The Alexandra Series

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The Alexandra Series Page 57

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  It was a Tuesday afternoon, just after lunch, when Will walked into Killian Management Consulting. He turned several heads passing by the secretaries on his way to Jocelyn’s office. Few could resist following him with their eyes as the handsome man with the artistic flair moved by them with a casual air of authority and a sexy grin. He was impressed with Jocelyn’s efficient looking operation, though he didn’t particularly like the artwork on the walls.

  He waited several minutes for her secretary to announce him.

  “You really should let me hang a few paintings in your reception area,” Will said, as he was ushered into Jocelyn’s office, the woman looking up at him in surprise.

  “Will? An unexpected visit.”

  He wandered around her office, gazing at paintings, admiring her taste in Oriental furnishings. The view ten floors up made the city look much more serene than it was.

  “You’ve got a better view than Reg.”

  “I guess I do, though he can see the lake, I can’t,” she answered. She watched him continue his perusal of her private space, knowing that his artistic eye was judging everything, though he was silent about his conclusions. “To what do I owe this pleasant interruption?” she finally asked.

  Will whipped around to face her, his hands in his pockets, an easy expression on his face, his dancing eyes catching the glint of light from the windows, making them seem much brighter than they really were. “It’s hardly going to be pleasant,” he said, at last sitting in one of the black lacquer chairs in front of her desk. He leaned back casually, legs crossed man-style.

  “You want to tell me what this is about or are you going to keep me guessing?” she asked. For some strange reason she felt ready to blush, though she had no idea why.

  “No guessing games, Jocelyn. It’s really very simple. “You’re going to cancel your afternoon plans, lock the door, strip naked, and offer me your body to abuse.”


  There was a flurry of activity in Alex Kozak’s office. Ever since her last promotion, there was always too much to do at work, and so much pressure it was hard to think. What she wanted was some relief from the aching between her legs, but just as she did every day, she squelched the feelings, squelched the thoughts and the pent-up chaotic energy until she could find a time to let it free. What she wouldn’t have given for an hour with Jocelyn that noon, but they had to cancel their plans when an unexpected meeting came up.

  There was a mountain of papers on her desk, a file pulled apart that she was in the midst of reorganizing, and three underlings bringing her more files every ten minutes. Just when she was deep into the maddening mess and confusion, Reggie Harold suddenly appeared in her doorway as surreal and bizarre as a hot air balloon might be floating by her desk.

  “You look overworked,” he said.

  “It would appear so,” she replied. “Is that really you or am I seeing things?”

  “You think you’re talking to ghosts?” he replied amused. He moved around her desk, leaned over and pecked her on the cheek.

  “How sweet,” she said.

  “It’s as sweet as it gets, Alexandra.”

  “Oops, you’re using that name again.”

  “You think there’s something behind it?” he asked, quite smug indeed.

  “Well isn’t there?” she replied.

  “Call your boss,” he said.

  “Call my boss? Why?”

  “Tell him you have personal matter, an emergency you have to attend to, and beg an hour of time.”

  “But why?”

  “Do it.”

  “He’ll want answers.”

  “Make something up.”

  “I don’t lie well,” she reminded him.

  “Do it, Alexandra, and don’t argue,” he said his voice turning brisk.

  Another few files were whisked onto her desk, the young man delivering them giving her an odd glance as he eyed Reggie’s stern face.

  “Chris,” Alex called to him.

  “I have a problem, we’re going to have to put this off for an hour or so. Tell Sandy we’ll get going on it again after two.”

  “I thought it had to be today,” he said annoyed.

  “It does, but I’ll stay late if I have to.”

  The young man walked out with Reggie locking the door behind him while Alex reached for the phone.

  “John,” she said, trying hard to sound worried.

  “I just got a call from mother. It’s really an uproar. I need a few minutes to make some calls…Yeah, that’s right, maybe more than a few minutes…yeah. I will, thanks.” She hung up the phone. “So, Reg, I suppose this is your revenge for California.”

