Torn: A College Sports Romance (Cherry Grove Series Book 3)

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Torn: A College Sports Romance (Cherry Grove Series Book 3) Page 21

by Cole Lepley

  “Don’t fight it,” a distorted voice says. “You’ll only make it worse, pretty boy.”

  All my knowledge of cop shows and suspense movies runs through my brain at once. You’re never supposed to let them take you to the next location. That’s where you die. Panic consumes me as the van makes another stop. We didn’t go very far so we have to still be close to campus. Maybe I should scream? Acting like a pussy seems like a small price to pay for freedom at the moment.

  I start to try and figure out who could be doing this. Perry is the obvious choice. Maybe I pissed him off somehow? Mack could have called him crying and now he’s put a hit out on me.

  No, that can’t be it. I’m sure he would just kill me himself. He seems like the kind of guy who would want me to see his face while I begged for mercy.

  There’s always Sean. He treated Mack pretty badly, and he loved her. Imagine what he would do to someone he hated.

  When I’m at the point where I’m about to beg for my life, the door opens, and I get propelled forward. I stumble along the pavement, pulling against the hands pushing me along.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I plead. “I have money. I can get you money if that’s what you want.”

  The distorted voice chuckles. “We don’t want your money.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  I don’t get another response. We enter a building and I can tell it’s very large by the way our footsteps echo through the room. The person holding me pushes me forward and I fall to my knees. A firm grip pinches my shoulder keeping me down.

  This is it. My heart is pounding out of my chest and sweat trickles down my back. I was taken and now they’re going to kill me.

  “Any last requests?” The voice asks above me.

  I take what might be my last full breath. Before I can formulate a plea, they pull the hood off my head and I come face to face with my captures. Preston loses it first, doubling over in full on laughter.

  “You guys fucking suck!” I cry, struggling to free my hands.

  Preston wipes the tears from his eyes and walks over to me. “I’m sorry, player. We had to.”

  I look around the room at most of my team and all of Adam’s frat brothers. I notice some of them wearing long, red robes. My eyebrows pull in.

  “What is this?”

  Adam stands in front of me flanked by two of his brothers. “Judah Holloway, do you know why we brought you here today?”

  I roll my eyes even though my hands are still firmly tied behind my back. “Don’t you think you’re being dramatic?”

  Holden snickers from beside me and turns to Preston. “Um, dramatic? How about you, Judah?” He grabs onto to Preston’s sleeve. “Oh, please don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything.”

  Preston rolls with laughter again and I let out a disgruntled sigh. “Oh, come on. You dicks would’ve been scared too. I thought I was going to be murdered.”

  Preston leans down to my ear. “Don’t worry, player. This next part will be fun. I promise.” He winks at me before he rights himself again and I cringe. My eyes focus back on Adam.

  “All right,” Adam says, holding his hands out to his sides. “We brought you here today because you broke the most sacred rule of all.”

  “Rule?” I scoff. “I’m not a part of this fraternity. You can’t hold me accountable for your stupid rules.”

  Adam holds up a finger. “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong. You’re the quarterback of this team, our leader. You may not be a brother of this fraternity, but you are still our brother.”

  I shake my head, letting it hang down. “You’re fucking ridiculous.” I look up at them, narrowing my eyes. “What rule did I break?”

  Adam smiles, his curly brown hair peeking out from under his hood. “Bros before hoes.” A collective cheer goes through the room for a moment until Adam lifts his hand to silence them again. “You’ve been letting girls drive a wedge between your brothers for too long. It’s time to make a change.” He walks toward me. “You almost took a swing at Preston.”

  “Preston’s an asshole. Practically everyone has taken a swing at him.”

  Laughter goes around the room and Preston throws his hands up.


  Adam looks thoughtful for a moment. “Okay, you have a point there.” He points to Preston and winks before returning his attention back to me. He kneels down to get eye level with me. “It started last year with Elliot and now with Mackenzie. Face it, Judah. You’re bad at love. It consumes you. You forget about what’s important, and for what? Some girl who’ll drop you when shit gets real?”

