by Patrice Wilton

  He shut his eyes for a moment, thinking about the girls, his sister, and his brother-in-law lying in that hospital bed. Life can change in an instant, and nobody can do a damn thing to stop it. “Give them a kiss from me, and tell them I’ll see them tomorrow.”

  “I’ll do that. Thank you for coming. I’ll text with news.”

  He hung up, dropped his phone in his pocket and hurried over to Brittany. She looked worried.

  “We’ll have to cut the day short.” He hated doing this to Brittany, but what choice did he have? His sister’s emergencies were his problems too. “I’m so sorry, I know we were looking forward to watching the sun go down.”

  “That’s not important, Chase.” She touched his arm. “What happened?”

  He quickly told her. “I’ll need to fly out tomorrow. Not sure how long I’ll be staying, but she needs me there, and I have to go.”

  “I understand, and I couldn’t agree more. Family comes first. Always. No matter what.”

  He loved that she understood that so well.

  “I’ll drive home,” she told him, “and you can check on flights.” The ferry had arrived and they joined the few people boarding. “I’ll take you to the airport in the morning. There’s one in Marathon and another here in Key West.”

  “Thanks, but no. I’ll probably fly out of Miami. Get a direct flight. I’ll leave my car at the airport. Makes more sense.” He was mentally calculating flight time and how soon he’d be in Charleston. He could get someone to pick him up or cab it directly to the hospital.

  “Your poor sister. She must be frantic.”

  “She is.” Chase put his hand on Brittany’s elbow and led her toward the seats in the back.

  “He’s an air traffic controller, right? He must work some awful hours.”

  “Yes. The shift is never the same. Probably had an all-nighter because he was leaving work early this morning.” He ran a hand over his face and breathed in deeply. “Shitty thing to happen to a good guy like him.”

  “I’m so sorry. I do hope he’ll be all right. Having lost two dads, I know how tough it is. Wouldn’t wish it on anyone, especially your nieces.”

  He gave her a hug. “Neither would I.”

  They were silent for the remainder of the ride, both lost in thought. He held her hand, and was glad they’d had this day together. Even though the afternoon was cut short, he had learned a lot about Brittany Holmes. She had earned a place in his heart.


  The following morning, Chase stopped at the Cafe. The bell on the door gave Taylor and Brittany a head’s up that he was there.

  He didn’t take a seat. His stomach was jumpy right now, and if it wasn’t for Brittany he’d be in his car and on his way. But she deserved a proper goodbye.

  Brittany came out of the kitchen and walked straight into his arms. She gave him a huge hug, then pulled back, wiping tears from her eyes. “Have you heard anything about your brother-in-law?”

  He shook his head. “Not yet. David still doesn’t have any feeling in his lower body. It’s freaking Melanie out.” He used his thumb to wipe away a tear on her face. “I tried to tell her that it’s probably too soon for the doctors to answer all her questions.” His eyes met hers and he felt a tug at his heart. “I researched it some last night and it’s possible that this is a temporary paralysis due to trauma. I’ll know more once I get there.”

  “Oh, Chase. This is just terrible. I barely slept last night, worrying about you and your sister, and that poor, poor man.” She bit her lip. “And the kids. Just awful.”

  “I know.” He wished things could be different. For his sister and her family, and for them. He didn’t want to leave Brittany this soon. Her compassion made him love her that much more. “Thank you. I’ve been up all night, chatting on the phone with my sister. Trying to calm her down.” He glanced through the window to the kitchen and nodded to Taylor before taking Brittany’s hand. “I could really use a coffee.”

  “Of course. I’ll get it. What can we give you for breakfast? I know you want to get on the road soon.”

  “Scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast. Thanks, Brit.”

  She poured his coffee and one for herself, then sat opposite him while Taylor whipped up his eggs. “I’m going to miss you around here.” She didn’t look at him. “I just want to say that I’m rooting for you and your play. Please keep in touch. Call me when you can.” She scribbled down her cell phone number, and the one for the Cafe. “This is my private number on top, and the Cafe’s number beneath. Call me night or day.”

