All I Ask

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All I Ask Page 19

by Corinne Michaels

  She laughs. “It’s romance, Tea. It’s a beautiful part of her story that you’ve given her back. To us, they were stupid chairs, but to her, they represented the love she had for her late husband.”

  I nod, knowing exactly what she means. “I want to cry.”

  Nina wraps her arms around me and she pulls me close. “I always knew you had it in you. We just needed Derek to come back to remind you that you do believe in love.”

  “Oh, dear God. I wouldn’t go that far.”

  She slaps my arm. “Stop it. Now, tell me about the kiss.”

  I smirk. “Which one?”

  Nina squeals again. “I knew it! Did you do more? Please tell me you had sex because that would be exactly like the book I read before this one.”

  “Umm, no.” I laugh. “We are taking things really slow.”

  “Oh, Jesus.”


  “Slow? You two have been at the pace of the tortoise on a freaking marathon. He’s still only on mile marker two after fifteen years of running.”

  Now that’s some good imagery there. To some extent, she’s right. We have gone at the slowest pace ever, but in some ways we haven’t. Neither of us knew our feelings until it was too late. The history we share isn’t exactly a smooth one either. I think slow is smart. I need smart because I’ve done an awful lot of stupid.

  “I’m not saying we’ll be running a marathon with the tortoise pace, but I need to make sure I don’t jump in headfirst and end up with a concussion.”

  She sighs and leans against the counter. “You’re not getting any younger, you know.”

  “Neither are you.”

  Nina’s eyes narrow. “We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you and the man that you’ve loved your whole dang life being right in front of your face.”

  “And if it’s right,” I say with as much conviction in my voice as I can muster, “then tomorrow, he’ll still be in front of my face.”

  I can see her displeasure, but that’s the way it is. We’re going slow and it’s not just because I’m scared, which I am, but because it’s not just about me or him. It’s also about two other people—our daughters.

  “You should be naked in his bed right now. The two of you should be locked in a room somewhere, working off the last decade of sexual frustration.”

  “Well, we’re not.”

  Although I do agree that I have a decade’s-plus worth of sexual frustration that made it really freaking hard to pull away last night. But he was so sweet and understanding.

  We kissed…a lot. We kissed as though we were two teenagers who just found out how fun kissing was. He walked me to my car, kissed me again, told me he would call me, and then he watched me drive off.

  I wanted to turn back around, to feel his lips on mine again, but I somehow held myself back.

  “You’re thinking about him naked, aren’t you?” Nina accuses me with a grin across her face.



  “Fine, I am, but only because you brought it up.”

  She laughs. “Whatever you need to help you sleep at night. So when are you seeing him again?”

  The twenty questions with her are killing me. “I don’t know.”

  “How about now?” Derek’s voice fills the space and I jump.

  “How the—?” I say because the damn door didn’t chime. My cheeks burn and I can only imagine how red they are.

  “How long was I here and what did I hear?”

  Oh, this is so bad. My heart is racing and my mind is searching for something to say. Nothing can make this better if he heard me admit to thinking of him naked. I will never live this down.

  “That would be good information to know now, yes.”

  His smile is full of mischief. “Tea, now where would the fun of overhearing a conversation you definitely didn’t want me to hear be if I told you?”

  “Well, I think the fun part would be telling me so I know how long I have to hide.”

  He walks closer and shrugs. “I guess we have different ideas of fun. Although”—he turns his head toward Nina—“I like her suggestions of being naked.”

  I cover my face in my hands and pray the good Lord takes me now.

  “Naked is the new dating,” Nina says.

  “Really? Well, it’s a good thing Teagan and I are dating.”

  “Nina’s insane.”

  “She’s onto something,” he tosses back.

  “She’s also about to be fired.”

  Nina bursts out laughing. “Your mama likes me more than you, my friend. I think if she could, she’d make me manager just to torture you.”

  Now, that I don’t doubt.

  Nina walks over, kisses Derek on the cheek, and pats his chest. “You were always my favorite…after Romeo.”

  “You were always mine too…after Teagan.”

  Damn him for being so sweet.

  “I’ll be in the back, organizing the new plates. Then I’ll call around to a few more stores to see if we can find those lost chairs. You know, give you time, just in case.” She turns and winks at me.

  There are no new plates, and I don’t know what she thinks Derek and I need time for while we’re in the store, but I appreciate her giving us a minute. He moves closer, hand resting on my hip, and smiles. “Hi.”


  I try to keep the grin off my face but the way he’s looking at me makes it impossible. He’s so damn cute and he’s here. On what was probably a busy day, because there are more animals than people in this town, and he came by…to see me.

  “You look very pretty.”

  Now he’s lying. “I definitely do not.” I’m in a pair of old jeans, my hair is up in a messy bun—that I can’t pull off—and my T-shirt with a plaid shirt over it doesn’t scream sexy. It’s more like, I look like I don’t have enough money for new clothes but I’m trying for country chic.

  “You do.”

  “You’re going blind in your old age.”

  His hand tightens, eyes glance around the store, and then to my lips. He’s going to kiss me.

  “Stop talking,” he demands and then his lips are on mine, hand sliding around my back, keeping me to his chest.

