The Reluctant Royal

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The Reluctant Royal Page 24

by Eleanor Harkstead

  With a beaming smile, Alejandro caught the lapels of Joe’s tuxedo in his hands and settled back against the pillows, bringing Joe with him. There was nothing platonic about this kiss, filled as it was with a hunger that left them both almost breathless. Joe caressed Alejandro through his robe, his shoulders, his back—that beautiful, lithe body, so warm to his touch. Alejandro’s erection pressed against him, and Joe moaned to feel it there. He’d wanted this for so long, for another man to desire him, and he went on kissing Alejandro, unable to hold back anymore.

  He felt Alejandro’s hands release his lapels then they slid round, exploring his back. Alejandro’s palms roamed over him until one moved lower, resting on his bottom just as it had last night.

  Joe moaned again, pushing his hips back against Alejandro’s hands. How the hell was he going to cope with those hands on him when he was naked? Because even now it was heavenly.

  “Anything you want, I’ll do it,” Alejandro whispered against his lips as he returned his fingers of Joe’s shirt again, “I want you to have the best night of your life.”

  “Take off the robe,” Joe purred. Only now that he had Alejandro’s permission would he make any demands on him at all. “I want you naked.”

  With another kiss, Alejandro gave the robe’s bow a sharp tug. Then, every bit as much the coquette as when he was in Paloma’s corsetry, he slowly slid first one silky sleeve then the other down to his elbows. He fixed Joe with his gaze and let it fall away onto the bed. A flick of his wrist sent the cap frisbeeing onto a chair, leaving him naked at last.

  Joe gasped. He’d never seen a sight so lovely. Alejandro’s bare chest with his golden olive skin and dark pink nipples, and… Joe’s glance fell to his erection, so firm and…keen. He wants me. He actually wants me.

  And hairless. It took Joe by surprise for all of a few seconds. Of course Alejandro was hairless. How could he perform his particular school of drag otherwise? Joe realised he’d look rather untidy in comparison, but perhaps Alejandro liked it? He’d certainly liked his chest hair.

  Joe caressed Alejandro’s chest, then his stomach. “You’re so soft. Your skin is like silk.”

  “That’ll be my moisturiser,” Alejandro told him, as though confiding a great secret. “I told you my boobs were fake, didn’t I? The rest of me’s definitely real though.”

  “I’m glad they’re fake. I’m glad this beautiful man is underneath that costume.” Joe danced his fingertips along Alejandro’s erection. “May I?”

  “You may.” Alejandro unfastened the last button on Joe’s shirt and parted the fabric. “I swear you’re even more gorgeous than you were last night, Osito. Look at that body!”

  Had he really become more gorgeous in a mere twenty-four hours? Joe gave him an embarrassed wink, then closed his hand around Alejandro’s erection. “This feels good. Oh, good lord, it feels good.”

  “It feels pretty fantastic from where I am too,” Alejandro teased. He put the palm of his hand on Joe’s chest, over his heart and commanded, “Tense it, Sergeant. I think you’re about to get your ten.”

  Joe tensed, just the way he did at the gym sometimes when he was alone and wanted to check his pecs in the mirror. So he tensed, peacocking for his Alejo. And at the same time, Joe tensed his hand, so that he was now firmly gripping Alejandro’s erection.

  “You’re very definitely a ten.” He put his mouth to Joe’s for another deep kiss and, as he did, gave Joe’s nipple a casual tweak. That was somewhere Wendy never ventured, not in all the years they’d been together.

  Electricity seemed to flow through Joe at that, straight from his nipple down to his loins. He might’ve touched his own in the shower, but never, God, no, no one else had ever done that. Years ago, a brush through his T-shirt a couple of times, but never like this. Joe paid Alejandro back in kind, taking his pebbled nipple and gently pinching. He heard Alejandro moan into their kiss and the buck in his hips told Joe that his own reaction had mirrored Joe’s.

  As his fingers continued to tease Joe’s nipple, Alejandro’s free hand slid inside his shirt, round over his back. Mirth mingled with desire when he whispered, “Tense, you gorgeous thing.”

  “You’re trouble you are, Mr Fuente. Although all this tensing…you’re giving me quite the workout!” An image shot into Joe’s mind of entwined naked bodies, sheened with sweat, and he tensed his back as his hips thrust forward against Alejandro. Of their own will, it seemed. “Sorry about that. I keep poking you!”

