Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5)

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Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5) Page 3

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  “I love being here. I haven’t had much time to explore Tarnation, but the people I’ve met are amazing. Just like this little girl here.” She patted Isabelle on the shoulder. “I’m glad her asthma is under control but if you see any problems let us know. Dr. Healey is finished so you’re free to go.”

  She waved goodbye as they left then turned to Meka who was sitting at the nurse’s station popping a raisin into her mouth.

  “Patient’s like her make my job much better.” Charlotte loved that things were a slower pace here than back home in the ER. She enjoyed hearing their life stories.

  “The next one won’t hurt either.” Meka smiled and handed Charlotte a chart.

  Reading the name, she shrugged. “Brennan Colt? Has he been here in the clinic before?”

  “He’s a walk in. He was in a ranch accident and hurt his head and leg. He’s ready and waiting.” The pretty redhead went back to typing at her computer.

  Charlotte stepped over to exam room three, lightly knocked then stepped inside. “Good morning.” When she didn’t get an answer, she looked up from the notes and to the exam table where her patient was stretched out awkwardly. He was about a foot too tall for the bed and he looked like he was about to bust out of the flowered paper gown. His hat was pulled down covering his face and his arms were extended above his head, his large hands clasped. She could hear his soft snores. Not many people fell asleep here in the office.

  Jetting her gaze from his whiskered jaw, over his broad chest covered in blue and pink flowered gown to his bare legs down to the dusty cowboy boots, she smiled. She guessed a cowboy never took off his boots.

  People had a way of doing things around these parts. She’d heard Betty Sue explain it with “beating to their own drum”. Time didn’t seem to matter in Tarnation. People were late, and if Charlotte was a couple minutes late, it didn’t seem to matter. Back home she would have been ripped.

  Clearing her throat, he didn’t move.

  Stepping over to the bed, she patted his shoulder. “Mr. Colt?”

  He mumbled something inaudible then grabbed his hat, swiping it off his face. He blinked several times as his eyes adjusted to the light before his gaze came to her in curiosity. He had a few blood splatters on his cheek. “Hi,” he said in a sleep raspy voice.

  “Hi.” She bit back another smile. “I’m Charlotte. I’m a nurse here. I hear you’ve suffered an injury. I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “Sorry, ma’am. I’ve been up since daybreak.” He pushed himself onto his elbows and rubbed the sleep from his clear blue eyes. When he smiled, he showed off deep dimples and nice teeth.

  “So you were hurt?”

  “Just a minor injury. I was thrown by a horse.”

  “Oh, just that, huh?” In a millisecond of time she evaluated his long legs and the fresh bruising on his thigh and knee under crisp, dark hairs.

  “I think we need a proper hello. Hi, I’m Brennan Colt.” He thrust out his hand.

  She hesitated before finally laying her palm against his, caught by the sudden warmth and tingles that shot up her arm. The calluses on the underside of his knuckles scraped her skin, not in a repulsive way, but more of a tweaking of her nerve endings. As she’d told Isabelle’s mom, Charlotte hadn’t had the chance to get out and tour the town, but she’d met a handful of cowboys—real cowboys who worked the land from dawn to dusk and liked their boots dirty and their hands dirtier. A sweet energy rushed over her. Pulling her hand away, she cleared her throat. “Nice to meet you, Brennan. Can you tell me where you’re injured?”

  The corners of his mouth lifted wider and his eyes dazzled with charm. “My left ankle and I have a little scratch on my head.”

  “How’s the pain in the ankle?”

  “I’ve had worse.”

  “That really didn’t answer my question. Check out the chart. On a scale from one to ten, where would you place your pain?” She ran her hands down the thighs of her scrubs. The awareness remained in her arm.


  “Can I take a look?”

  “Be my guest.”

  She had a feeling the cowboy had an overload of charm, but she was immune to mile-wide smiles and intriguing blue eyes. She focused on examining his leg, using the tips of her fingers to gently slide along the thick, muscular chord covered in soft hair. She paused at his knee. Nothing was broken so far. “I’ll have to take your boot off.”

