Pride Unleashed (a Wolf's Pride novel, book 2)

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Pride Unleashed (a Wolf's Pride novel, book 2) Page 8

by Kalen, Cat

  I remain quiet, non confrontational as Lawrence removes my collar and I can see the way he’s looking at me, wondering what’s wrong with me. I know I should probably be sparring with him like I normally do, but I simply don’t have it in me today.

  Stepping away from the others and hoping to lose myself in the crowd, I look for Logan, unease zinging through my blood. When I finally spot him, dressed in a pair of worn jeans that hang low on his waist, my heart goes into my throat and relief just about has me sobbing. Except for the recent scars on his body he looks good, strong. Healed.

  I try not to stare. I don’t want to draw any attention to my rattled state. But when his eyes lock on mine and I see real worry lingering in their stormy depths, my stomach tumbles.

  Does he know what happened to his pack? That the master has Gem?

  I need to shift, so I can speak with him privately and find out what he knows. My hand goes to my new nightgown, but with all these wolves watching, I find it difficult to strip. As I consider that a moment longer I berate myself for my foolish behavior. The lives of many are hanging in the balance and it shames me that I’m worried about such a little thing like nudity.

  When Logan sees me removing my clothes, he quickly sheds his own, and once we’re both in primal form I saunter closer, not wanting my thoughts to be overhead by the others.

  But before I can speak to him, Mario steps up to us. The handler averts my gaze like he can’t bear to look at me as he leads Logan to the obstacle course. I swallow hard and browse the yard, wondering who they’ll put up against him. If I know the master, he’s testing the alpha, testing his strength and stamina to determine if he’s good breeding stock, which means there is only one other alpha he’s likely to pit him against.

  That thought has my stomach roiling. I spin around in time to see the master saunter into the yard. He looks hard, dangerous, a man on a mission.

  He moves through his throngs of pets, examining them carefully and when I see him stop to look over Sandy, the way she stares up at him with adoring eyes doesn’t go unnoticed by me.

  Sick to my stomach at how broken she is, how she sees the master for something he isn’t, I turn away, but not before I catch the brutal smile he aims my way. One that tells me he’s up to something and it I’m not going to like it.

  With my back to him I can tell he’s watching me, I can feel his eyes cutting into my back. Feigning disinterest, I go down on my haunches and begin to groom myself, all the while trying not to show any sign of emotion when Stone is led to the obstacle course to compete with Logan.

  Alpha pitted against alpha, they stare at one another, two strong, powerful wolves, both with sleek, streamlined bodies, ready to fight to the death. And while I know Logan is a wolf who can survive in the wild, he’s playing in Stone’s territory now, and that can’t be good for any of us.

  I see the way Stone is staring at him and I can feel the rage emanating off his body, the conflict between them escalating in the close confines. His long talons dig into the soft earth and his growl rumbles like thunder and hovers over the courtyard like a dark cloud as he sizes up his enemy.

  They’re staring at one another, two blazing sets of pewter eyes ready to set the compound on fire, but there are too many wolves milling about, their collective voices interfering with my ability to hear what they are saying to each other. From the look in Stone’s eyes, however, I can tell he’s out for blood.

  With the master watching I can’t do anything. I can’t canter over there and tell Stone to simmer, otherwise we might never get out of here. I need those two working with me, not against me if I want to get into the master’s dungeon and get the key that could very well be the answer to our escape.

  When the starter gun sounds, I hold my breath, half expecting Stone to go for Logan’s throat instead of running the course. But alpha that he is, I realize this is his chance to show domination over my mate, and he’s not about to miss that opportunity.

  After all, there can only be one alpha in the pack.

  Stone flashes white canines as his beefy paws dig into the dirt, bloodlust flashing in his pewter eyes. With power, agility, and practiced ease, he darts forward and jumps the first hurtle. He slowly climbs the ladder, Logan’s powerful legs pushing hard as he keeps pace beside him. Using their sharp teeth, they both clamp down on their ropes, their jaws bearing the entire weight of their bodies as they swing across the mud pit in sync.

