Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy)

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Hot Southern Mess (Hide Your Crazy) Page 24

by Hardenbrook, T. A.

  “What are you thinking about over there, Molly?” Jefferson questioned as we drove back to my mother’s place.

  “That I need a drink, or maybe ten……………………” I joked lightly. Actually, I wasn’t kidding. I really just wanted to go back to my mother’s and get smashed, letting the alcohol do its job at making me forget the day’s events.

  “Want to head back to my place?”

  “Does it have booze?” I questioned, raising my eyebrows at him.

  “Lots,” Jefferson laughed, keeping his eyes trained forward on the road.

  “Well then, take me back to your place.” Jefferson’s place had booze, and I know my mother didn’t keep anything good at her place, anyway. Who wants to get drunk on wine, when I could have a glass of vodka? I wanted to forget today, fuck, I wanted to forget the last couple of years. My night was going to end perfectly with a tumbler in my hand; now if it was only Reid that was with me, and then my evening would be complete.

  “You want another?” Jefferson asked, as I sat sprawled out on his couch, not looking very lady like.

  “Sure; why the hell not?” I laughed. I had already passed my ‘fuck it’ number two glasses back, what’s one more to add to the list.

  Jefferson filled my glass again, and then sat himself down next to me on the sofa.

  “So where did you run off to, Miss Molly?”

  “Well, I went to Seattle, but have been traveling with the band Black Laden for the last two months while they are on tour.”

  “Please don’t tell me you’re a cage dancer.” Jefferson smirked, bringing his whiskey up to his lips once again.

  “Seriously, Jefferson, do I look like I’m equipped to be that kind of dancer? Fuck no, I’m an assistant manager for their management company,” I slurred, tipping my head back for another drink of the Magnum Grey Goose Jefferson poured me.

  “Good, because you really suck at dancing.”

  “Fuck you, Jefferson,” I garbled, tossing my hand out to smack his chest.

  Jefferson caught my hand in his and pulled me over his body on the sofa. There we lay, face to face, not saying anything.

  This man completely shattered my heart, so why in the hell was I doing this now?

  “I’m sorry, Molly,” he whispered softly, running his free hand through my blonde straight hair.

  “I can’t say I forgive you, but I won’t tell you no either.”

  What in the hell was I thinking? A one night romp with my ex-fiancé wasn’t going to end well.

  Jefferson sat himself up on the couch, pushing my legs apart to straddle his hips. His lips instantly crashed into mine as both of our glasses collided with the floor. I opened my mouth slightly to allow his tongue to enter mine, tasting the whiskey on his lips as we continued to further explore one another.

  His hands shot up the back of my jacket and under the small white camisole I had been wearing. I let out a small groan as his fingers pressed into my skin, pulling my body deeper into him. I grabbed for the knot on his tie and jerked it loose, desperate to touch his skin underneath this suit. It was like we were both lust drunk teenagers, anxious to get one another naked.

  Jefferson started popping the buttons on my jacket as I wiggled my shoulders to slide out of its confinement, still pressing our lips harshly together.

  Pulling myself back from his mouth, I grabbed the hem of my camisole and yanked it above my head, tossing it behind me quickly.

  “Damn Molly,” Jefferson moaned before he grabbed my face and pulled me back into him.

  My hands flew to the buttons on his shirt, eagerly working each hole as the heat continued to pool between my legs. This wasn’t about having romantic sex; I just needed to feel something between my legs that wasn’t reliant on batteries. I needed quick, meaningless sex, and this man could give it to me.

  Jefferson shrugged his shirt off his shoulders then slipped his thumbs on under the straps of my black bra, sliding them down on my arms. His hands cupped my breasts, gently squeezing them through the lace cups as I groaned in pleasure.

  Suddenly, he had me flipped over on the couch, placing me up against the back while he kneeled down in front of me. His mouth dropped to the top of my breasts, firmly sucking while his hands continued to rub what his mouth wasn’t touching.

