THE WITCH'S CONSORT (The First Witch Book 2)

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THE WITCH'S CONSORT (The First Witch Book 2) Page 19

by Meg Xuemei X

  The twins kept whining about their other small body parts hurting.

  “Heavens!” the Emperor shouted. “You’re Angels. You’re fucking stronger than steel, even though you’re a pair of insufferable toddlers. Stop manipulating your poor, softhearted mother!”

  “Language, Consort,” the Empress said.

  The twins only screamed louder for their poor, softhearted mother.

  The Empress rose to her feet and stalked to her mate, her skirt flowing in the breeze.

  Two Angel nannies appeared, and the High Prince tossed his twins—one to each nanny—and they retreated back to the palace.

  The High Prince moved toward his mate, his arm wrapping around her possessively as he gave her a tender kiss, and she kissed him back.

  Just like that, their domestic crisis was resolved.

  One of the twins broke free from the nanny and shot toward the sky, his little wings flapping enthusiastically. “Come and get me. I dare you, big birds!”

  The Angel nanny chased into the sky.

  The other nanny gripped the remaining toddler tightly as the little one struggled to get free and attempted to escape.

  The Emperor and Empress stared up toward the sky. The Emperor looked like he wanted to shoot up to go after his son, but when he glanced at his mate and us, he decided to stay to guard her.

  “Come, Freyja,” Empress Rose, reaching for my hand.

  I hesitated, but Merlin had said the Fey Empress and my uncle were also immune to my death touch because they were too powerful. The Empress gave me a knowing smile. I relaxed.

  The Empress held my hand and led me to the oval table in the center of the garden, a gesture to show her acceptance. She was merciless to her enemies, but she was always good to her people. My mother had been her people.

  A Fey steward led Ares’ men toward the refreshments in the courtyard.

  This would be a private conversation for a small group of people.

  Merlin stood and greeted Ares, “Prince Darken, your father sends his greetings.”

  His father sent his greetings from the death bed?

  Ares nodded. “We’ll head back to Atlantis tomorrow. Please join us, Merlin.”

  Merlin inclined his head an inch.

  The guardians would be thrilled to fly with the she-dragon a little longer. I believed that Ventus was smitten with the dragon.

  The druid smiled back at me before he settled back in his seat. “Freyja, good to see you again.”

  Empress Rose let me perch near her and Ares lounged into a seat beside me. The Emperor lingered nearby, one eye on his twins, and the other on his mate.

  Ares placed his arm around me possessively. My Dragonian prince had become quite clingy.

  “I heard that you got wings, Freyja,” Empress Rose said.

  “Only in my battle form,” I said. “I won’t be able to conjure them otherwise.” I’d tried when the twins had tugged at my hair. I’d wanted to see how they would react when they saw the burning wings. They would probably run from me and come back later to harass me more. But facing two little naughty Angels couldn’t kick me into a red rage, so my wings wouldn’t manifest.

  “Flaming wings,” Merlin said. “Never saw anything like that.”

  The Emperor snapped his head toward me. “Your great-grandfather had flaming wings,” he said. “You must get them from him.”

  I blinked. I had so little knowledge of my ancestry.

  “Atlas assassinated him to take his power,” added the High Prince of All Angels.

  “Charming family,” I said.

  A faint smile tugged at the Angel Prince’s lips. And suddenly, his perfect statue-like face wasn’t icy anymore.

  “It can be learned,” said the High Prince. “I’ll show you how to summon them before you leave.”

  He was actually a nice guy, not like what the rumors said.

  “My home is yours, Freyja,” the Empress said, “as it was once your mother’s. You’re welcome to stay here forever. No Angels can hunt you in my realm.”

  “My future queen will live with me in her rightful place in Atlantis,” Ares cut in, not so subtly. Then he realized that he needed to ask me and turned to me. “Will you, Freyja?”

  “Yeah, but—” I said. This was another opportunity to drive a hard bargain, but what should I bargain for?