  Kissing is definitely not overrated.

  We don’t rush as we take each other in. It’s only been a few hours but I missed him. How crazy is that? I missed the way he smells, how his hand feels on my skin, and the way he says my name.

  It’s stupid.

  It’s ridiculous.

  It’s magical.

  “Now, don’t ever call me old again,” he warns and kisses my forehead.

  I don’t care what any woman says, when a man kisses our foreheads, we melt. Just a little. If he ever learns how much I like it, I’m pretty sure he’ll win every argument.

  “If you kiss me each time I do,” I say playfully, “I might call you old more.”

  He laughs while shaking his head and then steps back. “Can I steal you away for a bit?”

  “I have a lot of work to do…my mother is due back today too.”

  “She’s off shopping for used goods?”

  We used to laugh at it as kids. Buying old things with the hope of turning around and selling them is a gamble, but she’s good at it. This store has thrived over the last forty years.

  “She went to a few estate sales this week down in Virginia Beach, and to visit my cousins.”

  “Ahh, how is Mark?”

  “The same, I’m sure. A little bit stupid and a lot unstable. He’s married now,” I tell him. I forget that he doesn’t know anything that’s happened in the last few years. Mark is a former Navy SEAL and scares the crap out of my mother and aunt.

  “Is he? I never saw that coming.”

  No, I didn’t either. “Yeah, her name is Charlie and she’s amazing. She kicks his ass, which makes us all smile.”

  “Well, he tortured you as a kid,” Derek reminds me.

  “Yeah, all of my cousins did

  “They were fun.”

  “Sure, that’s the word we’ll go with,” I scoff. They were mean and tormented me because they could. Derek would join in too, because apparently it was…fun.

  “I need a half hour, surely you can spare that?”

  I really want to go, but I can’t leave Nina in case my mother returns early, which she’s known to do.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, just go,” Nina says as she comes around the aisle. So much for privacy. “I’ll handle your mother, don’t worry. Go!”

  I gnaw on my lip, not sure if I should. I feel like this is the opposite of slow, but then I remember what Nina said and it’s true. We’re not a new relationship, and even with the time that’s passed, he still seems to know me. Not the things in my life that he wasn’t there for, but me at my core.

  Derek extends his hand and I place mine in it because you only live once and I’m ready to begin the life I dreamed of.

  * * *

  “You brought me here?” I say as I look up at the house I love. The one I know, deep in my heart, should be mine.

  I hoped when I saw it today that I wouldn’t have the same reaction because when he buys it, I’ll be sad. Sure, there might be another one—a better one—down the line, but this one is…home.

  My home.

  “I did.”

  “Why?” I ask with a bit of wistfulness.

  “For lunch,” he says, as though it makes perfect sense.

  “You thought this was a great spot?”

  Derek grabs the cooler out of the back of the car. “I did.”

  “And how is that?”

  “You wanted us to be secretive, well, no one but us and the Realtor know about this house. You wanted slow, and lunch is about the slowest of dates there is. Then you said this would be complicated, but”—he shrugs—“I uncomplicated it.”

  This man is a mess, but he’s a cute one. “How did you uncomplicate it?”

  “I brought lunch to the place we could be alone and secretive.”

  “You thought of it all, huh?”

  “I did.” He beams with pride.

  “You know you don’t own the house, so we’re kind of trespassing.”

  Derek smirks with his brow raised. “Ye of little faith, I talked to the previous owner, who has accepted my offer, and he told me I would be doing him a favor by looking after the house while he’s in Florida.”

  “You got the house?”

  “He accepted the offer this morning.”

  I knew he would—Derek always gets what he wants—but I did hope just a little bit that he didn’t. Which makes me a terrible person. Derek has endured a tragic loss and he needs stability. I’m being stupid, but I decide to give myself two seconds to be stupid and then let it go.



  And I’m done. “I’m really happy for you. Have you seen the inside yet?”

  “I thought maybe we could do that together.”

  “I can’t believe you bought the house without going in.”

  He shrugs. “I’m a rebel.”

  “Or an idiot, but sure.”

  “I’m going to pretend you think I’m fabulous.”

  “Whatever you need to make you feel better.”

  Derek takes my hand, kisses the top, and grins. “I just need this.”

  I start to smile and then I look away, feeling the heat on my cheeks. He makes me smile, even when I don’t want to.

  He unlocks the door, extending his arms so I can go first, and I stop. Oh. My. God.

  I can’t turn my eyes to look at him, but I feel him beside me, doing the same thing, taking it all in. What in the hell did we just walk into? There are no words to describe the scene I’m looking at.

  This house…is…

  “Wow,” Derek says.

  “Yeah, wow.”

  “I guess…” He trails off, looking to the right, and my eyes follow.

  “The owners were…” I can’t even speak because my head can’t comprehend what I’m looking at.

  This beautiful, picturesque house that I dreamed of each night since I’ve seen it, is filled to the brim with dolls. There has to be thousands of them. They line the staircase going up, and the wall as if they’re the baseboards. Dolls are on shelves, on top of cabinets, and…they’re everywhere.