  “Go for it.”

  As carefully and slowly as she could, she dragged the boot off. Then the white sock downward and when she got to his ankle he jerked and cursed.

  She looked up at him. “Still a four?”

  “I’m a bit ticklish.” There was that smile again. Too bad her nipples didn’t get the message to stay professional.

  Rolling the sock off completely, she laid it next to him. “And inflamed too. I don’t think anything’s broken but I’m guessing Dr. Healey will want an X-ray.”

  He gave a half shrug. “Whatever you see fit as long as I can get back to my chores this afternoon.”

  “I respect your work ethic, but you’ll have to rest, at least today. I’m going to take a look at your head now.” He had silky, thick hair and she parted the waves as she examined the cut. “You’ll need a couple of stitches, but at least it has stopped bleeding.”

  “Could have been worse, I guess.”

  “I need to get your vitals.” She reached for the blood pressure cuff and he held out his arm. She wrapped the cuff around his large bicep, realizing he was still staring up at her. Concentrating on pressing the bulb and not the deep dimples bracketing his plush lips she got the reading and jotted the number in his chart.

  “Am I still alive?”

  “Perfect blood pressure, but let’s take a listen at your heart to make sure.” Using the stethoscope, she leaned in and pressed the chest piece over his heart. She caught a scent of leather and spice soap. She liked it. His gaze was on her, making it hard to focus. “Heart’s beating fine too.” She dragged the earpieces off and hung the stethoscope around her neck. “One more thing. Your temp.” She slid the thermometer under his tongue. “Now keep this here until it beeps.”

  While the thermometer worked, she made a few notes in his chart, but none of them mentioned that she needed her own blood pressure taken.

  “I feel fine. It’s just a bruise.”

  She looked up at him, seeing him holding the thermometer. “You need to keep that in your mouth,” she gently chastised.

  He sighed and stuck it back under his tongue.

  Once it finished, she took it and dropped off the protector cover into the trash. “It’s a bit more than a bruise, but I think you already know that.”

  “Trust me. This ain’t nothing.”

  “How about we wait for the X-ray to decide on how bad it is.” She smiled. “Dr. Healey will probably want some bloodwork too.”

  Did his color pale some? Were there beads of sweat across his forehead?

  “Is it necessary?”

  “Very necessary.”

  “For who?”

  “Mr. Colt—”


  “Okay, Brennan. Lab work is routine. I assure. If you’re afraid of needles—”

  He grimaced. “I’m not afraid.”

  “Okay then. I’ll be right back. I want to speak with Dr. Healey.” She stepped out and closed the door behind her. She met Meka’s gaze who was smiling from one hoop earring to the other.

  “Do you need some water? You look a little flushed.”

  Charlotte did need a cold shower, but she didn’t say that to the other nurse. “He certainly is full of charm isn’t he?” She continued into Dr. Healey’s office, asked if he wanted to see the patient or get lab work first, then she went back into the exam room.

  “Dr. Healey would like to get the work up.”

  “If you say so. What if I resist?”

  She searched his face, seeing the teasing lines around his mouth. “Do you give every nurse a har
d time like this?”

  “Only the cute ones.”

  Her throat constricted. She felt her bottom lip tremble and she ignored his flirting. This wouldn’t be the first time, but it certainly was the first time she felt a sexual tension between her legs. Maybe it was loneliness, or maybe she simply found the cowboy attractive. After all, she was a woman who enjoyed a man’s attention just as much as the next lady. Her career didn’t give her steel walls of resistance.

  She took out the items she needed from the medical chest.

  When she turned back around, she found him sitting up, his legs hung over the edge of the table. One sock on and the other off. His hat was pushed back on his forehead. The hem of the gown had lifted high on his firm thighs. One thing was for sure, the cowboy didn’t mind showing a little leg…or magnetism.

  Placing the tools on the tray next to the exam table, she pulled on gloves and snapped them into place. “Do you have a preference of which arm I use?”

