Dusk of a Hybrid

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Dusk of a Hybrid Page 49

by Ryan Johnson

  Sora tilted her red face down and marched forward. “I’m going to join the Shadow King and make sure he kills you and send you back to the Pool of Shadows,” she muttered, walking around her father and out the house.

  Then everyone blurted out in a great laughter.

  Sora kept her face in hidden from everyone else as she continued to walk out of the house she and Valverno grew up in. Then she stopped but didn’t look back when she reached the exit.

  “Sine you brought up the subject, I now wonder. If you never loved Marina yet alone ever met her… what would I have been to you?”

  The laughter died into dead silence. Everyone went to look at Valverno to see what his answer would be. Now, he’s the one feeling the embarrassment instead of Sora. He looked at Ganymede who had strange look on his face. Then his eyes turned to Sora standing by the house’s only entrance.

  “What would I be to you, if you never met the Siren in this Third Generation?” Sora asked louder. “On this day, if we were to have met and you never met Marina, what would I have been to you?”

  Valverno took a deep breath and answered in a stern look, “Then…” he gave another sigh, “… I would feel the same thing to you what I feel for Marina.”

  Sora nodded. “And if I never met Flavius, then I would feel the same way, but fate has been decided for us. Flavius has got my attention, and you have Marina’s. And if chance, I was given an opportunity now, somehow I feel like I have to reject you. There were so many times I felt I have fallen to the one most closest to me, but I felt in my heart I couldn’t accept. Even, if he was to beg and bow at my feet, then I still feel I need to reject him.”

  After a short period of silence, Sora left the house and hid a small smile from the others, but Valverno could sense her unnatural feelings.

  “Isn’t that kind of feeling considered… immoral?” asked Monico.

  “Yes, even in the days of the early and late Pangaea,” answered Ganymede. “When cities were built and civilizations at its highest peak, that kind have always been considered unnatural but still common in a few families. There were a few families that though it was a ‘religious idea of keeping a bloodline pure.’

  “For a human anonymity, the genetics would be caused by a terrible disease. The human anonymity isn’t immune to a genetic disease, but a Pangaean would be immune. Our anonymities are must more complex to those of a human’s anonymity. Pangaeans would be greatly immune to all diseases and sicknesses of all kinds. If you had to take a guess of evolution of species, I would say humans are a subspecies of Pangaeans. Or just a theory. An idea. But still, I still think I would approve!” He gave out a laugh.

  “WHAT?” a few people said in unison.

  “But, Stepfather, she did say she would reject, but you still would approve of such an idea?” asked Valverno, walking up to Ganymede.

  “I don’t know. Would I?” Ganymede asked, laughing.

  “Enough talk about family relations,” said Valverno. “We should go back to Isla Maeli. Shimabellia isn’t ready to be saved yet. If we go to the surface, it will be likely the evil creatures that dwell up there will slaughter all the humans on sight. But all the humans on this burning island are still somewhat important to Lusìvar; he still treats them as toys and sees to rule over them. But, if he decides he can’t kill me, then he will kill the humans at once.

  “So, for the time being, we leave the island be and gather our strength to invade. We would have to attack soon. I fear Lusìvar could be planning on destroying the Mortal Realm soon, but he won’t just do it yet. He still has his army of evil creatures and may try to wipe out all the mortals I have freed.

  “If he fails to take back the prisoners I’ve freed, then he will destroy this Realm we live in. So, let’s go back. In a few days, we are going to war for a final battle. The Annihilation of the Titans is over, and the Battle for the Mortal Realm will begin. It will begin at dawn three days from today. And the future will be decided from those coming days.”

  Valverno slightly flapped his wings and a portal opened up. The portal showed of the fortress back on Isla Maeli. “Let’s head back the fortress and come up with a battle plan. We have a significant number and strong fighters on our side. We need a proper plan of how to use them. If Lusìvar doesn’t know about the Pangaean survivors, then we can have a great advantage over him.”