  He nodded, took the piece of paper and tucked it into his wallet. “I’ll call. I’m really sorry that I have to leave so soon. We were just getting to know each other.” His heart felt heavy as he took her hand in his. “You’re a very special woman, Brit. I’ve enjoyed every minute that we spent together, and I’m going to miss you. More than you know.”

  She smiled. “Ditto that. But we can be long distance friends, can’t we? We were going to be that anyway. Right?”

  “Right. I’m still hoping that I’ll be able to get back here in a week or so. If David has a positive diagnosis, and if Melanie and the girls are all right. I won’t know anything until it happens.”

  Taylor brought out his breakfast, placed it in front of him, and patted his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Chase. My prayers are with you and your family. Keep in touch, okay?”

  “I will, and I appreciate your concern.” He gave her a bleak smile. “I’ll keep Brittany updated with how things progress. I was just telling your sister that I’m still hoping for the best, and that I’ll be back here before you know it.”

  “We hope the same.” She bent and kissed his cheek, then left with tears in her eyes.

  “You’ve got everyone weeping,” Brittany whispered. “We all hate goodbyes around here.” She sniffed, and swiped a tissue under her nose. “I better leave you alone so you can eat.”

  “Stay with me.” Another minute or two and then he’d leave. But he couldn’t bear for her to walk away.

  She stayed as he forced the food down without tasting it, and when he finished she walked him to the car. He cradled her face between his hands, looking into her dark chocolate eyes. “You are one beautiful person, Brittany Holmes. Inside and out.” He kissed her softly. “I hope to see you again.”

  “Me too,” she said stepping back. “Good luck—with everything. Become that famous playwright, you hear? No matter what happens, don’t give up on that dream.”

  “I’ll be in touch.” Without a backward glance he jumped into his car and drove out of the parking lot onto the Overseas Highway. He wasn’t fond of goodbyes either.

  * * *

  Brittany returned to the Cafe, and Taylor didn’t say a word, just gave her a long hug.

  “He’ll be back. I truly believe that.” Brittany shoved her hands in her jeans’ pocket. “We had a connection—it was different from any man I’ve ever known before.”

  “I know, honey. He cares about you—it’s obvious from the way he looks at you.”

  “I’m just so worried. About this brother-in-law, and the fact that if something does happen to him, he won’t be able to leave his sister and nieces alone. He might even have to leave his job in New York, and stay in Charleston for the rest of his life.” She sniffed and dabbed at her nose.

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. We don’t know anything, and neither does he.” Taylor took a tray of chocolate croissants out of the oven. “Comfort food. I think we both should have one.”

  “I can’t eat. My stomach’s in knots.”

  “Want a cup of tea?”

  “No. I want to throw up.” Brit grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and drank half of it straight down. She wiped her mouth. “Yesterday we were at Latitudes on Sunset Key, and having a wonderful time. Now, he’s got a whole world of crap waiting for him at home, and I’m going to miss him big time.”

  “Why don’t you take the day off, once Kayla gets he
re? We can manage, hon.”

  “And do what? Sit around and feel sorry for myself? No thank you. I’d rather keep busy.”

  Kayla came through the back door, and looked at their glum faces. “Who died? You two look miserable.”

  “Chase just left.” Brittany lifted a warm croissant off the tray. She picked at it with her fingers, took a small bite and fought to keep it down.

  Kayla shot Taylor a look. “He just left? Did you guys fight about something?”

  “No, it wasn’t like that.” Taylor quickly filled her sister in. “He’s a good man and is doing the right thing. It’s just…”

  “Complicated,” Brittany said.

  Taylor put an arm around Brittany, giving her a hug. “Hey, I have an idea. Why don’t you surprise him and fly out there in a few days?”

  “No, I don’t think so. It would be awkward. I don’t even know his family, and he might not want me there.”

