Dragon Lover

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Dragon Lover Page 1

by Karilyn Bentley

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Praise for Karilyn Bentley and…


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  Dragon Lover


  Karilyn Bentley

  Draconia Tales Series

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Dragon Lover

  COPYRIGHT © 2014 by Karilyn Bentley

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Cover Art by Tamra Westberry

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at www.thewildrosepress.com

  Publishing History

  First Faery Rose Edition, 2014

  Print ISBN 978-1-62830-272-1

  Digital ISBN 978-1-62830-273-8

  Draconia Tales Series

  Published in the United States of America

  Praise for Karilyn Bentley and…


  “The author has excellent world building skills and leaves the reader with a very good picture of this werewolf society and its rules. This story is a great combination of romance, action, suspense and the paranormal.”

  ~Maura, CoffeeTime Romance



  “Sexy and spellbinding!”

  ~Christie Gibson

  “I didn’t want the story to end. It’s a magical blend of romance and fantasy!”

  ~Angela Hicks

  “Magical Lover sweeps you away to a rich, fantasy world filled with magic, mystery and unforgettable characters.”

  ~Trinity Blake

  “Ms. Bentley’s characters are strong and will defend to the death those they love.”

  ~Aloe, Long and Short Reviews



  “...had a good mix of humor and action, a good, developed plot for a novella and was a fun read.”

  ~M. Dobson, Sizzling Hot Book Reviews

  “...was a fun book to read.”

  ~Jane, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More


  To my wonderful husband,

  thank you for all your support and love.

  And to Lill,

  your hard work makes me a better writer. Thank you.

  Chapter One

  “You’re late.”

  Aryana sucked in a breath and caught herself from tripping down the last few stairs. Falling into the secret underground chamber was not dignified High Priestess behavior. Serene movement befitted the position, not being startled out of an internal fantasy to land on her face.

  She peered into the shadows until she spotted her friend and second-in-command, the Temple Healer Annaliese. “You almost broke my neck.”

  “Sorry. I thought you knew I was here.”

  “Didn’t feel like taking part in the ritual?”

  “I’m no longer young. I find it’s become...well, it’s too ritualistic.”

  Aryana snorted. Her thought exactly. All festivals of the Goddess ceased to enthrall as time slipped by. Perhaps that’s why they were called rituals? “To be young again and not mind everything being timed. If only there was a male that you didn’t have to time every stroke, every thrust.” She shrugged, as if she didn’t care. Better to feign ennui than to have Annaliese realize she’d been fantasizing of Fafnir, her newest problem…er, dragon.

  For some unknown reason, thinking of the Harvest festival of the Goddess made her think of Fafnir. Made her fantasize about what he would look like in human form instead of the dragon form he remained locked in. Made her imagine the feel of his hands on her body, stroking, bringing her pleasure. She shook her head. What was wrong with her?

  Sexual fantasies were a thing of her past. Which was a clear indication of a deeper problem going back many years. Why else would she have embarked upon a relationship with a Watcher if not an attempt to regain lost feelings? While the sex was good, it was still, well, boring. Boring, boring, boring. She’d done it all before, and a forbidden partner didn’t change things.

  So she’d ended it. No use in handing her non-Draconi partner a death sentence for sleeping with the High Priestess.

  Besides, it wasn’t Enar she dreamed about. That privilege of late went to Fafnir.

  Who was still in dragon form. Draconi do not have sex in dragon form. Reality didn’t stop the fantasy from replaying. Maybe she should leave it alone and be glad she actually wanted a bed romp.

  Aryana shook her head and walked into the chamber, using her magic to flick on glow lights as she went. She couldn’t live in fantasyland when a ritual needed leading.

  “I’m hoping that maybe this time…” The words hung in the air, a thick longing of Annaliese’s desire.

  “If the Goddess chooses.” Chances were She didn’t, but one never knew.

  It looked as if Aryana was the only one who had experienced the other purpose this underground chamber served. For her, it became more than the space where the High Priestess controlled the sexual energies produced upstairs by the priestesses and their partners. Despite Annaliese’s presence beside her helping, or even controlling the ritual, nothing special happened for her friend. Only Aryana.

  Why did the Goddess deem her worthy and not Annaliese?

  “I can hope. What do you need me to do?”

  Go upstairs. As if she’d tell Annaliese she preferred to enjoy her experience alone. She didn’t mind the help. Really. She didn’t.

  “You can stand with me in the circle and help direct the energies. But first we need to cleanse the circle.”

  “As you wish.” Annaliese walked toward the circle while Aryana grabbed candles, sage, salt, and water.

  She turned to see her friend standing where requested, sweeping the circle clean and had to shake away a feeling of self-doubt, as if Annaliese should be the High Priestess, not her. Odd. Her magic had proven the stronger of the two. Otherwise, she’d be the assistant instead of the High Priestess. So why the feeling?