  “It’s like waiting to unwrap the best Christmas present ever.” Alejandro grinned, easing Joe’s tux and shirt down as one until they fell onto the bed. “And we’re going to have the most fun workout ever, believe me.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Joe said. “I’m so glad we didn’t wait. If someone finds out and I’m sacked, then I don’t care. This is the best way to get sacked. Go out on a high, with a beautiful man’s cock in my hand.”

  “It’s the best way to do most things,” Alejandro agreed gravely. Then he dipped his head to kiss Joe’s biceps, drawing the tip of his tongue sinuously over the warm skin.

  Joe did his best to stroke Alejandro, but that tongue, that tongue. Joe had never known anything so intimate before. He’d never felt so wanted, he’d never been with someone so affectionate.

  “I think you should get out of those trousers,” Alejandro decided. “And that’s a royal command.”

  “Is it now?” Joe pushed himself up so that he was kneeling over Alejandro, and unfastened the top button of his trousers. He looked thoroughly indecent even with his trousers on. “Just got to be careful with the zip.”

  “What’re you keeping in there?” Alejandro teased. He reached out his hand and stroked his fingertips over Joe’s clothed erection. “Oh, you don’t need to tense that up, that’s for sure!”

  Joe’s hips jolted forward again. He closed his hand over Alejandro’s. “Help me unfasten them?” He drew their joined hands to his zip and started to tug it down. As Alejandro allowed Joe to guide his hand, he let his mouth roam over Joe’s shoulder and down his chest. His lips came to rest where his fingers had caressed, his tongue circling Joe’s nipple.

  A succession of soft moans fell from Joe’s lips, his hips tensing forwards in short thrusts. How was he going to give Alejandro an evening to remember if he was already on the brink? But the zip was down and Joe nudged down his boxers as he tried to wriggle out of his trousers.

  Blasted things.

  From being sophisticated slacks, they had become labyrinthine, twisted things, and Joe laughed. “Got a pair of scissors?”

  Alejandro laughed too. He lifted his head and commanded, “Lie down, Osito. If there’s one thing I can do, it’s get a hunky guy out of his trousers!”

  “Right!” Joe rolled off Alejandro and onto his back. “Erections and trousers don’t work, do they?”

  “But trousers and enthusiastic drag queens?” Alejandro took hold of Joe’s trousers and boxers. With a flourish, he pulled both down and off, throwing them aside. “That’s a match made in heaven!”

  Alejandro rocked back on his knees, the heat from his gaze leaving a trail over Joe’s naked body. Finally, he declared, “That is the sort of gorgeous, massive cock a boy like me dreams about!”

  Joe had never felt such a pitch of arousal before. Nor of such intimacy. He smiled up at Alejandro as he twined their fingers together.

  “I’ve never been naked with a man before, like this. God, it’s exciting.”

  “I’m going to be too busy kissing you all over to remind you to tense those amazing muscles!” Alejandro’s grin sparkled as much as Paloma’s kisses. “So I’m relying on you to remember!”

  Joe basked in Alejandro’s gaze. He tensed his arms first, crossed above his head, followed by his pecs. Then, with a lascivious wink, Joe tensed his stomach and his erection twitched. He felt like a saucy model from one of those thinly veiled gay bodybuilding magazines from the 1950s. “Which set of muscles do you like most?”
/>   “I’ll tell you when I’ve kissed them. At the moment it’s between those arms and that chest!” Alejandro lifted Joe’s foot and kissed it, taking his time to kiss each toe. Then his lips moved up to Joe’s ankle and as the minutes passed, he kept his promise, trailing sensuous kisses over his calf and knee then up to his thigh, stopping tantalisingly close to Joe’s erection. Eventually Alejandro lifted his gaze to meet Joe’s and shifted his attentions to his other leg, repeating the gently erotic pattern again.

  Joe murmured with pleasure at every kiss, tensing each muscle as Alejandro’s mouth swept over it. He’d never been as aware of his body as he was at that moment. He’d never realised, until Alejandro kissed it, that there was a spot on his knee, just there, that was so sensitive it made him giggle at Alejandro’s kiss.

  “This is a special place, I think,” Alejandro whispered. He concentrated his efforts there, kissing and caressing, making his CPO giggle like a lovestruck teenager.

