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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

Page 19

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “No thank you,” I responded. How in the world she managed to get her body into that black latex suit was a mystery; considering there wasn’t an ounce of give to the black shiny contraption.

  She smiled when she handed over the short glass, and I returned the favor. Sniffing the glass before I brought it to my lips, I was satisfied that it didn’t have anything extra in it, and let the liquid slide into my mouth.

  “Look what I brought you,” a voice giggled to the left of me.

  Turning my head, I already knew who was standing next to me.

  “I’m not wearing that,” I stated, narrowing my eyes at Danielle.

  “The fuck you’re not. Trot your happy little ass into the bathroom and put this sexy number on. It’s Halloween and everyone has to be in costume; that includes you, my dear.”

  “I’m working.” I rolled my eyes at her. I doubted if she could see the gesture, but it didn’t matter anyway. There was no way I was getting into that tonight.

  “I think you should,” Reid’s voice whispered on the other side of me, sending an instant heat to my lower region. I don’t know what irritated me more; the fact that my body was so eager to bend over for this man or that my mind fought me tooth and nail in keeping my clothes on.

  “I’m working,” I replied again, silently yelling at my girly bits to calm the hell down. There would be no getting jiggy with this man tonight, or ever again for that fact. It was easy to believe that crap I wagered in my mind when he was being an ass, yet the moment the Reid I was so drawn to appeared, all sanity seemed to end up in the gutter.

  “Yes you are, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be in costume.” Reid smiled, taking a sip of whatever was in his glass.

  “See, even sex god over there thinks you should put this on.” Danielle wiggled her eyebrows, thrusting the costume towards me.

  “I don’t have any shoes, sorry.”

  “Do you realize what I do for a living? Seriously, do you doubt my skills?” Danielle laughed, holding her other hand up with a pair of black peep toed pumps.

  “You must be crazy to think that I could wear those.”

  “I can’t wait to see those on my floor later,” Reid growled softly in my ear.

  An instant blush swept my already eager body as the thoughts of doing naughty things with this man again invaded my brain. Seriously, my body was the devil.

  “Hurry up and put these on, I need to get back to getting smashed.” Danielle laughed, dumping the costume and shoes into my arms.

  “You are nuts………………” I started to say before being pulled toward the back of the club. Reid had clutched my elbow and had already started out on his trek to the manager’s office, as I walked by the rest of the band members, totally engrossed in the women dancing on top of them.

  The light glared into my eyes as we bolted through the door, shutting it quickly with a loud bang.

  “I need you,” Reid rumbled, instantly pulling at the hem of my shirt.

  “Not going to happen, Reid,” I threatened, using the little remaining sanity my mind had held on to, and taking a step back from his outstretched hands.

  “Just real quick,” he begged. His eyes sparkled with an evil lust. I knew what he wanted, and truth be told, I wanted the exact damn thing. I would gladly let him slam me up against that wall and take me quickly; but I wasn’t a fuck buddy anymore. I had to respect myself, and being a walking buffet for this man whenever he felt like it wasn’t how I wanted to live my life.

  “I’m not a toy, Reid. So, if you don’t mind, I have a job to get back to,” I snarled, narrowing my eyes at the insatiable man standing before me.

  “I never said you were a toy.”

  “People have feelings, Reid. God damn it, I have feelings! I’m not going to open my legs for you, knowing that you are still getting serviced by women at the different stops on this tour.”

  “Do you really think that I have that little respect for you?” His body tensed as he stood before me.

  “Reid you might respect me, but you don’t respect the fact that I have needs and wants, too,” my voice wavered. I couldn’t break down now; I still had the rest of the evening to work. Getting all emotional and shit would only cloud my judgment, and that normally resulted in me doing something absolutely stupid. If I let my emotions take hold, the next thing I would be doing was getting naked and letting that man bend me over right here.

  “Have you seen me with anyone since I brought you to my house, Molly Anne?” Reid questioned, his voice was dark and cold.

