Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5)

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Bighearted Cowboy (Tarnation, Texas Book 5) Page 19

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  He swiped a hand down his jaw, looking a little pale around the edges. “You’re pretty good. How about we grab a six pack and take this somewhere else? I have a room over at the Inn.” He jutted a chin toward the door.

  “Let’s see if I’m on a roll. When you said you were a “free man” , you must have been talking free-spirited because your wagon is hitched. A wife, two and a half kids and picket fence around that place you call home. I’m curious though, does the wife know you like to use the tool after working hours?”

  He frowned and shot down his tequila. “A man deserves to have a bit of fun, little lady.”

  “Sure he does as long as it’s not the ‘lying and cheating’ kind of fun.”

  “I made a mistake.” He grunted. “I like my women warm.” He slammed the shot glass to the bar a little too loud which grabbed the bartender’s attention. Mandy and Tyler went way back and there was question in the woman’s gaze. No doubt she had a shotgun hiding behind the bar and wasn’t afraid to use it if needed.

  Tyler leaned closer. “And I’m not into men who shame a woman’s intelligence by sliding off the wedding band and slipping it into his front pocket thinking she won’t see the tan line.” She stood and laid a five-dollar bill on the bar. “Growing up with a daddy who owns Posey Construction, I got used to the shenanigans that happen after the machinery is put away for the day. My daddy certainly warned me enough about the likes of men who worked all day and played all night.”

  He blinked three times. “You’re Johnny Posey’s daughter?”

  “He works the family ranch more these days, but yeah, he owns the company.” She smiled when Tim’s bottom lip protruded. “A word of advice, Tim. Bohannan’s too small to play the same lines on every female that comes along. Go home before you’re served divorce papers. Some contracting job in the middle of nowhere isn’t worth losing your family.”

  “And what the hell would you know?” He sniffed loudly.

  “Enough, considering my momma fell for a sweet-talking, deep-dimpled, well-dressed man just like yourself. Twenty years later and the pick-up lines are all the same. He promised her they’d see the world together, make love every night and he’d treat her like a queen. She packed a bag at record speed and left her husband and kids, ready for the fantasy trip of a lifetime that lasted about two days. Once she met her lover’s wife and four kids in some two stop-light town in Ohio, things got a little crowded.” Tyler wasn’t sure what was redder, Tim’s face or the bright neon sign over his shoulder. With a smile, she waved at Mandy. “Bye, Mandy. Tell your ma I said hello.”

  “See you, Tyler. Stop over to the house when you get a chance. She’d love to see you.”

  There was a gentle mist outside as Tyler headed across the parking lot, her plans thwarted again. Kace was playing hard to get.

  Her phone vibrated and she reached for it, checking the screen. It was her father. She couldn’t deal with any of it tonight, so she dropped her phone back into her purse. They didn’t always see eye to eye. In fact, they’d butted heads a lot since Susy passed away. Tyler was having a hard time getting over many things, especially him refusing to come see her in New York, even when she’d played in her biggest role as Juliet. He’d used excuse after excuse, but she’d finally turned a deaf ear. Her father had never liked the idea that she didn’t stick around Bohannan, work on the family ranch, and marry Kace Cade. What was she supposed to do? Rope him and tag him as hers? Once upon a time she’d hoped something more would come of her relationship with the handsome cowboy, but things just sort of fizzled, and when she’d told him she was leaving Wyoming to pursue her dreams, he hadn’t once asked her to stay.

  “Well, well. Look what the cat drug back into the backwoods.”

  Swirling around on her heels, she almost jumped out of her brand-new boots. “Rogue Posey. Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes, boy. Last time I saw you that was all high and tight.” She reached up and tugged on the hair that touched his collar. “I bet you’re giving Daddy a coronary with all that fringe .”

  “Ain’t you one to complain, sassy.” He gave her a big hug and swung her around, lifting her feet off the ground for a long twirl, just like he did when they were kids. When he set her back down, his expression became firm, but his eyes stayed warm. “Why aren’t you staying at the ranch? That’s home. Your home.”