  With a trembling hand, Joe reached forwards to stroke Alejandro’s hair as he kissed his knee. “Why have I got a sensitive bit there? Why my knee?”

  “Because you’re Joe,” was Alejandro’s considered response. His kisses moved higher, deftly skirting Joe’s erection and moving over his hip to his stomach. Here Alejandro devoted some more time, tracing the contours of his abdomen with his tongue, dipping it teasingly into Joe’s navel.

  “Oh, bloody hell!” Joe’s stomach tensed then, though not intentionally. “That feels wonderful, Alejo. Sorry, I suppose you didn’t mind it tensing then?”

  “I’ll never, ever, ever mind!” Alejandro’s kisses grew more leisurely, and as they did, he drew his fingertips down Joe’s erection, stroking gently.

  “That feels… That feels very, very nice.” Joe sighed. “No, actually, nice isn’t a good enough word. It’s…amazing, Alejo.”

  He felt another smile against his skin and Alejandro’s fingers encircled Joe’s erection, caressing him. His kisses found Joe’s nipples again, sending more of those delicious shivers of pleasure through him.

  Joe arched up towards Alejandro’s mouth. He had never felt such pleasure, drawn out and lingering, intensifying as at every moment another kiss fell against his skin. How could he have ever imagined that a kiss on his body could feel so sensual?

  “Tell me what you’ve always wanted,” Alejandro whispered. His lips fluttered over Joe’s biceps. “What’s my Osito’s fantasy?”

  Now Joe was deliberately flexing his biceps, enlarging and firming his arms. “My fantasy? You’ll laugh and say I’m really cheesy if I tell you.”

  “Tell me,” he murmured. “While I get on with getting to know my man’s muscles.”

  “I want to go to a desert island…” Joe sighed as more kisses fell. “And make love to a beautiful man in the shade of the palm trees.” He chuckled softly. “Should I have said something about gymnastic positions and orgies?”

  “We can make that fantasy come true,” Alejandro promised. “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do than head into the sun with you. Somewhere that’s too hot for shirts?”

  “Definitely. When I next get leave, we’re hopping off in a plane.” Joe ruffled Alejandro’s hair. “And what’s your fantasy? Dare I guess that it involves a hunky chap?”

  “I’m living it.” Alejandro snuggled onto the pillow beside him. “It’s a handsome, well-dressed British hunk who’s strong and tender and— Don’t laugh, but who’s kind as well as gorgeous.”

  “I won’t laugh.” Joe turned to face Alejandro and drew him into his arms. “I loved all that kissing. What would you like from your well-dressed British hunk? Who’s rather undressed at the moment.”

  “First, I need to tell you that you’re an eleven.” He beamed. “And you have the most magnificent cock, just in case nobody ever told you that.”

  “An eleven?” Joe raised an eyebrow. “And no, no one’s ever told me that the old fellow’s magnificent. I’m glad you like it. I wondered what you’d think of it.”

  Alejandro stroked his fingers down Joe’s face again, his other hand still caressing his erection. “We can do whatever you want, darling, at your pace.”

  Joe glanced down at Alejandro’s body. That erection of his was too tempting. “Can I…can I give you a BJ? I mean, that sounds crude, doesn’t it, but…” Joe met Alejandro’s gaze.

  “That’s not crude, it’s perfect!” He kissed Joe’s shoulder. “And the answer is yes!”

  A dart of excitement shot through Joe. He kissed Alejandro on the mouth, then told him, “Lie back, darling. I think we’ll both enjoy this.”

  With a saucy wink, Alejandro settled into the pillows, one slender arm tucked beneath his head. He gave a sigh of delight and watched Joe, his gaze filled with dreamy happiness. Joe kissed his mouth again, then wandered his lips down Alejandro’s body. He took each of Alejandro’s pebbled nipples into his mouth in turn, stroking Alejandro’s erection all the while. Alejandro’s skin tasted wonderful, and he moved down his chest, down to his stomach. Joe was so lucky to have the affection and trust of such a beautiful man. Then he dipped his head and touched his lips to the very tip of Alejandro’s erection.

  He heard Alejandro coo his name into a moan of pleasure, his hips lifting to meet the touch. His hand reached out, soft as silk as it stroked over Joe’s hair. Then he whispered, “My Osito…”

  His teddy bear.

