Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5)

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Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5) Page 6

by Rhonda Lee Carver


  Brennan blew out a long breath from the corner of his mouth as he headed back to the car where Charlotte waited for him. He slid into the passenger seat and closed the door, shrugging. “Just as I thought. They’re full and it’s late. I have an idea. You can drop me off at my truck and I’ll sleep there for the night.” Fact was that his buzz was leaving and he was damn tired.

  “This is ridiculous.”

  “I’ve slept in worse places.”

  “There’s no need for you to walk in the rain, or sleep in your truck. I live here in town, with Betty Sue, and you’re more than welcome to sleep on the couch. She wouldn’t mind. It’s the least I can do.”

  Sobered up some, and all the warning bells told him that he should reject her offer and head for his truck for the night, but another part of him hated the thought of tossing and turning on a too small seat and waking up with body aches. His ankle was already hurting like hell. A couch would be the better option. It was late and he’d probably tap out the second his eyes closed.

  “Unless you’re as scared to be under one roof with two women as you are to needles, this should be an easy choice.”

  Looking across the seat, her smile almost did him in. “I’m not afraid of needles. I just don’t like them.”

  “Oh, I get it. You wouldn’t be the first.”

  “Fine. If you’re sure and you think Betty Sue will be okay.”

  “Not only do I think she will be okay, but I bet she’ll be on cloud nine for an entire month knowing she had one of the Colt brothers spending a night in her house.” She turned on the engine.

  “So where is Betty Sue?” Brennan asked as he studied a row of framed pictures on the fireplace mantel.

  “I don’t know. Maybe she got lucky with Benny.”

  He watched Charlotte toe off her boots and her hair caressed her cheeks. When she stood, one shoulder of her top slipped down, exposing silken skin. Turning away, he pretended interest in examining the living room but saw nothing through the tightness in his temples as blood rushed below his belt. He had to remind himself that as attractive as he found her, she’d made her intentions clear. She wasn’t looking for a relationship. And Heaven help him, he needed a wife.

  “So, this is where I’ll be landing for the night.” He dropped onto the couch. Feeling something in his back, he pulled out a book. “This yours? Jane Eyre.” He read the title on the worn cover.

  She took the paperback and held it close to her chest. “I’m a huge Jane Eyre fan. It’s a novel—”

  “About an orphaned girl who was sent away to a religious school then falls in love with some gloomy fellow. My literature teacher said it’s a story of a woman’s overwhelming need for self-respect and a desire to overcome her less than desirable childhood.” Her eyes widened slightly. “Don’t look so surprised. I can read. In fact, I’m a huge fan myself of The Great Gatsby, Moby Dick, and Animal Farm.” He swiped off his hat and tossed it onto the table.

  She dropped on the cushion beside him. “I’ve read those too. My first book was Little Women and I’ve been a lover of classical novels since.” A strand of hair had weaved its way to her cheek, and he had a strong urge to brush it away. He caught himself and instead pushed his hand through his hair. Honestly, he hadn’t met anyone in a while that knew what he meant when he mentioned Animal Farm. They usually took it as a real farm down some country road.

  “Well, I guess I should be getting to bed.” She stood, still holding that book like it was her lifeline. Did he scare her? Make her uncomfortable? He sure hoped not.

  “I guess so. Thanks again for letting me crash here. I owe you one. Or I guess I owe you two considering you saved me from the evil flirtation of Bambi.” He winked.

  “You don’t owe me anything.” She grabbed the throw from the chair and tossed it at him. “I hope you don’t snore. I’m a light sleeper and the walls are thin.”

  “I’d like to pry and ask how you know the walls are so thin but I’m afraid that’s a conversation I want to save for when I’m fully awake.”

  “Trust me, it’s not my story to tell. Let’s just count ourselves lucky that Betty Sue didn’t decide to have company tonight. We’d both be kept awake.”

  He laughed and watched her glide her way down the hall and disappear into the room at the end. How he wished he could make his way in the same direction. Growling, he toed off his boots, stretched out on the cushions and stared at the ceiling.

