Scars Of The Soul

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Scars Of The Soul Page 6

by J J Cobban

  My lips trailed along her jaw until I got to her lobe. As my lips brushed across the tender skin below her ear she groaned out loud, gripping me tighter.

  I’d found one of her sweet spots.

  The last of my control evaporated after hearing her throaty moan. My hands ran back down her body, gripping the back of her thighs as I lifted her up. Her legs wrapped around my waist and gripped me tightly as she rocked against me.

  “Fuck me,” she rasped. The words were like a bolt of lightning surging through me. I wrapped my right arm around her waist as my left hand slid beneath her dress. Her breathing became rapid turning more into short pants as my fingers brushed over her underwear. My mouth covered hers again, swallowing her moans.

  My fingers moved beneath the soaked, thin fabric of her underwear and slid along her wet folds. The kiss became sloppy as the pleasure overtook her. My lips moved to her neck, suckling and nibbling at the flesh.

  “Oh god,” she breathed “Fuck me-”

  “Scout?” we both froze as Seth’s voice broke through our trance. The shock lasted all of five seconds before Scout was throwing her legs down and straightening her dress. Our breathing was still heavy and judging from how Scout struggled to stand straight, her legs weren’t the steadiest either.

  “Scout-” I whispered. She held a hand up, moving me to the side and squeezing past me, her breasts brushing against my chest.

  “Seth?” she cleared her throat “What’s up?”

  She looked into the alcove and gave me a look that I deciphered as ‘stay the fuck there’ before she moved towards Seth. There was a long silence after the clacking of her heels stopped.

  “Why were you hiding in a dark corner?” I could hear the grin in his voice and could already tell he knew what was up. I’d told Rissa I’d catch up and now here was Scout in a dark corner by herself? My friends weren’t stupid.

  “I was taking a personal call,” she explained “Did you need me for something?”

  Another long pause.

  “A bunch of us are ready to get to sound check, could you rally everyone a little earlier?” he asked, the smile still evident in his voice “I’ll call Drake-”

  “NO!” Scout interrupted “I, eh, I’ll call him. I saw him not long ago.”

  My own smile grew. She was a terrible liar. I wasn’t even looking at her but I could tell that nobody would believe her little slip up.

  “Mhm,” Jesus, at this rate I was ready to jump out and put Scout out of her misery “I’ll go round everyone else up then.”

  “I’ll see everyone in a bit then.” Scout’s heels began their journey back to the alcove she’d left me in.

  “Hey, Scout?” Seth called “Get Drake to comb your hair for you when you get back to your make-out corner. Might want to splash some cold water on your face to, you’ve got that freshly fucked glow.”

  Seth’s laugh vanished down the corridor as Scout’s heels clicked with more fury and speed than before. I covered my mouth, trying to hide my smile. Seth was right, her wide eyes and bright red cheeks were a dead giveaway to what we’d been doing.

  “If it’s any consolation, freshly fucked suits you.” I shrugged. Scout grumbled something under her breath before snatching her bag up from where it had fallen on the floor during our little bet. “Darlin, speak to me.”

  I reached for her hand, only to have her jump out of my grasp.

  “Oh, don’t you even!” she snapped “I said this was a bad idea and now look! Seth knows! This should never have happened.”

  I frowned, feeling her blow like a kick in the teeth “You wanted it as much as me, sweetheart, it’s not like I forced you.”

  “No, I should have known better.” She pressed her lips together, smoothing down her hair “Sound check is starting earlier than we thought. Stay here for a couple minutes then head to the main staging area. Whatever happened back there, it doesn’t happen again.”

  I could feel my mouth open and close but before any sound could come out, she was gone. I listened to her heels echo down the corridor. How in the fuck did we go from one of the hottest make-out sessions of my life to her storming off pissed at me? What in the fuck was going on that I was trying to chase my fucking tour manager? Jesus fuck!

  I ran my hands through my hair and sighed heavily.

  She’d kissed and ditched me.

