Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2) Page 12

by Elizabeth St. John

  She finally lifted her head and her eyes color shifted to an electric blue. “Bowen,” she panted. “I…” she moaned as he flexed his fingers inside her. Her head fell back. “Oh, God.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want to cum.” He took her clit into his mouth again and swirled his tongue around it softly before flicking it quickly. When he applied gentle sucks, she grew even tighter. “Bowen, I…” Ally couldn’t hold it back any longer and released a cry of pleasure as her core grew even tighter. Her body shook as her orgasm quaked through her. Bowen quickly took the chance to taste her release by snaking his tongue inside her pussy. While her slick walls pulsed around his tongue, he imagined what it would feel like around his stiff cock.

  Pure bliss. He thought to himself.

  “What did you say?” Ally panted.

  Bowen pulled his mouth away from her honeypot and smiled. “I didn’t say anything.” He crawled up the length of her body and held himself above her. The pain in his hand forgotten. Ally stroked his hair back away from his face and pulled his mouth down to hers. Their tongues danced in a passionate way while Bowen thrust against her tender middle. Ally’s hand slid between their bodies. I want you so much it hurts. He thought.

  “I want you too,” she whispered against his mouth and cupped his cock through his slacks. He didn’t have a chance to react to her words before she slid her hand down into his pants and gripped her raging cock. Bowen basked in her heated touch. “Take me, Bowen. Make me yours.”

  He kept eye contact as he sat up on his knees and slid her panties down her thighs. She didn’t hesitate to sit up and help him with the button and zipper of his pants. She sat up and slid his boxers down past his ass. She loved his tan skin and licked above his navel and lower. She stopped for a moment to take in his desire for her. She thought, I want you in my mouth.

  It was a shock to Bowen’s system. They were hearing each other’s thoughts. He stroked her cheek and jaw with her fingers. “Do what feels right, love.”

  Ally took his cock in her hand and Bowen gasped when her tongue slipped against the sensitive tip. His body shook with anticipation. He released a breath he’d been holding when she took his length into her mouth. “Yeah, that’s it. Just like that,” he expressed as she applied the slighted pressure when she sucked. She couldn’t get enough of his taste against her tongue. She wanted everything he had to offer. A slight graze of her teeth sent Bowen into an even more pleasurable state. He couldn’t resist gripping her hair as she took me even deeper. His body tensed as he grew close to exploding in her mouth. “Ally, you have to stop.”

  She pulled away. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No, but if you don’t stop now, I may finish before we have the chance to continue.”

  “Oh,” she snickered softly and released her torturous touch before laying back on the bed. She then parted her thighs, showing him her glistening middle. “So, continue.”

  Bowen leaned down and kissed her softly as she pulled him against her. As they kissed, Bowen’s cock slid against her wet heated folds. She parted her thighs, even more, giving him full access. Ally’s hands explored her nipples through her dress as Bowen worked himself against her, teasing her opening with every passing thrust.

  “I want you, Bowen.” She moaned and shifted her hips, trying to mimic his movements. Ally was gripping his shoulders and hair, “Please,” she begged.

  Bowen knew it could be painful for her and wanted to take his time, but he couldn’t resist her. He covered her mouth with his and thrust inside her. Ally broke out of the kiss and gasped deeply against the sudden stretch. Her body filled with an immaculate heat and there was a sudden magnetism between them. The pull to be near her was stronger than anything Bowen had ever felt. He resisted and didn’t move. Their breathing shook as they both adjusted to one another. “Are you ok?” he asked softly.

  Her hips shifted slightly and without replying, Ally pulled him in for another kiss. He pulled out slowly and thrust again. She released a moan which pushed him forward. Bowen braced himself above her with his left hand and pulled her dress down in front to expose her breasts. He teased her small nipples while working his length inside her. Ally wrapped her legs around his waist, pleading for him to continue. “Oh, Bowen,” she purred.