  “There’s no but on this matter,” Ares said. “We can negotiate on other things.”

  Merlin looked at us with amused smile that said “Didn’t I tell you this would be interesting?”

  The Empress studied us. “You can always come visit then, both of you. Daniel and Elijah would love to have a cousin to play with.”

  Sure, so the twins could pull my red hair.

  “Mysth’s door always opens to you,” the Empress added, sorrow filling her eyes. “I failed Tessa, as I failed many. If I’d known earlier, I’d have gone to find you and brought you both here to safety.”

  Then the Emperor was at her side. “You can’t carry this grief forever, my love. People perished in the war, but those who sacrificed for a better world will be remembered. Every courtier of yours is living in your heart forever, and we have forever to remember them.” He bent and kissed the glistening tears off her cheeks.

  A love like that was worth dying for.

  And now Ares and I had it as well. At the thought, I laced my fingers with Ares’. He was pleased at my gesture of affection.

  “If Freyja had lived inside the Twilight Realm,” a melodic voice rose from behind us, “her mate would never have found her.”

  A silver-haired beauty glided toward our table and took the empty seat. Her dark skin was flawless and shining. Mystic twin-runes sprawled up her temples.

  The Empress inclined her head an inch to show her respect, as did Merlin.

  But the Emperor scowled.

  “And the First Witch would never fulfill her destiny to lead the future Earth,” the woman said, fixing her eyes on me.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  Ares shot to his feet. “Oracle! Here you are!”

  “Here I am, and as you and your mate,” said the Oracle as she lifted a glass of wine on the table and drained it.

  “Hello, Consort Seth, still testy?” the Oracle said, her hair now coiling like white snakes. She hadn’t forgotten that the Angel High Prince had bared his teeth at her. “I thought your beloved mate had mellowed you down after two decades on Earth.” She then shook her head. “Why is it even a surprise to me that immortals never change?”

  Fire of dark amber flashed in the Empress’ eyes—a warning.

  “I know, I know,” the Oracle sighed. “You two are now a united front.”

  The Oracle turned to me as if wanting to defuse the tension. “My name is Nyx, which means one and many.”

  “I don’t care if you’re one or many,” Ares grated. “You lied to me. You sent me on a fool’s errand to amuse yourself.”

  “I never lie. I only skip a truth here and there,” Nyx said. “Is finding and gaining your mate a fool’s errand, Prince Darken?”

  Ares sent me a glance and looked less pissed now.

  “It all turned out perfectly, didn’t it?” said the Oracle. “I didn’t lead you on a wild goose chase. Your mate did, after I led you to her.”

  “If you just told me Freyja was the First Witch in the first place, I wouldn’t have—”

  “What fun can we have then?” Nyx said. “A little trial is healthy to a strong relationship.”

  “A little trial?” Ares asked. “I almost lost her.”

  Nyx gave a shrug. “But you didn’t. Look how you hold her in your big, muscled arms. So possessive.” Then she gave my uncle a knowing smirk. “Goddess Rhea also helped you attain her favorite daughter and never asked anything in return.”

  “She has my Forbidden Glory now,” the Emperor grunted. He was only gentle with his mate. With others, he was still his old self—impatient and frightening.

  Empress Rose gave them a
wary look. “A little trial of fire can work wonder,” she said in an offer of peace. “My beloved husband crossed the light years to find me after having suffered two thousand years of celibacy.”

  The Emperor gazed at his young wife, his eyes a bright silver.

  Nyx looked at me with warmth, no longer carrying an air of irony.

  The Oracle wanted me to live. If she hadn’t sent Ares and he hadn’t come, I would have let the curse of fire and ice decide my fate.

  She’d given both Ares and me a choice by not revealing that I was the First Witch.

  “Thank you,” I told Nyx. I forever owed her a debt.

  Ares sighed in resignation. “I should also thank you for leading me to my mate.”

  “What truly brought you here this time, Nyx?” the Emperor rose to his full and demanded, his wings tugging in tight. “It isn’t only about my niece, is it?”

