Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity)

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Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity) Page 12

by L. P. Dover

  I decide on the cream-colored snow jacket and pants to match. I put on the outfit and I look in the mirror. I groan at the figure looking back at me. I look like a snow cone with a cherry on top.

  “Your prince is coming, Meliantha,” Ashur relays silently.

  I guess this will have to do. Even though I am upset about everything going on, I can’t stop the excitement bubbling in my chest at the thought of being with Kalen. I search around frantically for a pair of boots.

  “I’m almost ready. I’ll be there in one minute,” I hastily reply to Ashur.

  I find my boots and slide them on. I run to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I take a brush to my bundle of red hair and I can honestly say it doesn’t look too bad today. I put my winter cap on, and before exiting my room, I strap my bow and arrows to my back. Ashur is in the kitchen eating a bowl of fruit and he points at the window. My heart jumps at the sight of Kalen walking toward the cottage, and I can see Aki bounding down ahead of him.

  “Where is Finn?” I ask silently, looking at Ashur.

  “He didn’t want to be in here when Prince Kalen came to call on you. I thought you might also like to know that we will be here for probably an extra day since the incident with Elissa.”

  I thought that would be the case. I knew there was no way I was going to leave without her. As far as Finn is concerned, I understand completely why he feels like that; however, it still makes me feel guilty.

  “How are you holding up?”

  Ashur shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat his fruit. He chews his food for a few seconds and then slams his fork down making a loud clatter. He voices his concern out loud this time.

  “I don’t know, Princess. Coming here has been one huge disaster after another. The dark sorcerer is coming after you and there is no way to keep you safe. I’m happy you and Prince Kalen could work everything out, but it’s too dangerous for you to be here or anywhere for that matter. I hate what happened to Elissa, and all I want is to get her back.”

  I take his hand and look straight into his bright green eyes.

  “I know, and we will. She’ll be OK, I promise. I’m not going to let anything else happen to her,” I vow.

  “Thank you,” he replies softly.

  The firm knocks on the door startle me and I turn from Ashur to stare at the door. I check over my clothes to make sure I look all right before grabbing the door handle. I take a deep breath and open the door. Kalen is there in full warrior mode and so is Aki standing dutifully beside him. His eyes go wide at the sight of me and he gazes over my body with a huge grin on his face. I guess I look fine in these ridiculous clothes, but at least I’ll be warm.

  It seems as though Kalen has lost his voice, but after a few seconds, it looks like he’s found it.

  He holds out his hand and sounds excited when he says, “I have a surprise for you.” My eyes light up and I know I have a goofy grin on my face, but I don’t care. I instantly grab his hand and he pulls me out the door. “Come on, let’s go,” he insists.

  We begin walking away from the palace and to the woods beyond. I am so used to forests of colors and greenery. Looking at one that is covered in ice is just unusual, but in a good way. It is very beautiful here, but I wouldn’t give up my plants for any of it. I can feel the cold wind against my cheeks, and I’m thankful that I dressed warmly today. Aki walks beside me rubbing against my legs, and I know that he’s happy to be coming along to wherever we are going.

  Kalen squeezes my hand and I look up at him.

  “Did you rest OK?” he asks curiously. There’s a look on his face that I can’t decipher, but I can sense a hidden meaning for his question. But what?

  “I did rest well, thank you. I was worried about Elissa, but I knew you would take care of her. I think I was exhausted after everything that happened yesterday.”

  He nods his head, “I did take care of her, and I have so much to tell you, but first...”

  I look at him with a smile and I raise my eyebrows at him to prompt him to continue. When he doesn’t I decide to ask him myself.

  “What is it Kalen? What were you going to say?” I can tell he wants to ask or say something, but he’s holding back.

  He takes a deep breath and sighs. I detect a hint of jealousy when he speaks, “I didn’t like you being alone with Finn last night, OK. I wanted you with me and it killed me knowing that he was here alone with you and I wasn’t. If it wasn’t for the tragedy with Elissa, I was going to spend the whole evening alone with you in my cabin.”