  Fifteen minutes later the ceiling still held his attention.

  When an hour finally passed, he rolled over and punched the pillow.

  Although he was damn tired, he couldn’t seem to get his brain to shut off, especially when he knew who slept at the end of the hall. He’d heard her every movement. The rustling of clothes. The squeaking of the bedsprings. Her sighing. She wasn’t kidding. The walls were paper thin, and his reserve was even thinner.

  Since he’d come to Tarnation, he’d hoped that his father would rise from the grave and say, “This was all a joke”. The alternative was to meet a woman willing to marry him. No doubt, a man couldn’t just expect a woman to walk into his life and marry him within a few days. Unless he found the right woman. His mind jetted toward Charlotte. He believed in a higher power. Believed in people meeting for a reason.

  Out of all his brothers he was probably the most likely to marry and yet take a look. He was single and they were all hitched.

  Closing his eyes, he hoped for sleep but what he got instead was an image of the beauty who’d kissed him and caused a ruckus in his body. From her wild curls, to bedroom eyes that sparkled, to her pretty skin, and lush lips. Feeling his body harden he rolled over and punched the pillow with pent up energy. When it didn’t obey, he jerked the pillow out from under his head and gave it a toss onto the floor.


  What the fuck!

  A fur ball jumped onto the couch, staring at him and none too friendly. “Hi, little critter. You might not like me but let’s make a pact. I’m dog tired and I don’t mind you staying if you can behave. Deal?”

  As if it understood his every word, the cat walked up his body, kneaded his chest, then curled up. The purrs rattled Brennan’s chest.

  Up before sunrise, working all day on the land then kicking back a few shots he should be out like a light, but the scent of a woman had burrowed into his bones and spread like a blissful toxin through his blood.

  Eventually, he fell asleep.


  Charlotte flitted her eyes open. What was that noise?

  “Ohmagerd. Ohmagerd. Ohmagerd.”

  Realizing the shrieking was coming from inside her room, she popped up on one elbow and found Betty Sue standing at the end of the bed. Her face was covered in a green mask and her hair stuck out in spikes. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Whew hwav pwoblew.”

  “For Heaven’s sake, Betty Sue. Take that thing out of your mouth then talk.”

  Removing the whitening cups, she pointed at the closed door. “What the hell is Brennan Colt doing on my couch?”

  “He needed a place to stay last night.” Charlotte rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

  “One of the Colt brothers spent the night in my house and didn’t make it to your bed? You’re more vanilla than I ever thought possible.” She smacked her palm against her forehead. “Oh shoot!” She had rubbed off some of the mask.

  Entertained by her cousin’s appearance, Charlotte laughed. “I knew you’d overreact. I guess I should have texted you and warned you, huh? By the way, where were you last night?”

  Betty Sue dropped on the bed, looking hilarious with a handprint in the mask on her forehead. Her blue eyes were bright. “With Benny, but we can discuss that later. I’m more interested in hearing what happened between you and that bighearted cowboy.”

  “Relax. Nothing happened. I was taking him home and the road was closed, and he had nowhere else to stay.” She pushed back the covers and clim
bed out of bed, stretching Grabbing her robe, she pulled it on then looked at her reflection in the vanity mirror. She should have never laughed at Betty Sue’s appearance.

  “Really? You’re telling me nothing happened between you and that hunky cowboy?” Her shoulders slumped and the mask cracked. She grabbed the pillow and held it against her chest, her frown deepened as she plucked at the fringed hem. “Nothing happened worth talking about for me. Benny was a huge let down. He was a complete gentleman.” She gave the pillow a toss and jumped off the bed. “Anyway, your handsome sleepover is waking up. I have no idea how I missed him when I came home last night. There’s no way I’ll take the chance of running into him looking like this.” She hurried for the door and said over her shoulder, “My suggestion is fix your hair.”

