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Hers Page 9

by Hazel Gower

  “Thank you. Thank you.”

  “What about my thank you? I had to go talk to my mother as Slater chickened out.” Sammy left Slater and threw herself at Brock. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and his hands cupped her arse helping to hold her up to him.

  “I can’t thank you enough.” She brushed her lips over his. “This means so much to me. I really appreciate you enduring your mother for me.” Sammy kissed his cheeks and his lips, lingering there letting her tongue out to trace his before she sought entry and showed him how much this really meant to her.

  A bell rang around them, breaking Sammy from Brock’s mouth. She looked over at Slater to see a huge grin on his face.

  “Come on, let’s go in. It’s starting.” Slater winked. “Next time I’ll pluck up my courage and go face Adele.”

  Sammy eased down Brock’s body and didn’t miss the hard rod that pulsed in his pants as she slid down. Brock walked behind her as they walked into the theater and to front row seats.

  Sammy sat and got comfortable with her two men on either side of her. She squeezed both their hands and glued her gaze to the stage.

  Over two hours and one intermission later, Sammy’s face was sore from smiling. Her phone had vibrated a couple of times, in the car and the theater, but she’d ignored it, too enrapt in the scenes before her. Pulling it out of her bra she saw Sandy had called a couple of times. Worried something had happened to her and the babies she pulled Slater and Brock, who were also looking at their phones, over to somewhere quieter.

  Putting her phone to her ear Sammy listened to her messages. “I’m in labor. Yeah, I know early. Meet me at the hospital.” Message one. Message two. “Where are you, Sammy?” Message three. “Sammy, answer your fucking phone. If you make me have these babies and Adele is my only other support I will kill you.” Message four. “Jane sucks. She’s such a wuss. They won’t give me any more drugs, and she can’t handle me yelling. Get your arse here now.” Message five. “Hi, Sammy, it’s Zack. I’ve tried my cousin and brother, and no one is answering. Please save us. Sandy is threatening to cut things off, and I don’t mean the relationship.” Sammy laughed at Zack’s message. She couldn’t help it because she knew what Sandy was like. Message six. “Hello, Sammy. It’s Jake. Sandy just gave birth to two perfect little girls. One is mine and I called her Emily, and Zack called his Abby. Please call us. We’re worried about you, and Sandy would love to see you.”

  Hanging up she looked at her men. “Let’s go. We have babies to go see.”

  Slater sighed. “We were going to take you to a late dinner.” He shrugged. “I guess it’s takeout. I don’t mind though. I’m so looking forward to seeing Jake and Zack. Girls. Ha. Can you imagine it?”

  Sammy laughed because throughout the whole pregnancy Sandy had prayed for girls. “Looks like Sandy’s prayers worked.”

  Brock and Slater both held her hands, and they walked out of the casino. Sammy knew after what Slater and Brock had done for her tonight she would say yes to mating them when they asked again.


  Sammy needed this. She loved Jane for organizing the girls’ weekend. Sammy was disappointed that Susie and Sandy couldn’t come, but they both had newborn babies and were breastfeeding. She, Jane, and Gwen were staying the night in a Sydney Hotel. This would be the first time that she’d gone on a girls’ night since the shifter killer mess.

  Jane would be here any minute to pick her up and drive her in to the city. Sammy had her overnight bag sitting by the door ready, and she was really excited to get out and have fun with her friends.

  Her doorbell rang, and Sammy practically danced to the front door, eager to get her weekend started. She opened the door surprised to see Brock. “Hi. What you doing here? I told you this weekend I was going out and having a girls’ weekend.”

  Brock smiled, and his eyes shone with mischief. “I know. That’s why I bought you some presents.” He pulled out a bag that he’d had hidden behind his back and came into her house. Brock walked into the lounge room and sat on the sofa, pulled the bag to him and pulled out stuff. “I got some stuff for you to have in your bag. I bought pepper spray, a whistle, a new phone with all the numbers you need dialed into it, and a key torch.”

  Sammy sat next to him on the sofa and looked at the items on the table and shook her head. “I’m going out dancing and will be staying with my friends the whole time.”