  I glance ahead, my eyes scanning the equipment and looking for a flaw in the course, one Logan isn’t bound to notice. How could he, really, especially when he’s not privy to the cruel tricks the master likes to play on us? It doesn’t take long for me to see the defect in the zig-zags.

  When I notice the thin layer of green sod strategically placed over a newly bulldozed hole, I instantly know it’s a trap. I also know if Logan lands in it he could very well break his neck. The master likes to point out that these manmade traps help keep us on our toes and keep us alive and that he’s simply doing us a favor by sharpening our skills so we’re always at the top of our game.

  My heart pounds faster and I make my way closer, my small body weaving around the wolves pacing the compound, and I know the rapid fire rushing of my blood can be heard by all. As Logan approaches the trap, I can’t help myself. I make a noise, a half cry, half howl.

  That’s when Stone turns his attention to me, my distress signal gaining his focus. With his gaze diverted, he missteps, his ankle catching the outer edge of the trap, and his hard body lands with a painful thump. I suck in a quick breath, and see how furious he is when Logan jumps over the trap and takes the lead.

  A hush falls over the crowd as Stone’s low growl rents the air. He pulls himself from the hollowed-out hole and he gives a savage shake of his head as his eyes zero in on Logan’s position. A moment later he bolts forward and instead of running through the long tube ahead of him, he jumps on top of it, and pounces on Logan when he exits the tunnel.

  My insides twist and a shiver skips down my spine as he goes for Logan’s throat. Using swift, agile movements I try to get closer, to communicate with them, but the master is watching me, waiting for me to do something, anything.

  I stand still, knowing any more action on my part will be a dead giveaway and the last thing I want is for the master to know how I feel about these two. As I maintain calm on the outside, fury erupts inside me and it’s all I can do to swallow it down. Tormented by the sight of the two wolves in a bloody fight, my body tenses and I clench down hard on my jaw as I watch them rip into each other, and all the while I stand idly by unable to do anything about it.

  Logan retaliates, his powerful muscles bunch as his nails slash at Stone’s face, the fresh scent of blood causing a frenzy among the other wolves. I listen to the gruesome sound of claws tearing flesh and strong bones crunching like glass. A ball of dry dirt forms a dark cloud as the two tumble along the ground in a mass of black fur and fangs.

  I steal a glance at the guards above, wondering how long they’re going to let this battle go on. From their smirks, as well as the way they are exchanging knowing nods, I get the impression that not only did they expect this, they’re betting on the outcome.

  As panic invades my stomach, I pull in a quick, sharp breath and fight down a strangled cry. I know I need to put a stop to this chaos before they kill each other. But before I can do anything, Logan pins Stone beneath him, his big paws holding his shoulders down. Stone’s dark, wild bark of fury echoes off the mountains and using his back legs he tries to kick the alpha off and gain purchase.

  My skin prickles because I know Logan is in “kill or be killed” mode, and I fear he’s about to puncture Stone’s jugular and let the life bleed out of my childhood friend right before my eyes. A pained expression rips across Stone’s muzzle and somewhere behind me I hear a soft, hungry growl as the cannon thunders on the mountain.

  As I watch the violence, I can feel my own blood draining. With the situation becoming dire, completely ou
t of control, I know I have to do something. I’m about to make a move, but the master steps up beside me, his large body casting shadows over my small animal frame. I’d been so caught up in the fight, so worried about the outcome that I hadn’t even heard his approach.

  Not smart for a wolf with a mission.

  His hand rakes over my fur, smoothing down my hackles and since I can’t stand his touch, I shift back to human, hurry to my nightgown and pull it back on. Once I’m dressed the master moves close.

  “It seems our rogue is a powerful one, after all,” he says as he comes to a stop beside me.

  I don’t look at him. I can’t. Party because I can’t stand the sight of his face, and partly because I’m so focused on the fight—on the amount of blood being spilled—that I’m unable to peel my eyes away.

