Famous (Famous #1)

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Famous (Famous #1) Page 18

by Kahlen Aymes

  “Oh, babe, I love you so much. These past two weeks have felt like fucking years,” he said as he broke the kiss and lifted me, pulling the crotch of my bikini aside. I felt him slide into me as he settled me back down on him. He groaned against the skin of my shoulder and neck.

  My legs wound around his waist, my arms around his shoulders and hands fisting in his hair as we made love. His hands slid under my hips to lift me up as he thrust into me, holding me as if I weighed nothing. He felt glorious, filling me to the hilt.

  We kissed madly, straining for each other, moaning, I clenched my body around him as tight as I could, as he thrust deeper and deeper into me.

  “Uhnn…” he groaned. “Whatever you’re doing, Brooklyn… keep… doing it.” Cade panted, his mouth moved like fire across the skin of my neck and shoulders, the top of my breasts and back to my mouth as he continued to move within me.

  “Baby, does it feel good? What can I do to make it better?” he whispered against my skin, but the waves of pleasure had already begun deep within my body.

  “Just don’t stop loving me. That’s all I’ll ever need.” I threw my head back as the orgasm wracked my body. “Uhhhhh! Oh, babe, come with me… please,” I begged.

  “Brook, I’m with you… Oh fuck,” he gasped as I felt his body tense. He kept pumping into me until we were both left gasping, completely still except for the residual tremors that ran through us both. Spent.

  My head rested on his shoulder, my arms wrapped around this man who meant more than I’d ever dreamed possible.

  He stroked my wet hair down my back and kissed my shoulder softly, as our shudders lessened together. “Oh Brooklyn. You are my life. I love you.” My body was still trembling, my legs shaking uncontrollably.

  “And, I love you,” I said softly as I nuzzled his neck and then placed a wet, open mouth kiss on the throbbing vein I found there. We held each other for several minutes, not moving until he lifted his head and pulled my top back over my breasts, releasing my legs from around his waist as he slid out of me.

  My hands found his trunks to pull them back into place. My hands curled in front of me between our bodies, as I kissed his chest. “I’ll never get used to this.”

  “What?” he said softly, nuzzling my neck and side of my face. “I’ll always be with you.” He continued to rain kisses on my neck and shoulder, “And, it will always be this incredible, I promise.”

  “It’s beyond words. I’m melting.” I felt his smile against the skin of my shoulder. He raised his head, and kissed my open mouth softly.

  “Mmmm, this is all amazing.” He brushed his fingers on my face, and bent to give me one last lingering kiss. “I can’t believe you want me.”

  “Goof!” He smiled incredulously, as the true male came out. “I’m starving, what’s for dinner, woman?” He slapped me on the ass. I looked at him and burst into a giggle, as I turned and pulled myself out of the pool. Cade followed, chasing me into the house, both of us laughing out loud.

  Chapter 11

  No Screaming Please

  After I sent Cade up to my bathroom to take a hot shower and change, I called my mom. “I’m getting ready to start dinner. When will you be home?” I asked.

  “In about forty-five minutes. How are things?” she asked. “Was Jeanne able to get Cade over there without any problems?”

  “Yeah, we just hung out by the pool, went for a swim and now he’s in the shower. He’s still on London time, so he’s gonna wipe out early, I think, but it’s just so nice to be here with him. I can’t wait for you to get to talk to him, Mom.”

  “Nathan told me a lot about him. I’m looking forward to getting to know him, Brook.”

  “I know how much you love David, so I really appreciate that you’re giving Cade a chance. You’ll love him as much as I do, I promise.”

  “Okay, Brook.”

  “See you in a bit, bye.”

  Cade called me from the top of the stairs, “Hey, love, I’m finished if you want to shower now?”

  I ran up the stairs, undoing my sodden sarong and preparing to wring it out in the bathroom and hang it over the shower. “Yeah, my mom is on her way home, so I’ll just hop in quick.” I watched him dry his hair with a towel, another slung low on his hips. Yes, I could definitely get used to having this man candy in my room on a regular basis.