  Charlotte picked up the pillow and threw it at the closed door. She wasted no time in removing her robe and grabbing a shirt and shorts and dragged them on. With a quick finger comb through her hair, a smattering of moisturizer, and a swipe of deodorant, she opened the door and peeked out. Her destination was the bathroom to brush her teeth. Tiptoeing down the hall, she made it halfway…


  She almost jumped out of her shorts. The husky spoken word warned her Brennan was awake.

  Planting a smile on her face, she tugged the hem of her shirt down her hips and turned on bare feet. Her mouth fell open and her inner thighs quivered. A breeze could have knocked her over. Standing in the center of the living room, holding his guitar, shirtless and smiling, was her guest. His thick hair stood in a mess. His jaw was covered in a layer of dark stubble. And he looked sexy as hell.

  “You didn’t think I’d forget to get you something for your birthday, did you?”

  Her heart slammed into her toes. “I-I didn’t expect anything.”

  “Considering I didn’t know it was your birthday until late last night, I think I have something in mind. Have a seat.” He jutted his chin toward the couch.

  Weak kneed and fascinated, she made her way to sit down then placed her hands in her lap. “What are you doing?” At this point she didn’t know if her gift was his shirtless torso or that he planned to sing her a song. Both were amazing in their own right.

  He strummed his long, wide fingers down the strings of the guitar, playing a soft melody. He broke out into a familiar tune.

  “Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you…”

  Once he finished, she said, “Thank you. That’s a wonderful gift.”

  “There’s one more. I wrote this song and you’ll be the first to hear it. I think it fits.”

  “Okay.” She shifted on the cushion, curling her toes in the area rug.

  There are things in life a man can’t foresee

  Like love and an angel from Heaven

  But when she’s real and steals your heart with one smile…

  Feeling a smile tug at the corners of her mouth, she couldn’t fight it. This was, by far, the sweetest thing that had ever been done for her. Aunt Lucy had never celebrated birthdays or holidays and it had become the norm for Charlotte. His effort made her feel special. Appreciated.

  Once he finished, he set his guitar aside and rubbed his palms together like a kid in a candy store. She sat glued to the couch. Tears developed in her eyes and she couldn’t control them. Her emotions formed and the tears fell to her cheeks.

  He sat down next to her, his weight naturally sending her pressing against him. “I’m sorry. Was it that bad?”

  “No-no. Not bad at all.” She forced through her trembling lips.

  “Then what’s wrong?”

  “I th-think it’s so sweet. No one has ever done something like that for me.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into the nook of his shoulder. They fit together so easily. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

  “You must think I’m a big baby,” she muttered.

  His chuckle vibrated his chest, tickling her ear. “No, I don’t think you’re a baby.”

  She brought her chin up, looking at him through her moist lashes. “You don’t?”

  “Crying isn’t usually an emotion I get when I sing, but I can think of worse reactions.”

  “You belong on a stage, Brennan. That’s how amazing your voice is.”

  “I’ve been there, done that, and I didn’t like it much. There are just some cowboys who like home. It’s where I find peace.”

  “I understand.” Although she didn’t, not really. She’d never found “home”, but Tarnation certainly was giving her hope.

  Seconds passed, their gazes holding, and the draw overflowed between them. He lowered his mouth and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Aren’t you two just adorable.”

  Charlotte pulled away at the interruption and gave Betty Sue a narrowed eye.

  “Good morning, Betty Sue,” Brennan said in a thick voice. He didn’t look a bit disheveled by the disruption.

  “Morning, Brennan. Coffee?”

  “I’d love a cup.”

  “Coming right up.” Betty Sue smiled from one dangling earring to the other.

  Once they were alone again, he reached over, grabbed his shirt off the arm of the couch and pulled it on. Charlotte felt a tinge of disappointment, which surprised her. She’d lost herself in that kiss.