  A snort of laughter escaped as I considered that. Jesus, how many times had I left a woman sleeping while I snuck out, just to avoid the awkward morning after conversation? I wasn’t a manwhore like Travis or Seth but I enjoyed women. Now here I was feeling a pang of rejection and disappointment because my tour manager had left me high and dry?

  If that wasn’t karma then I didn’t know what was.

  I moved out of the alcove and felt a smile tug at my lips.

  She’d kissed and then bolted.

  My ego should have been suffering from how easily she walked away from me. I should have been pissed.

  But I wasn’t.

  Scout was hiding behind her job, using it as a shield to avoid getting close to anyone. To avoid getting close to me. Some guys might have called it a loss and moved on. I was not one of those guys.

  Scout running had proven one thing to me.

  I wanted her.

  I wanted her with a desperation I’d never felt before and by fuck, I was going to get her.

  One way or another.

  Chapter Six


  I stared at my clipboard, not seeing the time schedule in front of me but instead watching the words swim across the page. My eyes were open and unblinking but I wasn’t able to see anything. My head was a mess with everything that had happened less than half an hour ago.

  I’d kissed Drake.

  I’d really kissed him.

  My eyes widened to the point of pain as a particular flashback made my entire body flush.

  I’d asked him to fuck me!

  My heartbeat was frantic in my chest as I tried to wrap my head around how best to handle the situation. I couldn’t put all of the blame solely on Drake. He may have suggested that fucking bet but nobody forced me to take it. I should have known better than to try and play him at his own game. The truth was, whenever he got within two feet of me, my head turned to mush. There was no way I could have remembered everyone’s last names without slipping up on someone. Especially when my mind was focusing all of its concentration on where his hands were exploring. My legs pressed together as I remembered how firm and possessive his hands had been as they roamed up and down my body.

  No! Scout, get a grip!

  I took a deep breath and tried to clear my head.

  This was just a case of forbidden fruit. I had told myself I couldn’t have Drake so naturally my body craved him. He knew I was off limits and his reaction had been the same. All we had to do was sit down and talk about it like adults. We would realise that it would never work. We worked together. I was in charge of making sure that he and his bandmates were where they were supposed to be when they were supposed to be. Besides, he was single and in his prime. Why would he want to shackle himself to a girlfriend that he was never going to be able to escape?

  I felt myself calming slightly as I gave myself a mental pep talk. Anyway, I’d been more than a little bitchy before we came to sound check. What guy wanted to chase a girl that had basically been fingered by them and then fluffed her hair and walked away after exchanging some choice words? Maybe I’d put him off. He’d soon find someone else to chase.

  I swallowed roughly, pretending that the thought of Drake chasing someone else didn’t bother me.

  “How are we looking, boss lady?” Seth’s voice called over a microphone. I looked up from my clipboard and stepped back slightly, taking in the whole stage. Jace and the boys were on stage first. From left to right was Seth, Jace, Mikey and Nico. Asher was sitting behind his drum kit at the back of the stage on a podium. I nodded my head, they looked good. I hated to admit i
t as well but seeing them there standing with their instruments, poised for their rehearsal, it was hot.

  “You look great.” I smiled “Right, I’m gonna leave you guys in the capable hands of the tech and lighting team while I go check that the others are ready for their sound check.” I paused as I turned to see Seth grinning over at Mikey like they were just waiting to wreak havoc on the place “You two, behave.”

  I turned towards the door just as Seth’s voice echoed over the microphone in front of him “Only if you promise to do the same, Miss Tarrino.”

  I felt my cheeks heat as I made it to the door. There was no point in turning around. I knew that if I did everyone would see my bright red face and Seth’s shit eating grin. So I chose the high road and left with my chin in the air. I moved down a wide corridor until I came to the green room door. My body froze as the shrill sound of raised voices suddenly filled the air. I threw the door open, ready to confront whatever the hell was going on.