  “Is neither an option?”

  She didn’t bother looking at him. “How about we try the left. I think I remember seeing some healthy veins. That’ll make my job easier.” Once he held out his arm, she wrapped the band around his bicep and pushed around on the veins that were like tunnels. “Yup, we have one.” Tearing open a packet, she took out the alcohol wipe and cleaned his skin. “You’ll feel a stick.” Charlotte worked quickly, got the amount she needed then loosened the band. “That wasn’t too bad, was it?”

  He didn’t answer.

  In fact, he looked a bit pale.

  “You should lie back and take it easy.”

  “I’m fine,” he mumbled about the same time a blank expression flooded over his face.

  She had no time to react before the cowboy came tumbling down.


  Squinting against the overhead light in the exam room, he realized he’d fallen asleep. A second later he realized he wasn’t alone.

  Looking up into amber eyes, flushed cheeks on a heart shaped face, he swallowed hard. Was he dreaming? He’d been wishing before he dozed off that he’d find a perfect woman to make all his troubles disappear.

  After he woke up fully, exchanged some words and she examined his leg, he felt a bit off his kilter by the beauty. Lord knew, he wasn’t trying to come off as a desperate man, but when he got nervous, he tended to make a blatant fool of himself. He couldn’t seem to wipe the smile off his face, until she pulled out the needle and then his world turned upside down, but not in a good way—at least not in the way he hoped.

  Since he was a kid, he hated getting shots, or having his blood taken. He always got weak, but how could he tell the beautiful nurse? He realized he was a bit old to still carry the fear, but even now, he felt his head spin.

  The last thing he wanted to do was be yellow bellied in front of her. He wasn’t too good with the opposite sex, at least not like Baxter or his other brothers. Prime example…Dr. CC Peladora, the beautiful vet at Grinning Spurs. There for a hot minute he thought he was in love with her, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

  As the pretty nurse wrapped the tight band around his bicep, Brennan took the time to explore her features and some of the tension disappeared for a different kind of strain. Her dark hair was pulled up on top of her head, but a few unruly curls had escaped and hung around her high cheekbones. Her eyes were surrounded by thick lashes and a sprinkling of freckles scattered her cheeks. She smelled amazing…until she brought out the alcohol. The odor stung his nostrils.

  His plan was to not look at the needle, but he’d never been one to learn his lesson.

  He felt weak. A little wobbly. She said something, but he couldn’t quite wrap his brain around the words.

  Oh shit! He couldn’t go down.


  But he couldn’t control the blackness as it took over his body…


  The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the pretty nurse.

  “Hell, what happened?” he forced through tight lips. All he remembered was everything going black, something soft underneath him and then it was history.

  He was still pressed against something soft and warm.

  “You passed out.”

  “Oh hell! I was hoping that didn’t really happen.”

  One corner of her mouth lifted. “It’s fairly common for a patient to pass out after a blood draw. The heart rate slows. The blood pressure drops, and you go down. That’s why I was cautioning you to take things slow. Now we’ve had a bit of a spill.”

  “Are you okay?” He drew in a breath and got much more than oxygen. She smelled like sugar and he wanted to sample.

  “I’m okay. Luckily, you just sort of melted and I was able to catch you before we both went to the floor. However, I’m afraid I’m stuck underneath you now. I didn’t call out because I know how these types of situations can be…well…”

  “Humiliating?” He probably weighed a good ninety pounds more than her.

  “For some. But you have nothing to be embarrassed about. I’ve caught many men in my career.” The corners of her mouth twitched.

  “Shit. Sorry. Here. I can get up.” He carefully pushed himself up, but because he was still a little weak, his hand slipped on the polished floor and he fell against her, this time his face smashing between her breasts.

  Damn. He was making a real good first impression.

  Embarrassed, he finally pushed himself up to standing and reached his hand down to help her up.

  Her eyes widened. He felt a cool breeze below his waist.