  Valverno and his group walked through the portal and found themselves back at the ground of the fortress. There, they saw the Pangaeans helping with harvesting the props and teaching many young boys and girls how to wield a weapon. Many adult men and women were being trained by Elves, Dwarves, and the Amazons; the Tokagehebi stood away from the humans and walked upon the Dragons, and they all conserved in many talks.

  “This will be smoother than I have imagined,” said Valverno. “If the Pangaeans have got along with the humans and creatures already, this will be a quick fight and quick end of Lusìvar.”


  Two days and two nights have passed and the dawn of the third day had come. It would be the day that all the humans, creatures, and Pangaeans to have weapons prepped and food stored. Bread and vegetables and fruits were the only foods all any mortal could harvest from any plant-based food; there wasn’t any livestock like pigs and cows to get any meat.

  But lucky enough for the humans, the Pangaeans brought a lifetime supplies of meats with them, and there was fishing that was done, led by Marina who led a small band of fisherman to fish out at sea for two full days and nights.

  And for the two days and nights, Valverno, the four White Knights, and Ganymede laid out their plan of battle. There were many advantages with an army of humans and creatures and a few Pangaeans with magical abilities.

  One Amazon showed off her skills to a small squad of soldiers from the Lion Clan: fifteen men against one female warrior. The Amazon was quick to the skill and strong to the muscle she easily beaten and defeated the fifteen men surrounding her, and she barely even moved from her position, and there were about a dozen of Amazons. The Amazons’ speed and strength would be in comparison to a hundred thousand human warriors.

  The few Pangaeans in total would have the strength of a few hundred thousand human warriors. And teamed together with the creatures such as the Unicorn’s healing abilities and the Dragon’s fire-breathe would be a force Lusìvar wouldn’t be able to dare to challenge.

  Valverno had the great numbers and the right fighters, but he didn’t know the army of evil creatures Lusìvar should have. So, he and the few others, who would lead a few different fractions, thought how to proceed in the battle.

  “Marina will lead the archers firing from the winged-creatures in the air, from the Dragons, Griffins, and Pegasi. Sora and Ganymede will lead the Pangaeans to the underground city that I will bring up, and take the enemies by surprise.

  “And while the Pangaeans hide in the city, Flavius and Teutates will lead the Lion Clan fighters from the Northern Region. Monico will lead the wingless-creatures from the Southern Region. And I’ll take the fleet that’ll sail the other four clans under my command and invade Shimabellia’s western coast with every ship we have and move our way to the spot where the capital city either still stands or used to stand. Every White Knight is going have to create a portal that will lead a certain point of the island where they must know that will be a good point to attack.

  “We’ll be fighting in multiple locations throughout Shimabellia. And the only powerful allies Lusìvar will have will be his four Shadow Men by his side. That’s when I’ll need the four White Knights at my side; I’ll need you for to draw them away from Lusìvar if I am order to use my divine power against him.

  “And while his army is in disarray and his four bodyguards are drawn away, I’ll be able to battle him for one last match. This battle plan may be simple, but there could be a few obstacles that may change our plan. We may have to improvis
e of how we attack from the original battle plan. I have no high hopes there will be no obstacles when I invade Shimabellia with the fleet transporting four clans I have under my command. But be ready for any sudden changes that may happen. We need to end Lusìvar if we have any high hopes of paving a way for a bright future for future generations to thrive.”

  Everyone nodded their heads in approval.

  “This is the dawn of a new day and the day of which will decide the far-future. We win or we lose. In my experience, we must win this fight. No exceptions. No excuses. We are going all out with every warrior we have. The noncombatants will stay behind and look after their own children while their family warriors march forward with their lives on the line. Now, we must spend the next hour getting ready for battle, which means armed and armored for battle. I have my own set of armor I need to suit up in. So let’s suit up and make ready to fight within the hour.”