  “I told you he was,” I say between grit teeth.

  From my peripheral vision I watch the way the master folds his arms across his chest and rocks back on his heels, an irritating habit he has. “Now why do you suspect they’re fighting, Pride?” he asks and I know he’s baiting me.

  I angle my head and give him a defiant look, one that suggests he’s dense, and when I meet his evil eyes, a black wave of darkness churns inside me, pulsing, rising to dangerous proportions until my wolf is clawing at my insides.

  My wolf howls and she doesn’t care about the punishment that will come with my next words when I deliver them. “That’s what happens when you put two alphas in the same yard. Surely you expected this,” I challenge.

  He glares at me, his annoyance palatable. The taste of his anger settles on my tongue as I wait for the hard slap to the face, but it doesn’t come. Instead he looks past my shoulder and gives a nod to the guards. I resist the urge to exhale a relieved breath and instead roll my tongue around my dry mouth when I hear gunshots crack the air.

  A moment later the two wolves separate, both breathing hard as they continue to circle one another, baring their sharp fangs. Saliva drips from their muzzles, and their fur is a tangled mess of dirt and fresh blood, but neither one is quite ready to back down.

  Gun in his hand Mario steps up to them, his footsteps are slow and cautious as the wolves watch each other, both panting heavily. Clearly Mario is smart enough to know better than to place himself between two feuding alphas. He’s speaking to them, using words meant to calm. Logan is the first to shift back, and I’m proud of him for it.

  Once they’ve both returned to their human form, they stand at their full height, and Mario fits Stone with a collar. He gives the alpha a hard warning glare before he tosses him a pair of jeans and shirt. For a minute I wonder if Mario is trying to tell him something. For a minute I wonder if they’re on the same team.

  The master slants his head and a dark, warning shiver pulses heavy in my blood as he slides me a dangerous look. He has a strange calmness about him but underneath it I can smell his excitement. It’s a scent that always worries me.

  He gives a slow, easy nod of his head and his voice is deceivingly mild when he announces in a tight tone, “You’re right, Pride.”

  Not liking the sound of that at all, I wait for him to continue but when the words don’t come I narrow my eyes and meet his challenging gaze with one of my own before I come right out and ask, “I’m right about what?”

  His eyes fasten on me, dark, dangerous and deceptive—a gleam shining in their evil depths.

  “There can only be one alpha in the courtyard.”

  Chapter Eight

  “There can only be one alpha in the courtyard.”

  As the master’s words bounce around inside my head like a pinball, my brain takes a moment to decipher the meaning. I feel myself go pale and briefly close my eyes in distress as a violent wave of anger cruises through my bloodstream at breakneck speed until hot steam is all but rising off my body.

  With my pulse jack hammering, my queasy stomach rebels in protest and I’m certain I’m going to vomit. Because I know at once he’s going to test me again.

  Before I can ask what he plans on doing, he twists on the balls of his shoes and makes his way toward the private entrance leading to his main level office.

  I stare at his retreating back, studying the casual way he moves. Without conscious thought, my eyes go to the six guards overhead. With their attention diverted, occupied by the fight between Logan and Stone, I take a moment to calculate how long it would take me to reach the master. Could I rip his black heart clear from his body before the guards turn their deadly guns on me?

  Even though I know it wouldn’t be a wise move on my part, it still doesn’t stop me from considering it, or from playing the scene out in my mind’s eye. But as I run the scenario through my thoughts, I hear Stone inside my head, calling out to me.

  I turn in time to see him approach, and catch the careful way he’s looking past my shoulder to ensure the master is out of the courtyard, unable to watch or hear our exchange.

  My focus goes to Logan, who suddenly seems to be lacking his calm steadiness as Stone approaches me first. My ears twitch as Mario fits my mate with a collar. Once Logan is leashed, he climbs into his jeans, pulls on a t-shirt and makes his way toward me, each step determined, purposeful.