  He released her nipple and kissed her again. Her heels dug into his ass, pushing him faster and harder into her. There was no stopping it. The instant her core grew tight, he gasped and released inside her. “Ah, fuck,” he growled while grinding into her, giving her every last drop of himself. Finally, his body grew slack. He tried to hold himself off of her but she pulled him tightly against her as our bodies and breathing cooled. Securely inside her, she stroked Bowen’s hair and back. He listened to her heart as the beating slowed to a normal pace.

  “I love you, Ally Cat,” He confessed while holding her next to him moments later.

  “I love you too.” She had her arm draped over her stomach and her head was resting against his chest, “I’m not sure if I was just caught up in the moment, or what, but I think I heard your thoughts.”

  Bowen stroked her back with his fingertips, “I don’t know how it’s possible but I think I heard you too.”

  Chapter 18

  It had been a month since Bowen and Ally auditioned but they hadn’t heard anything from the producer. It was probably for the best, as Bowen needed time to heal. The following morning, Ally insisted Bowen go to the hospital. It was discovered he had two fractures in his hand. Though he hated it, he only had two more weeks in the cast they put him in. What frustrated him the most was he couldn’t play his guitar. They used the extra time to brush up on their vocals and Ally practiced her guitar. She wasn’t good at all but she tried. The house was filled with both of their glorious voices and musical tunes at random moments.

  Ally had finally grown excited that Elias wanted them both under his label. The only thing she wasn’t sure about was if she would be able to handle it. Her nerves were still on edge. Bowen was ecstatic. They spent nearly every night together. Ally’s parents weren’t fans of the idea, but they had no choice. Though she did appreciate them, she needed her independence. They gave it to her the moment Jay agreed to sell his old truck to her. The one-dollar price tag was his stipulation. Ally paid him and he signed the title over. It felt great for her to finally have a reliable vehicle.

  Bowen didn’t object to Ally being there with him. In fact, he preferred it. In a month’s time, she had grown to know more about him. Ally also couldn’t deny the connection they shared. Not only were they compatible in the bedroom, but they also clicked. They shared the same interests and enjoyed the same music and movies. It was as if their energies pulled together on a spiritual level. Ally found Bowen in the garage, trying to work on her old car. She had planned to sell it once he got it running. The cast on Bowen’s wrist did not make it an easy job for him, so he did a lot of the work with his left hand. Ally leaned against the car. “Hey?”

  “What’s up?” he groaned as he struggled to turn the wrench.

  “You know, Thanksgiving is tomorrow.”

  He carefully slid out from under the hood and looked at her. “I know.”

  “Well, I haven’t heard you say a word about doing anything with your family.”

  He grinned and shook his head, “We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving like normal Americans, Ally.”

  Her brow pinched, “Why not?”

  A chuckle escaped his lips, giving Ally a feeling of insecurity. “It is more of a day of remembrance for my people. Celebrating that we are still here and our culture survives.”

  “How so?”

  “My tribe will begin the day with a sunrise ceremony. Then spend the remainder of the day remembering our fallen and giving thanks for their sacrifice. We don’t do traditional football, yams, and turkey.”

  Ally’s feelings proved correct. She should have known his Native family wouldn’t celebrate such an awful time from the past. “Well
, now I feel like an idiot.”

  “Don’t. There was no way you could have known.”

  “I would have if I would have asked, or read a book.”

  “You know now. No big deal.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So, why do you ask, anyway?”

  “We are having a huge dinner at my aunt’s house and you’ve been invited. But I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  He smiled, “Your family invited me?”

  “Actually, my mother insisted.”

  “Since your mother insisted,” he chuckled. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? Your cousins may have a problem with me being there.”

  Her brow pulled together, “They have no choice in the matter.”

  “Alright. Would you like to come to the ceremony?”

  The thought of experiencing such a special occasion excited Ally. “Really?”

  “I think you may enjoy it. We have music and dancing. Extremely traditional.”

  “I would love that.”

