Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2) Page 10

by Elizabeth St. John

  “Thanks so much, Chuck. It was wonderful to meet you, and thank you for the drink.”

  He looked at the bartender and slapped the bar to get his attention, “Whatever the lady wants,” he instructed.

  “You got it, boss man,” the bartender nodded. Chuck winked at ally before walking away.

  The crowd went crazy when the curtain lifted and the band began playing. The lead singer wooed all the ladies. Ally’s eyes were prominently focused on Bowen. There was a mic stand in front of him. Every now and then, the chorus would change and he would sing a few words into the microphone. He was completely in his element and glowing as he played. Ally tried to scan the club for anyone who looked official but there were too many people to choose from. Anyone of them could be the producer Bowen spoke of.

  Her mind was quickly filled with thoughts of not having Bowen in her life anymore, causing her heart to ache. He had what it took to make it big. If the producer picked him up, there was no telling where it would leave them. Ally tried her hardest to resist him but there was no going back. He was the one for her and she’d hoped they would have a future together. Ally had watched enough music artists biographies on TV to know fame could change a person. Sometimes for the worst. Even if they were to remain together, he would eventually become consumed and Ally would be forgotten.

  Drinks flowed and people danced to the music. Some held up lighters to show their support for the band. “Are you having a good time tonight?” Brent called over the sound system. The crowd cheered. This had to be it. Ally jumped down from her stool and rushed into the thick crowd of people in order to get closer to the stage. The women made it extremely hard but she elbowed her way through. Ally wasn’t going to miss an upfront seat to Bowen’s debut solo. “Bowen has a special song prepared for you tonight,” he announced while looking at Bowen with a malicious glare. Bowen stood from his stool at the side of the stage and moved it to center stage. “Don’t worry, ladies. Nobody could replace your man, Brent ‘Pretty Boy’ Loveless.” Every woman screamed and cheered.

  “Seriously?” Ally questioned loudly. “What an asshole.” She wanted Bowen to deck him, but as usual, he kept his cool, but his gaze was evident he wasn’t happy with his pal.

  He placed the mic into the stand and lowered it so it was level with Bowen’s face as he sat on his stool. Bowen adjusted in his seat and checked the strap of his guitar. He grabbed the mic and pulled it closer to his lips. “How’s everyone doing tonight?” His voice was a deep allure, tickling Ally’s insides to life. The drunken crowd cheered and whistled before slowly growing silent. “I wrote this song several years back when I had a dream.”

  Ally’s heart fluttered. When Bowen strummed the first cords, everything around Ally floated away. All she heard were his music and pure voice. It was like nothing she’d ever heard. It was pained but powerful and sent shivers up her spine. The lyrics were like a dream and meeting the love of his life. His protector and his lover. Tears pinched Ally’s eyes. Bowen’s singing voice was the most beautiful thing she’d ever heard. Completely engrossed, the voice calling her name didn’t register.

  “Ally?” Someone grabbed her shoulder and pulled her out of the trance. It was Deborah. She was grinning ear to ear. “Hey, girl.”

  “Oh, hey,” Ally replied, slightly annoyed that she was missing Bowen’s song. Then she realized who was standing in front of her. “Shit! Deborah.” She scanned the crowd for her cousins. “What are you doing here?”

  “I never miss a night when Brent preforms,” she confessed. “Wow! Bowen is pretty great, right?”

  Ally looked back at him and practically gushed, “He’s the best.”

  “You should come over and get a drink with us.”

  Her chest tightened, “Us?”

  Deborah giggled, “Yeah, T and Mike. He has a new girl with him. She’s such a skank,” she rolled her eyes.

  “Shit,” Ally hissed and tried to duck and blend in with the crowd of people.

  Her friend laughed, “What are you doing?”

  “Umm. Hey, do me a favor. Don’t tell them you saw me.” Ally slunk toward the backstage stairs, leaving Deborah behind. It took some effort but she finally made it out of sight. Peaking around the door frame, she scanned the bar. Of course, they were there. Theron was drinking a beer and Mike had his hands all over a tall and thin redhead. Ally watched as Deborah finally joined them and wrapped herself around Theron. “Don’t say a word.”