  I went up to him and drew my arms around his waist; running kisses across his strong back beneath his shoulder blades. I loved that he was tall. “I’m so glad you’re here.” I laid my head on his back.

  His arms covered mine. “Me, too. It feels so good to be with you like this. Off to the shower with you, now.” He brought my hand to his mouth to nibble a little, then turned to watch me strip and jump under the hot spray, a devilish gleam in his eye. My skin burned as if on fire where his eyes slowly roamed over my naked body.

  “Mmmm… You’re so gorgeous.” He smiled his crooked grin at me and winked before taking a comb to his damp hair.

  After we had both dressed in jeans and t-shirts, we sat in the kitchen as I began to get the ingredients together for our dinner. I was digging around for bacon and fresh peas when my mother and brother came in.

  “Hi, Mom! Hey, Nate.” I hugged my mom and took her by the arm to bring her over to Cade. “This is Cade Carlisle. Cade, this is my mom, Diane Halloway.”

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mrs. Halloway.” Cade reached out to shake her hand.

  My mother pulled him in for a hug. “Call me Diane. I feel like I know you already, Cade. Brooklyn, and Nathan told me so much about you.”

  “Thank you, Diane. I’d be pleased to do so,” he said, blushing.

  I proceeded to make my Carbonara sauce while they chatted together, sitting down at the table like old friends. I smiled as he recounted some of the stories he’d told me during our countless talks over the past year.

  There wasn’t anything my mother asked, that he hadn’t already told me. I realized how well we really did know each other. I looked up occasionally and found Cade’s eyes watching me move around the kitchen as I prepared the food. I raised an eyebrow at him once, and he smiled his big crooked grin.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing.” He shook his head as he kept on smiling.

  “Hmmph…” I snorted and he burst out laughing.

  He came to stand behind me when I was chopping fresh herbs for the salad, his hands running up and down both of my arms. My skin tingled whenever he did that.

  All evening, he would touch me gently in random moments. Raising my hand for a kiss to the inside of my wrist, holding it and trailing the fingers of his other hand lightly up and down my arm, putting his arm around my shoulders, placing soft kisses on my temple or forehead, brushing my hair back, taking my hand and rubbing his thumb in a caress across the top.

  It felt so right, and I knew my mother noticed how happy we were together. My heart swelled in my chest as I watched him draw my mother in. Irresistible.

  After dinner, we played Guitar Hero on Nate’s Xbox. It was hilarious. Cade kicked all of our asses, of course, but my mother was so funny as she struggled trying to work with it. Cade was great, attempting to show her how to do it. He had her laughing so hard she was in tears. I was happy she liked him and my cheeks ached from smiling so much.

  At the end of the evening, I took him upstairs, and told him to make himself at home in my room. “I’ll join you shortly,” I whispered and placed a small kiss on his mouth.

  “Don’t be too long.” His voice was low, his fingers entwined with mine. When I turned to leave the room he pulled me back for another hard kiss before he let me go.

  I hated to leave him, but I was anxious to talk to my mother and see what she thought of him. Her light was shining into the dark hallway underneath the door to her room. I knocked and opened the door slightly to peek in. She was already in her bed, so I sat down on the edge.

  “Well?” I knew my cheeks were flushed and my eyes sparkled with excit

  “I can certainly see why you are so drawn to him, Brooklyn. He’s a very nice young man. Very smart, respectful, and talented. Just as you said, honey.” She was smiling cheekily.

  “And funny, and beautiful, right?” I paused and smiled at her as she nodded with a grin. “I just can’t believe all that stuff comes wrapped up in one person.” I shook my head in disbelief. “He’s so… amazing!”

  My mother took my hand and looked at me warmly. “The best thing about him, Brooklyn, is that he loves you so much. It’s very obvious. He touches you with such reverence, and I can see it’s mutual. You’re very lucky, even if this Pinnacle bullshit is a pain. I can see how difficult it will be for the two of you, but it’ll all be worth it if you kids can stick it out.” She smiled at me. “He is quite disarming, isn’t he?” She sighed at me. I laughed along with her.