  “Revenge? Over California? You know, you two are really paranoid.”

  “We are?”

  “Will and I thought your love affair was long overdue. Your guilt, now that’s interesting, but that’s something you’ll have to handle.”

  Alex looked at him bewildered. If Reggie’s sudden appearance at her office wasn’t about her affair with Jocelyn, then she had no clue.

  “No, Alex. This isn’t revenge, this is just a delicious game.” His visage turned from amiable to cool in mere seconds.”

  “So how do you plan to punish me here?” Alex wondered aloud.

  After removing a stack of files from the leatherette chair in front of her desk, Reggie sat down. “I’m not going to punish you,” he replied. “This is much more diabolical than that.”

  A malevolent chill began to wind its way around them, and in this busy building, surrounded by Alex’s cluttered business, they were for that instant, completely alone and uninhibited. She could feel the stunning edge of desire suddenly leap up and grab her.


  “Strip naked and offer my body for you abuse?” Jocelyn laughed as she spoke. “You’re kidding.”

  Will shook his head. It was all she needed to see to believe him, his expression was completely sincere. “Cancel your next hour. This office is soundproof, isn’t it?” he said looking about.

  “Yes it is. But what are you trying to pull?” she asked indignantly.

  “Pull? Nothing. I’m going to prove a point.”

  “You think you can dominate me the way Reggie does? You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “How interesting. You’re responding just the way he said you would,” Will said amused.

  “Reggie knows about this?”

  “I wouldn’t be doing it otherwise.”

  “Who’s idea is it?”

  “Humph? I’m not sure,” he answered. “Though I believe Reggie suggested it first. Suggested you need another dom.”

  “And why would he think that?”

  “He says he’s too soft on you. You know he’s really quite sweet when he talks about his affections for you. Reggie was never that way in the past.”

  “Too soft on me!”

  Will smiled.

  Jocelyn was pissed. Though the raw heat converging in her sex betrayed her, if not to Will, certainly to herself. Damn them both! “And he thinks I’m going to submit to you?”

  “He does, though I don’t.”

  “Well you’re right about that,” she asserted. “And why would you be part of this anyway?”

  “To prove a point,” he repeated his earlier statement.

  “Exactly what is your point?”

  “That you’re naturally dominant, that submission is just a game you play for Reg.”

  Jocelyn sat back in her chair bewildered. “Not submissive?” Did Reggie really feel that?

  “I think it’s all sham, Miss Killian, you’re as artful and cunning as that little wench that works for you, Helena. Though she is a true submissive.”

  “And you are a bastard,” Jocelyn snapped.

  “I’m just pointing out the truth, even if it’s hard for you to take. The term ball-busting ever come to mind?”

  “You ass! Reggie doesn’t think of me that way.”

  “He’d never say so, he loves you. But you pretty much
do whatever you damn well please, and he ends up conforming to you.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Depends on your point of view.” She looked as if she’d spit fire. “Is that loathing coming from your eyes?” He smirked as he said it.

  She took a deep breath trying to control her rage. “I’ve never liked you much, and my opinion is getting worse.”

  “Then why don’t you throw me out?”

  It was a good question, but she had no answer for him, or herself.

  “Turning you on, isn’t it?” he suggested.

  She still said nothing, though her green eyes were not so angry as they’d been, contemplative perhaps. Whatever she was thinking, her contemplations confused her. For a woman of order and control, she was completely confounded.

  “Why is Reg suggesting this?” she finally asked.

  “He wants you to go to that dark place that you took Helena, that place where Alex plays all the time. He believes you want that too.”

  “He said he didn’t want to give me to other men,” she remarked. “Why would he now?”