  “Nice ass,” a man said deeply from behind Ally.

  She spun around and saw a guy with tan skin and short dark-brown hair standing there. “Excuse me?”

  He grinned, “You must be Bowen’s plaything. You have a perfect ass.”

  “Yeah, fat chance, buddy,” she concluded and peaked out the door again.

  “Ever have your pussy eaten by a rock star?” he whispered in her ear. Ally spun around in shock. “Damn, woman.” The man licked his lips and scanned her body, making her feel like a piece of meat. “Come on back to my dressing room so I can have a taste test.”

  “Fuck you, asshole!” She shoved him in his chest but he grabbed her arm. His grip was tight even through her jacket. She glared at him and could feel the heat inside her rising. She resisted shifting and putting him on his ass.

  A sly grin pulled at the corner of his mouth, “Be careful, slut. I may have to blister that pretty ass of yours.”

  Ally wrenched her arm out of his grip and shoved him away with all of her strength. He stumbled but remained on his feet. “Keep your hands off me.”

  He rushed her, pinning her against the wall and began to reach his hand between her thighs. “Come on, baby. Just a little taste.”

  Ally locked her legs together and took his wrist in her right hand. With a slight twist of her wrist, she was able to cause him to bellow in pain. “I said, keep your hands off.” Her body shook with anger and heat boiled to the surface. She could feel her eyes shifting slightly.

  “You, little bitch.” Brent grabbed her by the hair and began to drag her toward a door. Ally used all her strength to resist him. The last thing she wanted to do was shift and out her entire family. Of course, if he succeeded in getting her alone, she would make him pay. “I’m going to teach you a lesson in manners, cunt.”

  “Get your hands off her,” Bowen barked from behind them. He rushed up and shoved Brent away. Ally stood behind him and glared at the dirtbag lead singer. “What the fuck, Brent?”

  “What’s your problem, man? She’s just a groupie, slut.”

  Chapter 16

  “Bowen, stop! Stop!” Ally’s voice captured his attention and everything suddenly stopped. Her touch finally registered in Bowen’s mind. She was holding his face in her hands and her blue eyes were glistening. “Stop,” she said in a soft controlled voice.

  Bowen looked down and saw Brent in a pulverized bloody mess below him. He was still breathing but his nose was clearly broken and his eyes were already swelling shut. Bowen got to his feet. “Not so pretty now, are you?” he growled and spat on him. He wanted to kick him while he was down but Ally pulled him away. Security came rushing in but they were too late. They were off-duty police officers who worked the shows. Bowen’s bandmates were already picking Brent’s soggy ass up off the floor.

  “What’s going on in here?” One of the officers questioned.

  “You don’t ever touch her again! You got it, you piece of shit?” Bowen warned in Brent’s direction.

  “Sir, please,” the security officer stated while his partner escorted the rest of the band away. “Ma’am. Did that man assault you? Would you like to press charges?”

  “No. He’s just an idiot. I’m fine,” Ally replied a little flustered.

  Brent couldn’t stand on his own. The other two guys carried him to the dressing room. “Fuck, did you see how fast he jumped on him?” Chris questioned in awe.

  “He’s been asking for this for a long time. He deserved it,” Kyle stated in a grumble. The other security officer opened
the dressing room door for them so they could take Brent inside.

  “Are you alright?” Ally questioned and took Bowen’s hands into hers. They were covered in Brent’s blood and slightly tender. His knuckles were split open and his right hand was clearly swollen. “Shit, Bowen.”

  “I’m alright.” He tried to shake it off as nothing. He glared at the dressing room door, waiting for Brent to come through it. What he had said and done was completely unforgivable. Bowen couldn’t stop hitting him. He had dealt with his antics for too long. He was a pitiful excuse for a person and didn’t deserve to live after what he had done. Offending Ally was enough for him to act. “His looks wouldn’t get him far now. Better take some singing lessons now, bitch!” he taunted loudly toward the door.