  I can only imagine what would have happened if we had that alone time. The bond would most likely have been completed and things would have been set right. I also can’t believe he was worried about me being alone with Finn. In a way I’m flattered by his jealousy, but I am also perturbed by his lack of faith in me. I can just picture him pacing and wondering if Finn was having his way with me. I know he was worried, but he needs to know that he can trust me.

  “Kalen, you have nothing to worry about. I was alone all night. Finn would never do anything like that anyway. He knows and understands that our bond is what’s meant to be. He knew I would have to fulfill my part of the prophecy and he was prepared for that. He’s not going to cause any problems, trust me.”

  He breathes a sigh of relief.

  “Good, I didn’t want to have to kick his ass.”

  I roll my eyes and shake my head.

  “Men,” I huff.

  He finally laughs and pulls my arm around his waist and secures his arm around my shoulders.

  He looks at my bow and arrows and asks, “So how good are you with your bow?”

  “I never miss my target,” I boast while lifting my chin.

  “That’s amazing,” he admits. “Maybe you could teach me how to aim straight. I could always use the help.”

  “I would love to. Maybe you could help me with my sword fighting skills.”

  He nods his head, “It’s a deal.”

  We have entered the forest, and Aki bounds swiftly through the trees. We follow his tracks while heading farther into the woods. I know it’s time to hear the verdict on Elissa, so I come right out and inquire.

  “Now tell me about Elissa.”

  “She had a necklace on that was spelled with dark magic. That’s how the dark sorcerer was able to enter her body.”

  Oh no! Why didn’t I think of that before? I stop Kalen abruptly and I look at him with a horrified expression. This is my fault.

  “Was it a necklace with a purple stone?” I ask, hesitant. A sick feeling is tearing away at my stomach because I know deep down the answer is going to be what I don’t want to hear.

  “Yes, why?” He looks at me skeptically.

  I pull away from his body and I turn my back to him.

  My shoulders sag when I confess, “I gave her the necklace, Kalen.”

  He pulls me around by the shoulders and captures my face in between his hands.

  “What? Where did you get it from?” he exclaims.

  I played right into the dark sorcerer’s hands on this one. He knew I wouldn’t get rid of the necklace; therefore, leaving another entryway for him to take over the people that I love. Damn it! How could I be so stupid? I think back to that dreaded day when the dark sorcerer laid out the beginnings of his twisted game. I didn’t know at the time that I was the main player, and unfortunately I still am.

  I look into Kalen’s eyes and sheepishly admit, “That day, five years ago when I thought it was you visiting, he gave me a necklace as a parting gift. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of a gift from you, so I gave it to Elissa. Everything that has happened is my fault.”

  “No! It’s not your fault!” he demands, shaking my shoulders. “You had no idea it was the dark sorcerer that day. No one is to blame.”

  “Will Elissa be able to go free?” I ask, hopeful.

  “I have no doubt. Heylfred, our advisor, is extremely powerful and once he gives his testimony, my court will have no ch
oice but to release her.”

  He pulls me into his arms and I sag in relief. This is the best news yet. Maybe I will be able to enjoy my time here with Kalen after all. Whatever happens, I am not going to let the dark sorcerer win this game.

  “Thank you,” I whisper against his chest.

  He moves back and takes my hand.

  “We are almost there.”

  We walk for a few minutes longer and up ahead I see a cave of huge boulders with a large opening for an entrance. I recognize this place from searching through Aki’s mind. This is the pack’s den. I’m so excited that I pick up the pace dragging Kalen along behind me. Aki is standing at the entrance patiently waiting on us.

  “You must know where we are going judging by your enthusiasm,” Kalen jokes.

  “Of course I know!” I exclaim. “Aki showed me this place in his mind and I have been dying to see his family.”

  Kalen laughs and picks up his pace to match mine. Aki comes forward to bow his head in front of Kalen before circling me and rubbing against my legs. I enter the cavern and walk a little ways into the heart of it when I notice the mound of white wolves lying in a heap on the ground. I stare at all of them excitedly while they sleep. The white wolf is a majestic creature and to be able to see a whole pack of them is amazing.