  I can’t look in one place because my eyes are overwhelmed.

  “Does Everly like dolls?” I ask, trying to contain my laughter. “Because…I’m pretty sure you’ll never find them all.”

  Derek’s gaze meets mine and he bursts out laughing. “This is some scary shit.”

  “No wonder he took your bid!”

  We both continue on with the loudest laughs I’ve ever heard. “I’ve never seen anything like this,” he says as he gasps for air.

  “I can’t stay in here.” I snort and hold my arms around my belly. “They’re all staring at me and I think one just talked!”

  I haven’t laughed like this in ages. The muscles in my stomach hurt and we both make it outside unscathed.

  “Let’s head to the back.”

  “Yes, where it’s safe.”

  I stifle another fit of giggles and we make our way onto the deck.

  It’s truly beautiful and secluded back here. There are tall trees that create a barrier and give so much privacy that you’d forget you even have neighbors. It’s a bigger lot than what this town normally has too, which helps. The shed is off to the left and the deck is covered and has a great little eating area.

  “At least they kept the outside cleared of…dolls.”

  “Well, I’m sure they’re still watching us.”

  He shudders. “I’m going to have nightmares.”

  “You and me both! That was insane. You bought the creepy house full of dolls that no one else wanted.” I start laughing again.

  He joins in. “You wanted the house too!”

  “True. But I didn’t buy it.”

  “Yes, but you wanted to.”

  “I would’ve at least looked inside.”

  Derek runs his hand down his face. “I was so sure this house would be magical.”

  “Oh, there’s magic in there all right. Hmmm.” I tap my finger on my chin. “Maybe we should call you Ken from now on!”

  The two of us are laughing so hard that tears are falling. “Then I’ll call you Barbie.”

  “Hell no, this is your house, creepy dolls and all.” I wipe my tears and try to stop the giggling.

  “You laugh now, but one day you will be living here too!”

  Well, that sobers the moment.

  We both stop laughing.

  I stare at him, unsure if he knows what he said. Derek looks down at me, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallows. He moves closer, our breathing is accelerated, and I’m unsure of what to do.

  I could ask him what he meant or pretend it didn’t happen.

  However, I’m not sure I can unhear what he said and I don’t know that I can pretend otherwise.

  “What?” I ask, my voice is barely a whisper.

  “Don’t look so surprised, Teagan.” Derek’s hand lifts and he takes a strand of my hair and then tucks it behind my ear. “I told you, I’m not going anywhere and I don’t have any doubts that I’m here with you for a reason. I can wait until you know it, but what we’re doing here, isn’t ending.”

  My heart is pounding so loud, I can’t hear anything else. I want to believe what he’s saying more than anything, but this is really not slow and this is a million times beyond complicated.

  “Please don’t make me promises like that,” I say with fear and apprehension. “I don’t think I could handle the loss again.”

  He wraps his arm around my back, forcing me to put my hands on his chest. “Then hold on and don’t let go this time.”

  “You’re the one who let me go the last time.”

  The regret fills his eyes. “And I won’t ever make that mistake agai

  I lean up, kissing him because I need to seal it. I want that promise to be unbroken. I can feel my insecurities bubbling up, telling me that this isn’t how life works out for me, but I fight against it. If I can just hold on to this, then maybe it’ll be okay—we’ll be okay. It’s different this time for us. We’re not kids and we both are being honest. I told him I would tell him if I wanted to run, but this time, it’s not away that I want to go.

  Our lips move together, hands gripping one another as I’m desperate to do as he says—hold on.

  His tongue slides into my mouth and we both give each other everything. I moan when his hand makes it way down to my ass, pulling me against him, feeling his erection against my leg.

  This kiss is different than the others. We’re not tentative with each other. This isn’t both of us holding a piece of ourselves for safekeeping. I’m letting go of all the past right here. I’m giving him more than just words. I’m giving him me.

  Derek’s hands are everywhere. I feel his warmth through my shirt and I want more. I know I said we should go slow but I can’t stop myself. I need more. Each touch, each second our mouths are connected, the further my desire deepens.

  He’s the man I’ve always wanted. He’s starred in more dreams than I can count, and against all odds, he’s here now in my arms.

  I feel his hand slide to my chest, just barely brushing my breast, and I can’t stop the noise that escapes me. When he does it again, I gasp and break the kiss.

  “Tell me to stop and I will,” he promises.

  “Don’t stop.”

  “You’re so beautiful, you’ve always been.” He kisses me again, this time squeezing my breast and rubbing where my nipple is under my bra.

  His touch, is everything. It’s been so long since anyone has been with me this way, and having it be Derek right now means so much more.

  My fingers move down his chest, needing to explore him. He groans when my hands get to his stomach, feeling the ridges of the six-pack that hides underneath his shirt. Derek kisses me harder, moving me back until I’m wedged in between him and the post of the deck.

  I feel like this is a dream. There’s no way that he’s kissing me. I have to be asleep or daydreaming, yet I don’t want to wake up.

  I close my eyes, needing to hold on longer.

  His mouth moves to my neck and my fingers slide through his hair. He has really great hair. Hell, everything about him is great.


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