  Must be one too many conversations with Alviss, Annaliese’s father, over the last month. The male never did get over her becoming High Priestess instead of his daughter. Or maybe it had something to do with the old Seer claiming Aryana was his son’s mate. A mated female could not serve as High Priestess.

  But she wasn’t mated, now was she? His son didn’t believe the Seer, and had sought out his own fortune, disappearing from Draconia.

  Her mate, according to the Seer. The only male for her, since only one mate existed for each Draconi. Provided the Draconi had a mate; not all did. Frankl
y, she thought Annaliese’s brother had the right of it. The Seer’s words had been cryptic, but more than her usual yes or no response to the question of a child’s mate.

  If she concentrated she could once again feel the smooth palm, knobby knuckles twisting the fingers as the old Seer placed her hand upon a five-year-old Ari’s head.

  Ah, this young’s mate will come from the strongest family, a hatchling born to parents who thought never to have a son. Two days prior to her birth was he hatched and many years will it take to find her.

  Never mind that many young hatched two days prior to her birth. Only one of those was from the strongest family, Alviss’s line, born late in his parents’ lives. The old Seer predicted similar words to Ragnor, casting their fates together.

  Not that either believed the old female. No names were mentioned so perhaps she made a mistake. Besides, if they had been mates, wouldn’t they have felt something for each other?

  Had she even given him a chance? Being High Priestess had been her desire from a young age. A desire she’d made come true. Alviss had no business claiming she shouldn’t be allowed to try out for the position, especially since her magic was stronger.

  He still held a grudge after all these years.

  If she could only avoid the council leader, her life would be perfect.

  It never hurt to dream.

  She placed the candles outside the circle and grabbed another broom to help Annaliese sweep out the energies, the first step in cleansing it. The first time she’d seen the circle, she couldn’t believe the size of it. Twenty steps across, ringed by silver runes, the size rendered her speechless. Her predecessor offered no plausible explanation for a circle that large.

  But Ari knew why.

  Which meant she couldn’t be the only Draconi ever to discover its secrets. When they finished sweeping, Annaliese picked up the sage, lit it, and smudged the air, chanting softly under her breath. Aryana took the salt and water and sprinkled them over the smooth stone floor. She had to admit, things went faster with Annaliese’s help.

  Grabbing the yellow candle, she placed it on the east line. Air. A necessary element. With a flick of her finger, the wick ignited into flame. Annaliese took the red candle representing the fire element and headed to the south side of the circle, while Ari picked up the blue one and walked to the west line.

  Setting the candle down, she waved her fingers and watched as a thin stream of fire lit the wick. Water. Without it they would die. She turned to see Annaliese place the green candle to the north and light it. Earth. Without earth they would have no food.

  Air. Fire. Water. Earth.

  Together with her assistant, Ari walked to the middle of the circle. She lifted her hands over her head and sent a small burst of magic upward, through the high ceiling into the joining room, letting the participants know all was ready for the ritual.


  She felt the pulse of power, of magic, the ancient beat that drove life. Sexual energy poured down, covering her and Annaliese with its power, its life. Its need. She felt hands, thousands of hands, stroke over her skin, into her body as the priestesses and their partners moved in a set rhythm, a timed calculation of life.

  The pulse moved inside, throbbing through her veins, filling her with desire. Faster and faster it surged, until she exploded in a wave of bliss, she and all her priestesses. The magic from the joining of dozens of couples rained down upon her, ready to be used, ready to help her transform into something else.

  The purpose of the ritual was to take the energies and transmit them to the fields for abundance of grain and renewal of the fields for the following year’s crops. She directed that energy now, sent it into the earth, deep underground where it would affect the soil and the crops.

  But the energy had another effect on her. A transformation females did not experience. Ever. Only in myths and bedtime tales told to the young. Or in her secret chamber while standing in the middle of an enormous circle.

  Ari had no sooner discharged the magic into the earth than she felt the pulsing begin. Internal organs shifted, bones lengthened, her back grew wings. Annaliese leapt in front of Aryana, moving out of the way of her growing body. A growing dragon’s body.

  She blinked and looked down her snout at Annaliese. Throwing back her head, she let loose with a roar that shook dust from the high ceiling. A dragon. A female dragon.

  Who would’ve thought?

  Clearly someone many years ago had. Hence, the overlarge circle.

  She flapped her wings, then used magic to stop the eddies from blowing out the candles. Annaliese needed to end the ritual and discharge the energies, not an errant wing-flap.

  After wrapping the candles in an eddy-stopping spell, Ari put her wings through another up and down motion. Or two. What she would give to fly. To soar above the clouds. To fly to where the males locked in dragon form stayed. To see Fafnir again.