  She pulled back slightly, placing her hands on her hips. “Keep your nose where it belongs, mister. I’ve only been back in town for a week and I ain’t looking for a lecture from my little brother.” She waved a finger at him.

  “I’ve missed you is all. This thing where you come to visit every few years isn’t enough.”

  “Well, last I knew, the road travels both directions.” She tried to hide her hurt. From the time he was born, three years after her, she’d nestled him under her wing and taken care of him, and Susy. After their mother had taken off, Tyler had become more like a mother than a sister.

  “Come on, sassy. You know New York ain’t a place for a man like me. I’m a redneck cowboy and wouldn’t fit into the big city mold. How about you let me take you for ice cream? That always makes a blue-eyed girl feel better.”

  Burying the wounds, she tucked her fingers around his elbow. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than spend time with my favorite brother.”

  “I’m your only brother.” He dipped his hat. “But I’ll still take it as a compliment.”

  “Maybe you can tell me all about the one who’s stealing my brother’s heart. You know she’ll have to pass my checklist, right Ro?”

  “That’ll be a short conversation, unless you’re talking about the horses. It seems they’re about the only fillies I’ve been keeping company with these days. Dad runs the ranch like a drill sergeant, especially since he’s hung up his hard hat for a full-time Stetson. You know that. He likes things run like a well-oiled machine. I think he can’t seem to stay busy enough.”

  “Yeah, I know how he keeps his expectations high.” She couldn’t manage to keep the disappointment from her tone.

  “Ah, now, sass. It’s time you and Dad patch things up. He’s not getting any younger. You have a place at Posey Ranch, working right next to him and me. We both want you there. It’s time to put away those shit kickers and get a real pair of boots.” He snickered.

  She frowned. “What’s wrong with my boots? I found these at a corner boutique in New York—”

  “Need I say more?” He raised a brow. “Baby girl, it’s time you found your country roots again. I know they’re in there somewhere under those city layers. You’ll find the honky tonk real quick when you’re back to mucking stalls.”

  “Now wait just a second.” She stopped and tilted her hip. “Who said anything about me working the ranch? Maybe I have plans here in Bohannan.”

  He smirked. “Sure you do. Now let’s go grab that ice cream before the shop closes and you can tell me all about those wild dreams of yours. Have you seen Kace?”

  She knew his name would come up eventually. Rogue and Kace were friends.

  “Nope, but I’m sure I will soon.” As far as Kace was concerned, he was leaving her no choice but to take things to a different level. She knew exactly what she would need to do…

  “I know that look. What do you have planned?” Rogue actually looked concerned.

  Crossing her arms over her chest, she tapped the toe of her boot. “Only to get him to reopen the case.

  Several emotions flickered over his face. “Tyler—”

  “Don’t do that, Ro. Don’t give me one of Dad’s speeches. She was our sister and we both know she wouldn’t have taken her own life. Sheriff Mansfield didn’t give a rat’s ass about investigating, but now that Kace is wearing the badge…”

  “I understand you don’t want to believe the worst in Susy, but come on, sassy, you and I both know she’d made some bad life choices at the end. Maybe it’s time to let her rest in peace.” He sighed. “You’re not listening, are you?”

her head a quick shake, she took his arm again. “How about that ice cream. You owe me a double decker paradise supreme with extra whipped topping and three cherries.”

  “I do?”

  “Sure do. After all, I won the bet.”

  “And which bet was that?”

  “That when we saw each other again you would mention Kace’s name before I would.” She smiled.

  “That’s a little dirty. We made that bet years ago.”

  “I have the memory of an elephant.”

  “It’s good to have you home, girl.” He patted her hand.

  And she truly was glad to be back.

  Chapter 2

  CLOSING THE FOLDER on a recently solved case, Kace placed it in the file cabinet with the rest and locked the drawer. He glanced at the clock and sighed. Ten fifteen. Another late night on the job. Since he’d taken over as Sheriff he’d spent many an evening on the old, worn couch in his office. Looked like he’d be testing out the springs again tonight.