  Standing, she felt a little wobbly, but quickly gained her balance. “How about breakfast? I don’t really cook a lot…I mean, I’m not the greatest cook, but I can whip you up something. Eggs maybe?” Her cheeks went from warm to scorching. Could he tell that she was nervous? She needed to do something with all her restless energy.

  “I think coffee will do.” He stood.

  “Okay.” She tangled her fingers in her hair and smiled. “I’ll go help Betty Sue.” She took an anxious step back and stumbled over his boots. She flailed her arms trying to keep from falling. He reached out so effortlessly and caught her elbow in his gentle grip, stabilizing her physically but erupting another round of fireworks inside her body.

  Lifting her chin, she looked up at him, feeling her body falter under his attention. Their gazes held and her nipples tightened while other parts came alive. He was a handsome man, so feeling an attraction toward him was nothing exceptional, yet the pitter pattering in her chest was something very new. Although she’d loved her ex-fiancé, she couldn’t remember having Ryan’s touch evoke such a commotion inside her. Not even Roger Wright who’d been her first love. This was all alien to her, unexpected. Yet, she couldn’t have stopped the course of emotions even if she tried.

  But she had to try. At least give an attempt at hiding her feelings. She’d never been one to jump into anything, especially something that left her vulnerable.

  “Coffee. Coming up.” She almost ran for the kitchen. She found Betty Sue staring with a knowing smile.



  “You two together. You look a little flushed,” Betty Sue teased and took down a glass from the cabinet. “Water?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t like her cousin’s taunting, but Lord help her, Charlotte was falling mindlessly. Taking the glass, she poured it full of water from the refrigerator spout and drank half of it.

  “Nice kitchen.”

  At the sound of his voice, the glass slipped from her hand and dropped at her feet…shattering. “Oh no!” What was happening to her?

  “Don’t move!” he warned.

  Before she could even think about what Brennan was doing, he was across the room and picking her up. “I-I can walk!” She pushed against his chest—his solid chest—but he didn’t put her back down until they were outside of the ring of glass.

  “Broom?” He lifted a thick brow.

  A little shaky on her feet, she was lagging and couldn’t seem to respond.

  “Here. I’ll grab it,” Betty Sue offered, giving Charlotte a concerned glare.

  Leaning against the counter, gripping the edge, she watched him sweep up the glass into a dustpan and
dump it into the trash can.

  “There. No chance of cutting those delicate feet.” His eyes swept down her and she felt the affect all the way into the center of her bones. “You didn’t get cut, did you?”

  “N-no. I’m fine. Thank you.”

  Betty Sue shoved a full cup Charlotte’s way. “Here. Take this.”


  She saw Betty Sue mouth, “Relax!”

  “I’m trying to,” she mouthed back.

  “So, Brennan, how are things at Grinning Spurs?”

  “Mucking stalls, mending fences, you name it.” He leaned against the counter and crossed his ankles, sipping from the cup that read, “I’m a morning princess”.

  Charlotte rolled her eyes. Betty Sue could have chosen a better, more fitting, cup.

  But a man like Brennan had enough confidence that he didn’t care about cups and such.

  He hooked one thumb into the pocket of his well-fitting jeans, looking right at home in Charlotte and Betty Sue’s space. She had a feeling whether on the back of a horse or standing in a snake pit, nothing ever ruffled his feathers.

  “How are your brothers?” Betty Sue continued.

  “They’re all fine too.”

  “And the ankle?”

  “How about a cup of coffee for yourself?” Charlotte asked Betty Sue, hoping to pause the barrage of questions.

  “No. I don’t drink caffeine before a client. It makes me entirely too antsy. By the way, Charlotte. I have a full schedule today. What time do you have to be at work?”

  Looking through the steam from her cup, Charlotte narrowed her gaze. “Three.”

  “Oh no. Looks like I overbooked myself. Do you think you could catch a ride with someone else? What are you doing this afternoon, Brennan?”

  Charlotte cringed. Her cousin’s not so subtle matchmaking skills didn’t settle well. “I can figure something else out. I’m sure he has better things to do besides running me places.”


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