it?!”

  “Look how much it’s GROWN!”

  Vurt shook his head sadly. “MAN I miss my cock.”

  Urt nodded. “Mine was just about that size…”

  Vurt stared at him in silence.

  “Okay, maybe not THAT big,” Urt admitted.

nbsp; “Your entire ARM wasn’t that big, even when you had skin on it.”

  “Hey – !”

  I turned my attention away from the two dead guys and focused on more important matters – like satisfying 70 horny centaurs and harpies.

  Speaking of dead people –


  She didn’t come back as a lich.

  Head shot.


  After a couple of hours of non-stop debauchery, I broke away from the party, grabbed a cloak to cover me, and went outside to collect my thoughts.

  I climbed up the steps to the ramparts and stared out at the dark horizon.

  Parch suddenly appeared.

  Hello, Scott.

  Am I intruding?

  “No, I was just taking a break.”

  I didn’t want to interrupt the festivities,

  but I DID want to offer my congratulations.


  I’m sorry about… earlier.

  I knew what he was talking about.

  I would rather we never mentioned it again.

  “It’s okay.”

  Are you sure?

  You seem a bit…


  I shook my head as I stared off into the darkness. “It’s just… you heard her. The Dark Immortal knows who I am. Before, I could pretend that we had the element of surprise. Now I have to face the facts: he knows I’m coming for him. And once he finds out I killed Necra, all hell’s going to break loose.”

  Well, we always knew that

  was going to happen eventually.

  It might just arrive a bit sooner

  than expected.

  “He’s like me, Parch,” I murmured.

  What do you mean?

  “He’s a Returned.”


  “So what kind of a person comes back to life – what kind of a person gets a second chance – and becomes… that?”

  Not everyone

  is as kind as you, Scott.

  “I’m not kind,” I muttered.

  How can you say that?

  I’ve seen the love and affection

  you have for your harem.

  You would do anything for them.

  “Including risking their lives.”

  That was their choice.

  They did it willingly

  to save another in the group.

  “It could have gone the other way, though. Necra could have killed me – ”

  But she didn’t.

  You WON, Scott.

  You won.

  “Just barely. Just…”

  I trailed off.


  “I could have lost them, Parch. Dyra, Alia, Spirella – all of them. I could have lost them all.”

  But you didn’t.

  “But what happens with the next enemy I fight? Maybe I kill the next one, and the one after that – but what happens when I reach somebody I can’t beat? What then?”

  Parch went blank for a few seconds, which was his equivalent of thoughtful silence.

  Then his words began to appear again.

  I have found,

  in what limited experience I possess,

  that humans often worry about a thousand things

  that never come to pass.

  Their entire lives are consumed

  with what might be…

  …and they do not truly appreciate

  what they have.

  I smiled wanly. “So count my blessings, huh?”


  And by my count,

  you have six of them.

  I suddenly heard giggles and the sounds of horse’s hooves clopping on stone.

  I looked over to see Alia, Dyra, Spirella, Zala, and Seera making their way up the steps to the ramparts. Hara fluttered through the air overhead.

  “Hey, honey!” Alia called out.

  My eyes misted up to hear the joy in her voice. “Hey, babe. Hey ALL of you.”

  “We missed you,” Dyra said.

  “And I missed you,” I replied, taking her under my arm and kissing her forehead.

  Spirella snuggled in on my other side. “What were you doing?”

  “Ah… just thinking about how rich I am.”

  Seera made a face. “The coins and rings we got from Krom Varak were a welcome boon, but I don’t know that it truly makes you wealthy, Scott.”

  “I wasn’t talking about the gold.”

  “Then what?” Hara asked.

  Zala stared into my eyes and smiled. “I think I know.”

  I smiled back at her, then said, “Alright, enough alone time moping around on the castle walls – let’s go find a bedroom, just the seven of us, and have a private party. What do you say?”

  “Yaaaay!” Alia cried out.

  “YES,” Dyra agreed.

  “Please,” Spirella said with a shy smile.

  Hara, Zala, and Seera all added in their enthusiastic agreement.

  We started back down the steps to the courtyard, but I turned back for just a second.

  “Thanks, Parch,” I said softly.

  Think nothing of it.

  Enjoy your evening, Scott –

  you have earned it.

  We went down into the courtyard, found a bedroom in the far corner of the castle with no drunken harpies or randy centaurs, and closed the door behind us.

  During the next two hours, I savored every moment… every touch, every kiss, every caress… and I lived in the moment.

  No thoughts of tomorrow, no worries to hold me back.

  I thought about all that I had, and everything that had happened to me.

  I had come back to life and been given a second chance.

  I had met six beautiful women who fulfilled every fantasy I had ever had.

  What’s more, I had six amazing friends who would risk everything for me – and for whom I would risk everything, too.

  I was grateful for all of it, and I wasn’t going to waste it by worrying.

  We laughed, and loved, and lived –

  And a good time was had by all.

  The story continues in

  MONSTER GIRLS 3, available January 2021!

  In the meantime, be sure to check out my book

  SUCCUBUS under my pen name AJ Markam.

  To be notified when MONSTER GIRLS 3 is out,

  click here to join my mailing list!

  If you enjoyed MONSTER GIRLS 2,

  would you please leave a review?

  As I mentioned in the Foreword,

  I wrote sex scenes for (almost) every time you read “A good time was had by all.”

  Just email me at

  [email protected] and ask for them, and I’ll send them to you for free!

  Mailing List

  To be notified when the next book comes out, click here to join my mailing list.

  You can also email me at

  [email protected].

  Also by Edward Lang

  As Edward Lang

  Monster Girls 1

  Monster Girls 2

  Monster Girls 3

  (January 2021)

  Monster Girl Mountain

  As AJ Markam


  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 2: Hell To Pay

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 3:

  The Good, The Bad, And The Crazy Stupid Hot

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 4:

  Gnome Place Like Home

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 5:

  Hardcore Dungeon Core

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 6:

  Devil In The Deep Blue Sea

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus 7:

  Fairy Tale

  (Kindle and audiobook)

  Succubus Christmas Special

  (Short story and audiobook)

rheroes 1

  (Kindle and Audiobook)

  Ex-Superheroes 2

  (Kindle and Audiobook)

  As Rob Nolan

  Time Mage


  Time Mage 2


  Iron Mage


  Iron Mage 2





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