  “Because that’s what you want,” he replied. “For once you don’t want the love to get in the way. If I master you, we won’t have to worry about that.” He spoke deliberately, letting his words sink in. “As far as making you a gift to me? That’s hardly the scenario we’re playing here. If you do as I say, it’ll be because you want to, not because Reggie offered you to me as a present. But let’s not lie, Jocelyn. We may hate each other, but I can see the lust and the intrigue. Your imagination and your crotch are running wild.”

  She considered his declarations. While hate and loathing were foremost in her thoughts, there was a savage lust trying to gain control. He was right. For all her attempts to stop her mind from spinning to places she’d rather not go, nothing worked. She knew that the thought of being dominated by Will was turning her on. For a moment as she looked at him, she had the weird feeling that she was looking at herself. The animal magnetism in his eyes matched her own in those rare moments some candid snapshot disclosed a darkness within her she tried to subdue. She understood her problem with Will Kozak. “We’re too much alike,” she said.

  He smiled at her recognition. “I’d say, fire and fire, wouldn’t you? With Reg, it’s fire and ice. That’s why we can both be friends with him so easily.”

  “And why we find it so difficult, the two of us,” she added. She spoke even as some of that fire in her was being relinquished to her ignited lust.

  “You want it, don’t you?” he said. Sitting back, Will viewed the breathtaking sight, the full lips, wild hair, stormy eyes and mystified expression. Women like Jocelyn dazzled him, but they were as dangerous as wildfire to his peace of mind. She didn’t have to answer his question, he knew.

  The phone rang and Jocelyn stared at it for a second. It rang again, and before Jocelyn could answer it, Will reached out, his hand covering hers on the receiver. “Cancel your plans,” he whispered. His eyes were mesmerizing so she couldn’t stop their power to woo her. As his hand withdrew, the phone rang again and she answered the call.

  “I have something important I need to do, Meg,” Jocelyn told her secretary. “No interruptions for the next hour,” then thought to add, “until I call you.”

  Hanging up, she sat back in her chair looking oddly innocent, like someone had wiped the slate of all her personal agendas clean, and she was nothing but a fresh uncluttered woman ready to be molded.

  “Good,” Will smiled, though his expression was ever so much more sinister than before. “Now take off your blouse.”


  Alex shivered under Reggie’s spell. As he began to speak she stared at his lips—how many times she’d watched them move, how many times they’d commanded her, how many times they’d aroused her with the desire to feel his tender kisses and his warm breath on her neck and behind her ears. How she wished those lips were whispering in her ear now.

  “You know where Will is now?” Reggie asked her

  “In his studio,” she replied.

  “Right now Will is in Jocelyn’s office watching her as she strips for him.”

  Alex’s eyes widened.

  “He’s going to bind her, redden her ass, and shove his prick into her back door.”

  “He’s what?”


  “He’s not going to be gentle, Alex. But she’s going to love it.” Before she could begin to speak this time, he added, “He’s going to take her on that dark ride she’s never had.”

  “You’re serious,” she gasped far too loudly to suit him.

  Reggie leaned forward in his chair, eyes pinning her fast. “Don’t talk, don’t move, don’t bat an eye, bitch. You listen, nothing more. That clear?”

  She nodded.


  The cream silk blouse fell away. Jocelyn’s breasts pushed high in a well cut bra jiggled softly against her chest.

  “The bra,” Will added.

  Leaning forward, she reached around and undid the clasp. Her two mounds fell free with her nipples puckering sweetly from the chill of the air and Will’s fixed stare.

  “Come here,” he said.

  With the same mesmerized wonder that had begun this episode, the redhead rose from her seat and obeyed.

  “The skirt,” he said sharply, when she was at his side.

  She unzipped it at the back, pushed it down and then tossed it to a chair behind her. The disrobing left her in garterbelt, stockings and tall high heels, her body shivering in front of a gaze more cold and vile than Reggie’s had ever been. Scary, because unlike the unpredictable but well known essence of her husband, Will was like a revolution underneath his cool, one that played with hot burning flames she had no idea how to overpower. The only reason she was consenting to this was because it felt right in the middle of her bones. It made no logical sense, it didn’t conform to her nature, it was an act that seemed so foreign to her sense of self as to be almost laughable. Though she was hardly laughing.