  “Yes, Reid. You have paraded several women around since then. There is no way in hell that I’m ‘special’, so stop trying to claim anything different.” I had to bite down hard on the inside on my cheek; this was the only way the tears wouldn’t fall from my eyes.

  Reid’s stoic expression didn’t change; a blank stare was all that appeared over his beautiful face. I would kill to know what he was thinking, but knew that this man had more secrets than the damn mafia.

  “I’m sorry I made you feel that way. That was never my intention.”

  Before I could blink, Reid was at the door, quickly turning the knob and stepping back out into the music.

  “Just walk away, Reid,” I yelled, catching my trembling lip between my teeth. The man didn’t even look back as he shut the door behind him. “Fuck me,” I moaned as the tears started to spill down my cheeks.

  It’s amazing how a simple interaction can alter your entire thought process. I would like to believe I was a strong woman. Someone that stood tall for my convictions, and never let the world wavier the decisions I made for myself. There was already too many what if scenarios in my life, that adding another was like tipping the scale of justice. It just didn’t make sense to give up on this interaction just because my mind had already made what it thought well known.

  I was told on multiple occasions, that I thought too much when I was younger. I just needed to go with what my heart was telling me, and that was the hardest thing to come to terms with. I struggled for so long on finding the person who I wanted to be, that letting my heart lead me in any direction other than what my head told me was a struggle I still dealt with daily.

  So there I stood, replaying what just happened over and over again in my head. On one hand my mind has told me from day one that this is nothing but trouble. Keep your head held high, Molly Anne, and move on. But then again, my stupid little heart screamed take the chance, what was it going to hurt. Apparently I didn’t believe in my own personal sanity; since I had been flip flopping back and forth with this problem the entire time I’ve known him.

  Dropping the costume to the floor, I grabbed the hem of my shirt and yanked it over my head. I guess my heart had won that struggle, as I was naked in mere seconds before my brain had even registered what I was doing.

  Sure, I looked like total hooch in this costume, but hell, it was Halloween right? At least I wasn’t a bunny or a naughty nurse, considering there were tons of them flittering about tonight. Pulling my cap down low over my eyes, I pulled the door closed behind me. Taking that first step in these preposterous heels was like a newborn giraffe walking on ice; nothing sexy about that. Taking a deep breath, I brought my eyes off the floor and quickly glanced around the club. Not a single person was looking at me. Why in the world did I ever think that all eyes would be on me tonight; wearing this little number was just stupid? Girls were wandering around buck ass naked, and I was worried about the short hem line, and my nipple rings showing through.

  I needed to do a count of all the guys, make sure none of them had snuck off, considering I had to somehow herd the children into cars and back to a hotel later tonight. Wandering around the perimeter of the room, I tried to stay out of the stage lights, but was suddenly blinded as I rounded the second platform.

  “Hey, Baby, you want to come use those……………….ah fuck? Molly?” Tysen stumbled, raking his eyes up and down my body.

  “Yep,” I managed to squeeze out, c
arefully and nervously shifting on my unsteady feet.

  “You look fucking hot, but please don’t tell Reid that.” He groaned, his eyes begging for me to keep his secret. “He would kill me if he heard me say that to you.”

  “Tysen don’t worry about it. There is nothing between Reid and me anyway,” I said loudly over the thumping music.

  “Have you told him that?”

  Shaking my head, I offered a smile to the bassist. One Black Laden member down, three more to go.

  I found Brody on a couch with several blondes dancing around him. He was a total man slut, enjoying every moment a girl’s naked tits jiggled to the beat. Ryder wasn’t hard to spot either, sitting on the opposite couch with a couple girls himself. A bunch of male whores was who I worked for. As long as they didn’t try brining any of these chicks back to the hotel, I didn’t care how many times their dicks got wet tonight. I just silently prayed they at least wrapped it each time it happened. The thought of all the disease that lurked around this place tonight was enough to send me into an OCD cleaning spree, just gross.