  His subjects nodded their heads again and they all walked in different directions. And within the hour, all his subjects were ready and every human and Pangaean warrior was ready for battle. The creatures were covered in light steel-plated armor. The four White Knights had their weapons ready: Sora had her two kukri knives, Flavius was armed with sword and shield, Teutates held a long spear-axe halberd, and Monico held a naginata spear.

  The four White Knights were dressed with blue capes (except for Monico), leather or steel high boots, brown colored breastplates, light blue leather-plated skirts around the waists (except for Sora who worn a large white loincloth), and were steadfast ready for battle in their uniforms with little armor to wear.

  For within the hour, Valverno has yet to show himself to everyone ready to go. Sora was with a group of Amazons, and Marina sat on an armored Pegasus with fathered wings colored of white and blue.

  “Where’s your husband, Marina?” asked Sora. “He should be here by now. Everything is ready. Soldiers are ready to march, the fleet is ready to sail, the winged-creatures are ready to fly and carry all the archers, and all other fighters are ready to go. But he isn’t here. Where is he?”

  “I don’t know. My knowledge is the same as yours, Sora. He’s supposed to be here, but I don’t see him.”

  “Sorry for taking so long,” called out Valverno’s voice.

  Near from an open area, a blue spark suddenly lit and quickly faded, with Valverno walking in a strange uniform.

  He was wearing a long dark blue cape with a white uniform and trousers with a few lines of blue and yellow. A pair of sapphire armor gauntlets glittered like his crystal wings, and a pair of armored greaves wrapped around his legs: one of ruby diamond and the other of sapphire crystal. Ruby diamond sparkled over his right shoulder while a long ponytail of his red hair waved in the wind blowing through the field. His blood-colored horns were shortened to his forehead and away from pointy curved ears, and his white-blue crystal wings glittered to awe everyone’s amazement of his new battle uniform.

  The newly dressed Valverno exited the tower in his divine uniform and strolled over to Marina and Sora who gazed at him with stunned looks and greatly admired of how much of a handsome demigod he is. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Is there something wrong with my appearance? I needed to look my best when I activated the power of all my armor artifacts.”

  “Marina, you are so lucky I want to take back the things I said about him I said to him in the underground city. I am so jealous now I want him as my special someone.”

  “Sorry, sister-in-law; he’s already taken. He is my special someone. First come, first serve. And he is…” Marina silenced herself all of a sudden and looked behind Valverno and saw a dark figure behind him. “Husband, behind you!”

  Valverno turned and saw a too much too familiar figure standing behind him.

  It was the Piper!


  The Piper stared endlessly at the Demigod. The Piper was alone in the midst of seven Pangaeans, hundreds of thousands of humans, thousands of creatures, four White Knights, and one Demigod. It was ever foolish to go against a far superior number than being alone, and that’s what the Piper was doing. He was alone in the face of one giant army armed with many weapons and many armed Pangaean armed with magic-using weapons. He held a pair of long-sized black daggers shape to look like a Dragon’s tooth.

  He stood nearby Naìra and Andrei, the twin girls he attempted to kidnap from Geraldus’s village years ago. The girls stood close to Flavius holding his sword and shield. But the Piper took no interest in them: he only stared at one other specimen: the hybrid.

  “It is foolish come against me, Piper. You stand in the presence of the Demigod and an army of loyalists mad and daring enough to challenge your master.”

  The Piper stood silently and stared at Valverno.

  “Husband, be careful,” shouted Marina. The Siren dashed to her husband’s side and pulled out an arrow. “He might try to kill you after he gave you that scar on your eye.”

  “No, Marina, put away your weapon.” Valverno marched forward and closer to the Piper.

  “But, Demigod Valverno, he is the one who gave you that scar. He will surely beat you.”

  “This is a rivalry I’ve long shared with this Piper. He fluted away many children for a few witches and drained them of their youths, and now he works for Lusìvar. And in two different skirmishes, we left each other a scar. Now, he wants that scar to end: the scar of a rivalry. He wants to end it and badly. I will take this matter alone.”

