The Alexandra Series

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The Alexandra Series Page 48

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  “I love being with women,” she said. “I love to look into the softness of their eyes, feel their skin, and their small lips when they’re pressed to mine. We move so differently than men when we’re sexually passionate, with rhythms that come from a source that’s almost indefinable. It’s a quality of eroticism that makes me think of meandering brooks and sultry warm days, and nights where the air is filled with stars and a crescent moon. Things subtle. Women are much more subtle than men.”

  Alex’s gaze was unnerving, Jocelyn thought. But it was also appealing. Reggie’s gaze often unnerved her, too, but not like this. Alex’s pink blushed lips were slightly parted, her eyes were sex-filled and droopy—classic bedroom eyes that beckoned her without her really knowing it. Even as Alex drank her Coke through a straw, the picture was erotic, as if her lips were descending on some part of the human anatomy for a kiss or more…

  Jocelyn moved against the chair beneath her as she might move against a lover’s thigh. She’d worn no underwear under the long flowing skirt, and was aware of her arousal as her pussy pressed against the seat. What she was feeling was not the same sharp surge of desire that she experienced with men, but something very refined, almost elusive, as if there was an ethereal sprite teasing her body with new sexual longing.

  “I’d never push,” Alex said, in a voice that sounded as if it had dropped an octave, the mellow tone seducing her, as much as the eyes and lips and alluring body were seducing her.

  “Never push what?” Jocelyn asked.

  “I want to make love to you,” she said.

  Jocelyn smiled. “I almost expected you to say that.”

  “Well, now that I have,” Alex went on, “it’s not a proposition, just a desire. I have no expectations.”

  “I’m glad you told me. But I don’t know how to respond.” There was a nervous flutter in her tummy along with the rest of the beguiling commotion. “You know, I think this margarita is making me dizzy,” she said. “You about ready to go?”



  A clear cool night with a thousand shining stars greeted them as moved out onto the street. Jocelyn resisted the urge to hold Alex’s hand as they strolled back to the spa. A breeze was gusting through their hair, through Alex’s blonde curls, and Jocelyn’s red ones, the wind erotically tickling their skin. Distant strains of music, the sounds of laughter and giggling, the smell of wine, even if it was only in their imaginations, made it a moment too ripe with possibilities to ignore. Though they both felt the attraction, Jocelyn was hesitant.

  “I’m not ready for this,” she finally said, as she and Alex stood in the hallway outside their rooms.

  “Maybe I shouldn’t have spoken,” Alex returned.

  “But then that wouldn’t be very honest.”

  “Nothing ever has to happen,” Alex told her. “As far as I’m concerned right now, we have the same relationship we’ve always had. She ran her hand along the redhead’s soft cheek and smiled. “Have a good night.”

  Alex undressed and bathed in a warm bath. Drying the dampness away with a thick terrycloth towel, she then moved to the patio door and walked out naked onto the balcony. The chill in the air created a rash of goosebumps across her flesh. How different this was from that savage night on her balcony at home. The evening was as tranquil as a summer breeze wafting across a still lake. She shivered, as her hands moved over silky skin, through the tuft of hair at her pubic mound and the warm wet place between her labia. She knelt on the lounge, on hands and knees, as if she was submitting to one of the dominant geniuses in her life, awaiting their hands combing her flesh or slapping her bottom or penetrating the offered orifices. Moving against her own hand now the stimulation steadily mounted. How she wished for lips at the doorway to her cunt, and probing things, and fingers and tongues. Swept into the remembrance of times past, she almost lost herself so much, that once again, she didn’t immediately notice when a pair of real hands were caressing her behind.

  A quick look back and she saw a glint of red in the starlight. Jocelyn was sitting behind her on the lounge.

