Jade and Saint

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Jade and Saint Page 2

by Anjela Day

  “Yes daddy” I said as sweetly as possible.

  “Come in here?” He ordered in a calm but demanding tone. Fuck I thought looking at my clothes. Watch he finds something to say. I speak under my breath, as I round the corner and walk into his office.

  “Yes daddy” I asked standing in the thresh hold of his door.

  “Come in here,” He said rubbing his hands together. I could immediately tell he was in a bad mood. The faint smell of a cigar, was still lingering,and the glass of brandy on his desk.

  “I was just on my way—-”

  “Wherever you are going, it won't be in that dress.” My father said taking a sip from his glass. I hated that he treated me as if I were a child. I was two months away from nineteen. On top of that I had been taking care of him since my mom passed away. I felt as if I never truly was a child. I looked away from my father so he wouldn't see me roll my eyes. However this overprotective father act was played out.

  “Daddy, I'm grown.” I quickly inform him, looking away so he wouldn't see how upset I was becoming.

  “You're grown, but you live in my house. Spend my money, and drive the cars I provide. How grown are you really?” My father asked, and I poked my hip out, and crossed my arms over my breast.

  “Do you want me to move out?” I asked feeling annoyed, my father was controlling me with money. “Where would you go?” My father asked in a arrogant tone. He was pretending as if I was poor. My mother had died almost twelve years ago. She left me with, a trust fund well over a million dollars. Over the years it had been invested well, and could only had doubled. I wasn't hurting for money. I just loved my father.

  “Anywhere I want” I said to my father turning to walkout of his office. I could hear him call my name as I walked away. Although I didn't feel like fighting.

  I walked out of the house, and over to my car. Finally exhaling as I slipped into my car.

  I won't deny that my father provided a cushy life for me. He gave me any and everything. Maybe it was time for me to grow up. I said pulling out of our driveway, and in to traffic. The sound of my phone ringing distracted my thoughts. I was sure it was my father. I was relieved when I saw Cree's name.

  “Creations,” I called my best friend by her given name, and start to laugh.

  “Where are you?” She asked with a bit of urgency in her voice.

  “Relax, I will be there in twenty minutes.” I said lying knowing that it was a forty five minute drive.

  “Damn” she said huffing.

  “What is it?” I was hoping you were running late, and could pick me up. Olivia, is not going.” Cree said. I could hear the anger in her voice.

  “let me guess she canceled last minute leaving you without a ride.”

  “Of course she did.”

  “Why do you keep falling for her bullshit. She is so shady. Of course I will come and get you. What are best friends for.” I said teasingly

  “Bitch bye, your ass just don't want to be at that mixer alone.” She sayid and I had too smile damn she knew me so well.

  “I'll be there in fifteen,” I told her.

  “You are running late.” Cree said and I burst out laughing.

  “I'm fashionably on time” I assured her ending the call.


  I sat massaging my head. It was pounding. It was not enough brandy in the state of Illinois to ease the strain I was under. I still poured another glass, and lit up one of my Cohiba cigars. I inhaled the sweet intoxicating aroma of the Cuban tobacco. All the while wishing I could forget all of my problems. I was damn near broke, how could I forget that? For the first time in fifteen years my account was below six figures. I glanced from my glass to the computer screen to see three hundred thousand dollars. I could feel my chest get tight. Damn, I'd spent almost every dime of Jade's trust. Four million three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, all gone.

  This was overwhelming. I could just imagine how Jade was going to behave when she realized I ran through, everything her mother and I had invested for her. I was sure that she'd be devastated. It wasn't supposed to be like this. My exit from the game was well thought out. I thought to myself. I had prepared for everything. Everything, but seventy five percent of my customers all being connected to illegal doings. How did I miss this? I questioned myself.

  I thought I had everything under control. I just never thought that I would blow through the money so fast. What the hell am I going to do? I was in a state of frustration. Peering down at the bottom of my empty glass. I sat in deep thought .