  Getting up from behind his desk, he strolled into the outer office and over to the coffee maker, poured a cup of the brew and sipped. It was ice cold. With a disgusted growl, he emptied the cup in one gulp, grateful for the caffeine to get him through another folder or two.

  Back at his desk, he sat back down and eased his body into the cushions of the worn leather chair, staring at the stack of folders that still needed reviewing. His gaze automatically found the pile of sticky notes Mildred had left for him. Picking the top half from the heap, he sighed and then filed through each of them…all twenty, and all from Tyler Posey. She was hell bent on getting his attention.

  Maybe he should just call her.

  That was his job. To make sure townspeople were happy and safe.

  He tossed the sticky notes back onto his desk and massaged his aching temples with his thumbs. An image developed in his mind as it had done hundreds of times over the past fifteen years. Petite brunette. Pale blue eyes backdropped by silky olive complexion. Body like a curvy back road. Nice and tight. He gave his head a disgruntled shake. The thought of her as “the one that got away” had faded some over the years and now a memory of a girl who’d left town to pursue dreams remained like an old battle wound. It had healed, but when the weather was bad, it smarted like a mother fucker.

  Leaning back in the chair, he closed his eyes, feeling a stab in the middle of his chest as he revisited the memory of the last night he spoke to her—the night that changed the course of his life. She’d looked lovely with her long black hair pulled up in a messy top knot, one spaghetti strap had fallen down her shoulder, and her bare feet dipped in the water. She hadn’t looked lovelier with the rays of the sun turning her beautiful eyes surrounded by a thick fringe of dark lashes into thieves of hearts. And that smile. Oh brother…it had made him weak in the knees. The yellow dress she wore that landed mid-thigh had driven him crazy.

  That summer they’d spent night after night making love under the moon and stars. He’d learned her body, her mind, and her soul. He’d never shared so much with one person.

  That one night had been different though. He was getting ready to leave for the Navy and he’d wanted to make her his girl. He’d been nervous as hell and had checked the velvet case in his pocket at least a dozen times, waiting for the perfect moment to ask for her hand in marriage. They’d been young, too young and inexperienced for some peoples’ tastes, but he knew he wanted to spend his life with her. Knew that he wanted to build a life of memories with her. He’d never been good at telling anyone his feelings, but he’d wanted to confess everything to her and vow to never let her go. He’d been a ride or die cowboy…made for one woman.

  Damn, he’d been a fool.

  Before he could drop to one knee, she’d dropped the bomb that she was leaving town and planned to live in New York…and nowhere in those plans did it include being hitched to a good ol’ boy like himself.

  Sure, she’d promised that she’d return one day. Probably said at least twenty times that things wouldn’t pan out in the big city and she was wasting her time going, but she wanted to audition for a part in a major play. Up until then, she’d been playing roles in the local theater while working on her family ranch. In that moment, the future he’d wanted, dreamt about, was soiled. After all, what could he offer that would compare to New York? He’d wished her well, put on a strong front, and that was the last time he saw her…well, the last time they’d been together.

  He’d gone onto the military, deployed in all parts of the world, fighting for his country, and Tyler had gotten the part in the play, and many more to come. What she didn’t know, he’d visited New York once, even saw her on stage. He never cared much for Shakespeare but watching her had kept his interest. She owned the stage, stealing hearts with her role, and he’d planned to see her after the show …until he saw her receiving two armfuls of red roses from a man who she thanked with a kiss.

  Kace made a quick exit out of the theater, giving the daisies he’d bought for Tyler to an elderly woman who was very appreciative, then he headed home where he belonged.

  She’d visited Bohannan a few times over the years from what Johnny and Rogue told him. Kace had been retired from the military by then, working for the Wyoming DCI for a while, also for the FBI a short spell until he finally decided he wanted a more hands on approach to the law. He liked being Sheriff, liked knowing the people he helped. Seeing the differences he made.