  His eyes are intense as he stares back at me waiting for an answer. I don’t give him one and he stands up to face the guys again. “Who’s always got your back, huh? Who’s there for you when no one else is?”

  “You know I’m grateful for all of you. Seriously.” I take a breath, still wishing they would fucking untie me already.

  Adam nods. “That’s right, and you’re going to show us just how grateful you are.”

  I watch their faces shift from serious to amusement all at once. I almost hate to ask.

  “How’s that?”

  “We’re taking you back, Judah. From this night forth you will no longer surrender to demanding, controlling women.”

  Another cheer echoes and Adam pumps his fist. I roll my eyes again, but he keeps going.

  “Tonight we’re going to auction you off to the highest bidder and you’re going to enjoy every minute of it. You’re going to have meaningless, dirty sex with a smoking hot sorority girl and you’re going to like it.”

  The cheers grow louder. If this is their idea of an intervention, I would hate to see what happens when someone has a real problem.

  I clench my teeth. “You know I can’t do that.”

  Adam cocks his head. “And why not? Did she or did she not break up with you after you defended her honor in front of everyone?” He steps closer to me again. “She made you look like a fool, Judah. Is that what you want? To let your legacy go down as the guy who succumbed to the girl who ended up destroying him?”

  “Of course not, but it’s not like that. You don’t know…”

  He holds his hand up again, cutting me off. “I know her. She’s a carbon copy of the one who came before her.”

  My jaw is so tense I fear it may break. They don’t know her. The only thing they are seeing is the aftermath of the trauma she endured. Relationships take time, and Mackenzie may need a little more than most. Defending her to them is pointless. This elaborate charade can only end one way and they all know it.

  “So, what happens now?” I ask, defeated.

  Adam gives a nod to someone behind me. Holden steps forward and releases my hands. I jump up and consider punching him. He sees it coming and flinches away.

  I rub my wrists. “Well?”

  “Just one night is all we’re asking,” Adam says, his voice softer. “Come out with us tonight and do the auction.” He laughs as he takes in the look on my face. “It’s not torture to have dozens of girls throwing money at you for the chance to fuck you.”

  My hands pat my back pocket. Shit! I clench my teeth again. “Where’s my phone?”

  Adam grins. “Oh, we took your phone,” he says. “We can’t have you trying to make a call and ruin it.”

  My nostrils flare. “Why is this fun for you?”

  Preston moves to my side. “It’s not fun, player. You haven’t been fun, and it sucks. We’re trying to help you.”

  “Help me?” I laugh, taking a step back. “Mackenzie will never speak to me again after this.”

  Adam shrugs. “Maybe that’s a good thing.” I ball my hand into a fist and his eyes widen. “See, there’s that anger.” He holds his hands out in front of him cautiously. “Okay, tonight will be a test.”


  “Yeah, for your girl. If she shows up, and fights for you, then maybe she’s worth it.”

  “And if she doesn’t?”

nbsp; Adam pats me on the shoulder. “Then you have your answer.”

  This feels like a terrible idea. Mack isn’t the kind of girl who likes to play games. At least not anymore. Instead of the amazing date I had planned I’m putting the entire fate of our relationship in the hands of drunken fraternity brothers and a date auction.

  Holden was wrong about the drama from last year. I think I’ve outdone myself this time.

  Chapter 35

  No Way Out


  “I look like a total fucking douchebag,” I complain. I’m standing in front of the mirror in the Adam’s bedroom after he forced me to dress in his clothes. Obviously my track pants and old grey T-shirt from high school were not appropriate attire for the date auction. They didn’t trust me to go home and change. I can’t imagine why. It’s not like I’m being held against my will.

  He runs his hand along his jaw, while making a small lap around me. “I think you look awesome, dude.”

  I scoff. “Of course you do. You look like a tool every day.”