  “Good. Never go anywhere without at least one of them with you, and never leave your drink unattended and don—”

  “I have been out before. This is not my first night out.”

  “I know, but you haven’t been out on a girls’ night since I’ve known you. I just want to make sure you’re safe. I’m a detective, and I see so many cases of woman who went out on girls’ nights and didn’t come ba—”

  “Stop. I get it. You’re worried about me. I’ll be safe.” She leaned over and kissed him.

  Brock seemed surprised, and it took him a moment to respond to her before he pulled her onto his lap so she straddled him. His hands held her close to him and slipped under her shirt and slowly moved up to cup and caress her breasts. Sammy moaned as his tongue twisted with hers and his hips moved up rubbing against her tights.

  His mouth tore from hers and nipped his way down her neck. “Angel, you taste so good. I want you so bad.”

  Sammy arched into his bites and groaned in frustration as her new mobile that Brock had given her rang. The phone rang until it rang out. Then it rang again. Moving back she reached over and grabbed it. “Heeellloo.”

  “Hey, beautiful, just wanted to tell you to have fun this weekend.” As Slater spoke, Brock lifted her shirt up and sucked her lace-covered nipple into his mouth. Sammy gasped at the warm, wet feeling. “You okay? What’s happening?”

  Brock swapped to her other nipple and moved his hand up to tweak and massage her other breast. God. It felt so good. “Slater … I … haven’t … Oh, crap. Brock.”

  Brock’s hands moved down to her tights. Brock’s mouth left her breast, and he whispered, “I’ll buy you a new pair.” And with that he ripped her tights off.

  “Fuck. Brock better not claim you without me. I’ll be there in fifteen.” Slater swore on the other end of the phone.

  Brock’s fingers strummed her clit then rubbed over it.

  “No, Slater. Brock has to stop. My friend will be here any minute.”

  Slater growled on the other end. “Fine. I’ll see you Sunday afternoon.” With that he hung up.

  Sammy was so close to coming, and Brock must have known because he moved back up her body. “I want to taste you as you come. Give me something, please.”

  Brock moved her onto the end of the sofa, placing a hand on her stomach to help her lie back. Brock moved off the sofa and kneeled on the lounge and moved her ripped tights and panties further down.

  “You’re so gorgeous.” He drove his face between her legs, and she squealed as his lips touched her nub and his tongue came out and licked. She felt a finger ease in and out of her pussy and start a rhythm with his licks and sucks.

  The doorbell rang, and she panted gripping at the sofa. Brock added another finger and pumped them faster. She was so close. Sammy reached for something anything, to muffle herself with, finding a throw pillow and holding it as she flew over the edge yelling, “I’m coming.”

  The doorbell rang again, and she slumped back into her sofa. Brock grabbed a piece of her ripped tights and wiped his mouth. He stood and had a huge smirk on his face. “Go get dressed and sorted out. I’ll let your friend Jane in.”

  Brock walked towards the door, and she got up and rushed to her bedroom. She went to her en-suite and moaned as she looked in the mirror at her flushed face. Great, just great. Sammy thought. Jane’s going to know exactly what took me so long to answer the door.

  After showering and getting dressed she walked out to Jane who sat on the sofa answering Brock’s questions. He seemed to be interrogating poor Jane. As soon as Sammy sat d
own the relief on Jane’s face was obvious.

  “Well we better go. I said I would pick Gwen up from her house. Your mother picked Matty up about ten minutes ago,” Jane said to Brock as she grabbed her hand and dragged her to the front door.

  Sammy debated whether she needed to tell Brock to make sure everything was locked before he left but didn’t need to as he yelled, “I’ll lock up and make sure everything is safe. Be careful.”

  Grabbing her bag by the front door Sammy left and got in the car. Jane sped off towards Gwen’s house. “Wow, Sammy, he’s intense.” A light came into Jane’s eyes. “I’m glad you’re getting some though.”

  Sammy groaned, and Jane laughed.

  Later that night as they got ready Gwen turned to her and sighed. “Look, I really like you, Sammy. You’ve become a really good friend, but I have to ask … how much longer are you going to leave my brother and cousin hanging? It’s dangerous for a shifter to go as long as they have without claiming their mate. I feel sorry for anyone who’s around them when you’re not there.”