  “Are you done being all pissy with me, Molly?” Brantley’s voice came from behind me. It felt like ice rushed through my veins as my name rolled off his lips. As I turned around, I had never wanted to throat punch the idiot more than I did right now.

  “Have you seen Megan?” I asked coldly. Sure, kicking him in the balls wasn’t the right thing to do. And yes, I would definitely think twice before doing it again; but it doesn’t stop my mind from replaying the satisfying incident over and over again in my head.

  “You look hot tonight. I can’t tear my eyes off of you.”

  “Well, I’m sure there is a willing victim for you to catch your thrills with tonight,” I seethed. This man had gone and lost his damn mind coming after me again.

  “Molly, you know how this world works. Give me another shot; you know I’m worth it,” Brantley teased, cracking that smile that caused woman to drop their pants.

  “Sorry, not going to work this time,” I snapped, swiftly turning to storm off. My quick retreat wasn’t as graceful as I played it out in my head, since my heels didn’t exactly swivel like the rest of my body did.

  “I’ve got you,” his voice snaked through the air as his arm made its self-comfortable around my waist.

  “Didn’t I make myself clear last time, Brantley?” Reid’s voice suddenly boomed.

  Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Reid a few feet away, seething like a pissed off bull. Brantley didn’t need to be wearing red tonight; Reid had already set his sights on the jackass.

  “Really, Reid, you are pathetic. Can’t you see she doesn’t want you?” Brantley taunted, letting the ends of his bastard lips curl up in a smile.

  I braced myself on the floor and firmly shoved the nimrod away from me, causing him to stumble backward slightly.

  “First off, you drive me absolutely insane. Everything that comes out of your mouth is complete bullshit, and if I had the chance again, I would use the pointy end of these shoes and ram them right up your ass.” I glared at Brantley. He really was delusional if he thought anything would ever happen again between us. “And you,” I whirled around to face Reid, “I don’t need Prince Charming to ride up on his damn horse and save me. I don’t need saving, Reid; I can handle this situation perfectly fine.”

  “Molly, you are so sexy when you’re mad.” Brantley laughed, licking his lips.

  “Walk away, Brantley; last time I’m going to warn you,” Reid once again piped up, taking a step closer to me.

  “Not now, Reid,” I uttered, placing both of my hands against his chest. Even my touch couldn’t break the tension between the two over grown man children. Once again, I was the reason both of these egotistical rock stars were fighting with each other.

  “Don’t worry, Molly; it’s not you he is pissed about,” Brantley snickered.

  “I really have had enough of you, Brantley. The sex was great, but having you open that damn mouth of yours over and over is a real turn off. So just wander off, find some chick to bang in the hallway, and call your wife later. We are done here,” I snapped, keeping one hand firmly planted on Reid’s chest.

  “You seemed to like it when I did you up against the hallway.”

  It couldn’t have been a fraction of a second. But, before I could open my mouth and say another word, Reid’s arm shot around me and connected with Brantley’s face. A sickening crack was heard as the pile of shit crumpled to the floor. My eyes grew wide as the horror played out right in front of me. The leader singer of the biggest rock band just nailed another tour member because he couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut.

  “Close your mouth, Molly Anne; we have got to go,” Reid said firmly, using his other hand to grab my chin to make sure I was paying attention.

  I couldn’t even speak at that moment, knowing damn well this wasn’t going to go over well in the morning. Once again, Reid’s hands were tightly wrapped around my wrist as he pulled me to another back door.

  “Reid, slow down, my heels,” I whined, stumbling over my own two feet trying to keep up with his large strides. Suddenly, I was hanging upside down over Reid’s back, staring directly at his ass.

  “I don’t have any panties on,” I quickly gushed, failing my hands wildly about.

  A groan came deep within Reid, as his hand swiftly went up to cover my girly-bits.

  Well now, wasn’t that an awkward situation.

  Chapter 24: When the bottom falls out, be prepared for massive amounts of shit.

  “That cock-sucker is unbelievable,” Reid roared once he set me down in the darkened hallway.

  “I’ve got to go back out there,” I mumbled, pulling my too short dress down over my exposed ass.