  He grins in response. I’m guessing that’s the look he was going for. Preston pops in the room, wearing an exceptionally loud, bright orange fitted T-shirt and jeans that cost more than a months rent.

  “Look at you, player, looking all fly and shit.” He pulls back the fabric of my over-priced Armani T-shirt and I shove him away.

  “Doesn’t surprise me you approve of this outfit,” I grumble.

  Preston steps in front of the mirror, adjusting his ponytail. “You just need to learn how to dress.” He looks over his shoulder and winks at me. “Don’t worry. We’ll teach you.”

  I slump down in a chair in the corner of the room. “This whole thing is fucking stupid. Mack doesn’t go for shit like this. She’ll never come.”

  “Why do you like this girl so much?” Adam asks. When my features shift to rage, he holds his hands up. “I’m serious. I really want to know.”

  I lean forward and clasp my hands together. “Well, she’s different. And I know that sounds really cliché, but it’s true.” I pause, smiling to myself. “She calls me out on my bullshit. Even though her assumptions about me were false, I know I need to work harder to prove myself more than most. I earned that reputation and I’m not proud of the guy I used to be.” My shoulders shrug. “She makes me want to be better.”

  Adam and Preston remain silent, giving each other an uneasy glance. If I’m not mistaken it kind of looks like guilt.

  Preston speaks first. “I get you, player. The only problem with that is, she isn’t putting in the effort back. She can’t expect you to bend over backwards all the time just to be shut down when things get tough.” He points to me with a serious expression. “You need a ride or die.”

  I nod, rubbing my hands together before I stand. “Yeah, well, I’m hoping she will be.”

  Exiting the room, I spot Holden at the bottom of the stairs. All the guys are hanging out here before we walk to the sorority house for the auction. They’ve been drinking since about noon, so the commotion in the house is at peak level already. I see him shove his phone in his pocket with a frown.

  “What’s up?” I ask, coming to a stop beside him.

  He shakes his head. “Nothing.”

  I laugh once. “Come on, it can’t be that bad.” I squeeze his shoulder hard. “It’s not like someone kidnapped you today or anything.”

  He gives me an apologetic smile. “Yeah, sorry about that. It was the only way we could be sure you would do it.”

  I release a sigh. “Just because I get a girlfriend doesn’t mean I’ll abandon you guys again. I know I was a shitty friend last year and I’ve been doing my best to make up for that.”

  He takes a sip from the cup in his hand. “And you have, but if I’m being honest, I don’t think you’re ready for this.”

  When I open my mouth to protest, he stops me. “I know you think this girl will fill some void you still have from Elliot, but I don’t think you’re really over her. Not completely.”

  “I’m not,” I say. “I don’t think there will ever come a day when I don’t think about her or miss something that reminds me of her. I accept the fact that she was the first girl I ever loved, and more importantly, that it’s over. She’s moved on and it’s time I did too.”

  Holden tilts his cup back and finishes his drink. He nods to the kitchen. “I need a refill. You want one?”

  I nod and follow behind. A few drinks are in order to get through this evening. He grabs an extra cup and pours some seriously strong mixers. He hands it to me with a smile.

  “You’re right. I am upset about something,” he admits, leaning back against the counter.

  “I’m listening.”

  He sighs. “Well, you remember that girl from the party a few weeks ago? The blonde with the really nice smile.”

  That could be anyone. “You’ll have to be more specific. That party was kinda blurry.”

  “Anyway, her and I hit it off, and she ended up spending the night with me at Preston’s. I hung out with her a few times after, but now she hasn’t been returning my calls.” He lets his head fall. “I don’t know what I did. I’ve been texting and being attentive and all that bullshit.” His eyes meet mine. “I really tried this time, and she’s blowing me off.”

  “Maybe she’s just busy,” I offer.

  “No,” he shakes his head again, staring down at the dark liquid in his cup. “She’ll be at the auction. She’s a sister.”