  Sammy ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m ready. I’m just waiting for them to ask me again.” She closed her eyes and tested out saying what she’d been feeling. “I think I love them. No. I know I love them.”

  Gwen beamed and pulled her in for a hug. “I’m so happy for you. I wish I was as brave as you.”

  Sammy hugged Gwen back. “What are you scared of? It sounded like your fiancé wanted you happy and was pissed you were—are—willing to give that up.”

  Gwen pulled away and went to the window. Jane went over and patted her back. “I thought I had a mate once before, but I was wrong.” Gwen’s shoulders sank. “I don’t regret what I did. I got Matty out of my mistake, but I’m curious now. I want to give Philip and John a chance, but what if I’m wrong again? I don’t know if my parents would forgive me this time.”

  “I can look after Matty for you to help you to get to know Philip and John better,” Jane said.

  “I can, too. I’m sure Brock would love to spend more time with his nephew.”

  Gwen turned, and tears ran down her face. “Thanks so much. Are you both sure? Matty can be a handful.”

  “Matty will be fine. Plus I’m a childcare worker by trade. There is nothing a kid can get by me.” Jane winked at Gwen.

  “I’m sure I’ll be able to handle it. And anyway what’s the point of having two men for mates if they don’t help?”

  Gwen wiped her eyes. “Thanks, guys. You don’t know how much what you’ve agreed to do means to me.” Gwen hugged her and Jane tight before she let go. “Come on, let’s go party. Tonight is girls’ night. No more talk of men.”

  They cheered and left the hotel.

  The three of them got into one of the hottest clubs, and they went straight to the dance floor. Sammy, Jane, and Gwen shook what they’d been given, screaming and laughing in delight at the freedom they felt and the fun they were having.

  Sammy felt sexy. Sammy felt alive. Sammy knew what she wanted, and she was going to celebrate tonight.

  Chapter Seven

  Slater had organized the date. Brock’s suggestion they go to Hogs’ Breath or the local pub for dinner wasn’t a very romantic setting for what they had to ask Sammy. They had to do this right. Slater had seen and set up so many romantic dinners with his restaurants that he knew exactly what he wanted to do for this important date. He’d ordered a limo, and it would pick him and Brock up from his house at quarter to seven. Then they would head over to Sammy’s house, pick her up, and start the wooing process.

  Slater heard the front door slam as Brock got home from work. Brock sounded more cranky than usual as he stomped down the hall to his room.

  “The fuckwit got let out for good behavior and never having a criminal record before this. I say we go and kill the bastard before he comes near our mate again. I still don’t believe the idiot didn’t have anything to do with the shifter killings. I’d know if my partner Kegon went on a killing spree.”

  “Crap. When was Greg released?”

  Brock raked his fingers through his black curly hair. “This afternoon.”

  Slater pushed past Brock, not caring that he was only in his black dress pants. “What the fuck are you standing here telling me this for? We need to get to our mate before he gets to her.”

  “I’m not stupid. Sandy and Susie are at her house now. The babies and their men are with them. Jake was there when I got the info. He told Sandy, and she told Susie. Our dinner date is probably canceled. Gwen and Jane are there also. Jake left work early to accompany Sandy to Sammy’s house. He wasn’t supposed to be at work anyway, and there was no way he was letting Sandy and the babies go to Sammy’s place without protection. Jake’s scared because Sandy almost killed the shifter killer, and Zack did kill Greg’s partner. He’s terrified Greg will come after them. He wasn’t, isn’t, willing to risk anything.”

  Slater nodded and grabbed a shirt. He needed to go check on Sammy. Right now he didn’t care about the date. He just wanted to make sure his mate was okay. “Get showered and changed. Cancel the limo and meet me over at Sammy’s place. I need to know she’s all right.”

  “I showered at work. If you’re going over to Sammy I’m coming, too. I just thought with all her girlfriends around there you would want to leave her be.”

  “Why the fuck would I want to do that? I’m not the anti-social motherfucker. You are. And if you want to be with Sammy you might want to get over some of that. She’s been friends with Sandy and Susie since primary school. Before Greg, they used to do everything together. Sammy was usually the life of the party.”