  Pulling my bra down, he quickly grabbed at my nipple rings, letting a low growl escape from his lips.

  “Shit, I’ve missed these.”

  Pulling my tits out of his mouth, I placed my hands on his bare chest. “This is only sex, Jefferson, nothing more behind it,” I warned.

  “Yeah no problem.” He looked at me and smirked, leaning back into to kiss me.

  “I’m serious. There will be nothing coming of this in the morning.”

  “I got it,” he mumbled, pressing his lips to the side of my neck.

  “Well since we got that straightened out, how about you stop with this foreplay shit, drop your pants, and fuck me?”

  Chapter 30: It’s nothing personal, I just don’t really like you.

  The morning came way too quickly, and with that also brought the damn fog horn that continued to go off in my head. Why I thought drinking that much was a good idea, I’ll never know. However, I could tell you that drinking yourself into oblivion wasn’t going to make whatever one was trying to forget about go away.

  Nope, now I just had a fantastic hangover and still all the problems of yesterday trailing into today. Fucking perfect.

  I peeled Jefferson’s arm from around my waist and got up to look for my clothes. I needed out of here and about a gallon of coffee; in that exact order, too. Once I found all the parts to my ‘improved’ appearance, I snuck out the door and waited on the curb for the taxi I called. Somehow, in the middle of our drunken sexcapade, we ended up falling asleep in his bed. I clearly remember telling him it was just sex, but for some reason I don’t think he thought I was being serious. Thus, making my exit this morning undetected even more crucial than normal.

  The stupid sunshine was making me nauseous since my aviators were not dark enough to be outside just yet. Wiping my lips with the back of my hand, I tried to stay vertical while waiting for that stupid taxi. Some things in life took too long, and this was one of those things. Balls.

  I thought I was being quiet when I snuck back into the house a little after seven. The only people that should have been up were the two maids, and they had seen me stumble myself into that house on plenty of occasions before.

  “Are you really that much of a tramp to come sneaking back in here at this hour? Did you even know the guy’s name who you fornicated with last night, Molly Anne? Oh, please tell me it was a guy and you are not doing that whole lesbian thing now,” my mother snapped while sitting at the table with a cup of coffee.

  My mouth dropped open at the hateful words that spewed from her mouth. I grew up with her nasty comments, but what just came out of her mouth was an all-new level of low for even her.

  “Excuse me?” I questioned, taking another step into the kitchen.

  “I don’t know where I went wrong with you. We gave you everything and this is how you repay us? It should have been you that got sick and not your father,” Mother snapped, slamming her coffee cup down on the table.

  “Wow, I’m sorry that you feel that way, Mother. But, I have been nothing but accommodating and loving to your hypocritical, judgmental, superficial, bitch of a mom. I tried so hard to please you growing up, but it was never enough. Fuck, Mother, all I wanted was for you to love me like you did Rebecca. But now I see that you can’t and never will. You are so far wrapped up in your own bullshit to even realize that the way you treat people is absurd! Did you even care to ask what happened to me, Mom? Why I came home with the entire right side of my face messed up? Did you even fucking care?” My heart about pounded out of my chest as I screamed at her. Never once in my entire life had I ever raised my voice to that woman; but the shit she had just said basically opened the flood gates of hell. “I won’t stand
here and let you speak to me like I’m some sort of slut. Yes, Mother, I went out and got drilled last night. There was no emotion involved, just a rock hard dick being plowed into my pussy over and over again,” I sneered, gritting my teeth to stop the verbal lashing I was tossing out.

  “Get out of my house,” she threatened, still sitting at the table and glaring at me.

  “With pleasure,” I screamed, storming off to my room to collect my bags. This woman was absolutely fucking crazy if she thought I would ever just sit there and listen to the bullshit that came out of her mouth. No one deserved to be treated like that, especially from their own mother.