  “What are you going to do?” Kayla asked. “I know you’ve enjoyed being home, but this isn’t the life you had planned.” She perched on the stool. “Maybe it’s time for you to start thinking about what you want. Take a few days.”

  “To do what?” Brittany sighed. “I love to dance. Nothing is the same without it. But I don’t want my old job back. That’s for sure.”

  “It’s not the only game in town. Go to Miami and meet up with some of your old friends. You have connections in the business now. See if something interesting comes up.”

  She had been thinking about doing just that, and now with Chase gone, it seemed like the answer. “I might call a few of the girls. But I’m not ready to leave yet.”

  Taylor nodded. “Besides, Chase hopes that this situation will resolve itself and he would then be free to return.” She passed Brittany a napkin for her chocolate-coated fingers. “Best to give it a little time and see what happens.”

  “I’m not hanging around here hoping he’s going to come back. I’m staying because it’s my home and I want to be here.” At least that was partially true. She had let a man call the shots before, but she couldn’t allow that to happen again. She had to be proactive about her future and not wait and see.

  “Exactly.” Kayla slipped off the stool and chose one of the croissants. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re in charge of your destiny. And only you can make the decision to stay or to go. I vote stay, but that’s because I love you and miss you when you’re gone.”

  “So do I.” Taylor put her hands on her hips. “But enough about that. Did you know that ’Meri will be four in two weeks? Let’s throw a big party. With kids, and balloons, and…and dolphins!”

  “Dolphins?” Brittany questioned, a smile on her lips. She was going to the dolphin trainer and Chase was going to catch fish. When they weren’t writing porn and acting it out. The remembrance hurt, and her smile faded.

  “Well, most kids have ponies or clowns, but I was thinking outside the box. The kids could swim with dolphins.” Taylor shifted and tapped her chin “Heck, I want to swim with them too.”

  Kayla, always practical, nodded with approval. “Great idea. We can arrange for a bus to take everyone to the Dolphin Research Center in the morning, and then come back here for our big party celebration. We could do it on Monday when the cafe is closed.”

  “That would work well,” Taylor agreed.

  The Dolphin Research Center was located in Marathon, only about a half hour from them, but Brit saw the logic in a bus so that dozens of individual cars didn’t pack the small lot.

  Brittany added, “Perhaps after closing on Sunday, we could decorate here. I’ll call around and find someone to do specialized balloons for all the kids, and face painting.” She started a list on the back of the napkin. “I’ll order a huge dolphin cake from the bakery.”

  “We don’t have a lot of time.” Kayla smiled at her sisters. “Mom will want to help, and of course, Juanita and Miguel will too.”

  “Maybe we should surprise the Hernandez family,” Taylor said thoughtfully. “Otherwise Miguel will go crazy decorating around here and Juanita will insist on helping make the food. This party should be as much for them as it is for ’Meri. A celebration for entering our lives and bringing us so much joy, and for sharing their precious daughter with all of us. And Raul, of course.”

  “That is an incredible idea, Tay. I love it.” Brittany stuck her list in her back pocket. “I’ll go tell Mom. We can do the invitations and make arrangements with the DRC, and for the bus. Good thing it’s not in season or we’d never be able to pull this off.” The thought of making their little Merica happy, eased her own unhappiness some. Having a party to focus on would prevent her from sitting around and missing Chase.

  Taylor laughed. “Well, you were always our event planner, making arrangements for all our guests, so it’s only fitting that you take over the details.” She waved Brit away. “You and Mom will come up with some great ideas, I know.”

  Brittany paused. “If this was your way to distract me and keep me here, you certainly have.”

  “It’s a great distraction, and so much fun.” Kayla gave her a quick hug. “You two can plan the party, while Taylor and I work the restaurant. Speaking of which, why hasn’t anyone shown up?”

  Taylor frowned and looked outside. “Uh, oh. I forgot to put the Open sign on. But where are the regular customers? It’s almost eight.”