  “I bear the final tide,” Nyx scanned us all. “Soon, in less than a thousand years, magic will fade from the Twilight Realm.”

  The Empress’ face paled. “Am I out of the favor with Earth Mother?”

  “No,” Nyx said. “But the time of change has come. Earth won’t be like today. Magic will spread to the mortal lands, and technology will rise to full. Ares and Freyja’s offspring will lead the future Earth, which will be plagued by wars, pollution, overpopulation, diseases, and dissension in everything and everywhere.”

  “That sounds really cheery,” I said.

  The Oracle ignored my sarcasm. Her sad eyes turned glassy white. She wasn’t seeing. “Goddess Rhea’s power will stretch thin. She’ll also become the thing of the past, like the Fey. We’ll no longer have an imprint on this planet when humankind completely dominates it.”

  “So we’ll just fade off as the mortals’ powers grow?” Empress Rose asked as tears sparkled in her eyes.

  “No, my love,” her consort pulled her into his arms, his wings wrapping around her to comfort her, and she leaned against him for strength. “We’ll go to a new home. We—all Fey and my Fallen Angels—will migrate to my planet Valhalla at the edge of the far galaxy. It isn’t magical like the Twilight Realm, but it has violet seas, silver forests, and the most stunning night sky. We’ll build a new future there. We’ll adapt together.”

  He bent to give her a scorching kiss full of immeasurable love and passion.

  The Oracle turned to me, and I wanted to shrink back. Ares supported me in his solid arms.

  “Thank you, Nyx,” I said. “But I don’t want to know my future.”

  “The Fey will become myth in the mortal world,” Nyx said, “as will you, the First Witch, and you, a Dragonian shifter, her consort, though your offspring will lead the nations and fight one another. Freyja, as an immortal, you’ll be heartbroken and eventually fade when your mate is gone.”

  “Thank you very much for telling her that,” Ares grated. “Will you just stop?”

  I turned to Ares. “At least we have now and each other.” He gave me a kiss that was no less scorching than the kiss the Angel Emperor had bestowed upon his Empress.

  “What about my curse?” I asked Nyx.

  “What curse?” Nyx asked.

  “Fire in my blood and ice in my veins,” I said. “I thought you knew it all. Can Empress Rose heal me?”

  “Your mate has healed you,” Nyx said, “after he bit you.”

  My face flamed, and Ares grinned, happy to take the credit, and kissed his mark on my neck.

  “And when you embraced your heritage,” the Oracle added, “you reconciled the light and darkness in you.”

  “What about my death touch then?” I asked.

  “Do you want it to remain lethal?” Nyx asked.

  I pondered.

  “I’m fine with the fact that you can touch only me, darling,” Ares said. “There’s no need for you to touch anyone else.”

  The Empress arched an eyebrow.

  “The trait can pass onto our children,” I said. “Do you want them to inherit it? You’re immune to me, but might not to them. They can be more lethal than I, and you won’t have a chance to hold them in your arms.”

  Ares sighed. “Fine, let’s get rid of it.”

  “You can now choose who gets to live or die with your touch, Freyja.” The Oracle winked. “You’re the First Witch.”


  Atlantis Home

  We flew toward the golden skyscraper where my new home would be.

  Even from afar, I could see it was a great work of engineering—wild nature seamlessly immersed into the sophisticated, modern buildings.

  Atlantis seemed to float in the air.

  No wonder my father had seized this most advanced mortal city when he and his Reaper Angels had first landed on Earth.

  We sailed over the marble bridge above the waterfalls. Ares’ elite warriors lined each side of the wide bridge, raising their long swords to salute us.

  The metal gate to the entrance of the palace gleamed in the sunlight, witnessing past, present, and future. One day, it wouldn’t be there either.

  My uncle had taught me how to summon my wings. They were a fabulous sight. As formidable as they looked, my flame wouldn’t burn my mate.