  She should be researching how to turn the poor male back into human form, not thinking of using him as a stud. Must be all the sexual energy coupled with her previous fantasy.

  Which was now running through her mind on a constant replay.

  She saw Fafnir in her mind’s eye. Saw him as she did the first time they met. Felt the tingle of energy, of banked desire when they touched. Her many-years-long lack of desire vanished as she thought about him, thought about his hands running over her skin, stroking her, making her scream her pleasure.

  She wanted him. Now.

  The thought no sooner raced through her mind than her body shattered into a million pieces, soaring through the stone walls into the air.

  With a loud pop, Ari appeared in midair, hovering above the ground. As a dragon. Uh-oh. This was not good. Her first time as a dragon away from the confines of the circle and she appeared in the sky like a wayward meteor streaking toward earth.

  She didn’t even know how to fly.

  Ari pushed against the air, wings flapping an erratic beat. So much for things coming naturally. Apparently one had to be taught to fly. She flapped her wings again, trying to stay in the air.

  Falling was not an option. Landing and being seen as a dragon was unthinkable. She needed to stay airborne long enough to calm down and transport back to the circle.

  Flapping her wings got her nowhere. Every muscle in her body trembled. She thought about the circle, tried to transport there, but her body wouldn’t obey. Goddess’s teeth, she was going to die. The only High Priestess in memory to transform into a dragon and instead of soaring, she drops out of the sky like a hailstone.

  Aryana screamed as she plummeted to the earth on a wave of pure terror.


  Fafnir stared at the tree-covered hill and sighed. Not tall enough. Too covered in trees. Even the cave was too small to enter as a dragon. No place nearby to accidentally slip and fall to his death. The land given to the males locked in dragon form was flat, comprised of waving grasses and berry bushes, punctuated by the occasional tree-covered hill. No place to put an end to his misery.

  He had hoped to kill the one who kept him locked for more than two decades in a titanium-lined cell, unable to use his magic, unable to free himself. However, that man was dead, his son killed by the Watcher, Enar. Fafnir shivered. Watchers. Curse them all. Although he didn’t mind Enar so much. Maybe he would have even liked the tall, blond warrior if they had met prior to his captivity. Maybe.

  Now though…He sighed. Now, he hid behind names, behind lies. Hid. Like a coward. A coward unworthy to call himself Draconi. A coward who would rather plunge from a tall height to a bone-shattering death than admit his failings.

  He looked down at the drinking pond, his reflection blurry in the dark water. A dragon. Not a broad-shouldered, curly-haired human, but a huge scaly dragon. Red scales instead of black hair. Thick stout legs instead of firm muscular ones. Not the form he wanted to remain in. Yet another reason to find a tall cliff.

  He looked up at the sky, at the deepening twilight. Maybe he should have
gone to the Temple with the other males to celebrate the Harvest festival instead of moping. Maybe he should accept living as a dragon instead of hoping to return to human form. Maybe he should get a new goal, a new hope.

  Did his Watcher still live?

  His lip curled. Now that was a worthy goal. Killing the male for telling humans how to capture him, for telling them titanium was the bane of Draconi. Yes, he could do that. He could live for that goal.

  And then what?

  A loud pop ripped the stillness of the air and Fafnir started at the unexpected sound. What now? He looked up at the darkening sky and saw a dragon fluttering around, clearly not used to its wings. Silly hatchling, trying to fly before being taught. He remembered trying to fly before being ready, remembered plummeting out of the sky, gliding to a rough landing.

  This hatchling, though, didn’t have the sense the Goddess gave him. Dumb goat had pulled his wings in instead of pushing them out.

  He shook his head. He’d asked for a goal, hadn’t he? And the Goddess saw fit to give him this hapless hatchling to teach how to land. Perhaps She wanted him living a bit longer.

  Put your wings out and glide, hatchling! He projected his thoughts to the struggling young one.

  And surprise, surprise, the hatchling heard him. Shaky wings shot out, slowing his free fall. But not slowing it enough.

  He felt the ground rumble as the dragon crashed into a clump of bushes not far from where he stood. What were hatchlings being fed nowadays to be so large as to cause tremors when they landed?


  Sighing, he strode to the downed hatchling, arriving in time to hear a moan. A rather feminine moan. Had the hatchling been carrying a female? No, he hadn’t seen one. Didn’t mean there wasn’t one, though.

  Are you all right? sat on his tongue, held there by some invisible force. Asking was the kindly thing to do, and yet, something made the words freeze in his mind. As he watched, the clump of bushes rustled, separating to reveal a tall form dressed in torn, dark robes. A female. Where was the hatchling?

  He peered into the darkness of the bushes, but saw nothing except leaves. Come to think of it, there wasn’t enough room in that clump of berry bushes to hold a hatchling. How did the female get there?


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