  “Uh, oh. He’s dazzled you, too.” She winked at me.

  I hugged her. “Thanks Mom, Your support means a lot to me. Cade’s really tired, so is it okay for him to sleep with me in my room? I don’t want to miss a minute with him, even if it is only sleep. Jeanne said we would need to get him out of here around 4 or 5 AM, so that doesn’t give us much time.” I couldn’t keep the sadness from my voice.

  “Yeah, go ahead, honey, but behave yourselves.” She shot me a warning look. “Goodnight.”

  “Love you,” I said. Her meaning was clear as I left the room, but Cade wouldn’t be easy to resist. I was lucky my dad was away on business, or this would never fly.

  “You too,” she said, as the door to her room closed behind me as I left.

  When I walked into my room it was dark, except for the soft glow of the small light over the vanity in the bathroom that shone slightly through the crack in the bathroom door. He was laying back on my pillows, bare chest and flat stomach showing above the covers to his waist. He was sculpted and cut, even in sleep. The time difference was taking its toll.

  If only he could be with me like this every night, I sighed.

  I moved around the bed just looking at him. He was so perfect I couldn’t breathe.

  Thank you, God, I prayed silently to myself. Thank you for letting us be us, for letting him love me, for bringing him into my life. I’ll never ask for another thing even if I live a hundred years.

  I slipped out of my jeans and shirt, and crawled under the covers in my bra and panties. I curled up next to him and just watched him for a while. I reached out to touch his chest and his hand covered mine.

  “Brooklyn…” I waited. Was he asleep? “I love you.” I settled into his chest, and his arms wrapped around me. The earth could stop spinning in this moment, and I’d be fine.

  “I love you, too. So, much.” I placed a few soft kisses on his chest and nuzzled into the light spattering of hair there with my nose. I sighed as I lay my head on his chest, his arms tightened around me and his legs entwined with mine. I drifted off to have my dreams filled with blue eyes, wild golden hair softly entwined through my fingers, and a perfect mouth molded to mine in passionate kisses. So sweet…


  It was dark, and something was rousing me from my sleep. I felt a fluttering on my arm,

  and a light kiss on my shoulder.

  “Mmmm…” I felt Cade’s length plastered up against my back as he ran his fingers up and lightly down my arm, punctuated with occasional kisses.

  “It’s 4 AM, love.”

  “Noooooo!” I turned to Cade, put my arms around him, and pulled him closer to me. “I don’t want you to go,” I whispered.

  “I don’t want to, either. I never want to leave you, Brooklyn.” He kissed my mouth and his hand went to frame my face, his light touch already setting my senses and my body on fire.

  The kisses were soft, but my arms tightened around him as he rolled me onto my back. “I’m so in love with you, I feel stupid. It’s unreal. I can’t bear to leave you even for a second.” He made love to me with his words, and then his kiss deepened. My mouth was wild as I answered the urgency of the kiss.

  “Do you have enough time to tell me what your schedule looks like?” I asked when he lifted his head and placed a series of small kisses on my nose, eyes and lips. I knew my voice was getting thicker, as emotion was threatening. “No matter how much we have to say goodbye, I’ll never get used to it,” I said as I stroked his hair.

  “From what I understand, I don’t have to be back in London for about two days, and then I have to do a couple of interviews in London and Paris for the film. Then back to L.A. in about a month for the Vanity Fair Photo shoot. Apparently, the entire cast is going to be hauled to some field in the middle of nowhere, but that’s okay by me, because I get to be with you.” He was trying to cheer me up. “What do you have going in the next month, love?”

  “I have a couple of auditions, some promotional radio, and TV morning show interviews with E!News. I think several of us have a couple of mall appearances during that same week of the VF shoot. It might be when we do Entertainment Weekly the following month, I can’t remember exactly. Is it always like this?”

  “Not for every movie. Just some of them.”

  My hands were rubbing, kneading his back and his butt muscles as he lay on top of me.

  “Mmm… babe, that feels so good,” he said as he started to kiss me again.