  “Bowen, your hands,” Ally cooed softly while lovingly touching them. “I think you might have broken something. You should see a doctor.”

  “I’ll be alright!” He growled and snatched his hands away while glaring down at her. Suddenly, he realized his error when he saw the tears burning her gorgeous eyes.

  Her expression shifted from concern to utter anger and pain. “You don’t want her help. Fine!” she concluded and ran slowly toward the stage door.

  Bowen sighed, “Damnit. Ally, wait!” The security guard stopped him from going after her. He wanted to get his statement on the events. “Look, dude. That asshole had his hands all over my girl. He grabbed her and I took care of it.”

  He had a small notepad and pen in his beefy hands, “By beating the crap out of him?”

  “Yes. What would you do?”

  “I would call the cops.”

  “Really? You would call the cops if some guy was trying rape your woman?” Bowen gave him a side accusing glare. “Bullshit.”

  “Though you felt justified in your actions, I’m gonna have to take you in.” Before Bowen could react, the rent-a-cop grabbed his left hand and placed it behind his back, and then the other so they could be cuffed.

  “Are you kidding me?” Bowen protested in anger.

  “You have the right to remain silent.”

  Bowen rolled his eyes but allowed him to finish reading his Miranda Rights. “This has to be a joke. Brent Loveless is the bad guy here.”

  “I believe you, sir. The problem is. The lady didn’t want to press any charges and you admitted to the assault,” he explained while leading Bowen out of the back door and to his waiting cruiser. “Now, do you understand the rights I have given you?” he asked while searching Bowen for weapons.

  “You didn’t give me my right, you dick.”

  “Are you going to give me a reason to charge you…”

  Bowen cut him off, “With what? Saying bad words? Oh, no. Not that.” He stated sarcastically. The rent-a-cop glared at him and tightened the cuffs before putting Bowen in the back seat of his cruiser.

  “Look at that. The criminal is finally getting his due justice,” a man stated from a few feet away.

  Bowen looked back and Ally’s cousins were standing nearby. They had two women with them. “This is such a crock of shit, man. I didn’t do anything wrong,” he cursed as the cop closed the door. Bowen waited fifteen minutes while they called an ambulance for the dickhead inside. Ally’s cousins lingered to watch the shit-show. Bowen tried to avoid eye contact with them as they watched him accusingly. When the back door of the club opened again, it wasn’t the cops to cart him away. It was Ally. She ran toward the cruiser but the officer stopped her from opening the door. Her white coat was stained with Brent’s blood. Bowen’s window was up but he knew Ally could hear his pleading. “Ally. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “I know you didn’t mean it,” she proclaimed as she practically pawed at the glass.

  Her cousins approach her from behind. “Come on, Ally.” Theron instructed.

  She spun around to face them both, “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “He’s a criminal, Ally,” Mike stated with a pinched expression while glaring at Bowen.

  “I tried to warn you,” Theron rebutted. “His kind aren’t to be trusted.”

  “Bowen didn’t do anything wrong. He was defending me,” she protested.

  Theron glared at Bowen, “How?”

  “The guy he beat the crap out of was assaulting me. He took him down before he could get me behind closed doors.”

  “Really?” Theron questioned with a tight brow and crossed his large arms over his chest.

  “Yes. The lead singer is the one you have to worry about, not Bowen.” The police officer came up next and Ally turned her attention to him. “You have to let him go. He was only defending me,” she explained.

  “Ma’am, I can’t do that. He admitted to the assault. I have to take him in.” He pulled out his notepad and pen. “I would like your statement of the events.”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” Theron questioned, taking Bowen by complete surprise.

  “Sir, I suggest you back away. This doesn’t concern you or your friends.”

  Mike chuckled, “See, that’s where you’re wrong.”

  The cop looked at him smugly, “Really? And how is that?”

  “Look at that, Mike. His badge says Devils Bend,” Theron stated with a smug smile. Ally spun around and smiled at Bowen.