  My business face was fixed into place as the door swung up, revealing a pissed off looking Lacey. Her platinum blonde bob was sticking up in all directions like she had been tearing her fingers through it. Her face was mottled with red as her chest rose and fell rapidly. My eyes flicked down to where her fingers were clenched tightly into a fist. Then I saw who she was squaring up to.


  “What the hell is going on, you guys are due for sound check soon. The boys are doing a quick run through of some of their songs and arranging lighting and shit and then it’s you.” I snapped “What’s the yelling for?”

  I looked around the room and saw that only Travis and Drake were in the room. Rissa must have taken Dakota for a wander when this first kicked off.

  “Joanna is being a fucking hypocrite!” Lacey spat. Travis was watching the two with a frown while Drake took more of a prominent role by standing ever so slightly between them. He looked ready to jump in if the fight got more than verbal.

  “I’m trying to fucking help you!” Jo’s voice was tight as she tried to keep her cool “You’ve been an emotional wreck for weeks. One minute you’re up and then next you’re rock bottom. It’s time to make a move or move on!”

  I frowned, missing the point of the argument. I’d had plenty of friends growing up but I’d never been good at reading between the lines. I sighed and glanced at my watch. I had no idea how much long the guys on stage would be but this shit needed to stop. I moved closer to the girls. The atmosphere in the room was horrendous. I wanted nothing more than to just tell them to sort it the fuck out and leave them to it but I knew that wasn’t an option. Lacey was furious and these kinds of fights needed a mediator. I took a deep breath, calming myself. Maybe I could just push my aura on to them.

  “What’s happening?” I asked again smoothly “Why are you two yelling at each other?”

  “I gave Lacey some advice and she took it the wrong way.” Jo was speaking through gritted teeth now, slowly losing her cool.

  “Advice? Bullshit, Jo, you told me that chasing Ash was a bad idea because we were touring with his band!” Lacey yelled. “Which is rich coming from the girl who’s fucking engaged to his band brother,”

  Jo opened her mouth to defend herself but Lacey was on a roll.

  “You were fucking him behind everyone’s backs and then you two broke up so badly that the day Koda was born you disappeared to your parents’ place!” Lacey seethed “Do not stand there on your fucking high horse.”

  Okay….so this was over a guy? Did they realise the two best friends were arguing over a guy? I glanced to Travis and saw him watching the argument with morbid fascination. Was he really not going to try and calm the situation? Drake was standing, poised to jump in, but that was it. He wasn’t talking to them. I shook my head and threw my clipboard down onto the floor. Everyone’s heads snapped towards the sound of the clatter.

  “Everyone sit the fuck down!” I snapped.

  Nobody moved.

  “I swear to fuck, if I have to drag your asses to the couch then I will.” Lacey and Jo sat on opposite couches. Drake dropped down beside Jo while Travis sat beside Lacey. Without even realising it, the men had picked sides. I stopped myself from yet another eye roll.

  “Lacey, you like Asher. I get that, he’s a catch but girl, you need to do something about it or cool your jets. Get me?” Lacey took a deep breath but I didn’t miss how Travis reached his pinky out, hooking it around hers. “Jo, you gotta see where your advice might be a little hypocritical. Just because your relationship nearly destroyed the band relations doesn’t mean that Asher and Lacey’s will. The mean problem I have with this shit? Is how you’re both looking at each other! You two have been best friends since high school and now the pair of you are arguing over a fucking guy. I don’t care who he is, nobody is worth losing a friend over.”

  The room lost the hostile atmosphere as the girls looked at each other sheepishly.

  “Now, you’re both going to kiss and make-up. Lacey you learn to vent your emotions better or get them out in the open. Jo, think before you speak. Travis, why don’t you offer the girl a shoulder to cry on or a fucking sparring partner? Drake? Maybe use your fucking words for a change rather than hoping your scary ass will be enough to deter a fight. This isn’t fucking Jerry Springer. Now, sack up and get your asses back to the stage. The boys will be just about done.”