  I can see the little one cuddled with her mother, but she opens her eyes at the sound of Aki entering the cavern. Once she fully opens her eyes, she notices me at a first glance. She topples over the other wolves as she races to reach me. I can’t stop the giggle from escaping my throat as I watch her charge through the other wolves to get to me. I bend down on my knees and I open my arms wide to catch her when she bounds. She jumps into my arms and licks my face over and over until I beg her to stop. By touching her, I already know everything about her from her name to what she’s done today. It seems she has missed her father greatly.

  “You are such a beautiful girl, Accalia.” I rub behind her ears and she licks my hand. I set her down and she runs straight for Aki.

  I peer over at Kalen and he’s looking at me with admiration in his eyes.

  “They are amazing, Kalen. I can see why you love them so much,” I whisper.

  “I thought you would say that.” He gapes lovingly at the wolves and then back to me. “They have truly been a family to me. I don’t know what I would have done without them.”

  I could hear the melancholy in his voice, but he quickly perks up and takes my hand.

  “There’s something else I want to show you.” He tugs on my hand, and the light shining in his eyes sparks my curiosity as we make our way through the cavern and tunnels. I wonder where we’re going. The air gets colder the farther we go into the tunnels and the smell of fresh earth and moss overtake my senses. I have to lower my head to walk through the small tunnels, but it’s not long before it opens up to…

  The gasp I let out echoes in the enclosure, and I stand frozen in awe as I take in the immaculate scene. The ceiling is high and there are white draperies hanging down from all sides, flowing delicately down the cavern walls. Plush white carpets adorn the cavern floors and an enormous bed takes up the center of the room.

  “I have never brought anyone here,” Kalen admits as he walks up behind me. “This is my special place, and I never wanted to share it with anyone until now.” I’m flattered he never brought anyone here, but I wonder what he’s up to bringing me here. Does he want to complete the bond now?

  “Thank you for sharing your special place with me,” I say while looking around the room. My eyes settle on the bed, and I spy him looking at me through the corner of my eye.

  He shakes his head and laughs, “I didn’t bring you here to seduce you, Meliantha. Although, I would love more than anything to have your naked body under my own; however, there are things I wanted to talk to you about, and I didn’t want to be at the palace when I said them.”

  I don’t want to rush things, but I couldn’t help feeling the slightest bit of disappointment when he told me of his intentions not to seduce me. I have some things I would like to discuss with him as well, but I’m curious to know what he has to say. He takes my hands and pulls me over to the bed where he gently urges me to sit. He kneels in front of me and grazes his lips across my hands before lifting his eyes to find mine.

  “I know you came back into my life just yesterday, but in my heart you have always been there. I love you, Meliantha, and I want to know if you will complete the marriage bond with me tonight?”

  Hearing those words come out of his mouth takes my breath away, and makes my heart soar to the stars above. I take his face gently in my hands and I brush his lips softly with mine. I pull back slightly to whisper against his lips.

  “I would love nothing more than to be your wife…and your queen.”

  He moves closer to my body and groans against my mouth.

  “Then you shall get your wish.”

  He takes my lips in a fierce embrace with his own. His kiss tastes different from last night and I realized this is the first time I am kissing him since our change. His scent is like the intoxicating aromas of exotic flowers and his taste reminds me of the sweet perfection of honey.

  We all have a unique scent that distinguishes us between courts, so this must be the way the Spring fae will smell. The Summer fae have their own smell just like the Winter and Fall fae do. Kalen’s masculine scent is intoxicating and it’s driving my body crazy.

  “If you’re not planning to seduce me, I think we need to get out of here. If we stay here a moment longer, we’re going to be on that bed and not leaving for several days.”

  His eyes take on a lustful glow, and I can see his control slipping away inch by inch.

  “Well then…let’s stay here,” he taunts seductively.

  His lips press harder on mine and the heat of it makes my body scorch in my thick clothes. His hands begin to unbutton my coat, and the will power I thought I had slowly begins to slip away. I want nothing more than to make love to him and feel his body meld with mine.