  Mike nodded, “Oh, yeah.” He eyed the badge for a second. “Deputy Marks, you see her baby cousin, here. Well, her dad is the sheriff, and your boss, if I remember correctly. He would be very disappointed that you wasted taxpayer money on bringing in a man who was only defending himself.”

  “I saw the other guy swing first,” Theron lied.

  “Me too,” Mike stated with a smirk. These guys hated Bowen only hours ago. Now, they were defending him by lying to the law. The power and strength of their loyalty to Ally was impressive. If Bowen got out of this, he would be in their debt.

  Deputy Marks’ expression grew to near shock. “You are Jay Johnston’s daughter?”

  Ally crossed her arms over her chest, “I am. I can call him if you like.” And pulled her phone out of her jacket pocket, pretending to dial. She had never used her father’s position for pull in her life but was willing to do anything to get Bowen out of cuffs.

  His eyes pinched as he looked at Bowen through the window. He clicked his pen and put it back into his shirt pocket along with his notepad. Ally had to step back so he could open the door. He lifted Bowen out and spun him around to unhook the handcuffs. “You’re lucky she is who she is.”

  Finally, free, Bowen rubbed his now raw wrists and smiled. “I know.” He pulled Ally against me. He kissed her hair and savored her sweet scent.

  “Now, Mr. Loveless may choose to press charges against you. You need to be prepared for that, Mr. Cage,” Deputy Marks explained while putting his cuffs in his belt and closing the cruiser door.

  “He can try,” Theron sternly stated as he scowled at the officer. There was no way he was going to allow some rent-a-cop throw his weight around. Not without a fight. Jay ran Devils Bend, along with dozens of other hellhounds on the force.

  Deputy marks glared at him for only a moment before pulling his pad and pen out again, “Now, let me get the rest of that statement, Miss Johnston.”

  Bowen had already been insulted by both of Ally’s family members, and have been hit by one of them. They both glared at him but kept quiet as they walked away. They had defended him, which called for an utmost thanks. Their cousin was the means to aid but it didn’t matter. Bowen was certainly grateful. He approached them on the other side of the parking lot as they assisted their women into a large white truck.

  “Hey, man,” he announced and Theron turned around to face him after closing the truck door.

  “What is it, Skinwalker?”

  Bowen’s brow pinched in confusion but he couldn’t expect them to accept him right away. Mike watched him closely for a moment before coming around the truck to where they were standing. Though he had to keep his guard up, Bowen tried to remain cool. “I j
ust wanted to say thanks for saving my ass back there.”

  “We didn’t do it for you,” Mike stated deeply. He loved Ally and would do anything for her.

  Bowen nodded, “I understand.”

  “No, I don’t think you do,” Theron stated. “We are willing to do anything for our cousin. Believe it or not, her safety is important to us,” Theron expressed in a serious tone. “When Ally is with you, we expect you to be just as protective.”

  Bowen knew the reason why they were so protective over her. “I don’t know what I’m gonna have to do to prove it to you, but Ally is important to me too. But you’re right. I never should have left her alone.”

  “Damn right, you shouldn’t have,” Mike injected angrily. Bowen’s first initially thought was that Theron was the aggressor but Mike was clearly the provocateur. “To tell you the truth, we should kick your ass for even bringing her here and putting her in that position.”

  “Mike, please stop,” Ally announced upon her approach. “There has been enough fighting for one night.” She stepped up next to Bowen and he put his arm around her shoulders. He braced himself for a punch from one of the guys but one never came.

  I looked at her. “You alright?”

  She nodded, “I’m fine. They are taking Brent to the hospital. They think his eye socket and jaw are broken.”

  “Good,” Bowen, Theron, and Mike snarled in unison. The face Brent stole from his brother years ago was now a pulverized mess. “He deserved it on so many levels.” Bowen concluded.

  “As much as we appreciate you defending our cousin, I think she should come with us,” Theron stated and lifted his arm to wave her over. “Come on, Ally.”

  “T, have you forgotten the speech my dad gave the both of you?” she questioned. “I’m going with Bowen.”


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