  “The fuck you do, Molly Anne. That guy is an absolute dick wad. He had no business talking to you that way.”

  “I have a job, Reid! I’m not here because I want to be damn it. Fuck, well I might have a job tomorrow; depends on how much damage control I can manage tonight.”

  Reid’s expression went from sheer anger to a blank stare, in an instant flat. Just what I expected. Swoop in to play Prince Charming, then space out when I actually needed him.

  “Whatever, Reid, I don’t have time for this,” I grumbled, pinching the bridge of my nose to hopefully bring some clarity to my jumbled mind. Taking one last glance at Reid, I shook my head and pushed open the door, leaving him standing in the darkness alone.

  It seemed like the altercation between the boys didn’t dull the party atmosphere, since the music was still blasting and girls were still dancing. At least I wouldn’t be blamed for the total failure of tonight.

  I spotted the rest of BL quickly, but Brantley was eluding my sight. I needed to find him to make sure he was okay, considering he took a pretty good right hook to the face. Every part of me screamed who the fuck cared if that man was hurt, but then, the logical side that knew this was still my job shouted ‘this is work.’ Getting involved with this man was ranking pretty high up on my stupidity list; almost taking a spot right under saying yes to a proposal.

  “There you are!” shrieked Megan, looking completely frazzled and distraught. “Brantley was completely messed up, so I had one of the body guards take him back to the hotel.”

  “Back to the hotel?”

  “Was that not the right call? I couldn’t find you, and he was so intoxicated that I figured it was easier to get him out of here before he made a scene,” Megan gushed worriedly.

  “No, that’s fine. Do you know where Tiny is?”

  “I think he was headed out the side door a moment ago.”

  “I have to make sure Brantley is okay. Can you make sure the guys get rounded up in an hour or so?” I asked, glancing down at my phone. It was already a little after two, and lord knew nothing good was going to come of the night now.

  “Of course.” Megan nodded, offering a slight smile.

  I hurried to the back door to find Tiny. Sure, I should probably stay a
nd oversee the party, considering Stephanie wasn’t here, but just sending Brantley to the hotel alone made me feel like an uncaring super bitch.

  Tossing open the door, I caught a glimpse of Tiny and Reid heading out the back door.

  “Wait,” I yelled, losing all sort of coordination in those damn heels and falling not so gracefully to the floor.

  I hit with a loud thud, moaning as my cheek smacked the hard concrete. And this was the reason I stuck to shoes with no heel whatsoever. Scrambling to my feet quickly from the fear of what was on the floor of this establishment; I ripped my heels off my feet and ran to the back door.

  “Tiny, wait,” I yelled again, watching him disappear into the back of the town car. The door shut swiftly, as I tried to clamber down the stairs to the alleyway.

  The car started to pull away from the curb, as I waved my arms frantically over my head. “Stop,” I screamed while running after the car. The taillights lit up red, and the car came to a halt.

  “Thank god,” I sighed, resting my hands on my knees. Apparently I’m extremely out of shape to add to my awkwardness. Fantastic.

  “Molly?” Tiny’s voice carried through the night, as he got out of the car.

  “Yes,” I whimpered, yanking down my stupid dress that once again was flashing my vagina to the world.

  “Are you okay? What happened to your face?” Tiny rambled, quickly running back to me.

  My face? Reaching my hand up, I felt the swelling and silently cursed. This was going to look beautiful in the morning light.

  “I fell. Are you guys heading back to the hotel?”

  “Do you need someone to look at it?” Tiny questioned, wincing as he brought a hand up to the side of my face.

  “No, I just need to get back to the hotel.” I brushed his hand away, and wiped the hair away from the rest of my face.

  “Okay,” he replied uneasy, glancing down at my bare feet. “Jesus, Molly, where are your shoes?”

  The tears were once again welling up in my eyes, but I refused to let them be seen. Clenching my teeth, I forced a small smile and shrugged my shoulders, refusing to let my bottom lip start trembling.


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