  “You make it hard to ignore my lust for you,” Jocelyn whispered. Her warms hands moved about Alex’s bottom, her touch ever so gentle, but still tentative. As if some electric charge was flowing from her novice hands, the sensation augmented Alex’s driving need. She needn’t be an expert at the task. Jocelyn’s hand moved even deeper between Alex’s legs, where she fingered the sensitive flesh, and found her dearest friend responding just as she might if her own fingers or Will’s were probing her there. Alex rocked back against the invading hands, which became more bold the more they played with her. So like Jocelyn not to waver even from the outset. It was either that, Alex thought, or her friend was lying about having had a woman before. Then too, Alex knew Jocelyn’s lust well, the redhead would be a mistress of her own self pleasure, knowing exactly what brings a woman to orgasm.

  Alex parted her legs, begging Jocelyn for more. And with the ‘come-on’ obvious, her lover became bolder still. Jocelyn’s fingers probed deeply and were soon moving rhythmically in and out of the warm wet pussy, until Alex gasped aloud and groaned with pleasure, her female juices flooding over her lover’s hand.

  Jocelyn was still dressed in her robe and admiring the sight of Alex’s naked backside, now glowing white in the pale moonlight. Sensing the eyes focused on her back, she turned around and let the white sheet fall away. Jocelyn could see her creamy breasts, the pussy and everything in-between. No further invitation was necessary, their longing arms brought them together as naturally as if they’d made love every day. Their naked bodies moved in tandem, breast to breast and cunt to cunt and lips to lips. Settled in side by side on the lounge, they continued to kiss as their hands played at will and the intimacy grew.

  Unexpectedly, with just the most basic stimulation, Jocelyn suddenly exploded into orgasm. Dormant, built-up, pent-up sexual energy broke free and her climax swept through her body with a boisterous blast. She was almost savage the way she bucked against her new found lover’s slim form. With Alex’s fingers moving stealthily between her thighs and reaching to the wet warmth of her pussy, a gentle ‘ahhhhmmmmmm’ … escaped her parted lips while the final shudder lingered on.

  Alex, ready for another climax, pressed Jocelyn’s fingers to the opening of her pussy, and as the chill of the cool night air made her shiver, she ended this second orgasm with a graceful moan, thinking she was at last on her way to all the satisfaction her body craved.

  “Are you cold?” Alex asked, after they’d been silent for some minutes.

  “Cold, no,” Jocelyn replied. “But I’d like you on the bed.”

  Even in the shadowy darkness, Alex could see Jocelyn’s eyes shining with their iridescent green.

  “You’re sure you want to go on? I was blatantly seducing you. I’m sorry, but…”

  “Blatant you were,” Jocelyn interrupted a senseless apology. “But there’s nothing to apologize for, I don’t want to stop.”

  They guided each other into Alex’s darkened bedroom, and lay down on top of comforters that felt as cool as the air until their bodies warmed them. Settling between Jocelyn’s legs, Alex cradled the redhead’s rear end in her hands and found her moist cumming sex with her mouth. By the light of stars, she could see the luster on the woman’s face, see the shining tint of red hair on her pubic mound, and see that the woman was breaking through this sexual taboo with ease. Maybe there was nothing to break through at all. Perhaps she was made for this. Perhaps for Jocelyn making love to a woman was no different than picking up a forgotten garment that she’d once left lying on the floor.

  She tasted sweet and pungent. The hint of decay between her legs, like the smell of a withering summer, or that musty autumn smell of women at the ripe end of a good day. It brought back memories, Alex thinking of Jane, the cunt she never sucked, even though the intimacy she’d shared with her was a precious moment in her sexual awakening. She visualized making love to Jane so man
y times in her mind that it seemed real, as if it actually happened; though memory defied her to recall the act of laying her tongue to Jane’s pink clit.

  Now moving as catlike as the Jane of her memories, Alex explored the body that desire had made an obsession in her mind. She wouldn’t tell her yet about the raunchy things she dreamed of, how she’d put herself in bed with her a hundred times, and imagined the moment she’d first lay eyes on the swollen clit, and the red nether hair, and the large pink aureoles with their puckering nipples. For now Alex was content to enjoy the blessings of her friend so willingly bestowed. She wondered why this hadn’t happened sooner.