  Joe’s heart beat all the faster as he kissed Alejandro’s length from tip to base and back again, then poked out his tongue to lick. What an honour it was to pleasure Alejandro. And what a pleasure too, for Joe to feel the tightening of his lover’s elegant fingers in his hair and the heat of his body beneath his mouth.

  Then Joe returned to the tip again and slowly took Alejandro entirely into his mouth. He’d dreamed of the moment he could do this for a man, but the reality was more intimate, more affectionate, than he had expected. He raised and lowered his head, stroking his tongue against Alejandro as he moved. The sounds of delight slipping from Alejandro’s lips were somewhere between Alejo and Paloma, but Joe knew there was no deliberate affect to them. There was a wonderful appreciation in the way Alejandro’s hand rested on his shoulder, gripping one of the muscles that had so entranced him

  Joe lifted his head. He stroked Alejandro’s erection now. “Darling, would you like me to keep going until you—?”

  “That depends,” Alejandro told him dreamily. “Whatever my beautiful man wants tonight, he gets.”

  Joe caught Alejandro’s hand in his. “And I want you to have a bloody good time!”

  He sank back down, kissing Alejandro’s erection again, more confident now as he rose and fell on him. He’d never taken his time to bring a man to orgasm before, he’d only known fumblings in the dark with strangers that were over too soon. The change in Alejandro’s breathing and the more insistent thrust of his hips suggested that he wasn’t going to last much longer. His sighs had turned into moans, the hand on Joe’s shoulder half-holding, half-massaging as he approached the edge.

  Joe had been gripping Alejandro’s hips steady, but as he realised he was reaching his climax, Joe slid his hands around Alejandro and grasped his buttocks. That seemed to be all it took to push his lover over the edge and, in a breathless flurry of sighs and encouragement, Alejandro’s hips rose up off the bed as his orgasm swept through him. Joe clung onto him, and finally rested his head on Alejandro’s thigh. He gazed at him, his beautiful lover, who lay like a classical nude across the huge bed.

  “Thank you, Alejo,” he whispered, then he came back up the bed to give Alejandro a kiss. Alejandro caught his fingers in Joe’s hair again, returning the kiss with a heat and hunger that Joe had never felt from anybody. He pressed their bodies together, his free hand sliding round to grip Joe’s bottom. Without breaking their kiss, Joe rolled them over so that he lay above Alejandro and held him tight. He tensed his buttocks under Alejandro’s hands.

  “You’re perfect,” Alejandro whispered in between kisses.
He lifted his legs and wrapped them lithely around Joe’s waist. “My perfect Osito.”

  Joe moaned with pleasure as he felt Alejandro encircle him. “I want you, Alejo, so much.” He kissed him then whispered, an awkward laugh in his voice, “I don’t suppose you happen to have been more prepared than me?”

  “I’m an optimistic sort of gal,” Alejandro told him sweetly. “My emergency makeup bag’s in the bedside drawer. It’s got concealer, moisturiser, everything a queen needs so her CPO thinks she’s effortlessly gorgeous.” Then he winked and added, “And everything we need for tonight!”

  “Thank God one of us was thinking ahead!” Joe kissed the tip of Alejandro’s perfect nose, then reached across to the bedside drawer. He brought the silky, bright blue makeup bag out and laid it on the mattress then delved inside. “That’s a large box!” Joe laughed. “You’re very optimistic!”

  “I didn’t know when we were going to move on from platonic,” Alejandro told him innocently. “And I thought, Joe’s a copper, he’d want me to be prepared!”

  “You’d make a good copper. You’re resourceful, good at disguise, can jump out of a window…” Joe took a tube from the make-up bag as well, and readied himself. “As we were?”

  “Agent Picante, Private Eye!” Alejandro winked. “As we were, Sergeant!”

  Joe held Alejandro tightly, kissing him, then paused to look into his eyes before kissing him again. He took his time, caressing the gel between and inside Alejandro’s buttocks, circling his fingertip, then whispered, “Ready, Agent Picante?”

  “Always, Sergeant.”

  Joe pressed his lips to Alejandro’s, and with a thrust he brought their bodies together. He paused long enough to gaze at Alejandro in wonder, then he began to move. The act that he had longed to experience was now his to enjoy, and his body was flushed with an intense happiness that he’d never known before. He had Alejandro in his arms, and Alejandro was all around him, so warm, so alive.

  “Oh!” Alejandro gasped, the exclamation rich with delight. “You’re very big, Osito!”


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