  Right now, I could fly beside Ventus, but Ares insisted on my staying with him. “A Dragonian never separates from his mate,” he emphasized.

  I would have a lot of free time to fly around when he was busy. He would get really busy.

  Right now, Ventus was having the time of the century flirting with the she-dragon. She puffed a stream of fire, and he called, “Watch this, Belinda!” and sent his wind to chase her fire.

  It was no longer “Freyja, look at this,” or “Witchling, have you seen that?”

  It was all about the she-dragon now.

  Ventus swooped toward the crystal roof, and the skylight unfolded beneath us. A hundred feet down there was a natural spring creek in a vast basin lit by artificial lights.

  I could use a bath.

  I leapt from Ventus’ back, my flaming wings whooshing open as I dove. Ares also jumped. He dropped in a crouch and looked up at me with an adoring gaze as I slowly descended.

  “It’s a good show, right, Belinda?” Ventus turned to the dragon.

  Belinda sent a gentle ring of orange fire toward the guardian of wind.

  Ares pressed the device on his wrist armor, and the skylight slid shut in Ventus’ face.

  “Wait, Highness,” Ventus shouted from above.

  Ares ignored him.

  Through the crystal skylight, I saw Ventus and the dragon flying away.

  Merlin, who rode the dragon, would join Commander Darken. Ventus would tag along.

  I’d managed to piece together some of the events on the way to Atlantis. Before Merlin had come to aid us battling Atlas’ force, he’d been with Commander Darken. It turned out that the Commander had been poisoned by his pure-blood sons. Merlin had used his great healing magic to purge the poison.

  The Commander had decided to let Ares ascend to the throne earlier, so he could retire. I would persuade Ares to decline the offer. Who would want the burden of a kingdom? Besides, the Commander was still in his prime. He could kick around for a few more centuries.

  I, as his heir’s mate, would have to meet him soon.

  I wondered how he would perceive me—an Angel princess.

  But I wouldn’t worry too much about it when Ares’ gaze on me was hotter than the flame on my blue wings.

  “What now?” I asked, my wings vanishing.

  “Now we bathe,” he said, “and then I’ll take you to our bedroom to take a nap. We’ll go see my father tonight. Tomorrow, there’ll be a grand celebration in honor of my future queen.”

  I looked at him in horror. “I’m not ready. You moved too fast.”

  “Did I?” he asked as he gathered me into his arms.

  “You said we’d decide everything together!”

  “You’re my mate, my wife, my future queen. That’s a done deal. There’s no
thing left to decide on that.”

  “I mean the official thing!”

  “You mean the party? You love parties, don’t you, my darling Freyja?”


  His sensual lips slanted over mine, and his hand cupped my breast through the fabric. Every touch was a song of fire in my veins. My knees buckled beneath me. I could no longer think straight and argue with him when his tongue thrust into my mouth.

  That probably was his purpose.

  Not liking our clothes getting in the way, Ares tore them apart, until there was no barrier between us. He glided his hand toward my arching flesh and set me ablaze.

  “You’re mine now and forever,” he whispered in my ears hoarsely, his erection a steel rod against my belly. “But this time, we’ll go slow.” He scooped me up and strode toward the water. “I don’t care how fiercely you protest or beg for the wildest fuck. This time, we’re going to make love.”

  And we made love under the sun and stars.

  – The end –

  Author’s Notes

  Dear Readers,

  I’m glad you’ve come through to the end of Freyja’s adventure. Next we’ll go to the badland of the wickedest witch in the universe. You met her on ThunderSong’s bridge in The Witch’s Consort, and you might also recognize the black-winged, tattooed Archangel Gabriel from The Empress of Mysth.

  Gabriel falls through the crack of time and space into a savage planet while hunting down the Dark Lord of All Angels. Unfortunate for the arrogant warrior, the wickedest witch captures him and makes him her unwilling slave in bed and war. She isn’t exactly nice, but she’s very hot . . .

  ~ Meg

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  The Wickedest Witch Book 1


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