  So deep that I didn't even hear anything around me. That is until the door bell chimed. Seconds after my maid Carmen stood in the threshold of my door. She looked around my office before she spoke.

  “Mr. Dontay, a police man is here to see you.” She said her voice aged, and raspy. Her tone was very judgmental.

  “Show him in. “No need I'm in.” The over confident mutha fucka said walking into my office. He had an cocky half smile on his face. His look was also judgmental. I sat up in my seat, and stared at him in disgust. What the hell was this nigga doing here? I silently said to myself. Detective Donald Armstrong was the smug bastard that I had start paying several years ago. His job was to simply keep me on the up and up. Anything to do with the law he stayed on top of. Be it warrants, investigations, or just a random searches. The last few years I'd paid him a hefty fee to keep my clients and customers from ever being inconvenienced. I was no longer in the game. In fact. I had changed career paths completely. I was running for mayor of Glencove. As far as I was concerned his services were no longer needed. I'd kept him around the last year just to make sure my transition went as smooth as possible.

  Now with the money damn near gone, and me robbing Peter to pay Paul I couldn't afford to continue to grease anyone's palms. Hell I was baffled on how I was going to survive.

  “Payments late” Armstrong stated bluntly. He walked through my office gawking at the paintings that hung on the walls. He even took time to examine the books that were neatly shelved behind me.

  “I informed you last month that I would no longer need your services.” I told him

  “That's not how that shit works boss. This is a life time partnership.” his husky voice said more confident than it had ever been.

  If he thought that I was intimidated he was a damn fool. Hell I was Action Lawton before he was a twinkle in his daddy's eye. It would take more than him sitting in front of me with his legs crossed, and a tooth pick dangling from his mouth for him to shake me. I matched his gaze. I reached for my already lit cigar. I took a long pull.

  Our eyes locked like bulls ready to charge. That wasn't going to shake me either.

  “Old man you hear me?” He asked. I could tell he was becoming annoyed. I could give two fucks less. This young nigga wasn't going to breathe fear in me. I sucked my teeth squaring off with what looked like a younger version of myself. His dark mahogany skin, was still tight. It was clear he had not a worry in the world.

  Here he was hitting me up for more money. I'd paid him more than enough to be comfortable.

  That was the problem with these young cats coming up. They had no hustle in them. Just greedy niggas trying to get over on someone else's work. They had no idea when enough was enough.

  “Look young blood, I don't know who you think you are? You don't breathe fear in me .

  “I should!” Armstrong said cockly.

  “Why is that?” I asked this young nigga. I guess he thought because he had a badge and a gun, I would quiver at the sight of him.

  “Look old man, I just want my money. I don't want to open the gates of hell.” Armstrong said. Now I was the one laughing. His scowl was so serious I think he almost believed himself. He was going to open the gates of hell? On me!” Didn't he know I was the devil? Unleashing hell was just revealing my wrath.

  I laughed again. “Do your worse young blood.”I said finishing my cigar. I put the tail out. Then I eased back in my seat.

  “My worse?�
� Armstong mouthed with an raised eye brow.

  “Anything else I can do for you?” I asked him. Watching his face shift from me to the floor.

  “You don't know who you fuckin' with old man.” He said standing to his feet. I took to mine letting him know he'd have to do a lot more to leave me shook.

  “Alight, I'll be back,” He said nodding his head, as he walked out of the door.

  “I wouldn't expect anything less.”

  I don't know what pissed me off more. The fact that I could no longer pay for his services. Or that he thought he could come to my home, and threaten me. I'm Dontay Action Lawton. In no way shape or fashion was I a pushover. This mutha fucka wanted a fight! Although he was about to get a war.

  I took my glass into my hand. To take a sip when I realized I'd already consumed the contents. I huffed in anger then I tossed the glass to the wall. Shards of glass shattered all over the room. As the painting of my wife that hung over my bookshelves fell to the ground. Surely she was laughing in this moment at my Karma, it surely was a bitch.

