Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity)

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Skirts & Swords (Female-Led Epic Fantasy Box Set for Charity) Page 19

by L. P. Dover

  I have only heard rumors of the Redcaps only having talons for hands and by the way this one feels up against my head I would say it’s true. The Redcap takes away the blindfold and I narrow my eyes against the light of the outdoors. I blink rapidly a few times to get used to the light and when I do, I am horrified at the sight before me.

  There are dozens of Redcaps surrounding me and they all look haggard and defeated. Blood is dried in splotches on their faces and their red eyes have taken on a dull sheen. Their skin is dry and cracking leaving sores in its wake, and the smell emanating from them is absolutely revolting. They all look like sturdy old men, but some of them have brighter red caps than the others. I look down at their hands and they are exactly the way I was told they would be, talons and all. Their pikestaffs measure twice as tall as them and they are all wearing heavy armor along with iron-shod boots. Even with all that armor, they were hasty enough to catch me on horseback. No wonder they are great killers, they’re swift enough to out run a fae horse.

  One of them approaches me and I assume him to be the leader, Shamus. His cap is pulsing and sending rivulets of blood trailing down his face. The metallic scent of his victim’s blood is permeating around him and the smell is horrid. It looks disgusting, but I can’t seem to tear my eyes away from him. He holds a dagger in his hand and holds it like he is about to strike. My heart rapidly accelerates and I begin to sweat profusely. I can feel it running down my back and dripping down from my forehead, blinding me with its saltiness. I take a deep breath and prepare myself for my fate.

  The clan leader points his dagger at me and announces across the crowd, “Blood is to be paid with blood. This young lass has taken a clansman’s life, and it must be paid with her own. ‘Tis the blood that will save our clan.”

  Before I can protest, he slices the dagger to the bone across both wrists. I hiss in pain as my blood flows rapidly down into the buckets placed below. I welcome the numbness of my limbs for dulling the pain. I don’t know how long it’ll take for me to bleed dry. With my healing capabilities, I know I can heal very quickly.

  Shamus, the clan leader, separates the Redcaps into two groups and they each take a turn soaking their caps in my blood. Shamus goes first and soaks his cap. Their world seems to be blurring together as I begin to feel light-headed and dizzy from the steady flow of my blood leaving my body into the buckets below. I refuse to die, I scream to myself.

  I summon my magic and it swiftly travels to my wrists, healing them quickly. I close my eyes to breathe a sigh of relief at the same time Shamus gasps in surprise. I open my eyes quickly to see him looking at me in amazement. His cap is now a deep crimson shade of red and his eyes are glowing like the flames of a fire. Did my blood replenish him that much? Gasps erupt around the crowd and they stare at their leader, mesmerized.

  “Who are you?” he demands. Again, maybe I should have screamed before who I was.

  “I’m Princess Meliantha of the Summer Court,” I announce looking around the crowd. Murmurs and gasps erupt from all of them and they stare at me wide-eyed.

  “Why are ye here, and how can ye blood be so powerful?” Shamus asks, speaking above the crowd.

  “I was in search of the dark sorcerer before I was taken by you.” His eyes go wide, along with the rest of the clan. By their angry and weary expressions I would say they’ve had a recent visit by the dark sorcerer. Again, he has led me into a trap. I look across the crowd and say, “He has taken something of mine and I want it back.” I glance at the buckets of my blood on the ground and then back to the Redcaps. “My blood has healing magic, and that’s probably why it healed you and made your caps bright.”

  The Redcaps continue to soak their caps, and one by one their whole appearances change. It’s amazing to see how they went from haggard, to rejuvenated, in a matter of seconds. Smiles take over their faces and they look at me in sheer amazement. Grishom takes a step forward and hollers across the crowd, “Tis a gift, it is.” He looks at the clan leader, “Ye can’t take the lass’ life. Tis a healer, she is.”