  Will was a dangerous man for her, this play of his a risky endeavor. She felt safe only because Will was her best friend’s husband, and Reggie’s best friend, even though she wasn’t sure that was security enough. There was no denying the fear. Perhaps she was scared because it wasn’t so much a physical torture awaiting her, but a painful lesson of the soul she was about to endure: an exercise in defenseless surrender, such surrender always frightened her to the core, and now, Reggie, her security in this bizarre world, couldn’t even be there.

  From his bag on the floor, Will pulled out a dildo.

  “In your ass,” he said, handing it to her. “Grease it first if you like.”

  Jocelyn took the thick stalk and slathered it with cream from a jar Will held. About to lean over her desk and impale herself, Will interrupted.

  “On the floor.”

  The horror of the next hour was beginning to catch up with her. Though a knock on the door startled her back to reality just as she was moving to her knees.

  “Oh, my god!” she snapped to, trying to stand up.

  Will reached out and stopped her. “Don’t worry, that’s for me, Jocelyn,” he said. “Get on your hands and knees and shove the prick inside your ass.”

  While Jocelyn obeyed, her heart was pounding hard. She hoped it was Reg on the other side of the door.

  Answering the knock, Will rose from his chair and ushered two men inside, their eyes instantly taken by the sight of the bowing submissive with the fake prick in her ass.

  “Reggie’s bitch,” one man said.

  It was Kevin, the young gardener from the estate, the one she’d hired, flirted with, and nearly fired for being too damned cocky. The young voyeur had taken too much pleasure watching her sunbathe naked. She’d had words with him just days before. When she heard the other man speak, she recognized his voice too, Gus.

  “You got the mistress of the house to bow for you, how fitting,” he said with a darkness in his delivery she’d never

  “You can take her as you like,” Will informed them. “There’s a whip, a paddle, the cane and a strap.”


  “I imagine when Kevin and Gus arrive, they’ll play havoc on her ass,” Reggie said.

  Kevin and Gus! Good God! Bound to silence, all Alex could do was think of the scene of her dearest friend bound by Will’s rope, and paddled by the ruthless Gus. Her own torture at the man’s hands made her instantly wince.

  “We discussed the possibilities and decided after she humbles herself a while at their feet, they’ll tie her ass high to take her. You remember that—over the tree stump at the cabin?”

  The memory was vivid, and Alex wanted to cry just thinking of Jocelyn so bared and degraded.

  “How could you do this!” she finally blurted out.

  “I thought I told you to keep your mouth shut?” His chilling delivery forced her to settle. Reggie waited a moment, then finally spoke. “She needs it just the way you did. Whether you realized it or not, it’s everything she’s wanted.”

  Alex shook her head no; though to disagree more might provoke his wrath, and now was not the time for that.

  “Gus and Kevin will take her cunt, and at some point she’ll have two cocks fucking her. Will will have her ass.”

  Alex squirmed in her chair at the thought. Imagining Jocelyn and the three men. Imagining herself in the staggering same circumstances.


  Tying the fake prick into Jocelyn’s ass with ropes that wound around her thighs and waist, Will then hoisted her to the top of the coffee table in front of the leather sofa. Binding her wrists further diminished her in their eyes. She’d agreed to this for reasons she couldn’t explain and was now powerless to protest or complain. What could she possibly gain from objecting to the treatment, especially when her body was feeling so…so amazing? She felt the rude torture of Will’s hands as they combed her flesh, prodded her cunt with fingers going deep, and pressed hard on the invading dildo. Each act was so demeaning, and yet so fraught with arousal.

  Will raised her body heat before any instrument left a single stroke or smack. He squeezed her breasts, pinched her nipples until she cried out, and then pulled her head back by her hair so that she had to look him in the eye.


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