  “How the hell do you know that?”

  “I asked Sandy and Susie. Even Gwen has told me some stuff.”

  “When on earth did they tell you all this?” Brock crossed his arms over his chest trying to intimidate him, but Slater wasn’t the least bit threatened by Brock.

  “I’ve been inviting the girls for free meals at some of the restaurants I own. Because I’m part owner, I have the luxury of leaving the kitchen and sitting and enjoying lunch with the women.”

  “You’re only telling me this information now?”

  He shrugged and walked down the hall to the front door. “Yep. I had no idea at first if the two of us could work together, and I needed every advantage. Now that I know we can share I thought I’d help you out and tell you.”

  Brock left his room and went into the room next door to Slater’s. Slater heard him muttering about having to put up with a wanker, and that his only redeeming quality was that he could cook. Chuckling Slater went to his car, got in, started it, and drove to Sammy’s house.


  Sammy knew she should feel scared and be worried, but with all her friends around her and four massive bear shifters scanning the windows, well five, if you counted Gwen, she felt like the safest woman in the world.

  Her doorbell rang, and Gwen smiled. “I wondered how much longer until they showed up.” Gwen got off her sofa and answered the door. “I thought you two would have been here sooner. I’ve been here for hours, and so have Sandy, Jane, and Susie.”

  The smell of honey and chocolate surrounded her before Slater’s growled answer. “I only just fucking found out. Brock came home and stomped into my room and told me. Trust me, if I’d learnt sooner I would have been here.”

  Sammy knew she’d been testing Brock and Slater. She compared everything they did to what Greg would have done. They had passed almost every test with flying colors, so why after months was she still scared to give them what Sammy knew they wanted?

  They’d been in her house; she’d gone out to dinner with them and talked about what they’d been up to, or snuggled up to them as she watched movies. Sammy had been with them at Sandy’s wedding and the birth of Susie’s twins, and she’d felt comfortable, happy, and safe.

  Was it too late now? Would they think she’d decided to give in to them because Greg had got out of jail and she was terrified? Sammy h
oped not.

  Sammy half listened to Susie, Sandy, Jane, and Gwen as they talked and tried to keep her calm as soon as they’d arrived. The problem was she wasn’t calm. As soon as Sammy had found out Greg had been released she’d wanted her men to come and see her, be with her. She wanted to feel safe, and she did when she was with Brock and Slater.

  Sammy was grateful to her friends for coming over to support her, but as soon as they’d told her the news, Sammy had wanted the love of her two men, not the sympathy and worry in her friends’ faces. Sammy hadn’t believed what she was hearing at first, when they’d both sat and told her that Greg had gotten out on good behavior. Sammy cried and cursed the world and anyone around her. She was so angry at herself for letting Greg do this and always being able to get her into such a mess.

  After a couple of hours she stopped crying and told herself she needed to be strong. Greg would be a fool to come after her. He would end up straight back in jail or dead if her men had a say.

  Sammy listened to her friends, but all the time she couldn’t wait for her men to come to her. She wanted Brock and Slater to take her away, to make her forget all about Greg. It was time she was ready for them to make her their mate. Not giving herself time to change her mind she got off the sofa and hugged both Slater and Brock. “Take me home, please. Make me yours.”

  Before she’d even finished her sentence Brock carried her out of her house and down to Slater’s car. Slater opened the passenger door, and Brock placed her in, did up her seatbelt and got in to the back seat as Slater came around, opened the driver’s door, got in, shut the door, started the car and zoomed off.

  They drove in silence, the tension so thick in the air Sammy could almost see it and crack it. It wasn’t until Sammy looked around and saw they were heading toward where Susie lived that she realized she’d never been to Slater and Brock’s house. Sammy had no idea where they lived. They’d always been at her house. Sammy had never had the need to go to their house.

  “Where do you live?” Do you live together or apart?” Sammy felt terrible she hadn’t asked these questions before. She’d been selfish, staying in her comfort zone, scared to venture out. Sammy should have asked where they lived. From now on she would ask questions. She would learn from her mistakes.


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