  I scurried down the hallway and tossed open my old bedroom door. Hastily, I started stuffing everything that I had brought into my bags, not taking the time to fold and repack the shit nicely. I was done with this bullshit. I had come home to attend my father’s funeral, and I get bombarded by my psycho path mother. I loved my dad, but no one should have to put up with that kind of shit from their mother, ever.

  Zipping my bags closed, I tossed them over my shoulder and stormed back down the hallway. I slammed the front door as loud as humanly possible and took off down the long driveway, not caring that I looked like absolute shit. Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I pressed the power button and waited for the stupid thing to fire up.

  “Siri, call me a cab,” I demanded while trekking down the long driveway. There was no way in hell that I was staying in Georgia. There was nothing left for me here anymore but a bitch for a mother and a sister who wears her ass as a hat. I didn’t need that in my life, and refused to subject myself to such criticism. I was in the process of rebuilding who I wanted to be, and for once in my life, I finally realized exactly who I wanted in it.

  I got the first flight the airlines had available to Pittsburgh. I had originally planned on meeting them in NYC tomorrow, but would gladly eat that airfare to get the hell out of Georgia. So there I sat, waiting in the terminal, for the next five hours till the plane departed. I looked like absolute death warmed over. My hair looked like a dried out rats nest, my face was starting to turn green, the black pants suit I was wearing looked disheveled and crumpled, and I’m betting I probably smelled like booze and sex. No one sat next to me in the waiting area, and the looks I received while people were walking by basically confirmed what I thought of my appearance. Why does it take such tragedy for one to realize where they truly belong? Without my dad passing, I would have always held out the hope that my family really did still love me.

  As much as this situation hurt, I really needed to look at it like a blessing. Sure, my mother was the creature from the black lagoon, and I had no clue who my sister really was anymore; but it did open my eyes to the life I loved living. I was meant to be working at NP. I loved playing music, and being surrounded by it only furthered my drive to excel in that industry. The fall out also made me realize who my true friends were. Sure, the guys were sex driven pigs, but I knew they would do just about anything to help me.

  And all of this bullshit and chaos brought me right back to Reid. Sure, he drove me absolutely batty, and I would never understand his mood swings, but that was really okay. There was enough sexual tension to light up the White House during Christmas time, but it was the friendship that meant the most to me. Reid was there when I combusted, offering a hand to help me through the mess that scattered around me. No one in my entire life had ever stood by me the way Reid did.

  So as I sat there, watching the planes taxi on the run way, I made a promise to myself. I was going to live for friendship. It was going to take some work to make myself the best person I wanted to become, but in order to do that I had to accept myself and accept the friendship of others. No longer did I doubt my future. Everything was undeniably crystal clear for once.

  I turned on my phone once we touched down in Pittsburgh, and quickly placed a call to Stephanie.

  “Hey, I arrived a day early, are you all at the Energy Center?”

  “How are you doing? Things are fine if you need more time.”

  “I just need to get back to work, but thanks Stephanie,” I replied while waiting for the masses to exit the plane.

  “And that’s why I like you, Molly. I am already at the venue, but the buses should be arriving in the next half hour. Need me to send someone to get you?”

  “I can grab a cab; see you soon.”

  “Perfect,” Stephanie stated, ending the phone call quickly.

  As we filed off the plane like herds of cattle, I couldn’t wait to get back to the chaos. I wanted the momentous task of making sure the riders were correct and kicking women out of the dressing rooms. I was desperate for Brody’s snide sexual comments, always bringing a smile to my face no matter how disgusting he was being. I wanted that familiarity back; I wanted to get on the road again.

  I pulled into the parking lot of the Energy Center just as the crew bus was starting to unload.

  “Molly, I’ve missed you,” Danielle shrieked as she ran over to me with open arms.

  “I have only been gone for like two days.” I laughed, wrapping my arms around her waist and returning the favor.

  “That might be true, but I get so lonely out on the road without you.” Danielle smiled, pulling back from our embrace. “Don’t take this the wrong way, because I mean it with absolute love, but what in the hell happened to you?”