  Holy shit! His gown had lifted high on his waist.

  He jerked the hem down, covering his jewels a bit too late. By the pink color of the woman’s cheeks, he wasn’t the only one mortified.

  “I don’t wear underwear. They’re too restricting.” Shit! Did I just say that?

  It didn’t help that he was excited.

  She hurried to her feet, without his help. What he wanted was for the floor to open and swallow him.

  A sharp pain shot through his leg. He hopped over to the exam table and pulled himself up to sit. His physical pain was now a six and his emotional pain was a fifteen.

  “Good news is you no longer need a Band Aid.” She gave him a shaky smile. “I better get this blood taken care of.”

  An hour later, he walked out of the clinic and found Baxter in the driver’s side, his legs stretched out and boots propped on the dashboard. He was sleeping. Brennan reached in and honked the horn. Laughing when his brother jumped up in alarm and cursed a blue streak.

  “Damn, Bro. Why the hell did you do that?” Then his eyes widened some. “Shit, man. You have crutches. Is it broken?”

  “No. Just a torn ligament.” Brennan hobbled around the truck, tossed the crutches into the back then slowly made his way to the passenger seat. He climbed in and slammed the door.

  “Let me just get this out in the open. I’d have more of a chance to find a two headed snake than finding a wife.”

  Baxter laughed. “Hell, you think the hurt leg hinders your possibilities? Nah. Although you did look a bit wobbly. You looked like a baby taking its first steps.” Baxter started the engine.

  “You think you’re funny, don’t you?” Brennan smirked. He wouldn’t dare tell him about the fool he’d made of himself back at the clinic. Rest assured, he’d never have to see the nurse again if he was lucky. He could guess he’d given her enough of his charming presence to last a lifetime.

  They pulled out onto the street. “How about something to eat? I’m starving.”

  “Sure.” Clicking on the radio, Brennan hummed along to the popular country song until they pulled into a parking space outside of the diner.

  Grabbing the crutches from the back, he followed his brother through the glass door and was greeted by the owner, Stella. “Seat yourselves, boys.”

  They chose a booth, ordered, and Brennan caught Baxter’s narrowed stare. “What?”

  “What happened this morning?”

  Relaxing back into the vinyl, Brennan crossed his arms over his chest. “Ash didn’t tell you?”

  “I’m wanting to hear it from you.”

  “There’s nothing to tell. Ash and I had a disagreement and he rode off. Simple as that. He didn’t cause the horse to throw me.”

  Baxter had a solid jaw now. Although he had a calm nature, a person didn’t want to piss him off if they valued their life. “I’m about two threads away from unraveling my temper on you and Ash. If this situation doesn’t already suck rotten eggs, it’s only worse with you two acting like crybabies.”

  Thrumming his fingers on the Formica, he shrugged. “Hell, I ain’t a crybaby. I just think he’s cocky.”

  “Really? I guess it takes one to know one.”

  “I’m not cocky either.”

  “All the Colts are. It’s in our blood. Fortunately, we inherited a heart and our old man lacked one.”

  Brennan was quiet for a long moment. “Some people say different.”

  Baxter shrugged a shoulder, chuckling. “Have you heard of pet snakes? They’re all sweet until you get bit. That describes Buzz down to the lethal venom. I’ve had about enough of this place.”

  Their food came and Brennan chomped down on his burger and swallowed it with Coke. He popped a fry into his mouth and glanced up at the TV in the corner, but instead his attention was drawn to a young woman dressed in all black staring at him from where she sat at the counter. When she realized he was looking at her, she quickly turned away, laid down some cash on the counter, and took off through the door.

  He watched her through the wide window as she almost ran for a beat-up truck.

  “Have you seen her before?” Brennan pointed to the girl.

  Baxter brought his head up. “What?”

  “Her.” Brennan tapped the glass. “The girl with dark hair and black clothes.”

  “Nope. Should I have?”

  Shrugging, Brennan guessed it was of no importance. He finished his meal in silence.


  One month later.


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