  Bowen woke Ally by kissing her neck softly. She lifted her hand and placed it behind his head before turning over and meeting his lips with hers. Naked and waiting was how he preferred her in his bed, their bed. After pushing her body into blissful submission, Bowen pulled Ally into his chest. Then she realized it was still dark outside. “What time is it?”

  “Just after five.”

  He had explained they had to go to his mother’s home before sunrise to prepare for the ceremony. “When are we leaving?”

  “We should have left twenty minutes ago,” he snickered and pulled her even tighter against him.

  Ally lifted herself up on her elbow, “Bowen, we need to get going.” She slipped out of the bed and bee-lined it to the bathroom for a quick shower. She didn’t bother washing her hair. When she emerged, she found him sitting on the side of the bed putting on his boots. He looked up at her and she was still wrapped in her towel. He didn’t think he would ever tire of seeing her naked body. “We could skip it and enjoy the day on our own.”

  Ally knew how much traditions meant to his mother and grandfather. “No way! You have to be there.”

  He stood from the bed and approached. While cupping her face with his left hand, he used his other to pull her towel from her body, exposing her. He lowered his mouth to hers. As the kiss deepened, he brushed his fingers down the length of her body. Gooseflesh prickled against her warm skin and her nipples tightened. He stopped at her hip. Heat pooled within his reach but he did not continue exploring her. He pulled his mouth away, “I’ll be waiting in the truck.”

  He gave her naked ass a slap before leaving the room. It took Ally a second to shake away the desire before getting dressed. As promised, she found him in the truck. The weather was freezing. Snow had graced them with its presence only two days prior. The wind blew, harshly cutting through her body as she made her way to the passenger’s side and climbed in.

  The sky was beginning to awaken the moment they pulled up to his mother’s home. It was small but suited her needs. Bowen was sure to take care of any of her other wants. He was the perfect son. They entered the home and Ally was hit in the face was a welcoming heat and smell of food. It was not the traditional scent of Thanksgiving but delicious. The essence of bacon teased her nose. With her hand in his, Bowen led her toward the kitchen. Ally had visited his mother on several occasions. Bowen made a point to visit his family at least, once a week.

  They entered the kitchen and his mother had her back to them. “Hey, ma.”

  Awena dropped what she was doing and spun around with a bright smile. “Bowen,” she proclaimed and closed the gap between them. Bowen dropped Ally’s hand so he could embrace his loving mother. She reminded Ally of her own in many ways. Her hair was black and straight as a board, but her skin tone was a shade darker but it was her smile that captured Ally’s attention. It was brilliant, even with her crooked teeth. Awena was a lovely soul and Ally loved her instantly. She released Bowen and hugged Ally next.

  “It is so nice to see you, Ally.”

  “Good to see you too. I hope it is ok that I tag along. Bowen invited me.”


  “Our traditions are hers as well,” Bowen stated.

  “Right,” Ally nodded, thinking back on her actual heritage. Her mother’s family was Kaw but traditions had been forgotten. It would be nice to see them in action. After a hearty breakfast of eggs and bacon, they all loaded up into Bowen’s truck and headed north-east. It only took them twenty minutes to reach the area of the celebration. They took a rough dirt road to a secluded piece of land. It was fantastic. Seeing actual tepees posted, fires burning, and people in native dress was astonishing. When they all stepped out of the truck, Ally could feel she was on sacred land. In the distance, there were mountains.

  After helping his mother out of his truck, Bowen came up to Ally while she took in the beautiful landscape. “That’s Mt. Sunflower. Me and the guys used to play in the caves when we were kids.”

  “You mean, Brent and the others?”

  He nodded once stiffly. “Things weren’t always bad.”

  Ally took a deep breath. When she released it, her warm breath created a vaporous cloud in the cold air. She loved it out there. It was quiet and peaceful. “I think it’s beautiful. Maybe you could take me to see them sometime.”

  Bowen pondered her words for a second. “When it’s warmer.”