  Valverno drew out the Crystal Sword from the scabbard and pointed it toward the Piper. “This is the end our rivalry. If you have any words you want to say, now is the time to say them. Because after this, you won’t be able to speak anymore.”

  The Piper remained silent with a blank face. He shown only a blank stare and held only the two daggers in his hands. The blades black as night drizzled some dark energy that could kill an infant in a single touch. Even though the Piper stood with life, he seemed lifeless like a puppet without its strings. A little puppet brought to life through the essence of black magic, and this little puppet somehow felt it was going to have its magic strings cut by the Demigod.

  Then the Piper spun out his daggers and jumped toward the hybrid. Valverno stood still and moved one single arm: the arm holding the Crystal Sword. He blocked with each slash the Piper with his Crystal Sword. And in two japs of metal, Valverno quickly raised his sword before his head and slashed down through the Piper’s daggers while both daggers were held in an X shape to block Valverno’s attack.

  But Valverno’s single slash from the air cut through the daggers and directly toward his face, chest, and down to the Piper’s pelvis. A straight line of black liquid dripped in the middle of the Piper’s face, from his forehead dripping through the middle of his nose down to his chin.

  The Piper lowered his hands and his torn daggers fell from his grip. He collapsed to his legs and stared at the Demigod with a blank face. His stare showed no emotion of grieve, hatred, or anger, just a blank face.

  “We are puppets, you and I, that are meant to be cut down when our strings are no longer useful to our creators and tossed in the Eternal Darkness of Oblivion,” grunted the Piper. His voice hissed like a lizard instead of a snake. Then he trampled backward with closed eyelids. The daggers on the ground disappeared into tiny particles of dust. Then the body of the Piper sparked into a glacier of rusty wood, and then melted into dust that was blown away by the wind.

  “And I am a living puppet that doesn’t need strings, even if they are cut!” grunted Valverno, softly. “And all that is left is the new Demon Prince. The Demon Prince Lusìvar!”

  Valverno soared into the air and behind him was a herald of different massive forces. The Dragons, Pegasi, and Griffins with a large swarm of small Fairies followed above him. On the ground, Sora and Ganymede led the Pangaeans through many portals that led to the underground city. The Centaurs and
the Unicorns carried a few thousand soldiers on their backs, and they were to be led by Monico. By the sea, a hundred Sea Serpents settled around a large fleet of thousands of ships; the Mermaids and the Mermen weren’t going to participate in the battle, due to them having fins and short arms that can’t carry weapons, even magical weapons, underwater. But Valverno still had a significant number of soldiers and ships to invade Shimabellia.

  In a matter of time, the fleet of ships started sailing by sea. All the creatures of the air (all the Dragons, Griffins, and Pegasi, and the Fairies) took to the sky and each, expect the Fairies, carried a pair of archers on their back. The creatures of the land (all the Centaurs and the Unicorns) carried soldiers on their backs and headed eastern seaborne of Isla Maeli.

  And it looked like everything was going according to plan. The fleet carried the Eagle Clan, Cheetah Clan, Tigress Clan, and Lizard Clan, which he would be leading. Marina flew on the Griffin, Flarefur, who has also survived the ordeal of being enslaved. And the others too have survived that were the creatures of royalty: the Dragon King, the Unicorn King, the Centaur King, the new Fairy King, and the few ruling members of each creatures.

  Marina and Flarefur were joined with the Fairies, Griffins, Dragons, and Pegasi flying behind her. Teutates, Flavius, and all the fighters of the Lion Clan rode upon the Centaurs and the Unicorns. There were many different tens of thousands of horses Teutates had to spare.

  And Monico rode upon a Centaur, and he would lead the two different creatures by land after the soldiers dismounted from them. The White Knights would create portals to invade to lead their own units on the island and make their way toward the central point of Shimabellia.


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