  “Pride,” Stone says in an attempt to pull my attention back to him.

  I tilt my chin and blink against the glare of the sun as I stare up at him. “What was that all about?” I demand.

  His eyes darken. “You know what it’s about.”

  “It wasn’t Logan’s idea to come back here. It was mine,” I remind him.

  Logan steps up to me, and in a possessive move, he nudges up against me as if to lay claim to his mate, and when Stone’s nostrils flare I know I have to take charge of the situation before it gets out of control again.

  I inch away from the crowd until the brick wall is at my back. The two alphas follow close behind.

  As they flank me, I turn to Logan first and speak in whispered words. “If we’re going to get out of here all three of us have to work together.”

  He gestures with his chin. “Tell that to him. He’s the one who attacked.”

  I know he’s right and I also know I’m not about to lay blame or begin a debate on who started the fight. We have more pressing matters. Instead, I lower my voice even more and ask, “Do you have any idea what happened to your pack?”

  His mouth turns down in a frown and he drives his hands into his pockets as he gives a slow shake of his head. The concern on his face makes what I have to say next so much harder. With no easy way to tell him, I try to soften my words as much as possible before I announce, “He has Gem.”

  Darkness mingles with worry and I can see a storm brewing in the depths of his ocean blue eyes. “Something must have gone seriously wrong.”

  “There’s something out there,” I rush out. “I saw someone or something on the monitors.”

  Logan’s frown deepens and he angles his head as if listening to a distant sound. “What do you mean something?”

  I think about the large black, cat-like animals I spotted prowling around the mansion and turn to Stone. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”

  He rolls one shoulder. “We’re kept in the dark, but I do know the master is creating an army.”

  “Who is he at war with?”

  “Just stop for a minute, Pride.”

  I stare at him and wonder what he’s getting at.

  “Just breathe,” he says as his nostrils widen to draw in air.

  I’m not sure if he’s trying to calm me, or if he’s trying to show me something. I’m about to ask, but when he says, “Just do it,” I take a moment to pull the surrounding scents into my lungs. I move past the rich moist earth, the sweet aroma of grape juice, as well as the pungent smell of gun powder still lingering in the air.

  I go deeper and that’s when I smell it. Musky. Skunky. Foul. My eyes widen because I know there is only one animal with such a stench, one animal that can rouse the wolf inside of me.


  My wolf howls and claws at me, eager to take chase.

  With my mind racing, trying to get a grip on things, I look at Stone. I remember what I saw on the monitor, and those were no ordinary house cats. Could there really be…

  “What are they?”

  “Panthers,” Stone says, his answer for my ears only.

  I gave a perplexed shake of my head. I know I’ve been compounded all my life but I’m not naïve enough to think werewolves are the only supernatural beings on earth. But shape shifting panthers?

  “How? Where?” I ask, not wanting to exclude Logan from the conversation.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What?” Logan asks cautiously, his uneasy gaze darting between the two of us.

  My voice is unsure, hesitant. “Those things out there. I think they might be panthers,” I say, dumbfounded. “How can that be? I’ve never heard…”

  Logan’s brows furrows and my words fall off because I can tell he knows something I don’t. “We need to find Gem and get out of here.”

  The urgency in his voice has my stomach cramping. “What is it?” I ask.

  He goes quiet for a moment, and then says. “There are rumors about other animals being able to shift to human, like us.”


  “Yeah, panthers,” he says. “Among other species.” Then he softens his voice when he sees my astonishment. I can tell he wants to come closer, to wrap his arms around me, so I turn my head away to stop him. “You’ve been sheltered, Pride. Having been in this compound your whole life, you have no idea what really goes on in the world.”

  I look back at him. “Miss Kara—”

  “She doesn’t teach you everything. Only what your master wants her to and besides there are things you won’t read about in any textbook.” He nods toward the brick wall at my back. “Things the PTF don’t want to get out.”

  “Such as?”

  “For one, there are many paranormal beings out there and two, the officers don’t hunt just wolves.”


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