  “God dammit” I said sheathing with anger. I fell backward into my chair realizing what I had to do. I lifted my telephone in my hand and scanned over a few contacts. I exhaled in frustration. I quickly pressed the word Detroit in my phone.

  “Yo” The cocky voice said.

  I hated this arrogant mutha fucka more than a fat girl hated a diet. He thought because he had Coke, and a little influence he was a king. Truth was the nigga was sloppy, and had I been ten years younger I'd give him a run for his money. Hell I knocked that imagery crown right off of his head.

  “Been a longtime,” I said my head filling with anger.“Killa we need to talk” I said to the arrogant Detroit nigga I thought I was done dealing with. I quickly slouched in my seat filling embarrassed it had come to this.

  “That so?” He said cockly.

  “Meet in our spot in an hour?” I asked

  “Make it two.” He said coldly before ending the call.

  An hour later Cree, and I pulled to the door of the Sparrow night club. We stepped out of my brand new Bently Cross fire. A gift from daddy he has no idea he's given me yet. I smoothed my dress down in anticipation of what the night was to bring. I handed my Key fob to the valet before biting my lip in excitement. “Girl we have arrived.” Cree said dancing to the faint music as we walked in. Cree was acting as if we'd never been been any where before. I loved my best friend, I just hated every time we stepped out she proved we were cut from different cloths. The random things that excited her. Riding in expensive cars. Talking to men with money. Even shopping at the Gucci store. Things that I had come to know as normal I sighed breezing pass Cree. I searched the entire bar for a place to sit. Sparrow's entire bar was full of the upper class of Glencoe. There was no VIP section. Just a bar fool of elegant booths on different levels. The only problem was finding where we belonged. My eyes roamed the room where it looked to have a few black men seated. That isn't where I wanted to be. While I loved my people. No matter where we lived black people always acted out. Rich black kids more so. They felt they had something to prove. As if they had to prove they were hood because the color of their skin. My eyes went to the top floor. A smooth mixture of all races. That's where I wanted to be. I thought waving Cree over. I pointed to the top floor.

  My legs were looking right as I climbed the steel stairs of Sparrow. Making my way to the center booth. I slid inside of the wooden booth, with the smooth as butter leather seats and purred. I lifted my phone to my hand tapping Cree on her shoulder clicking a quick picture.

  “How are you ladies doing?” A man's voice asked easing over to our table. I was unfazed up loading the picture to social media. I could feel Cree Nudging me. She was clearly excited about the mans present's before us.“How are you ladies doing?” he said speaking loudly over the music. His deep voice got my attention. He was leaned up against the steel railing, one foot posted on the stump. Dressed in a pair of what looked like black label slacks, a white buttoned down shirt. It was slightly

  un-buttoned to show off his well-crafted physique. What a body it was. I sat back in my seat, just to admired it. Hum I mumbled looking from him to Cree she had a goofy smile on her face. That let me know she was clearly interested in this man. “How are you ladies doing he asked. Adjusting his shirt sleeve to show off what looked like a Rolox on his arm. I hated men like him. You know the type that had to make it known he had a little money. I had money too!

  “We're good” Cree eagerly spoke.

  “Can I help you?” I asked not really feeling like being bothered.

  “oh fiesty, I like that. I was just wondering if I could buy you ladies some drinks.” he said looking at his watch.

  “Are we wasting your time?” I asked him

  “Yes” Cree said, and I pinched her under the table.

  “No thank you we were just about to order a bottle of Dom.” I told him.

  I wasn't even old enough to order alcohol. Although at Sparrow that didn't matter. I had the type of money to get whatever I pleased.