  I mock punch him in the arm. “That’s not a bad thing. Maybe she’s waiting to bid on you or something. I wouldn’t be too worried just yet.”

  He shrugs, taking another drink. “Not everything falls into place perfectly for me like it does for you.”

  I laugh. “Um, excuse me? It certainly does not. If anything, pretty much everything that happens to me is the exact opposite of what I want to happen.”

  “Don’t be stupid, Judah,” he says, shooting me a look. “That girl loves you and she’s going to come.”

  I let out a quick breath. “I’m not so sure.”

  He clasps me on the shoulder with a laugh. “If she doesn’t, there will be dozens of others more than willing to take her place. Enjoy yourself tonight. That’s why we’re here.”

  I internally cringe. That’s what I’m afraid of.

  Girls are pretty elaborate; I’ll give them that. I’m standing in front of the large posters they made at the sorority house. Each one features a different player that will be in the auction and all their personal information. Some of it is made up or exaggerated to be funny, but a lot of it is accurate. Scary accurate.

  Preston huffs beside me and points to his poster. “That’s a crock of shit.” He nudges my shoulder. “They could have gotten a way better picture me and my stats are all off.” He looks around angrily. “Who’s in charge of this thing?”

  I shake my head. “Preston, does it really matter?”

  He nods.

  “All they care about is who they get to take home at the end of the night, not what your running yards are.”

  “I care, player. I care.” His face is serious, and it makes me laugh.

  He takes off in search of someone to hold responsible for the alleged slander. I turn back to study mine. My eyes focus on the opening line below my picture.

  Judah Holloway * Quarterback * Future Architect * Total Package * Single

  Um, some of my stats are off, too. Even though things between me and Mack are precarious at the moment, I don’t consider myself single. This is like a break. Just a little time apart so she can realize we’re supposed to be together. At least that’s what I’m hoping.

  I’m still studying the poster when a small hand wraps around my waist. I look down to see Ainsley clinging herself to me.

  “Uh, hey,” I remark, adjusting to the left. Not to be deterred, she follows my movements.

  “Hey, yourself.” She flips her long platinum hair over one shoulder and bats her fake lashes up at me. “I was h
oping you would be here.”

  I laugh once. “Yeah, well, let’s just say I didn’t have much of a choice.”

  She giggles. “Oh, you’re funny. It’s going to be so fun.” She pushes up on her tiptoes and gets close to my ear. “I just got access to my trust fund. You’re mine tonight.”

  Before I can respond, she saunters away from me. This isn’t good. A lot of these girls have some serious money and I know for a fact that Mack isn’t one of them. Even if she does come, she could lose.

  I turn away and almost run straight into Holden. I grip his shoulders and meet his eyes.

  “I changed my mind. You guys can do whatever you want, but I’m not doing this.”

  He scoffs. “You can’t back out now. They’re about to start.”

  My eyes drift to the makeshift stage set up in the main room then shift to the front door. I haven’t seen her yet, so if I leave now there’s a way I can catch her before she gets here.

  I look back to Holden. “I don’t feel good about this.”

  He looks torn for a moment. Out of all of my friends, he’s the most reasonable. If anyone could help me, it should be him.

  Preston, however, comes up behind us and gives me a shove toward the stage.

  “Showtime, player. You’re on.”

  I give one last fleeting look to my exit before moving forward. One girl is standing in front holding cue cards and smiling like she’s about to host a Miss America pageant. I grit my teeth as I’m shoved to the back out of the way of the crowd.

  Pleading my case at this point is futile. I’m already here and it’s too late to stop anything. A tiny brunette in a canary yellow mini dress pulls me to the side.

  “Judah, you’re last. We’ll call you when we’re ready.”

  She gives me a wink before heading back out onto the stage. I clasp my hands on top of my head and take a deep breath. To any other guy, being exploited for the chance to bang a hot girl would feel like a dream come true. For me, it’s like a prison sentence. There’s only one girl I want, and for me, she’s priceless.


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