  “Are you talking about my hair, or clothing?”

  “Well, first your clothes, since that’s kind of my thing,” Danielle teased, grabbing the lapel on my suit jacket.

  “Can you fix me?” I pleaded, batting my eyelashes.

  “I can fix the clothes no problem, but you might have to go see the stylists for your hair,” she joked, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the crew bus.

  Danielle tossed some clothes at me once on the bus, and then shoved me in the bathroom to quickly change. The off the shoulder black cotton top and red skinny jeans were a welcomed change next to this pant suit. Staring in the mirror, I splashed some water over my face. My bruises were slowly starting to heal as I noticed some green edges starting to circle around the purple and blue splotches.

  “Hey the boys just showed up,” Danielle shouted.

  “Well then, guess I better get to working.” I laughed, sliding the door open.

  “Sweet baby Jesus, Molly, this blonde hair might be growing on me.”

  I just shook my head at Danielle and ruffled the back of my hair. I didn’t have time to shower, so a quick change of clothes and a couple layers of deodorant were going to have to work. My hair had flattened considerably since yesterday’s ‘jack it to Jesus’ look, making me feel way more comfortable with the change.

  I thanked Danielle for the clothes, and then headed over to BL’s tour bus.

  “Hey guys,” I said with a smile while Tysen and Ryder exited.

  “Holy shit, Molly, when did you get hot?” Brody yelled from the steps.

  “I wasn’t hot before? It’s the blonde hair, huh? With my bruises, totally makes my eyes stand out right?”

  “I have always welcomed you in my bed since day one.”

  “Yes that is true, but even with your manly super powers, I’m going to keep declining that offer.” I laughed, nervously fidgeting with my hands while waiting for Reid.

  I heard laughter coming from the bus, and turned to see what the commotion was. Reid stepped off the bus with his arm linked once again with that blonde hussy from the other night.

  And cue the man whore theme music. Fuck, by now I should know this damn song by heart.

  “Molly Anne?” Reid asked surprised, while pulling out of the blondes clutches.

  “Yep,” was all I could muster. What I really wanted to do was rip those cheap ugly blonde extensions from that girl’s head. Sadly, that wasn’t working on improving me.

  “Why didn’t you text me?”

  “I hadn’t planned on coming back early, just kind of happened.” I shrugged, trying to play the awkwardness of the situa
tion off. “Well, I probably should find Stephanie and get back to work.”

  “Molly Anne, wait,” Reid called off as I headed for the arena door.

  “Molly, will you marry me?” Brody shouted as I sprinted by him.

  “Fuck you, Brody,” I yelled back.

  Friendship, I had to remember it was only going to be friendship. If I wanted to keep this man in my life, I had to accept all of his flaws, including the man whore ones.

  People kept stopping me as I wandered the halls looking for Stephanie. They all wanted to tell me how great I looked. I didn’t know if it was from sympathy that my father died, or that I had blonde hair now. Either way, I graciously thanked them and carried out on my mission. Apparently, all you needed was blonde hair in this industry for people to recognize you, that and maybe a big set of knockers.

  “Hey Stephanie,” I called out once I saw the back of her completely polished self.

  Stephanie turned around and gave me a startled look. “Wow, that’s different,” she commented as I got closer.

  “Yeah, my mother got hold of me.” I forced a laugh. “So what do you need done?”

  “Actually, I needed to talk to you about something; let’s head into wardrobe.”

  My mind stared to race. How did I ever think I would really get to keep my job when the last two weeks I’ve been totally M.I.A? I can’t believe I had been that ignorant to think that this was going to work.

  “Okay,” I managed to croak out, sucking my bottom lip between my teeth.

  Stephanie nodded her head and led the way to wardrobe. Of course she wanted a quiet place to fire me; this way, no one would find out till later. This was going to look horrible on my resume, getting tanked while on a tour because I couldn’t hold my shit together.


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