  I’m beginning to like Grishom. He has a kindness in his eyes when he looks at me. Relief flows through me as the murmurs across the crowd yell in agreement. Am I going to be set free? Shamus holds his hands up for the crowd to be silent and I shake in anticipation waiting on the verdict. He looks at me and explains, “ Tis many of my men betrayed their clan. Tis the evil of the dark sorcerer that has corrupted their souls. He took many and left us here weak.” The dark sorcerer must have taken them when he came through here. I know how it feels to be betrayed by those you love.

  “Am I free to go?” I ask, hopeful.

  Shamus shakes his head and furrows his brows in concentration. He looks across the crowd and then back to me and says, “Ye still took a life, but if ye offer ye blood once every new moon then ye shall be set free.”

  Every new moon is once a month and offering them blood one time a month for my freedom is a small price to pay. They must really be in desperate need of saving. Never in history have I heard of a Redcap letting a prisoner go. They’re widely known for their murderous ways.

  It appears this is going to be my only choice. “I promise to give you blood every new moon in exchange for my freedom,” I answer whole-heartedly. Hollers of happiness explode across the crowd while they dance around in glee. It’s eerie seeing my blood flowing down their faces as they scream in joy. Grishom begins loosening my restraints and helps me away from the table.

  “How will you get my blood every month?” I ask the clan leader.

  “I will send one of my men to collect ye blood,” he replies happily.

  I nod my head and rub my wrists. They still tingle slightly, but the wounds have closed up completely. I haven’t seen Aki or Prince Ashe since I have been here and I’m beginning to get worried. I hesitate for a second before mentioning my concern, “Where are my wolf and horse? Are they well?”

  “Aye, they are well. They will be brought to ye, along with yer things,” Shamus points out.

  I take in a deep breath and a smile takes over my face. I am so happy right now I feel like I could cry. I was afraid that Aki would be seriously injured after the hit he took last night. I collapse to my knees and I bow my head to mutter a silent prayer. I hear Aki’s whine and I look up to see him racing towards me.

  Grishom is headed this way carrying my bow and arrows and leading Prince Ashe by the reigns. I smile at them both and I send my love to them in a silent message. Aki is ready to begin searching again so I hastily strap my bow on and mount Prince Ashe.

  “Ye be careful, little lass,” Grishom smiles.

  “I will,” I smile back. He slaps Prince Ashe on the rump and we head off on our way. We come across a creek and it is the perfect place to take a rest and drink some cold, clean water. I pull out some snacks of dried meat and berries and I pass them along to Aki and Prince Ashe. It’s hard to find the desire to eat when my stomach is in knots with worry. Our rest is quick, but I have the sinking suspicion that my next task is going to be dealing with the dark sorcerer himself. We are finally fully rested so I climb upon Prince Ashe’s back and he continues a steady gallop beside the creek. We follow it for a few miles until Aki starts growling and pacing back and forth. I haven’t seen him do this before so I walk over to him to see what’s wrong. I can feel the trace of magic as I approach and it gets stronger the closer I get to Aki. I am appalled when I see the shimmery haze up ahead glistening in the sunlight. The dark sorcerer has done the one thing that will put me at a complete disadvantage. Through that doorway he made, it will lead me to the unknown of the mortal realm. If he wants to be a coward that’s fine, but I am not and so I go. I take a few deep breaths before squaring my shoulders and stepping through the portal into the strange world beyond.

  This game ends now.

  - Dark Sorcerer -

  Before the Portal

  I waited patiently for morning to come wondering what torture Princess Meliantha was going to have to face. She kil
led a Redcap last night and was captured by the clan. It appears she was also injured during the fight and has remained unconscious throughout the rest of the night. If caught, the penalty for killing a Redcap would be death. They will most likely bleed her dry and then kill her. Oh, how I would love to see it. The Redcaps are going to revel in her blood, and I know because I have tasted it myself. It’s intoxicating.

  Once she’s out of the way, I plan to deliver the prince’s ashes straight to the Winter Court’s doorsteps. I laugh thinking about the way their faces will look when I throw the remains of their precious Prince at their feet. I close my eyes to enjoy the silence when I am interrupted by the thundering steps of a Redcap headed this way. The Redcap is one of the creatures that turned traitor to his clan and has graciously pledged his loyalty to me. The others I have sent to the Black Forest to join my army. Their clan is slowly dying and it didn’t take much to persuade them to join me. All it took was a promise that I would provide them with kills.