  “Nice ass,” I giggled and kissed him back. After a few mind blowing kisses, I let myself ask the questions I had to ask.

  “Do you really have to go, now? Is Denise waiting outside?” I whispered. “Can you stay until tomorrow?” My eyes widened as I thought of something Jen told me last week on the phone. “You know, Ethan is having a ‘game night’ party at his Condo tonight. Can you come?”

  “It sounds fun, but not as fun as being alone with you. I guess it would be a good test of keeping our relationship a secret from all of them.” He sighed and I knew he was thinking that he didn’t want to hide. “Denise was going to come pick me up when I called. I’ll tell her that she and Jeanne will have to figure out another escape plan for me.”

  He rolled away from me, and got up from the bed. His jeans were on the floor under the window and he grabbed his cell phone from the pocket and dialed Denise. He was completely naked, and my eyes feasted on him as he moved. I was one lucky girl, I decided, as I rolled onto my stomach and placed my chin in my hands.

  God, I want to lick your skin off. I smiled wickedly and he raised his eyebrows questioningly. I shook my head at him and bit my lip.

  “Hi Denise, it’s Cade. Sorry, about the time, but I’m not ready to leave Brook’s, just now.” He paused to listen. “Yeah, yeah… I know that’s what we said, but um, I’m not leaving right now.”

  He sat down on the edge of the bed and reached for my hand. He brought it to his mouth for a kiss as he listened to his manager on the other end of the line.

  Cade was angled away from me so I took the opportunity to slip out of my bra and panties, without his notice. I smiled to myself as I crawled over toward him, slid under his arm and halfway on to his lap. Facing him, I ran my hands down his chest and across his stomach.

  “No, I can’t, Denise. I won’t!” Another pause followed while she talked… his eyes roaming over my naked skin, his mouth quirked at the corner. “Brooklyn said to call Jeanne and she’ll help you figure another way to get me out of here late afternoon today. Yeah, I’ll need to go to my hotel, change, and then Ethan is having a party at his condo that I want to attend. That won’t need to be secret, will it?”

  His hand was on my hip as he took in my bare breasts, the sheet falling to my waist. His eyes were like hot coals burning into me.

  I kissed his stomach a few times, letting my tongue leave a wet trail behind and moved my hand to rub his thigh. I could see the rise start under the sheet and felt a wave of satisfaction engulf me as I realized again, how much he loved me and wanted me. “Mmmmm,” I moaned softly as I reached out to touch his hard length.

  “No, listen, I really have to ring
off. Bye, Denise. Yes, I have to go!” He shut off his phone and threw it in the corner, instantly grabbing me and pulling me full onto his lap.

  He held the side of my face to his chest as he tried to calm down. “Brook, stop tormenting me. You know we can’t here with your mother and brother in the house.”

  “Why not? We’ll just have to be quiet as mice…” I smiled softly as I kissed up his neck, over his jaw and then finally his delicious lips, my hand grabbing on to the part of him I wanted the most.

  “I’m not sure I can be,” he groaned. “Stop. You know what you’re doing to me.”

  “Sure you can, my love. It’s good practice for when we sneak away to the costume closet on the next film,” I breathed. His large intake of breath stopped me. I looked at him, my eyes sparkling with laughter. “What?” My eyes widened in mock innocence. I laughed a soft, wicked laugh, then his arms tightened around me.

  “You’re a witch,” he breathed against my mouth, but I pulled back a little.

  “I know.” I smiled, and ghosted his mouth as I spoke. “Move to the top of the bed and sit near the headboard.” I kissed his jaw and moved down to suck at the sensitive skin below his ear and throat. Soft, sucking, wet kisses. I felt him tremble under my hands.

  He did as I asked and watched me crawl toward him. I threw one leg over him to straddle him so I was on my knees in front of him. He bent to hold my breasts and lift one slightly so he could take it in his hot mouth. I grabbed his full erection, and my hand started moving. I loved how he felt. He groaned against my breast.

  “Ugh! Brook, you’re gonna kill me. I’ve never wanted anyone so much in my life.”


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