  I turned on my heel and walked straight out of the green room. Only to nearly barrel straight into Rissa. She looked behind me to the closed green room door.

  “Are they good? Jez and I were settling Koda for a nap on the bus. I didn’t want either of them around the fighting.” She crossed her arms and shook her head “They’re both hard heads.”

  “I’ve said my piece and told them to suck it up.” I shrugged “Are you coming to rehearsal?”

  “No, I just wanted to check on things. I’ll see you at the show though.” She smiled, moving into the green room. I waited for the door to click closed before I moved towards the doors that lead to the private parking lot that the buses were parked in. The incident in the green room was yet another reason I liked to keep my distance from the bands. If I needed to rip them down and tell them to suck it up I could do so without having any personal stakes involved. Having to yell at Jo and Lacey like they were a couple of pissed off teenagers was hard. It was only hard because without realising it, I had picked a side. I’d wanted to stand beside Lacey and yell at Jo about being inconsiderate. She had fought with Nico and the two for them had ended up engaged. Was she seriously telling her friend that just because a relationship wasn’t necessarily smart that it was doomed for failure?

  My opinion was half formed in my head when I realised why I was siding with Lacey. Much like myself, she was in a complicated situation with a member of the opposite sex. I wanted to back her up because I wanted to believe that our situations could be easily resolved. I would never have taken that stand point if I’d kept myself objective. Now I was left feeling shitty because I’d told both girls that men didn’t matter and weren’t worth losing something important over. I expected them to listen to me when I didn’t even believe the shit that was coming out of my mouth. I was a bigger hypocrite than Jo.

  I climbed onto the bus and dropped onto a couch. I just needed five minutes.

  My phone began to sound from my pocket. I glanced at the screen and felt a mixture of relief and apprehension upon seeing my father’s name.

  “Heya.” I tried to sound as chipper as possible “You checking up on me already? Scared I make your boys cry?”

  His deep laugh made me smile “I have no doubt you’ll make them cry. Is everyone settled? Sound check nearly finished?”

  I glanced at the time on the phone and grimaced “Rayne of Glory are just going over their set and everything and then it’s just a matter of getting everyone dressed and prepped. It’s all good here. How’s thing back home?”

  There was a pause “That’s why I’m phoning.”

  My stomach dropped as I
waited for him to elaborate.

  “The office had a call regarding Drake. Some journalist has been out at his hometown asking questions and snooping around. It’s no secret where he came from but there are things that even the town didn’t know about Drake’s childhood. I made sure they stayed buried and now someone is trying to dig them up. Has he had any phone calls?”

  A possessive tightening in my gut had me gripping the phone even tighter. Who in the hell was looking into Drake and why now?

  “He got some call from a journalist at R.M Global. She asked about his mother but he didn’t tell her anything. I ordered him a new cell so that everything he uses is different. I don’t think he’s had a call since. The things that are hidden, Dad, are they bad?”

  My mind began to whirl at the possible things my father had kept hidden for Drake. There was a long pause at the end of the phone.

  “I can understand your need to know but you also know as well as I do that there’s nothing more important than client confidentiality. You need to ask Drake but, Scout? Don’t push him. Out of everyone in the two bands? His past has left the most visible scars.”

  I nodded, even though I knew my father couldn’t see me.

  “I’ve kept it contained at this end.” He moved on to explain “Just keep an eye on the guys. Make sure Drake keeps his head in the game and that none of the other guys are getting calls they’re trying to hide. Maybe prepare a statement in case Drake gets another call. We don’t need him losing his cool over the phone.”

  I knew all of this. As I said before, this wasn’t my first rodeo. I had already started planning a statement in my head that would be universal for both bands. That way if other members did start getting hassle, we had one statement for everyone. I didn’t like to tell my dad that though. He loved nothing more than to part with words of wisdom when I was on tour with a band. A part of me wondered if it was his version of telling me to be careful. He was showing me he was concerned without being condescending or smothering me.


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