  It was only after they’d slept, and morning was about to break across a clear California sky that Jocelyn finally found her way between Alex’s thighs, to the moist skin and the tender pink folds of her pussy. This new taste of a woman’s home, this in the morning when the fragrance peaked, drew her into the writhing blonde body as if Jocelyn were right there with Alex in the middle of her orgasmic moment. Where she placed her lips, Alex would place her own if she could; where she tongued and finger fucked, Alex would as well. Jocelyn yearned to go deeper into the sensitive territory, to fill the woman with herself, to blend as spirits just as their bodies surely blended.

  When she witnessed the sensuous waves of completion, and the soft ‘amen’ of satisfaction from Alex’s lips, Jocelyn pulled body to body with her again, and their arms embraced as if a blanket of peace was wrapped around them from which they were safe from any worries of a more troubling world.

  Chapter Five

  Alex looked across the table, into Jocelyn’s green eyes, as a moist cloud arose from their plates of steamy scrambled eggs.

  “I never eat eggs like this,” Jocelyn declared. “Unless I’m sexually satiated. I suppose it’s like coming back to earth eating something so substantial.” She was apparently amused by some memory.

  “You’ve been eating eggs a lot I would think,” Alex said affectionately, thinking of Jocelyn’s husband.

  “Reggie’s a fire cat, all right, beneath that cool, but he’s too easily distracted. I remember the first time we made love at the Tahoe estate, I had him all to myself for one long glorious night.”

  “You almost sound sad,” Alex said, noting the small furrow in Jocelyn’s brow, and the way she bit her lip as if she were holding something back.

  “Our honeymoon was the same. He’s so devoted when his attention is fixed on me. I’ve never felt so consumed.”

  “Consumed. I love that,” Alex agreed, relishing the word.

  “But he’s too damned busy.”

  “And you aren’t?”

  “Oh, we both are,” Jocelyn conceded. “That’s why I was so disappointed when he couldn’t make this trip.”

  “I suppose the men in our lives are passionate about many things. But be certain, my dear, Reggie is very passionate about you.”

  “Yes, he is.” She smiled happily, knowing that Alex was one person that would really understand that fact.

  “And you miss him.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. I suppose I do, but not so much now, since I decided to enjoy you. You know you have a great ass?”

  “I’ve been told it’s good for many things.”

  “Maybe I should spank it sometime,” Jocelyn mused.

  “Maybe?” Alex replied. “I’ve never been spanked by a woman, at least not that I remember.”

  The morning had come too soon for them both. Just pulling away from each other and out of bed had been a challenge, let alone dressing and going to breakfast in the coffee shop. The abrupt taste of reality was shocking to their systems, but then, they were still finding ways to be intimate even in the midst of the bustling restaurant.

  “Are you sure you haven’t had bisexual inclinations all this time?” Alex asked.

  Jocelyn shook her head. “I swear, I haven’t. It’s never occurred to me to make love to a woman. Perhaps until I got what I needed from a man, I couldn’t really focus on my own sex.”

  “But you’re happy about our accident last night?”

  “I’m in love with you, Alex, every inch of your body.”

  “As I am with you. This is such a perfect place for lesbian lust. I just wonder what we’re going to do when we have to face reality next week.”

  “You’re worried,” Jocelyn asked.

  “I suppose I shouldn’t be, at least not yet. After all, we have all week.”

  Alex went back to eating eggs while Jocelyn stared at her friend’s sumptuous body. Her silk blouse draped in front so that she could see her breasts. When she moved even slightly, and the two orbs swayed against the fabric, a pang of desire instantly ignited deep in Jocelyn’s groin.

  As much as their sexual exploration felt as right as anything Jocelyn had ever done, she was surprised to find a hint of remorse in her friend’s demeanor that kept her distant for nearly a day.

  “You are worried about something.” Jocelyn confronted her later, while they were sunning by the pool.

  “You think so?”

  “Don’t lie to me or maybe I’ll spank your ass. Isn’t that what Will or Reggie would do?”