  The Redcap approaches swiftly with a scowl on his face. The news must not be what I want to hear.

  “What has your clan decided?” I ask darkly.

  He growls, “The lass is to be set free, Master.”

  “Damn It!” I roar loudly.

  I know she’s powerful, but what is it about the bitch that gets everyone bowing down to her? I pace back and forth contemplating on my next move and cursing myself for my game not having the effect I thought it would have. I open my mind to all the possibilities, and then…a smile crosses my face as a new plan surfaces to the forefront. Oh yeah, I think I will thoroughly enjoy this.

  I open my eyes to look at the Redcap.

  “It doesn’t matter now,” I say slyly. “I know just what to do to get the princess falling to her knees before me. I think we can also arrange a little treat for you as well.” The Redcap looks at me with an evil grin and rubs his hands together. “Let us be on our way. The princess will be following us soon.”

  If the Redcaps are letting the princess go, then it will not be long before she gains ground. The Redcap and I come across a creek and we follow along its edges for a couple of miles. “This is where the fun begins,” I grin at the Redcap. I place my hands in front of me, palm out, and I call upon the black magic swirling inside my body. I close my eyes to picture the place I want to go. Once I grasp it, I let my magic soar. I can feel the veil between realms slowly thinning while the air in front of me begins to shimmer and thicken.

  “The portal is ready to enter,” I inform the Redcap.

  He enters first and I follow quickly behind. I look around at the place I had chosen to come to. Ah, yes, I say to myself as a smile takes over my face. This is exactly where I want to be. Meliantha will be out of her element here. The ground is frozen beneath my feet and is covered in snow. The air burns my lungs as I take a deep breath in and out. I notice the cabin up ahead and I can see two people moving around inside. I look at the Redcap beside me and his blood red eyes are glowing brightly with the need to kill. The intensity of his desire for blood penetrates the air.

  “Take your kills Redcap, but do so outside. I don’t want the inside to be contaminated with the stench of mortal blood,” I warn.

  “Yes, Master,” he replies happily.

  The Redcap approaches the house quickly and I watch in fascination. Redcaps are brutal with their killings and it is always a joy to watch. He tears open the door and his heavy footsteps can be heard all the way to where I’m standing. Screams erupt from inside and they echo throughout the trees. This is why I love it when mortals live in remote places. There’s no one to hear them scream. The Redcap emerges from the cabin with both a male and a female grasped in his hands. He has them by the neck and they are trying with all their strength to get loose.

  Mortals may be weak creatures with no magic, but they do know how to fight back. I can hear the sounds of bones crunching and snapping as the Redcap breaks both of their necks. Blood splatters across the snow as he rips both heads from their mortal bodies. He takes his cap and moves it back and forth between both mortals- absorbing the blood from each.

  “I want you to dispose of the bodies when you are done, Redcap. I also want you to stand guard outside when you come back,” I command.

  “Yes, Master,” he says with a gleam in his eye. His cap is pulsing with the life force of the mortals he killed and blood is dripping down his face and onto the ground. I nod my head at him, but then something grabs my attention. An idea spurs in my head and I know that what I have found will come to great use. I remove the chains from around the wheels of what the mortals call a ‘car’ because I will need them for what I have planned. Time is running out so I move hastily to get things prepared.

  “Are ye sure ‘tis what ye want?” the Redcap asks.

  I huff in annoyance.

  “Yes, you fool. Now go stand guard and leave me be.”

  He leaves the bedroom and shuts the door and I can hear his footsteps as he exits the house. The chains I grabbed earlier are now binding me to a chair. They’re tight and constricting making it hard to breathe, but I know I won’t be in this body for long. Prince Kalen will be the one sitting here tightly bound when I leave his body. Since I’m running out of time I believe it’s the perfect moment to have a chat with the prince before the lovely princess shows up. I fade out of his body and the moment I do he gasps for air. He looks around frantic and confused until his eyes settle on mine. I take my true solid form before him and he scowls at me while trying to get free.