  “Don’t worry,” Brit said. “They will be here soon. It’s summer time. Nobody’s in a rush.”

  Brittany was going out the front door when a truck pulled up, and two mates she knew that crewed on charter boats hopped out. “Hey, Colby, what’s up? You guys are running late today.”

  “Nine o’clock charter. Still early enough.”

  “Taylor’s getting restless. She’ll be glad to see you.”

  “Where are you off to? We missed you yesterday.” He shifted his cap on his head. “Are you headed back to Miami already?”

  “No, I’ve just had things to do. Taylor and Kayla will take good care of you.”

  “Okay, Brit. But I miss you waiting on me,” he gave her a wink as he slid by.

  “Oh, be still, my beating heart.” She patted her chest and batted her eyes.

  The two guys laughed, and held the door as they watched her leave.

  Brittany practically skipped to the office to tell her mother about the party. She loved Juanita and her little girl, and couldn’t wait to see their faces when they learned they’d be swimming with the dolphins.

  Life needed to be celebrated when possible, as it could be taken away so quickly. And a little girl only turned four once.


  Later that week, Ashley Chase, accompanied by a happy, leaping Max, was busy chasing after his two nieces, playing “hide and seek”. He was being a good sport, but secretly wished the two active little girls would soon tire of the game. They’d been running and hiding behind trees and bushes for the past half hour, and even on an acre property with plenty of huge oak trees and weeping willows, he had run out of good places to hide.

  Melanie was at the hospital—she practically lived there now, spending hours with her husband each day. She didn’t want the children to miss school or hang around the hospital with their father who was so despondent, feeling helpless and frightened that he’d never walk again. Which made Uncle Ashley the designated sitter.

  Hayley and Morgan finished school at two-thirty each day, and Melanie made a point to be home in time for dinner. She’d put her girls to bed and then go back to the hospital. She would return in the morning, give them breakfast and get them off to school, then head for the hospital again.

  Four days had passed since the injury, but David still had no feeling in his lower limbs—although his spinal cord was not severed. Hope remained, and yet each day sank David into a deeper depression. Chase didn’t blame him—it had to be terrifying not knowing if you would walk again.

  “I found you, Uncle Ashley. Why are you just sitting here on the

  “I’m pooped out, Morg. When you get to my age you have to conserve your energy.” Max had his brown and white head on his leg, and looked worn out too.

  “No, you’re not!” The little brown-haired miss only came to his waist. She reached out both hands, grabbed his and attempted to pull him to his feet. “It’s time to play.” Max leapt up and barked at the young girl.

  Chase let her get him halfway, then he collapsed again, bringing her down too.

  She giggled, and kicked her feet in the air. She was five, and full of life. The sky was a brilliant blue and big white fluffy clouds shifted overhead. “I’d like to jump in the clouds, wouldn’t you?” she asked dreamily. “They look like marshmallows.”

  Hayley, two years older, with long auburn braids flying everywhere, found them lying in the thick grass, pretending to make angels without snow. “What are you guys doing?”

  When Morgan told her sister, she fell down beside them and spread her arms and legs and joined in the fun. It was a lot less work than playing “hide and seek” so Chase was quite content to keep it up for awhile. Eventually the two girls tired of the game and together dragged him off the grass.

  Max nipped at their feet, but that didn’t deter his nieces from the task at hand.

  “You’re it.” Hayley tagged him and ran off. “Bet you can’t catch me.”

  Chase gave his niece a two second head start before catching up with her. She circled him, and he played along, circling her back.

  Morgan joined them, while Max jumped all over the place, in a frenzy of excitement.

  Chase felt about eighty as he bowed his head, hands on his knees, sucking in air. “Let’s take this down a notch before I end up next to your dad in a hospital bed.”

  “What’s wrong with Daddy?” Morgan asked. “I want him to come home.”

  Chase immediately regretted his poor choice of words. To make amends he swung Morgan in his arms and over his shoulder, heading back to the house. Her sister and Max followed.


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