  “I can hear them now.

  Jocelyn perused the blonde’s face, looking for more clues, though the truth hit her suddenly, the intuitive flash so obvious, she wondered why she hadn’t thought about it before.

  “You’re feeling guilty, aren’t you?” Jocelyn said.

  “Guilt? Me, feel guilty about sex?”

  “I said, don’t lie,” Jocelyn raised the intensity of her voice.

  Alex stared around trying not to catch Jocelyn’s eyes, but that was impossible since the redhead was not going to waver from her purpose.

  “Yeah, it’s guilt, all right. Damn it! I loved last night. I’m so horny now, I want to take you in the bedroom and make love all afternoon.”

  “Then we will.”

  “It’s Will,” Alex confessed.

  “You think he’d disapprove.”

  “Not of the sex, he’d never do that. But I’m not sure that he’s over the incident last year. My big mistake that sent me running to Reggie for retribution.”

  Jocelyn had heard all the stories in great detail.

  “That was about lies, Alex. So go ahead and tell him about us.”

  “You’re planning to tell Reggie?”

  “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “Well, if I tell Will, you’ll have to tell Reg.”

  “Frankly, I’d rather keep this to ourselves,” Jocelyn said. “I mean, what are we going to feel like when we get back? Do you know? Maybe this is just a quick fling and nothing more. It hardly seems worth the gamble of pissing off two unpredictable men. The way I see it, we’ve been spurned by our husbands and this is our revenge.” The glimmer in her eye looked as if it had a diabolical source, with all the wicked implications of some devilish plan behind it.

  “What a mischievous bitch, you are! And not an ounce of guilt.”

  “I suppose a little jealousy does that to me,” Jocelyn retorted.

  “You’re pissed at him, aren’t you?”

  “You’re damn right! Making love to you, having sex, being bawdy and raunchy and totally without shame right now is soothing my wounded wings. Reggie pissed me off not coming on this trip, and I’ve been afraid to say it. Right now, I’d just as soon he doesn’t know anything about us. I’d rather keep these moments with you all to myself.”

  For her own reasons Alex agreed. As unpredictable as Will’s response might be, holding back this information was a gamble she was willing to take for the perverse thrill of keeping the secret of their lusty infidelity to themselves.

  Chapter Six

  Gazing at the skyscraper at night, Jocelyn’s sensibilities were acute enough to know it was Reggie’s light burning high above the street below. He was too far away to actually see him; but she could almost feel his presence as if he was next to her. So close now, after so many days away. She dashed toward t
he door, smiling at the security guard who cleared her to the seventh floor.

  “It’s Sunday, Reg, didn’t you expect me home?” Jocelyn said appearing in the door of his office. Seeing his blond head buried up to his eye balls in work, it was hardly different than when she left the week before.

  He looked up. “You’re back,” he said with hardly a wrinkle in his expression.

  “Is that all the welcome I’m going to get?”

  “It’s all you deserve.”

  “All I deserve! How about ‘I love you, I missed you, can’t wait to take you in my arms?’ We’re still romantically entangled, aren’t we?”

  “That’s probably why I’m so pissed.”

  Jocelyn moved inside the office and around the massive desk so she could have her hands on him. “What’s wrong?” she asked, her fingers running through his blond locks.

  “It’s been a rotten week. I could have used your comfort.”

  “Really?” She was pleased by that sentiment. He did miss her even if he wasn’t exactly saying so.

  He pulled her hands from their tender gestures, and held them while he looked up at her. There was little warmth in his eyes, and he did look weary.

  “So tell me all about it,” she said.

  “No. You tell me all about your trip.”

  “Ah, it was perfect. Couldn’t have been any better. Lots of sun, several damn good massages, and the food was terrific. Alex and I relaxed. Exactly what you should have done.”

  “So you’re going to rub it in?”

  “You wanted me to tell you about it. And…” she sidled in closer, “I’m so fucking horny, I’d like to screw you right on this desk.”


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