  “What the fuck have you done?” he yells, struggling against the chains.

  I smile wolfishly at him and laugh. “Oh, plenty of things your Highness. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching your princess go through hell to find you. She’s quite strong, you know, but now I have to see what she’ll truly go through to save you. Although, it’s not going to matter because whatever she does I’m still going to kill you.”

  “Where is she?” Kalen demands.

  I’m momentarily distracted when I feel the ground shake from outside. I believe the princess has arrived right on time, and bested my Redcap in the process. I knew he would meet his end once Meliantha showed up.

  I shrug my shoulders at Kalen and sigh, “Oh, I would say she should be arriving right”

  I hear her light footsteps as she enters and searches the house. I smirk at Kalen and he growls. Fighting his restraints his voice echoes through the house when he yells, “Meliantha, NO! It’s a trap! Get out of here, now!”

  I laugh at his outburst because all it did was make her get here quicker. She’s now in front of the door, but the second before she kicks it open, I disappear into the shadows to wait for the perfect time to appear.

  I’ve enjoyed doing things in the mortal realm, but this surely doesn’t qualify as one of those times. I groan as I step through the portal when the icy air blows across my cheeks. Why can’t I get away from the cold? Aki follows me through, but Prince Ashe stays behind. Once I step back through the portal he will be right there where I left him. Portals are easy to make because all you do is summon your magic and it can separate the veil between realms. Humans have been known to step through portals so we try to make them in not so populated areas, or at least most of us do. The Tyvar do this frequently in hopes of human women stumbling through. I don’t approve of these ways, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it.

  I look around at my surroundings and once again I’m in a place surrounded by snow. There is, however, a light up ahead that appears to be coming from a cabin. I know the dark sorcerer is doing this to mess with me and to wear me down. Following him to a cabin in the snow is supposed to remind me of Kalen, and it does, but I’m not going to let it distract me.

  Aki follows close by me as we approach the cabin. We are a couple hundred yards away when I notice two sets of footprints in the snow. Aki sniffs around and growls low. One of the sets belongs to a Redcap, and the other no doubt belongs to the dark sorcerer in Kalen’s body. This
Redcap must be one of the ones that turned traitor when the dark sorcerer went through their village.

  The closer we get to the cabin I see the Redcap standing guard outside the door. Blood is staining the snow and my heart fills with sadness at the thought of innocent mortals coming to their death by a Redcap. The terror and fear they must have felt had to be phenomenal. I wish I could have been here to help them. I clench my teeth while the anger begins to build inside me. I reach for my bow making sure I am as quiet as can be. The Redcap may a bit farther away than I am used to, but I know in my heart I will not miss. I load the arrow and I take a deep breath. I stretch my bow, pulling against the resistance, and I sight my aim for the Redcap’s heart. He’s standing perfectly still, eyes trained forward, and not knowing there is danger in his wake. I release the arrow and it flies swift and straight piercing the Redcap right through his armor and into his heart. If I wanted to surprise the sorcerer I think I just messed up. The heavy thump of the Redcap falling dead to the ground shakes the earth below making my appearance known.

  Once he turns into ash I peer around cautiously before walking towards the cabin. Aki makes his way beside me when I approach the door, and I see that it has been torn off its hinges and lying on the floor across the room. I take light steps while searching through the house knowing very well that this is going to be a trap. All that matters is that Kalen is here and I have to save him. Aki perks up at the same time I hear Kalen screaming my name.

  “Meliantha! NO! It’s a trap! Get out of here, now!”

  My adrenaline spikes at the sound of Kalen’s voice. This is the true Kalen screaming at me. He has to be crazy if he thinks I’m going to leave him here. I hear the dark sorcerer’s evil laugh and the anger it spurs inside me fuels my venom. I load my bow with an arrow while following the sound of his evil laugh.


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