  My coat falls to the floor, and he begins to lift my shirt. He has the gentlest of touches as he reaches under-neath and caresses my back sending shivers running up and down my body. He moves me slowly back toward the bed and lowers me down to the soft, fluffy bedding below. Kalen steps back to remove his weapons while I kick my shoes off and fling them across the room where they land on the floor with a loud thud. Once his weapons are gone, he starts to take off his armor.

  My body grows desperate with need at the sight of his muscular chest and his chiseled arms as he takes off the armor on his upper body. His eyes roam over me seductively like he can’t wait to devour me, and I bite my lip in return to entice him. I decide to help him along by slowly removing my shirt in a teasing way. I guess we’re not going to wait and make things official after all. That’s perfectly fine by me because I am ready for him to have me here and now.

  “What happened to waiting?” I say, breathless.

  He climbs on the bed and pulls me on top of him.

  “I say we complete it now,” he growls. I straddle his waist and I can feel his groin hard and stiff between my legs. If we finish this now, not only will I have Kalen bonded to me, but I’ll be untouchable to the dark sorcerer. I lean down to kiss him and I sway my body up and down against his growing erection. He moans loudly and grips my hips moving me harder.

  “How about we take these off?” he says while tug-ging on my pants.

  I lie down beside him and he reaches over to unbutton my pants. He slides them down my legs along with my underwear, and as he does, he kisses my skin the whole way down until my pants have been hastily discarded on the floor. I am naked and bared to him on his bed for the taking. Watching the way his muscles move makes my body clench in pleasure. I stare at the lower half of his body waiting on him to remove the last bit of clothing, but he stalls for a second, grinning at me wickedly. His smile tells me he is enjoying my torment. He lets the rest of his clothes fall from his body and
onto the floor. I am left staring wide-eyed and speechless at the masterpiece of his form before me. I motion for him to join me on the bed and he happily complies. This is it! So many things will change after this. I breathe a sigh of relief and longing as he settles himself between my legs. Before we get any further, we are interrupted by the sound of growling and massive paws echoing up the tunnel in our direction.

  Kalen groans and looks toward the doorway. No more than a couple of seconds later, in comes Accalia, followed by Aki and Larentia chasing after her. I know they are just wolves, but I cover myself with a blanket and look over at Kalen. He looks angry and amused all in one, but shakes his head as he looks at his wolves.

  “I knew there was a reason I didn’t want to do this here,” he admits to me.

  As much as I want to finish what we started, it is kind of funny they interrupted us at that exact moment.

  “What reason could that be?” I ask humorously. “No doors, or the fact that you have a pack of wolves demanding your attention when you’re here?”

  “Both, my love. Accalia likes to sneak in here when I’m sleeping and snuggle with me. Aki and Larentia usually let her, but given that you are here with me it looks like they were trying to stop her.” He kisses me sweetly on the lips and helps me off the bed. He looks disappointed, and honestly, I feel disappointed too, but at least I know we will finish the bonding tonight. The pull to the unclaimed land is strong and I know it wants us to complete the bond there, but unfortunately, we need to complete it as soon as possible. I begin to put my clothes back on and Kalen does the same. He looks at me and sighs.

  “I’m so sorry, Meliantha. I guess this is our sign that we need to do things right.”

  I shrug my shoulders and smile.

  “It’s OK. At least now I know what I’ll be getting tonight.” I look down at his groin and I wiggle my eyebrows. He laughs and throws my shirt at me.

  Aki is impatiently whining by the door and he sounds frantic. Something must be wrong. I walk over to him and I search into his glowing green eyes for answers. He needs to tell me something and it’s important. I lay my hand on top of his head and I concentrate on what he wants me to see. He was out scouting for game when he noticed a dark shadow moving swiftly through the trees. The dark shadow swoops down and strikes one of the other wolves that are hunting with Aki. I can see the shadow clearly and it’s not just a shadow. My heart slams in my chest and my adrenaline levels surge to new heights. I grab my bow and arrow off the floor and I strap it to my back. I expand my senses to see if I can feel the spirit of the wolf, but I sense nothing. No!


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