  Living in Bohannan now, he’d eventually have to see Tyler. He wanted to remain indifferent, distant. Was it possible?

  He’d gotten over her. He’d gone on with his life, enjoyed living as a bachelor and all that entailed, so he should thank her for cutting the ties long ago. He could be hitched to her wagon for life, and then what? Wake up with the same woman every morning who expected him to make it for dinner every evening? Kiss her anytime he wanted? Make love to just her for the rest of his life? He shifted and adjusted his fly.

  Yeah, who wanted that life?

  He blew out a long breath. He sort of did.

  Giving his head a shake in hopes to dislodge the errant train of thought, he’d have to man up—way up—and keep his head on straight. He didn’t have time for Tyler or any woman…except for Sadie Mae who didn’t have any expectations outside of the bedroom.

  He’d just steer clear of Tyler, then there’d be no chance of her getting into his head.

  Who was he kidding? Bohannan wasn’t big enough to curse a cat without choking on fur let alone dodge Tyler Posey. She could be a force to be reckoned with. That’s how she earned the nickname Sassy.

  If he knew her, and he did, or at least he did once upon a time, she wouldn’t give up until she got what she wanted. Three years ago, when her sister, Susannah, was found dead at her boyfriend’s house, Tyler had come home to help make arrangements for her funeral. It had been a devastating time for her family and Kace had been too chicken shit to see her, although he had gone to the funeral services and sat in the very back, his eyes naturally staying on her, wishing he could have comforted her in some way. She hadn’t been alone though. Another man’s arm had been around her, some guy who drove a BMW and wore an expensive suit that screamed “yuppie”. She’d traded in a country boy for a rich bastard. Figured. What had he expected? She was a beautiful, talented woman. The man backstage at the play and the yuppie from the funeral were probably only two of the men she had on a string.

  If that wasn’t enough to convince him that she didn’t belong in Bohannan, cowboy capital of Wyoming, then he wasn’t sure what would. She’d always had big dreams of being in the spotlight and he liked everything low key. She was outgoing, and he was introverted. She talked about having a big house, and he liked small. They were completely different.

  Point was, he could lay low during her visit if he really tried. He’d once hidden a whole week in Kosovo on assignment without anyone the wiser. From his special ops missions, he’d learned the skill of hiding in the most obvious places. Yet, he wasn’t on assi
gnment and he wasn’t about to go out of his way for her. He was Sheriff, and if she wanted to find him, she could.

  However, she’d have to get used to the idea that she couldn’t waltz back into town, ring up his phone, and he’d dropped everything to reopen her sister’s closed case.

  Kace understood Tyler’s dismay. No one wanted to believe that a loved one would take their own life, but he couldn’t investigate clues for a homicide where the facts just weren’t there. He’d read over the file and it was an open and shut case.

  Realizing he wasn’t going to get much more work done, he got back up and went over to the couch, dropped down onto the lumpy cushions that squealed like a pig in heat and placed his loaded gun on the nearby table. He laid his arm over his eyes and had quickly fallen into a dream of dark hair, bewildering blue eyes, and a sweet little body when a noise in the outer office brought him wide awake and to a sitting position. He had his gun in hand and was off the couch, taking three long strides across the room, just as a loud clanking noise sounded again.

  Kace stepped out of his office, gun aimed at the floor as he glanced across the shadowed room. Seeing a silhouette in the cell, he growled. What the hell?

  He switched on the overhead light and had to blink twice to make sure what he was seeing was real and not just leftovers from a dream. Sure enough. He wasn’t alone. “What the hell are you doing?” He shoved his gun into the waist of his jeans and scrubbed the sleep from his eyes.

  The petite brunette, the one who’d caused him lots of grief time and again, stood in the center of the cell, one palm on her slanted hip and the keys to the jail dangling from the hook of her finger. She wasn’t laughing otherwise he’d think this was a joke. They’d tipped enough cattle and egged enough bridges in the past that he could see how she might find this funny. He’d grown up though and wasn’t in the mood for any funny business.


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