  “Oh Dom Perignon, You ladies have great taste. Let me get that for you.” He said pulling his wallet out of his black slacks. He pulled a silver color AMEX card out. He waved the card around, like a white flag. Our waitress walked over taking it from him. She smiled at him sweetly, but I could read between the lines. She was undressing him with her eyes. I could tell she had spent a Gargantuan amount of his money in her head. A light laugh escaped my lips, as I pretended not to pay attention the way he spoke to her.

  Cree tapped my shoulder pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced at her, and she bent her head and leaned into my ear to whisper.

  “Girl he got money.” Cree said , and I just laughed.

  “So do we!” I told her rolling my eyes.

  “Cree may not have lived in Glencoe, nor did she live an extravagant lifestyle her family was comfortable. My father made sure of it. He hired her father years ago as a truck driver. It was to help them out, when her dad loss his job. His mother had been so helpful with me after my mom died. I think my father felt as if he owed them.

  “Not like that,” She said still watching his every move.

  “So can I get to know you ladies? What's your names?” He asked a smirk on his face.

  “Well I'm Creation's, and this is—I held my hand to halt's Cree's words.

  “My name is not important. I took the glasses off of the tray, as the waitress sat them down, passing one to Cree, not bothering to even grab the third glass.

  “Don't be like that?” The man said. He lifting my chin so that our eyes met.

  His dark brown eyes were sexy. Just not inviting. From the way he was looking it was clear that he only wanted one thing.

  “So I just bought you a five hundred dollar bottle of champagne, and I can't know your name?” He asked lines forming in his forehead.

  “Jade is that you?” A voice said over the music. I looked up to see a face I could go a life time without seeing.

  “Jade that is a beautiful name.” The man said causing me to look back at him. He ran his finger down my arm. Touching me as if I was his to touch. “Eww” was he serious? I mumbled pulling my arm back. I hated to be touched.

  “Hey girl, yall look cute,” Camilla said sounding as if she were shocked to see me here. She was standing next to Olivia who looked annoyed to be in my presence.

  “Olivia great to see you, I heard a horrible rumor you weren't coming.” I said standing to kiss both women on the cheek.

  “Cree look who made it.” I said with a twisted face.

  “Who?” Cree said looking through Olivia as if she wasn't there.

  “Oh hey Camilla glad you made it.” Cree, said standing to her feet. She brushed passed Olivia as if she really didn't see her.

  “Hey handsome a dance.” Cree said grabbing the first guy she saw standing around.

  I chuckled as the white boy spun Cree around dropping his mouth open at the sight of her round ass. Cre
e was so slept on. Men saw her and didn't realize how lucky they were to even stand next to her. Her beauty was uncanny Standing about five feet seven, with rich dark skin. High cheek bones full lips long lashes. Her slim thick frame was a gift and a curse. While she was built like a brick house. In her hood no man would deny she was better looking than me. In the pageant circuit she was on threshold of being fat. That made her very insecure. If she only knew I'd kill to look like her. I thought watching her wide hips sway to the music.

  “Do you see that bitch, ugh she's one doughnut away from a dozen.” Olivia, said catching me off guard.

  “What did you say?” I asked turning to face the bitch.

  “Oh nothing girl.” She said raising her glass in defense.

  I hated that bitch. It was evident in my face. I couldn't keep the fake smile on my face any longer. I stood grabbing the man's hand.

  “Lets have some fun I said easing onto the dance floor.

  "Ma!" I yelled out walking into the 5 bedrooms colonial style house in East point Michigan. Killa had called me home. Something about a new plan , I had called my mother when she didn't answer I went right over.

  My parents still stayed close to Detroit, although they had moved into a bigger flasher house than My brother Daron and I had been raised in. "Ma" I called out again walking towards the kitchen knowing at 8 in the morning it was only two places she would be. I found her at the kitchen table. her body slumped over in the chair. Her beautiful salt and pepper colored hair tussled all over her head, as smoke rose from the skillet on the stove top. I could feel my heart began to race, as I squatted beside her to check her pulse. Her flawless caramel colored skin looked drained. While her body still was warm.


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