  She smiled and shivered, “Agreed.”

  Bowen had grown up on a reservation. From the stories he had told Ally, it was depressing and sad. According to Bowen, a lot of his people were poor. Ally grew up thinking a reservation was a place for the Native people could be happy and live their lives the way they wanted. In reality, it was a place where the government could forget about the indigenous people after what was taken from them. The first chance he got; Bowen got his family out of there. His grandfather was the only one who insisted he stay so he could educate the young ones, keeping the traditions alive among them.

  The celebration with his tribe and family was interesting and full of traditional dance, music, and even legendary tales of how the Kaw Nation came into being. When they left, Ally felt more connected with her forgotten heritage.

  Chapter 19

  White Christmas lights were wrapped around the pillars of the grand Colonial style home. They were subtle but beautiful. Bowen thought they were up a little early but they were still nice. He and Ally were out by Shadow Lake. The location wasn’t too far from the home Ally once shared with her cousins. She directed Bowen to pull around toward the side of the large home. Everyone had parked their vehicles there, and there were several. They got out and approached the front porch. Unexpectedly, they encountered two men smoking on the porch. Besides their hair color and eyes, their features were identical. Ally’s fingers flexed against Bowen’s assuredly. They stopped at the second step and the two men eyed Bowen closely. The man with the darker hair, his eyes were electric blue, which seemed to glisten slightly as he watched the couple.

  The other man smiled and stepped forward, “Allyssa, who is your friend?”

  She looked up at Bowen and smiled, “This is her boyfriend Bowen. These are my uncles Rayce and Chayce,” she stated while pointing to them individually.

  Rayce was the first to wave them up to join them. He put out his right hand in greeting. Bowen put out her cast covered hand but had to pull it back and shake with his left. Rayce took it firmly and nodded, “Good of you to join us, Bowen.”

  “Thanks for having me.”

  Chayce offered the same gesture but his grip was even more powerful than Rayce’s. It was like a vise. “Good to meet ya, man?” Also unlike Rayce, his skin was ice cold.

  “Same,” Bowen nodded and he released his hand and he nearly rubbed the clamminess against his pant leg. Touching Chayce was what Bowen imagined touching a dead body would feel like.

  “We better get inside to see mom before she sends out a hunting party,” Ally expressed with a smi
rk. Something caught Bowen’s peripheral vision. He spun around to see two massive hellhounds standing at the foot of the porch steps. One had deep-red fur and the other was stark black. Bowen held his ground while they watched him with glowing eyes. A deep rumble radiated from deep within their chests while they growled and watching menacingly. The black one had even exposed its ominous teeth. Bowen tried his hardest not to show fear but to tell the truth, he was about to piss his pants. Ally stepped down the steps toward them. “I should have known you two wouldn’t let this go. Not even for one night?”

  Rayce stepped up and glared at them both. They both dropped their eyes and lowered their heads as if they were submitting. “Bowen is Ally’s guest and you will respect that.” He tilted his head, “Don’t make me force you, boys.”

  “Don’t you two have a couple turkeys to fry?” Chayce asked from behind Bowen. The two hellhounds scoffed and shook their heads before finally backing down. The red one snarled before snapping at the air between them and walked away. It was clearly a warning directed toward Bowen. Rayce turned back around after the hellhounds disappeared around the large house and smiled. “If they give you any issues, I want you to come to me directly. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” Ally replied. “Come on inside.”

  “What was that all about?” Bowen questioned in a hushed tone the moment they stepped inside.

  Ally unzipped her heavy jacket and slipped it from her shoulders. “My uncle is Alpha. They have to listen to him.”

  Ally had tried to tell Bowen as much as possible but the subject never came up in conversation. Even she had a place in the pack. Which would also explain why her cousins were so protective over her. She was considered to have royal blood from her father’s side. Bowen pulled his jacket off and handed it to Ally. She hung them both by the door. “And what about the other guy? Shouldn’t he be in the hospital?”


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